Saturday, November 29, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 165: Imagine Party Babyz Strikes Back

(Bree is describing a dream she had about Tenshi. The beginning was cut off by Free Chatzy)

Harpy: oh jesus
Bree: remove her soul, exorcise/purify her body and get the Bad Thing out of it, then put her soul back in her body now that it is okay again
SteelKomodo: TENSHI PLS
Harpy: this is the plot to LoT2
RubyChao: that does sound very zfrp.txt
Harpy: (no it isn't)
Bree: except none of that actually happened in the dream, for some reason the dream decided to focus on the guy who was doing the soul removing
Harpy: that does sound cray tho
RubyChao: was it viola
Bree: he wasn't a real character
Bree: it was definitely a man
RubyChao: oh ok
RubyChao: inexplicably male viola
Bree: he had some really vaguely shamanistic/fortune teller type of aspects and--no he was not at all similar to Viola in any way
Bree: and I think Viola appeared briefly to speak to him but idk I don't remember it other than "Viola was there for a whopping five seconds"
Bree: literally, five seconds
Bree: she got a cameo
Bree: somehow, she only cameoed in this tenshiplot
Bree: anyway so the dream decided to focus on the guy who would remove her soul
Bree: because he could see auras/ghosts/shit like that, and his job during the plot was to protect tenshi's soul while everyone else captured her body (by beating it into submission) and then exorcised the bad shit
Bree: for some reason Tenshi's soul looked like a small child version of Tenshi, was super adorable and vulnerable and--okay basically Tenshi's soul was Momoko, only not
RubyChao: hahahaha
Bree: it was specifically Tenshi but it acted like Momoko, if Momoko were child!Tenshi
Bree: and he spent the rest of the dream carrying Tenshisoul piggyback and it was adorable
Bree: then suddenly the setting was Wal-Mart
Bree: no really I swear to fucking god
Harpy: what
Harpy: did Tenshi demand peaches
Bree: Tenshisoul and Random Guy went around Wal-Mart and then some bad guys in Wal-Mart killed Random Guy and Tenshisoul was scared
RubyChao: random guy noooooo
SteelKomodo: what
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: and they had a weird castle/tower sort of thing that they hauled around, it had wheels on the bottom???
Bree: they drove it around Wal-Mart
Bree: I don't even
RubyChao: i don't even either
Bree: like I said, my dreams are weird and fucked up when I sleep too much
SteelKomodo: what is this
Bree: I don't know what happened after that
SteelKomodo: WHAT IS MY LIFE etc.
Bree: I think I remember a bit about Tenshisoul going to Heaven, in the sense that she "moved on," because the dream forgot that she was not dead
RubyChao: tenshi nooooooo ;_;
RubyChao: followup plot: bust tenshi outta heaven
Bree: Iku returns from Bhava-Agra Heaven with Tenshisoul like "DID YOU LOSE THIS >:I"
Bree: I also remember a bit about a family gathering where there was tons of food, literally there was so much food even Gluttony couldn't eat it all, I swear to god there were eighteen tables overflowing with food or something
Bree: fud
RubyChao: so
Bree: like, what, is my family the Sarahkin now
RubyChao: sarahkin family, righ- hahaha
Harpy: >​even gluttony couldn't eat it all
Bree: and I was mad because they wouldn't let me in and I got in late and most of the fud was gone
Harpy: Gluttony: Is that a challenge~?
Harpy: srsly tho holy shit
Bree: my dreams are so random
Bree: I remember one other scene with the Wal-Mart parking lot
Bree: it was very dark outside and rainy and 2scary
Bree: lonely, scary, empty, dark, rainy parking lots are a recurring theme in my dreams
Bree: I swear I remember previous dreams with parking lots and they always involve me being totally convinced there is a knife-wielding thief somewhere in this parking lot
Bree: also it's always the Wal-Mart parking lot
Bree: always
Bree: I don't understand the recurrence of the Scariest Parking Lot Ever because I have no actual fear of dark parking lots
Bree: and I'm not afraid of Wal-Mart, either
Bree: like, usually the things that show up a lot in my dreams are stuff least sort of make sense
Bree: and the mack-daddy of Bree Nightmares is cars
Bree: fucking cars
Bree: every single dream there is always a scene where for some reason I am driving a car, and it's wildly out of control
Bree: which makes sense, I'm scared shitless of driving which is why I don't know how despite being 20 years old
SteelKomodo: it's okay, I don't know how to drive either
Bree: that makes sense. I understand the overabundance of scary driving scenes in my nightmares.
SteelKomodo: and I'd rather not, I'd get road rage all the time
Bree: but I do not understand this fixation on the Wal-Mart parking lot.
Bree: I just don't even
Bree: I don't get road rage, I just inspire road rage in others
Bree: the few times I've driven, I was so paralyzed with fear and so busy hyperventilating that I made tons of mistakes
Bree: ran a red light? yep
Bree: missed a turn? yep
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Bree: one time I almost ran over an old lady while going approximately 1 mile per hour in the--
Bree: --in the Wal-Mart parking lot. o_o
Bree: anyway, I hope you enjoyed my trippy-as-hell dream about Tenshi
RubyChao: i liked it
Bree: I...I almost feel like it might make it into a chatzy madness because it was so...weird
SteelKomodo: twas weird indeed
Bree: the lack of Viola was the weirdest part though
Bree: I remember thinking that while I was actively dreaming the dream
Bree: like "where is Viola"
SteelKomodo: lel
RubyChao: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give viola
Bree: Viola would protect Tenshi's soul so hard if she were in that dream
Bree: I bet she wouldn't have died like Random Guy
Bree: 2determined
RubyChao: viola uses the power of love to just
RubyChao: lift and throw the entire fortress thing yuugi-style
RubyChao: despite being puny
Bree: no no the moving castle thing belonged to Random Guy
RubyChao: oh ok, i thought it belonged to the villains in wal-mart
Bree: no it did not
Bree: there was also a doge
Bree: Random Guy kept a doge in his moving castle thingy
RubyChao: ...was random guy actually juan
Bree: no
Bree: trust me it wasn't anyone in zfrp
Bree: P.S. there was a scene where Random Guy told the villains their fortunes using Tarot cards
Bree: in the room at the bottom of the castle thing
Bree: it was before they were villains though
Bree: okay now I am done talking about this because I don't remember anything else and it's so damn weird
Bree: back to talking about normal things THAT DON'T INVOLVE WAL-MART

