Saturday, November 1, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 159: Jumpropeman's Quest for Pizza

(After the Rin Satsuki match in the Boss Battle Pavillion)

Gooper Blooper: Depending on the choices you guys made
Gooper Blooper: That could have gone three ways
Gooper Blooper: The other two were Kill Her and Talk Her Down And Watch Her Kill Herself, Good Riddance Ya Bitch
RubyChao: probably helped that we had a mind-reader, somehow :V
Gooper Blooper: Satori was a perfect, perfect choice for how I wanted to depict this
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: The emotion reading. It let me depict how her rage dominated, but eventually gave way to despair and then hope
RubyChao: hooray!
RubyChao: good thing i went with the impulse of Minor Touhous rather than my main destructive duo, then :V
Gooper Blooper: those two dunderheads wouldn't have figured out shit :V
RubyChao: *Utsuho and Tenshi stand over Rin's dead body* "Do you think... there was anything else we could have done?" "No."
Gooper Blooper: *laugh track*


RubyChao: "What if I get injured and can't help when someone like Kraid shows up?" lol samus


Jumpropeman: just dropping in to do the kirby dance
Jumpropeman: (>​'-')>​ <('-'< [wink] ^(' - ')^ <('-'< [wink] (>​'-')>​
Jumpropeman: well, that didn't work out
Jumpropeman: unless Kirby is winking at people


RubyChao: i actually had a dream where for whatever reason goops made a srspost where the villains took care of trooper c because... i don't know why
RubyChao: i am glad that was only a dream :V
FairyHunter: not even trooper c likes trooper c
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Tableter: Trooper c screwed trooper c
SteelKomodo: The Trooper C Screwjob


Gnostic Vengeance: This comic is emphatically not true. But in much of the released visual media, you could almost believe it. XD


SteelKomodo: Carol tells Gluttony to fuck ogg
SteelKomodo: *off
Gnostic Vengeance: Ogg continues to get none. Sad monster is sad.
Cornwind Evil: He can also go fuck Ogg if he-darn it Ven
Cornwind Evil: Stole my joke
SteelKomodo: XD


Jumpropeman: i think there was an early line about the succubi not knowing their parents
Jumpropeman: search functions suck though
Gooper Blooper: Yes, JRM, I dropped that hint a month ago
Gooper Blooper: Chao immediately said in chatzy "and then mammon was the succuparents"
Gooper Blooper: Chao wins again
Gnostic Vengeance: Chao does win quite often. :3
RubyChao: hahahahhahahha oh my god i can't believe i actually guessed that
Jumpropeman: Chao wins sixteen slices of french toast
RubyChao: i literally forgot i did that
Gooper Blooper: I figured you were joking
RubyChao: yeah, goops
Gooper Blooper: But I was still like "fuck"
FairyHunter: you know
FairyHunter: i would have liked to save Mammon
FairyHunter: alas
Gooper Blooper: I tried to show that even when lucid Mammon was an asshole
Gooper Blooper: She just happens to have kids
FairyHunter: i know
RubyChao: she likes her kids but she's not good otherwise
FairyHunter: but i have a weak spot for mages and demons and bullshit
FairyHunter: especially demons
Gooper Blooper: you'll just have to extra-cuddle the succubi to make up for it
Jumpropeman: and then Mammon had surgery and became a good guy and Celestia made armor for her and Mammon became bunkmates with Utsuho
FairyHunter: original plan was to Sonia to roll up
FairyHunter: and go eldrich on Xarr
FairyHunter: he made her gf and her sister the sads
RubyChao: nah, utsuho's room is full
RubyChao: mammon bunks with tenshi
RubyChao: except every night someone in purple moves her to a different room...
RubyChao 2spooky
Gooper Blooper: "mine"


Gooper Blooper: But before we're done for today, more Xarr!
RubyChao: that was yesterday
Gooper Blooper: Because I know you're all clamoring for more of him
Jumpropeman: okay, the grains then
RubyChao: YAAAAAwait no that's terrible
Jumpropeman: i dunno, I'm starting to warm up to him :)


O: Some people say they found the ORAS mega stat distributions
Jumpropeman: some people say I'm a dreamer
Jumpropeman: but I'm not the only one
Jumpropeman: i imagine I'm frustrating to talk to


