Sunday, December 11, 2011

Toy Review - Regigigas Model Kit

Although I love Bandai's vinyl Godzilla toys, they also make many other things - Bandai is a massive company and has the license to make toys and games based off a huge number of hot Japanese properties. Perhaps the biggest of them all is the merchandising juggernaut Pokemon. About twelve years ago, Pokemon was everywhere. Toys in every store, trading cards in every kid's binder, stickers on all of their notebooks, EVERYWHERE. It was a marketing tsunami the likes of which have never been seen before or since. And although Pokemon is no longer quite as visible as it used to be, it's still going. And it's still making millions and millions of dollars.

Here is just one of the tens of thousands of Pokemon toys out there - a simple model kit that allows anyone so inclined to build their own Regigigas. Regigigas is described in Pokemon mythology as a legendary demigod who used ropes to tow the continents of the earth into their current positions. That's incredibly awesome, especially considering he's only twelve feet tall. I would be honored to build the Pokemon who literally moved mountains.

And build him I did! This model requires no glue or adhesive of any kind - just a lot of patience and dexterity. Fitting together his body parts is a relatively simple affair, but look at the inside of the box very carefully so you don't do things out of order, because it's very difficult to wrench the limb halves apart after connecting them.

The real challenge comes from the sticker application. This kit does not require paint, but it does require every single stripe and spot to be stuck onto the body. The eyes are prepainted - everything else is stickers. The leg stripes have an annoying habit of not staying on all the way - I reinforced mine with tape.

When completed, the kit stands a bit taller than three inches and boasts posable arms, wrists, and legs, charmingly referred to as "regs" on the mostly-Japanese packaging. I'll be honest - I love the shit out of this stupid thing. One of my favorite toys.

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