Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So Saberwulf got the idea to make hypothetical versions of our characters as they would be in a traditional 2D fighter. I've been making silly plans in my head for imaginary video games pretty much all my life, so I am down with this.

See his post here.

Widow Maker
Origin: Alternate Universe Zoofights
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Hair?
Fighting Style: Ambush
Weapons: Claws, spear, shield, flamethrower, nail gun
Special Moves: Cloaking device, extended jumps (flight)
Super Move: Elohim transformation. Widow Maker's angelic upgrade fires off a massive holy laser (Think Samus' Final Smash from SSBB).
Assist Character: New Marlinnium does a flyby or two.
Alternate Costumes: Scarf
Fatality: Widow Maker throws her opponent at the screen and they break the fourth wall and fall into reality.
Health: Medium-low
Speed: Moderate walking speed, but fast at blocking, jumping, and dodging

Attack Ideas:
-A downward swipe with both claws
-Grabbing onto the enemy and biting down with the mandibles
-Widow Maker shoots both claws forward, sticks into the enemy, and throws them over and behind her.
-Shield block

Widow Maker would be all about hitting and running, with some projectiles from her downright silly weapon collection tossed in. She could also cloak herself, sorta like Reptile.

Origin: The unnamed world of Final Fantasy 1
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: An orangish blond
Fighting Style: Defensive
Weapons: Mythril Hammer, Thor's Hammer, Crystal of Water
Special Moves: Cure, Protect, Holy
Super Moves: Judgment Bolt, the Holy/Thundaga combo. Also Holy Bullet, the spinning self-projectile attack she used in the Dr. Triden fight at Tridenland.
Assist Character: Her sisters jump in with minor spells like Cure and Dia, or attack with wooden hammers and staffs.
Alternate Costumes: Devout costume (The cat-hooded ensemble Meat Boy gave her), Fancy dress
Fatality: ...Probably a Friendship would be more appropriate.
Health: Low, but she keeps on refilling it with magic
Speed: Medium-low

Attack Ideas:
-Mythril Hammer blows are fairly fast but weaker
-Thor's Hammer is devastating but slow
-Hammer block, hammer jab, she's pretty damn useless in melee without the hammer
-Water spray from the Crystal of Water

Sarah is an interesting idea. A slow character with slow, powerful moves but low HP would normally seem pretty worthless, but her magic would come out faster than hammer swings and could restore her HP.

Origin: FF1
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Purple
Fighting Style: Glass Cannon
Weapons: Staff, various tools
Special Moves: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder
Super Moves: Quake, Flare
Assist Character: Skeiron in his ED-209 costume. He doesn't give 20 seconds to comply.
Alternate Costume: Fancy Dress
Fatality: Turns the enemy to stone with Break.
Health: Low
Speed: Medium-low

Attack Ideas:
-Swinging the staff
-Using the staff to shove an enemy away to make some distance
-When all else fails, clobber the foe with a wrench

Unlike Sarah, Celestia would have no way to heal herself. Instead, she'd focus on hitting fast and hard with SPELLS, SPELLS EVERYWHERE before her opponents strip away her meager HP.

Origin: Take a wild guess
Eye Color: Well uh...
Hair Color: Good question.
Fighting Style: Tank
Weapons: Self
Special Moves: Laser, toast shooter, regeneration
Super Moves: Nuclear
Assist Character: A Killbot from Tridenland's security force. "THANK YOU. HAVE A NICE DAY."
Alternate Costumes: Top hat and tie, 8-Bits
Fatality: Sets enemy on fire with superheated laser shot, makes "BECAUSE THE OPPONENT WAS A SLICE OF TOAST" joke
Health: Medium-high
Speed: Medium

Attack Ideas:
-Skeiron swings his body downward in a sort of headbutt
-Skeiron fires a few bullets from his machine gun port
-An awkward-looking kick
-A sliding tackle using his jet boosters

Finally a character that isn't frailer than Jigglypuff. Skeiron would be a beast at range but his melee game is mediocre and easily blocked.

Hella Jeff
Origin: A horrifying dimension of jpeg artifacts
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Usually brown
Fighting Style: Incomprehensible
Weapons: Unknowable
Special Moves: oh god look away
Super Moves: jesus christ what is he doing to them
Assist Character: Sweet Bro, of course. Probably on a skateboard.
Alternate Costumes: A costume that makes him look like Helluva Jeff, plus the ability to play as Sweet Bro with Hella Jeff assisting, but the attacks don't change
Fatality: The opponent becomes SBAHJ-ified.
Health: Hard to tell, it jerks around and seems to empty and fill at random
Speed: Variable

He would be a terrible but hilarious character, and possibly able to slaughter his opponent if he gets lucky. Lion Jeff may be involved.

1 comment:

  1. You know, according to Sabrewulf, I am now literally a fighting game. So if you ever wanted me to do a full treatment of this wonderful, WONDERFUL idea, i'd be more than happy to.

    *spin kick's into the sunset*