Jumpropeman: I'm pretty sure the End is in Gooper's avatar
Jumpropeman: like he did with the Devourer
RubyChao: a giant white mage bursts through the ground
Jumpropeman: so Sarah shows up, yes, but we're talking about the End


Saberwulf: So if I'm reading this right a space marine pulled a tuxedo mask and then summoned a big bug on Ardea
RubyChao: yes!
RubyChao: you got it, wulf


Gooper Blooper: Tallish has a copy of the latest Women of Mysidia doesn't he
Jumpropeman: he only reads it for the articles... because that's all it has DAMMIT GLORIA


FairyHunter: no satisfactory pics of sirens
FairyHunter: disappointment
Gooper Blooper: :<
FairyHunter: either way, Ricard, your girlfriend just went super saiyan
Jumpropeman: don't worry Harpy, I had a picture prepared just for this occasion
Jumpropeman: Don't say I never did anything for ya
Gooper Blooper: it's glorious
FairyHunter: oh jrm
Gooper Blooper: and for just 46.99 you can get it framed
Cornwind Evil: If Siren doesn't go FUS RO DAH I will be very disappointed
RubyChao: and for another 9.99
RubyChao: you can subscribe to the WWE Network!
FairyHunter: if she did that i think everybody would have their ears bleed
FairyHunter: she's not called Siren of a Thousand Voices for nothing
Jumpropeman: her clothes turned pink because she's stronger now
RubyChao: even Rob, the Guy With No Ears?
FairyHunter: yes
FairyHunter: he will grow ears
FairyHunter: just to have them bleed
Jumpropeman: and not because I accidentally remembered the original Carla pic instead of the Siren pic


SteelKomodo: It was Peter Fogg on the other side
Tableter: EEEEE


Goopocalypse Now: link
SteelKomodo: That's a Dirk essay if ever there was one
Goopocalypse Now: he spends the next five paragraphs talking about Jo's butt


Siren of a Thousand Voices: sugar cookie devoured
Siren of a Thousand Voices: oh shit i am the devourer
Siren of a Thousand Voices: i am the end
Siren of a Thousand Voices: i just ate a whole planet of cookie
Goopocalypse Now: now you are become sarah, the destroyer of sweets
Siren of a Thousand Voices: you mean goddess of sweets


SteelKomodo: my chin is like a cactus


Utsuho With Nothing Different: pit is FULLY CHARGED
Utsuho With Nothing Different: </medic>​
SteelKomodo: Pit: "I LOVE THIS RAVEN"
"...oh god why was I russian suddenly"


Jumpropeman: gonna go get pizza
Jumpropeman: brb!
Jumpropeman: if im not back before I need to post again, Samurai blows up all my characters
Utsuho With Nothing Different: except shimmer
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Jumpropeman: ESPECIALLY shimmer
Utsuho With Nothing Different rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Utsuho With Nothing Different: EXCEPT SHIMMER
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Utsuho With Nothing Different rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Utsuho With Nothing Different: EXCEPT SHIMMER
Jumpropeman: ... you win
Utsuho With Nothing Different: (i'm amazed the tractor did that)
WhoWhatWhenWhereWhy Vengeance: Shimmer double died, but Cauren just toted her back from the underworld with the 21. It's nothing big. Just another thursday.
Jumpropeman: even the tractor loves this character for some reason
Utsuho With Nothing Different: because she's awesome
Utsuho With Nothing Different: that's why


Jumpropeman: oh yeah, goops, Dropbox was compromised a few days ago so you should change your password if you haven't
Jumpropeman: if you somehow lost all your pictures of cute white mages, RP would be ruined forever D:
Goopocalypse Now: very important
Draco: You would have to redraw all the pictures, JRM.
Draco: With help from Spy.
Jumpropeman: every sarah picture
Jumpropeman: remade
Jumpropeman: with noses
Jumpropeman: gooper would have an aneurysm
Goopocalypse Now: changed dropbox password
Goopocalypse Now: the mages remain noseless
Draco: I guess we've been spared the horrors of noses.


