Friday, February 8, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 39: Dork Pot

Jumpropeman: well, my time here was short lived
Jumpropeman: off I go again
SteelKomodo: later!
TheDeleter: later man
TheDeleter: stay cool
SteelKomodo: and there he goes
Gooper Blooper: the squirrel....... has his game
TheDeleter: we have
TheDeleter: LIFDOFF
Gooper Blooper: maybe there right
Gooper Blooper: that some times
Gooper Blooper: video games
Gooper Blooper: DOES CAUSE violence
TheDeleter: HE HE
TheDeleter: HE
RedSpy: Bye JRM!
Gooper Blooper: Spy with classic lateness
Gooper Blooper: oh you
SteelKomodo: *sitcom jingle*
Saberwulf: The King of Beasts Chatzy is filmed in front of a live audience
Gooper Blooper: The audience is made up of the kobbers
Gooper Blooper: it's all a big cycle
TheDeleter: rpception
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker pulling the strings of everyone
SteelKomodo: And Pit exploiting those marketing loopholes for all their worth
Saberwulf: I told you
Saberwulf: So many cycles
SteelKomodo: no longer just action figures, but lunch boxes and Annuals as well
TheDeleter: i warned you about cycles bro
TheDeleter: i TOLD you dog
Gooper Blooper: I can't wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and play all these roles
TheDeleter: i TOLD you man
TheDeleter: i TOLD you about cycles
SteelKomodo: it's time to put EXCABLIUR
SteelKomodo: back in its' sheaht
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: fuck
Saberwulf: I'm phonetically reading that as shee-it
SteelKomodo: Jaxx: ...No. Fuck you, I'm not doin' this. *goes off to buy more cocaine*
Saberwulf: Buy? Why waste precious credits when you have all these Wulf Caravans crates full of the drugs, guns, various minature breeds of horses, etc.
Gooper Blooper: David is going to sell such ridiculous shit in SaRahPG
Gooper Blooper: you don't even know
Saberwulf: Fuck yeah
RedSpy: Yessss
Gooper Blooper: Pull up in a horse cart, "WHO WANTS UNSTABLE EXPLOSIVES?!"


SteelKomodo: ...YES
SteelKomodo: FUND


Gooper Blooper: Imagine if The Snapture got added to Kaiju Combat
RedSpy: Oh god that'd be amazing
Gooper Blooper: Sadly, Snapture would bump the game up to an M rating
Gooper Blooper: what with all that bad language and drug use
Saberwulf: Rated M for Motherfucking SNAPTURE


Saberwulf: Haha, shit. I'm editing the Librarium, and I just realized Chet's older than Jaxx now (Chet: 27/NewJaxx: 21)
Gooper Blooper: agessss
TheDeleter: ages and heiiiiights
Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper: I
Gooper Blooper: I have to lie down
RedSpy: . . .
SteelKomodo: what?
Saberwulf: "SARAH IS OLDER THAN JAXX" Jesus fucking christ
Saberwulf: It's all topsy turvy
SteelKomodo: hang on a mo
Erebus joined the chat
Saberwulf: wb Bus
Gooper Blooper: Bus we are being horrified by character age revelations
SteelKomodo: there
Saberwulf: Hahaha, that reaction is perfect SK
SteelKomodo: ...and that also makes him younger than Pit and Dirk as well, I should think
SteelKomodo: also yes, it is
Erebus: Eh. All of mine were MILLENIA OLD, UNCOUNTABLE WEIGHT OF AGES blahblahblah sameshitdifferentday.
Gooper Blooper: As a reminder, Widow Maker is three years old
Gooper Blooper: wise beyond her years, she is
TheDeleter: Erebus the chat has decided that it would be funniest if ann were bizarrely tall


Jumpropeman: I'm sure my sister would join the forums just to get Rainbow Dash into the tournament
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: and then Dash wins King of the Ring
Gooper Blooper: the forums become 20% cooler etc


Jumpropeman: I was wondering who of your crew was coming back GB
Jumpropeman: can't be the whole family
Jumpropeman: can it?
Gooper Blooper: There will be Sarahkin, but I want to put an emphasis on the three that have gotten less screentime
Gooper Blooper: Ariel, Josephine, and Gloria would all fit in with the medieval planet
Gooper Blooper: Since they come from a similar but more advanced world
RedSpy: Gloria can breathe in space. She doesn't need a rocket ship to get to the main RP bunch
Gooper Blooper: Gloria gets there by flying through space on the back of Allosaurus, who is on the back of Blue Dragon, who is riding Phantom Train