Thursday, November 27, 2014


"So! *clap* What's everyone thankful for this year?"

"Why, my lovely wife, of course."



"Stretch pants. Oof."

"...I might as well chip in with the required 'family'."

"I'm thankful for everybody!"

"Wonderful! And yes, I agree, Ariel. It's always important to remember family. Where would we be without each other?"

"Not filled with Ireland's entire stock of potatoes?"

"No, silly! Well, that too. Hope everyone has room for dessert!"


"Oh boy!"




"It's always pie!"


"Skeiron, you can't even eat. Why are you here?"


Skeiron bowed his body, accidentally smacking the table in the process. "THANK."

"...Well, he's trying!"

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 164: Pokemon XY Edition and Sarah Madness

Five Nights at Dels: Five Nights at Jonesy's: BOOZE GUNS BUTTS BOOZE GUNS conrad BOOZE BUTTS GUNS
Draco: Five Nights at Draco's: you better have your entrails cleaned up by morning or you're fired.
Draco: We aren't paying a Health Department fine 'cause you don't know how to close a door.
SteelKomodo: Five Nights at Dirky's: Closed >:I


Superman 64 joined the chat
Superman 64: Guess which game I bought today
Gooper Blooper changed name to Pac-Man 2600


(Harpy is hatching Cleffa eggs in Pokemon Y)

Harpy: Lax Cleffa
Harpy: really
Superman 64: The last cleffa is now in captivity
Superman 64: the universe is at peace


Superman 64: my niece looks like Nana of the Ice Climbers in her winter coat


Harpy: carla's gonna have some nicely toned legs after this
Pac-Man 2600: josephine's biked like 7000 miles on her bike on route 7
Pac-Man 2600: her butt remains large
SteelKomodo: Dirk: Nah, all the biking's toned it~
Pit: Dirk, do you ever think of anything else?!
Dirk: You want the honest answer? :U
Pac-Man 2600: GOT IT
Pac-Man 2600: I got the scale
Pac-Man 2600: (no josephine not that one)
Harpy: okay now let's weigh the feebas
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: last swablu characteristic: nods off a lot
Harpy: bet that's not even good ivs
Harpy: *turns up nose*
Pac-Man 2600: I have four feebas eggs
Pac-Man 2600: let's see what I get
Superman 64: I'm betting you are going to get
Superman 64: Four Feebas
Pac-Man 2600: surely you jest
Pac-Man 2600 bikes heavily
Superman 64: *Egg hatches* Hi is Febas

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Very Best, Part 2

"Are you quite sure this is the place?" Gloria asked with a hint of irritation. The summoner held a large umbrella over her head. She loved the sound of rain, but hated being caught outside in it. The two girls were in the middle of a huge rainstorm, standing together at the shore of Lake Erie. It was hard to see anything through the mist.