Jumpropeman: my goal is to have every Fully Evolved pokemon at 100
Jumpropeman: and a Lickitung
Jumpropeman: because I trained it before Lickilicky existed >​_>​
Goops McMahon: lel
Jumpropeman: his name is Marc, and he is garbage


Goops McMahon: with a name like harusmuckers it has to be evil


(GB makes a post that definitively closes the chasm to Hell that was joked about for over a year)

Jumpropeman: GOOPS WHY
Goops McMahon: TO STOP YOU
Jumpropeman: D:<


Goops McMahon: I went shopping today. Did you know Wal-Mart is still trying to sell Other M at full price?
Goops McMahon: fifty smackers for the privilege
RubyChao: >​other m
RubyChao: >​full price
RubyChao screams in terror, for that is scarier than any ghost story
Satiated Vengeance: Chao's rage intensifies.
Jumpropeman: its still metroid
RubyChao: NO IT'S NOT


Jumpropeman: introducing: The Sarah Cousins! They are like Care Bear Cousins in that they can stray from the formula but still are marketable as the same brand


Satiated Vengeance gnaws at paste again


Harpy: i'm back
Jumpropeman: hip hip hooray!
Jumpropeman: harp harp hooray, more like
Jumpropeman: or hip hip, harpy!
Harpy: quack
Satiated Vengeance: Harpy is the terminator, JRM. :i They thought, correctly, that a college girl would blend in better than and be less intimidating than a lean shapeshifting metal blob or, gods forbid, Da Guv'nah Arnold.
Satiated Vengeance: Her return means we're dead. :3


SteelKomodo: it is time
SteelKomodo: also pizza


SteelKomodo: I made the mistake of letting del play my copy of smash
SteelKomodo: he broke my all-star record with King Dedede
2Goopy: #BigGayDance
SteelKomodo: i'm gonna have to work hard to break that
SteelKomodo: #GetGudlel
2Goopy: Reminds me of something similar that happened to me back around 2006
2Goopy: My brother had a longstanding record for doing Baby Park in Time Trial on Mario Kart Double Dash
2Goopy: Behind his back I started practicing drifting on Baby Park and eventually beat his record
2Goopy: he mad
SteelKomodo: XD


MobileChao: there's a reason skurvy is my only specific request for bsionday
MobileChao: also mom is no
MobileChao: longer in the navy
MobileChao: it's a xhangfe
2Goopy: the wonders of mobile typing
Spy Kills This Gimmick Dead: . . . I know how I make you all feel now


Harpy: I should probably do a big infodump after pestus, although I really have not much to say about witchplot and glabados plot
2Goopy: You could also talk about your characters
Harpy: the big question is
Harpy: which ones
2Goopy: all of them
2Goopy: *blogpost exceeds character limit*
Harpy: pfft


Tableter: BUTT


Gooper Blooper: I keep forgetting I have two spoopy characters
Gooper Blooper: Viola, stop falling out of focus, this is your month
RubyChao: >​forgetting viola
Gooper Blooper: posted, un-forgot viola
RubyChao: good


Tableter: "Cornwind Evil: If you land on a succubi, do you get to land on a succubi?
Gooper Blooper: That's only for the Special Edition, Cornwind"
Tableter: Did mikey unlock the special edition?
Gooper Blooper: maybe
Tableter: kek
Gooper Blooper: succubisaucyface.png
Tableter: Robits driving around singing What is Love
Tableter: Cause they don't know


RubyChao: stupid idea time
RubyChao: the villain fite somehow comes down to Eggerman without the EggerMech and Sunshine
RubyChao: suddenly, a wrestling ring appears out of nowhere for them to decide it in


Gooper Blooper: important butts canon that is actually on the forum: Morgan and Lily had to have Jo's succubus costume custom made
Gooper Blooper: theirs didn't fit
SteelKomodo: glorious


Harpy: CPG is... warming up... a little?
Harpy: confirmed tsundere
Gooper Blooper: creepy-sama...
Harpy: goops no
Harpy: *baps goops with rolled up newspaper*


Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: I'm watching the new family guy
Splicer: TELL MEEE
Jumpropeman: and it has a joke commercial for North Dakota
Splicer listens more intently
Jumpropeman: a transcript: "Hi! Do you like South Dakota but don't want to see Mount Rushmore? Come to North Dakota! It's just a very long drive from wherever you live! Best of all, most of the good license plates aren't taken yet!" and then this image
Jumpropeman: poor Dakota will never catch a break


Actual internet againwulf: I like how pro gaming sports, virtual pop stars, cybernetics and worldwide government protests all neatly showed up at the same time
Actual internet againwulf: Cyberpunk just keeps chugging along into the present


Tableter: I was gonna ask if wulf wanted to do huge dorks but i cant think of anything for them to do