Erebus: Bam, finally on that.
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: you know, I learned something today
Jumpropeman: Erebus, I cannot be held responsible for anytime I accidentally call you Marmaduke on the new forum
Gooper Blooper: bucket of marduk


Saberwulf: Oh, question Bus. What kind of axe does Kae have? Like is a hand axe, a futury throwing axe, a full-on classic fire axe, etc.?
Erebus: Pretty much a hand-axe. Like something you'd see an Infantryman carrying around or something.
Saberwulf: Ah, ok. Flatliners encourages players to fluff up their weapons with descriptions, corporate logos, crazy commercial names like "Deadeye Arms PreciShot 2034" and shit like that
Erebus: Honestly it might even look a little dumpy and worn, as well. Axes are like Leathermen but without corkscrews
Saberwulf: Which I love, of course
Erebus: Aaaaah, I gotcha.
Gooper Blooper: Super Chopio Brothers Deluxe Killin' Axe
Saberwulf: I mean yeah, you can just say "I own a shitty coleman axe and a taped up AK" as well\
Gooper Blooper: now with more osmium
Erebus: It has no brand name, only a title; Trusty. Trusty the axe.
Saberwulf: Hahaha
Erebus: If the axe gets lost or something it's becoming Trusty the 2x4, btw, but that's neither here nor now.
Saberwulf: Pfff
Gooper Blooper: Trusty can't go missing
Gooper Blooper: If Trusty went missing it wouldn't be trusty anymore
Jumpropeman: Betraysy
Erebus: Untrusty
Gooper Blooper: And then Trusty dramatically reappears for the final battle
Gooper Blooper: you forgot about the axe, didn't you
Erebus: Falling through the atmosphere, leaving a crater where THE ORIGINAL CYBERPUNK (yeah) once stood with uzis, briefcases with Radioactive decals, and goggles. Totes sweet goggles.
Gooper Blooper: totes cray-cray for real reals not for play plays
Erebus: Cyber reals reals
RedSpy: Dat axe


Gooper Blooper: IT'S ALIIIIIVE
TheDeleter: nooooooooooooooo
Harpy: Alex, I think your idiot hair is trying to get into anime
Gooper Blooper: it'll go off with Sarah's and start a sitcom
Harpy: yes
SteelKomodo: and Pit's idiot hair will be the cheery neighbour guy
Gooper Blooper: Hi-diddly-ho, hairareenos
Harpy: oh boy!
SteelKomodo: Dirk's idiot hair will not appear, as it's too busy chasing girls.
Harpy: almost read that as "Dork's"
Harpy: I need better glasses D:
TheDeleter: lol
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Dork Pot
Harpy: sounds like a witch's cauldron for cooking up nerds
SteelKomodo: oh lawd D:


SteelKomodo: Dirkco. - Shut down when they tried to assimilate Celestia Inc.
Gooper Blooper: no love muffins for him
SteelKomodo: nope XD


Gooper Blooper: I'm trying to find SaRahPG theme music for David. I'm envisioning a midi that sounds like a cross between jazz and the Home Shopping Network
Gooper Blooper: (MIDI loops better than MP3 in RPG Maker, and there is of course the filesize advantage)
Saberwulf: Hahahaha
Gooper Blooper: "Up for grabs is this lovely rusty pipe with a nuclear core and bright blue LED lights for that extra pizazz! Great for kids!"
Saberwulf: "Don't worry 'bout the naught to three sad onions on the side, lass. Only fifty percent of children under four could horribly maim themselves with this beauty!"
Gooper Blooper: so many gimmick items


SteelKomodo: painis
TheDeleter: pingas
SteelKomodo: piness


TheDeleter: wulf does the Hub have a more mundane police force
Saberwulf: Oh yeah. They have different forces for different places, but they're cops.
TheDeleter: Conrad would probably end up in one of those after Jonesy tells him not to join the Sentinels
TheDeleter: "But mom, weren't you friends with Jaxx?"
TheDeleter: "No-one was friends with Jaxx :I"
TheDeleter: ":<"
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Saberwulf: "Not even Jaxx!"

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