"Yes, this is the given location of a Pokemon gym." Viola said. The hex maniac wielded an umbrella of her own. From the sound of the driving rain came a different noise, far away and somewhat muffled. Viola couldn't make it out.

"...What do you suppose that is?" asked Gloria.

"Let's find out." Viola said, reaching down for a Pokeball and sending out Froslass. Froslass began freezing the lake, forming an icy path for the girls to follow. Viola crept behind, but Gloria was skeptical and summoned Blue Dragon to ride instead.

The sound again. Through the mist Viola and Gloria could make out a shape up ahead that resembled an island. They pressed on through the rain, and soon it came into view...

It was indeed an island. A small one, with a big boulder in the center. The boulder had an opening big enough for the girls to walk through, so they did, Blue Dragon remaining outside.

As they entered, the sound played one more time, loud and clear.

A trumpet.

In the center of the cave stood a strange robot.

"GYM LEADER SPEAKING." it said with a voice like a trumpet given life. "DESIGNATION IS 'TOP BRASS'. HOENN CONFIRMED."

Gloria, Viola, and Froslass exchanged incredulous looks.


Gloria pointed at Viola.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Very Best, Part 1

"You want me to what?"

"I understand that this is a drastic request, but I possess no transportation of my own. You, however, are an adventurer. You have seen many places, and can aid me greatly in my quest."

"I've only just gotten home... How long is this even going to take?"

"Less than a month, by my estimation."

"Hrmm." Gloria scratched her chin in thought.

"It is simple," Viola said, clasping her hands together as she went over the basics one more time. "To be eligible to take the Pokemon League challenge, I must first defeat eight of their certified 'leaders' in Pokemon duels of various type. Once I have accomplished this, I can attempt to immortalize myself in the Hall of Fame."

"Why did you never attempt this before?"

"Before, I lacked the confidence in myself and my Pokemon. Now, I know from my experiences that anything is possible. Tenshi wishes to become known forever in history as a warrior. So, too, shall I, in my own way."

"Well, it sounds good for your confidence, all right. I hate to leave my library again so soon, but... maybe I should get out a bit more. I've done nothing but go between my house and the library for three weeks now."

"Excellent. Join me."

Viola produced a map riddled with circles.

"There are eight people with the certification to become a 'leader' in this country. One of them is right here in New York, but the other seven are scattered across the country.

This could be considered a 'road trip'."


Gym 1: Manhattan, New York; Rock type, One-on-One Battle
Gym 2: Lake Erie, Ohio; Water type, Triple Battle
Gym 3: Nashville, Tennessee; Normal type, Contest Battle
Gym 4: The Florida Everglades; Bug type, Pokethelon
Gym 5: Houston, Texas; Steel type, Rotation Battle
Gym 6: Boulder, Colorado; Ground type, Double Battle
Gym 7: Devil's Lake, North Dakota; ??? type, Four-On-Four Battle
Gym 8: Las Vegas, Nevada; ??? type, Standard Battle

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 163: Conrad 'Huge Dork' Svilzerian

Gooper Blooper: >​ticker
Gooper Blooper: >​can't go back in review mode
Gooper Blooper: >​no pms
Gooper Blooper: it's been a while
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Tableter: Rip in peace


RubyChao: every time i try to listen to the actual postman pat theme it sounds wrong
RubyChao: it's supposed to be descending not ascending dammit
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: #ruined


Bree: pogey question time: should I get Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire
Tableter: Alpha Sapphire
RubyChao: Omega Ruby
Tableter: Cos kyogre is a cool whale
RubyChao: because Groudon is rad


