Friday, February 24, 2012

Eternal Deadly Black Suicide Torture City of Gore and Despair

-Deathmurder Dance Club, 10:00 PM-

It's one hour into Friday's DJ set. A weeping woman with needles for eyes spins the turntables, adding a techno beat to the soundtrack of babies being ripped in twain. Dancing along are legions of shambling bodies, railroad spikes jutting through their limbs as they writhe to the music. The screaming of children is like sweet nectar to their ears - those which haven't been eaten away by maggots, anyway.

Suddenly, the DJ screeches louder than usual as her jugular vein bursts from a precision strike. The body collapses, and the dancers descend to feed upon her twitching corpse.

Assassin 1 leaves unseen.

-Back Alley, 10:12 PM-

He appears as a twisting shadow, his gaunt, bony form turning in unnatural ways as he slips from crevice to nook. Stealth Thin Guy raises his twisted limbs, preparing to jam them into a blind old man with a beartrap jammed up his ass, when something wrenches his mouth open and slips down his throat. Stealth Thin Guy screams as the unseen menace carves through him and rips into his lungs. Soon, Assassin 2 burrows out and heads for home.

-The Corner of Grim Street and Dark Avenue, 10:28 PM-

She had been spotted.

Assassin 3 weaves and dodges to avoid the strikes of the chainsaw hammer. Grunting in irritation, the massive suit of powered armor glares at the intruder with black eyes and hoists the hammer again.

Assassin 3 strafed from side to side, looking at the target she was supposed to murder but had failed to ambush properly. A towering eight-foot mass of metal colored a deep red - not from paint, as there wasn't a speck of paint on the armor - but of the caked and dried blood of countless people. Not innocents, though - nobody was innocent in this city. The suit's clawed hands gripped a massive chainhammer, at the tip of which was a skull wearing a ragged and torn straw hat.

The hammer came down hard, creating a small crater on the street, but Assassin 3 had already fled. She was out of her league with this one. The powered armor swung around, looking for trouble, but found nothing. Just herself, bathed in the sickly yellow glow of a dying streetlight.

With nothing to take her anger out on, Sarah the Chaos Lord screamed into the midnight air to try and release the rage.

It didn't work, same as always. Only murder ever stopped the throbbing.

-Junkyard, 10:45 PM-

In contrast to Assassin 3's failed mission, Assassin 4's job went smoothly. By equipping the special device that blocked off the killer from telepathy, it had been shockingly easy to creep up on the Nostronomitron and tear out its pages before gouging out its eye. Assassin 4 congratulated itself on a job well done and melted into the blackness of the night.

-River of Screams, 10: 52 PM-

In went another nail.

Dissecting Sakura Atari was the most fun thing Assassin 5 had done in weeks. It was less fun when her lungs had filled with blood and pus and kept her from screaming any more, though. Oh well.

Another nail.

Gently saw at that rib cage a bit more. Ooh, this rib's getting loose. Twist it around a bit. Take the salt shaker and sprinkle a little more deep into her.

Another nail.

-Abandoned Warehouse. 11:40 PM-

Once Assassin 5 had had her fill, she joined the others at HQ. The floor was a foot thick with the solidified guts and organs of puppies and kittens, and the walls were rotting and studded with bones. A severed leg hang from a nail on the ceiling. Sitting atop a throne of intestines was a crackling, shadowy form. Ever since their leader had tore out and eaten the heart of one Richard Lore, he had been like this. Black lightning popped from his body, and smoky tendrils extended, delicately curling around the throne.

The assassins approached and bowed to their master before giving their status report in a language only the six present could understand. The boss nodded, although he was disapproving of Assassin 3's failure. He barked out an order - Tomorrow, all six of them would strike at the Chaos Lord. She knew about their operation, so she was now a top priority.

If his mandibles had allowed him to, Stag Beetle would grin. No one had ever defeated the Five Mantis Band when they struck together, especially with him at the helm.

(With all of the City of Beasts around lately, it was time to start up the parody machine.)



    *Punches Goops in the face with a fist made of blood-caked glass and rusty nails while Hotel California plays backwards in unison with Johnny Cash's Hurt skipping on an a pus-clogged record player with an AIDS infected hypodermic for a needle*

    Stealth Thin Guy and Commander Stag Beetle are great.

  2. Parody? This sounds exactly like my next City of Beasts story! It's plagiarism I tells ya!