Jumpropeman: ok, if these pirates have name weaknesses, here's how I see it: Roc Brasiliano, weak to rocks; El Kinshin, weak in his shins; Anne Mills, weak to grinding (mills); Chaquerro, weak to love (spanish quiero means love); Vanderdeckan we know; Francois L'olonese; weak to laughing out loud (LOL-onese); Princess Awilda, weak to the wild (fury perhaps); Edward Teach, undone by knowledge (teach, taught); Jean Lafitte, undone by his fitness?; Norris Golstrum, undone by gold or music (gol-gold, strum-strumming of a guitar)
RubyChao: damn jrm
Jumpropeman: i'll be lucky if I guess one correctly :V
Splicer: Welp! Time to throw out the name death convention! In all seriousness, pfffft, but no, mate. They'll still be subject to the sea death convention, but not all of them are weak to name. |3 And the ones that were... well, you were being funny. You'll be very lucky if you guessed one correctly.
Jumpropeman: it's gonna be the LOL guy I know it


Splicer: ;p
Jumpropeman: flirty tongue face


SteelKomodo: I think, out of all my plots, this was the one that got stuff cut out the most
SteelKomodo: sequences include, in random order:
SteelKomodo: 1) A final fight with Philander in a steampunk mech in the ruins of Mazda's temple. "I graduated with three PhD's in mechanics and theoretical engineering!"
Harpy: i came here at the sound of steampunk
Gooper Blooper: *bulgrave intensifies*
Harpy: you mean
SteelKomodo: 2) A scene with Ash and Richard getting chewed out by Barbara on not surviving properly, and her showing them how to do it. Cribbed extensively from the Plague Dogs, complete with dialogue to match:
"Ah've seen nowt dafter, th' pair on ye! Lyin' fiat oot o' th' fell like wee piggies full o' grub, like there wez neether wargs nor shepherd aboot! Ye fells th' yow, bolts it doon ye, kips ye doon a spell an' comes back like a pair o' squallin' cubs. Ye took ne heed at aall o' Orcs or wargs. Ah'd think shame o' ye, ye pair o' daft nowts!"
SteelKomodo: 3) A minor character - a talking tarantula named Nigel with a thick cockney accent. A carryover from the novel draft Richard and his world of Dragonus came from. Cut him because one heavy accent was enough :U
Jumpropeman: who was that cockroach del RPed
Jumpropeman: he and Nigel would have been awesome to have banter together I wager
Gooper Blooper: At the very end of RP, Matilda finally speaks instead of squeaking
SteelKomodo: lel
SteelKomodo: 4) Philander was going to be a lot more of a buffoon than he ended up being. Mostly going on about how he theorized things, and then Richard would be like "But didn't-?" and Philander would be like "Hush, boy, I'm thinking!"
SteelKomodo: There was also going to be a silly sequence where, instead of throwing Richard off a cliff, Philander would have shoved a back luck charm in his pocket and left him alone in the jungle. Cue conga line of embarrasing mishaps
Gooper Blooper: SK, that made me think of Philander trying all sorts of ludicrous ways to kill Richard and none of them working
Gooper Blooper: like a wile e coyote cartoon
SteelKomodo: pretty much that :U
SteelKomodo: there would have also been bits where Philander was like "Now, the natives do it this way, but the proper way to do it..."
SteelKomodo: and then it turns out Richard doing it the native way is faster and better because lel
Gooper Blooper: and finally he's staring at this insane blueprint for some stupidly overcomplicated plan, then just gets fed up and crumples the prints and shoves him off a cliff instead
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Harpy: philander is always wrong it seems
Harpy: he was an interesting villain, to say the least
Cornwind Evil: Philander's ultimate flaw was he didn't like himself, ultimately. Colored everything he did
Harpy: not as overtly evil as some of the villains we've seen thus far
Harpy: ah, the other side of the self-esteem coin
Harpy: i honestly sympathized with him
SteelKomodo: 5) Songs. I was planning on having a whole bunch of Disney-esque song sequences, such as "No Place For a Boy" from the Jungle Book Groove Party and "In The Dark Of The Night". Didn't pan out, of course.
Jumpropeman: the son of a butcher
RubyChao: comedy phil sounds like something i'd wanna read
Cornwind Evil: That's why Ash sympathized with him and ultimately chased off the Zanik. He'd been there.
Cornwind Evil: There but for the grace of god go I
SteelKomodo: so yeah, all that was gonna happen, but then CW was like "Hey, Shmeth's gonna talk with Philander now"
SteelKomodo: and then it spiraled out of control
SteelKomodo: oh, yeah, forgot
Gooper Blooper: a lot of ZFRP spirals out of control
RubyChao: botwoon etc
Gooper Blooper glances at sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: *Sarahkin flail happily*
RubyChao: reminder that gooper's post about Finding Your Own Way said that Gloria, Josephine, and Ariel were going to stay minor
RubyChao: so much for that