Former Vengeance: I was lured into trying a pokemon game once. My friend claimed it had tactics and medieval conquest and all. I thought to myself, 'At last! At last, I can murder ala Fire Emblem, with a Gyrados instead of Roy!' I was sorely disappointed. :V
SteelKomodo: oh, that was Pokemon Conquest!
SteelKomodo: funfact: that one was technically a crossover
SteelKomodo: between the pogeys and a little-known japanese TRPG called Nobunaga's Ambition
SteelKomodo: it's called Pokemon X Nobunaga's Ambition in japan, but they changed it because... well, yeah
Former Vengeance: See, that just makes me sadder. With a name like Nobunaga's Ambition, I expect to light at least one civilian and field on fire.
Former Vengeance: D;
SteelKomodo: lel
SteelKomodo: I don't think there was a Nobunaga game on DS before that one, which may say something...
Bree: such as?
SteelKomodo: that the series might have had whatever FV's looking for
SteelKomodo: because as far as I know, Pokemon Conquest doesn't let you torch fields
SteelKomodo: this might help ya, FV
Former Vengeance: Officer: M'am, put down the Honedge! I know he broke your bike! Just calm down!
Lady: D:<
Officer: She has a Voltorb! Get down! D:
Former Vengeance: Broken house falls in three burning pieces next to streetside epicenter.
Former Vengeance: Team Rocket -was- blasting off again. :v We remembered to deploy the safety nets over the city this time. They ain't gettin' away nowheres.
Bree: lel
Former Vengeance: I am a madman, with a madman's dream! One day, troop commanders will ride Onyx and Charizard into battle, as our fighting types swell through the field, and Durant-... keeps doing what Goops tells it to, actually.
Former Vengeance: :V
Former Vengeance: But on console, not on paper. Er, chat.
Former Vengeance: E|
Former Vengeance: One day.
Former Vengeance: And they will take spears through the face without blinking, like the old Fire Emblems, and it will be glorious.
Bree: chanseys wearing army helmets and throwing eggs painted like grenades
Bree: dittos are now international superspies
Former Vengeance: C: Yesss. Except also running through trenches consoling pogeys and troops in the line of (occasionally literal) fire.
RubyChao: "hi is spy"
Bree: hi is bond
Bree: james bond
Former Vengeance: XD
SteelKomodo: "sodlier"

Friday, November 14, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 162: Josephine's Good End

Deletons: i'm prob gonna run dungeon world at 5pm or something your time
Saberwulf: 5 PM my time's in 5 minutes
Deletons: huh
Deletons: uh
Deletons: fuck
Deletons: 6pm wulf time then
Deletons: fuck it we're doing it live
Mobilewulf joined the chat
Deletons: oh
Mobilewulf: Five seconds after I said that my router died
Mobilewulf: WELP


Draco: What would Blade call his original character?
RubyChao: Bblade
RubyChao: you stutter


SpookKomodo: Dirk gonna conquer Josephine's landmass someday
SpookKomodo: (del told me to type this please don't kill me)
2Goopy: XD
2Goopy: careful dirk there's a lot to conquer, bring provisions
SpookKomodo: Oh, he'll bring provisions, all right
SpookKomodo: most of them chocolatey
2Goopy: hell yeah
2Goopy: note: josephine is absolutely going to vegas
2Goopy: I mean how could she not
RubyChao: High Rollersephine
RubyChao: hits the jackpot
RubyChao: buys the casino
RubyChao: starts raking in all the dough
RubyChao: good end

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Monster Mash Loser's League Battle Royale

The atmosphere is thick with anticipation tonight at Ed's Landfill. Located in the Nevada wastelands, miles from nowhere with only a long stretch of lonely road for company, this garbage-choked sprawl of refuse was a great place to hold our six-way duel to the death.

It starts quietly as the competitors are released. Shark Tank trundles slowly off to roam the piles of garbage, and even the Maus' massive form is soon obscured by the trash. Sergeant Spinneret grips tightly to the hairs of her steed Lavalantula, and the spider duo is also soon lost in the trash. 'RhanaCop slithers around carefully before opting to make for the tallest pile of trash in the landfill to use as a lookout point. The Jersey Devil seems to have the same idea, leaping from wrecked cars to junked stoves with fluttering flaps, unwilling to take to the air and present itself as an obvious target just yet. Gatorage grumbles as his tranquilizers begin wearing off, and he looks around for something to smash. Unlike the others, Ananta Shesa seems content to stay where it is, neither hiding nor hunting. He coils idly, observing the battlefield and waiting to see what his enemies do before he himself makes a move. Above it all, Reiko Atari broadcasts live footage from Greentech's news chopper.

The stage is set. All that remains is to see who will throw the first punch.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 161: Dubstep Gnome Yacht

Bree: d'aww
SteelKomodo: :3
Deletons: catte
Deletons: harpy pls there is going to be a critical overload of catte
Deletons: i cant handle it
Harpy: as the resident cat lover here, I say
2Goopy joined the chat
RubyChao: hello goops
RubyChao: is it time for heroic tenshi
2Goopy: hello friends
2Goopy: teim 2 get spoopy, pokemon style
2Goopy: Operation Save The Spook
RubyChao: tenshi: "No it's not."


RubyChao: i like how chatzy madness is chronicling my continued descent into despair and doom


Saberwulf: So apparently Kurt Russel's Escape From New York stunt double was named Dick Warlock
Tableter: What a kickass name
Cornwind Evil: I swear, people don't like the Ravenskys, but if I can ever make a movie about them by some miracle, I'm going to see if in the credits I can get all the stunt people who played the main characters listed right after the actor instead of a big block of names
Saberwulf: Speed Weed, Dick Warlock, all the classics
Harpy: *has a heart attack and dies*
Harpy: rip, died of ravensky overexposure
Saberwulf: By the way Speed Weed is a real person
Cornwind Evil: No one said you had to go SEE the movie Harpy
Saberwulf: They co-produce a few shows like Law & Order
Cornwind Evil: Though wouldn't that be hilarious? We lose touch, twenty-five years later Del's kids are like 'Hey dad we wanna go see this movie." "Okay." And then it turns out it's about the Ravenskys and Del is all like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
iKomodo: That would be amazing
Saberwulf: It's the other film in the theater, alongside three romantic comedies and the 17th movie of my books, which has just made even more billions of dollars
Saberwulf dares to dream
iKomodo: They are soon followed by the movie version of my own novel, which has giant monsters in it
iKomodo: i worked on the special effects
iKomodo is probably more ambitious than Wulf is


Jumpropeman: *imagines his future*
Jumpropeman: *sees a fat seal slapping a keyboard*
Jumpropeman: everything seems to be in order :D
 Jumpropeman: it seems we also discussed fears in chatzy
Jumpropeman: *imagines his fears*
Jumpropeman: *sees a fat seal slapping a keyboard with a witch mask on*
Jumpropeman: D:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cutting Room Floor 2014: Shit That Didn't Happen

Not everything makes it to print - we all know that. I already shared a large chunk of my could-have-beens in my October post about my Mammon/Chronos Xarr/The End megaplot, but there are other things I considered having happen this year that didn't get to the final stage. Here's an assortment.

Morgan and Lily received a stag beetle amulet while exploring the Seat of Mazda. This amulet was meant to activate during a critical moment to help the pair, but every time a battle worth using it arose, I either forgot about the amulet or didn't bring the succubi. With the succubi returning next year, I can hopefully call on the amulet then.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 160: Welcome to the Town of Teshni

Jumpropeman: chatzy, who should I send on metroidplot
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Whitey, Whitey, Whitey, Whitey and Whitey. Chatzy chose: Whitey
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Shimmer, Thomas, Jasper, Jumpropeman, Reject, Edyth, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon, The Mammoths, Calvin Klein, Avatar the Last Airbender and Avatar the First Airbender. Chatzy chose: Calvin Klein
Jumpropeman: this will be interesting


Vengeance the Boomerang: What happens if Shimmer catches the bouquet? Or Teshni? :e
Jumpropeman: Shimmer would thrust it into someone else's arms
Bree: teshni would eat it
Gooper Blooper: "bowkay"
Gooper Blooper: *nom*
Vengeance the Boomerang: Heh.
Bree: bouquet is too fancy a word for teshni
Bree: she'd call it flowers, then eat it
Gooper Blooper: "floors"
Bree: yes


(Pit proposes to Utsuho)