Harpy: >​regis
Gooper Blooper: I'm making everyone regi fans
Gooper Blooper: just as planned
Jumpropeman: i still don't like registeel
RubyChao: we'll just have to fix that jrm
Jumpropeman: *tosses him in the bin with Beheeyem*


RubyChao: may or may not do tenshi in the bar tonight
RubyChao: depends on if people want to deal with the angriest celestial
Harpy: >​angriest celestia
Harpy: *celestial
Harpy: what the fuck would celestia would be angry about
Harpy: "what would celestia be angry about" "she'd be angry about the economy"
Harpy: ivel plz
Harpy: dude no
Steinerzilla: PFFFFFFFFFFT
Steinerzilla: Oh my
Steinerzilla: Fuck
Steinerzilla: I just lost it
Steinerzilla: Ivel yes
Steinerzilla: God damnit
Harpy: i told him "she'd be more angry about WoW" and he replied "so... she'd be angry about the economy"
Harpy: damn vidyuh game economies goin' to shit
Jumpropeman: Karl Marx believes human society as a whole develops around the economy, so Celestia is clearly a Marxist thinker


Jumpropeman: I have four planned new chars and three returning not counting Jaws and the obvious Jumpropeman. the balance D:
Bree: please tell me at least Shimmer is returning
Jumpropeman: of course! I don't think I even have a choice there :V
Bree: nope :U
Draco: You do have a choice: bring back Shimmer or RIOT.
Jumpropeman: Draco, I thought you wanted Shimmer dead
Draco: And how can I kill her if she doesn't return? BI
Jumpropeman: touche


Harpy: why are all my friends getting sick :c
Gooper Blooper: I'm not sick!
Gooper Blooper: At this particular moment!
Steinerzilla: I'm not si-
Steinerzilla: *cough*
Jumpropeman: i'm only sick in the head
Harpy: ivel's sick, ruby may be sick
Harpy: goops has a serious disease that makes him more and more samm1cal
Gooper Blooper: harpy pls
Gooper Blooper: I mean itz not like I'm getting all radical and shizz, whut up
Harpy: lel


Saberwulf: Somehow I just misspelled pumpkin as pokemon


Ven, rebooting rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Ven, rebooting: LOVE YOU TOO, TRACTOR~
Ven, rebooting: |DDD


Jumpropeman: I hunger for pizza, but not mini-pizza, I want real pizza D: but not bad on-campus big pizza
Jumpropeman: everybody be quiet, I'm calling Pizza Hut
Gooper Blooper calls Pizza Castle
Jumpropeman: dammit Harpy now they think I'm a beeping robot D:
Jumpropeman: ok, according to google maps, my current address is Earth
Draco: Good neighborhood.
Draco: I think Goops lives near there.
Gooper Blooper: I do, actually
Gooper Blooper: It's a nice place to live, overall
Jumpropeman: stuck on hold D:
Jumpropeman: called Papa Johns in desperation
Jumpropeman: the lady answers "Hello this is Pizza Hut, I mean Papa Johns"
Jumpropeman: I cannot believe that even happened
Jumpropeman: I am so flustered about this pizza situation I don't care im overpaying
Jumpropeman: I'm getting my damn pizza
Jumpropeman: I'm trying to get delivery and I wanted to pay with my campus credit for decent pizza
Jumpropeman: I am so dumb but I'm getting this pizza
Jumpropeman: ok
Jumpropeman: time for special instructions
Jumpropeman: what should I ask for on the box
Harpy: a ghost
Jumpropeman: *this store is closed*
RubyChao: oh welp
Jumpropeman: i
Jumpropeman: am going to brb
Jumpropeman: pizza quest continues on foot BI


Jumpropeman: im back
Jumpropeman: I bought five damn digiornos pizzas in a blind pizza fury
Saberwulf: Pfff
Gooper Blooper: until four days from now

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