Gooper Blooper: >​SK's post
Gooper Blooper: WHERE IS JRM
Gooper Blooper: he is going to barge in here so hard
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: ....
RubyChao: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: ......
RubyChao: how are you?
Jumpropeman: .............
Oversleep: You must abolish the wedding now, sir. Before the ellipses swallow the screen.
Oversleep: Don't do that.
Draco reboots JRM with a swift kick to the hard drive.
Oversleep: They might well be quite happy together.
Oversleep: Should be, though such things are usually uncertain.
Oversleep: -shrug-
Gooper Blooper: *and then utsuho says no*
RubyChao: "I've discovered my real love: THIS CHAIR"
Oversleep: Chairy is too well received. Boys, girls, Martel: THE FIRE, PLEASE.
Harpy: Posted
Harpy: in bar
Jumpropeman: i think
Oversleep: Shishkababs, flamethrowers, evil phoenixes, and more descend to end a Chairy.
Jumpropeman: i will save my response for a better mouth
SteelKomodo: I'm not, CW, I promise D:
Jumpropeman: because Shimmer will properly flip her lid as well
Jumpropeman: until then, I will try to type coherent words as I try to keep my hands under control
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Harpy: *f5f5f5f5*
Gooper Blooper: jrm is sarah, but for only this pairing
Harpy: Stella's pairing senses are tingling
Jumpropeman: i like other pairings!
Jumpropeman: they just don't make my whole body shake with hype
SteelKomodo: just to clarify - you won't see a Pitsuho marriage this year
Harpy: eh, it can wait
SteelKomodo: either it's gonna be a next-year thing, or (due to me being a silly bundle of nerves etc.) an off-screen thing
Harpy: CW is already doing the big greek wedding this year and may try to backstab you if you tried it :U
Jumpropeman: off-screen
Jumpropeman: off-screen
RubyChao: sk, i think jrm will kill us if we make it offscreen

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Monster Mash Loser's League Battle Royale - Voting

Welcome back, spurts fins sports fans!

We here at the Monster Mash Loser's League are proud to present to you our greatest achievement yet, a six-way tussle between fallen beasts. These entrants to the Monster Mash tournament all have one win and one loss to their name. Now, they face each other in a desperate bid to break back into the winner's bracket and take on the final lucky few already there - Sharktopus, The Kraken, and Mansquito.

This rumble is a winner-take-all slugfest between everything we could scrounge together. You'll meet all kinds here, and every one of them is primed and ready to beat down the other five for a chance to win.

Let's meet them.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 159: Jumpropeman's Quest for Pizza

(After the Rin Satsuki match in the Boss Battle Pavillion)

Gooper Blooper: Depending on the choices you guys made
Gooper Blooper: That could have gone three ways
Gooper Blooper: The other two were Kill Her and Talk Her Down And Watch Her Kill Herself, Good Riddance Ya Bitch
RubyChao: probably helped that we had a mind-reader, somehow :V
Gooper Blooper: Satori was a perfect, perfect choice for how I wanted to depict this
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: The emotion reading. It let me depict how her rage dominated, but eventually gave way to despair and then hope
RubyChao: hooray!
RubyChao: good thing i went with the impulse of Minor Touhous rather than my main destructive duo, then :V
Gooper Blooper: those two dunderheads wouldn't have figured out shit :V
RubyChao: *Utsuho and Tenshi stand over Rin's dead body* "Do you think... there was anything else we could have done?" "No."
Gooper Blooper: *laugh track*


RubyChao: "What if I get injured and can't help when someone like Kraid shows up?" lol samus


Jumpropeman: just dropping in to do the kirby dance
Jumpropeman: (>​'-')>​ <('-'< [wink] ^(' - ')^ <('-'< [wink] (>​'-')>​
Jumpropeman: well, that didn't work out
Jumpropeman: unless Kirby is winking at people


RubyChao: i actually had a dream where for whatever reason goops made a srspost where the villains took care of trooper c because... i don't know why
RubyChao: i am glad that was only a dream :V
FairyHunter: not even trooper c likes trooper c
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Tableter: Trooper c screwed trooper c
SteelKomodo: The Trooper C Screwjob


Gnostic Vengeance: This comic is emphatically not true. But in much of the released visual media, you could almost believe it. XD


SteelKomodo: Carol tells Gluttony to fuck ogg
SteelKomodo: *off
Gnostic Vengeance: Ogg continues to get none. Sad monster is sad.
Cornwind Evil: He can also go fuck Ogg if he-darn it Ven
Cornwind Evil: Stole my joke
SteelKomodo: XD