Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Chatzy Madness Volume 414: King K Rool Country Returns

Gooper Blooper: So I've had my yearly game review blog in progress since summer, so I could write reviews when the vidya I beat were still fresh in my mind, and this has also helped to make the workload of reviewing dozens of games in one post a lot more manageable
RubyChao: nice nice, goops!
Gooper Blooper: but despite the fact that I didn't need this padding, unless JRM posts a review of it before April, I will beat him to the punch and put up a review of the vidya JRM has said is his "I need a review up and I have ten minutes" ace in the hole
RubyChao: G A S P
Gooper Blooper: Slot Machine for Atari 2600
Diadem: oh shit
Gooper Blooper: it's happening
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Jumpropeman: i expect an in depth explanation of every symbol on the machine
Gooper Blooper: JRM reaching as far as he can for a Disaster Report


Jumpropeman: if you were trapped on a dessert island, how long until you eat the whole island and drown
LadySeychelles: depends on what the island is made of I guess
Jumpropeman: i watched that pizza video I mentioned the other day
Jumpropeman: the best part was the guy figuring out if the fire emblem characters have eaten it
LadySeychelles: I expect a lot of digging into medivel history
Jumpropeman: because all Smash Bros. Fire Emblem character appears in Engage, but they're spirits so they can't eat the game's pizza. You can however eat the pizza independently, then save it as leftovers, then during a battle you can merge with that character's spirit and eat the leftovers
LadySeychelles: ...
LadySeychelles: Honestly wasn't expecting that
Red Birb Del: this is a lot of work to get marth to experience pizza
LadySeychelles: Does marth LIKE pizza?
Jumpropeman: i don't feel like he would.
Jumpropeman: he likes hard bread and a glass of room temperature water
LadySeychelles: ouch
LadySeychelles: low opinon of Marth I c
Jumpropeman: he seems pretty basic hero type
MobileDraco: Marth is Basic
Jumpropeman: smash bros is adding more spirits in an update next year, which means its gonna be time for me to 100% it again soon


Gooper Blooper: I reread some RP from early this season today and Lanterby's angry rant against Wanze hits different now that Chao's avatar makes me imagine Padoru Lanterby doing it
RubyChao: utterly undermined.
Gooper Blooper: instead of punching him, she did the padoru spin and smacked him with the sack
Diadem: he got
Diadem: sacked
LadySeychelles makes a sad wa-wa noise


RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: Purple Francis is dead...
Josey Joestar: Don’t remind me
Josey Joestar: My life is so much less purple without him
Josey Joestar: Although I have to ask
Josey Joestar: Is there a Non-Purple Francis
Jumpropeman: once you've gone purple, you never go back


LadySeychelles: Jrm is a good writer if only for the fact he can keep Yuuma and Yuna straight


Jumpropeman: I wish the Knack memes lead to a Morbius situation
Jumpropeman: they're both made by Sony
Gooper Blooper: Knack Vs Morbius
Gooper Blooper: make it happen


RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: link
Brinehammer joined the chat
RubyChao: perfect timing
Brinehammer: The accuracy kills me :V hello hello!
LadySeychelles: That meme is me with La Squadra
Draco: Momoyo is pretty great.
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman nods at the meme


Jumpropeman: I thought, when Famicom Detective Club was asking me to give my name, it was just for a save file, so now my guy's name is Dude
Honkai Star Del: lmao
Honkai Star Del: that old school file name = character name trick
Honkai Star Del: legend of Zelda game boy games but link is named buttz
MobileDraco: Seymour Buttz


Jumpropeman: there's an old man in this game named Genshin
Diadem: did he make an impact though
Jumpropeman: not yet
Diadem: return this game right now-
Draco: That's going to be the finale. You realize your name is Genshin and shout "THIS IS MY GENSHIN IMPACT" before impacting Paimon aka APOCOLYMON.


Jumpropeman: in famicom detective club, there's a part where the main character tells an old man that he looks handsome to get him to tell him some information and then immediately has an internal monologue saying "I really wish I didn't have to lie to solve this case" like it was some big regret


Jumpropeman: Neopets was a wonderful website where you could spend hours playing minigames for special currency you'd then spend to see this "concert" that is just a 1 second animation loop and a 5 second generic guitar riff loop
RubyChao: hot dog!
RubyChao: also i think 5 seconds is giving it too much credit
RubyChao: more like 2 seconds
Jumpropeman: even better!


LadySeychelles: I fell down a rabbit hole and discovered so much stuff about olympic mascots
Gooper Blooper: JRM RPed as one once
Gooper Blooper: He used this one
LadySeychelles: oh of course its izzy
Gooper Blooper: He had Izzy appear in 2012, preparing to unleash his NEW BETTER OLYMPICS
LadySeychelles: Naturally my favorites are from Vancover 2010
Gooper Blooper: then JRM fell off of RP that year and Izzy's stuff never happened
Gooper Blooper: ...and then in 2016 he came back and actually did the NEW BETTER OLYMPICS
Gooper Blooper: "Despite continued efforts to evolve his look, Izzy proved very unpopular; a range of nicknames appeared in media outlets, such as "The Sperm in Sneakers."[6] Busch Gardens Williamsburg, a theme park in Williamsburg, Virginia, named a new Wild Mouse roller coaster after the mascot, but the name has since been changed. A popular joke that circulated in Atlanta around the end of the 1996 games stated that the blue line painted on Peachtree Road (which actually designated the route for the Olympic Marathon) was "Izzy's ass being dragged out of town."[7]"


Jumpropeman: in the Beckett Pokemon Collector magazine, you could submit defaced Pokemon cards, and people had things like a Charmander card turned into Chamillionaire. One day I took one of my cards and tried to think off a good joke one... I took Sentret and made it Tentret. The joke was I turned all numbers on the card into tens. I was not very inspired that day
RubyChao: sounds like it wasn't
RubyChao: ten outta ten
Draco: Ba-dum tsh


Diadem: damn SK gone feral
SteelKomodo: yes


Gooper Blooper: found a new video game with a disastrous reception for schadenfreude steam review browsing
Jumpropeman: oh?
Gooper Blooper: a new zombie game called The Day Before launched on December 7 and it tanked so hard it's already been pulled from Steam and the studio that made it has shut down
Gooper Blooper: didn't even last a week
Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: that's like a record
Jumpropeman: the gollum studio took a while to crumble
Gooper Blooper: It got over 21,000 Steam reviews so this is a big one
Draco: Their city was apparently a $300 asset flip and their dialogue done by AI.
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of false advertising accusations
Gooper Blooper: It supposedly took five years to make and I'm thinking it's more like "we announced this thing five years ago, let's just push something out, anything"
Draco: Yeah, stuff like "It's not actually open world" or "It's not actually an MMO". From the gameplay I saw seemed like an MMO, but one of those ones where every player can fight each other.
Jumpropeman: I really don't understand how people get hyped up for a game like this
Jumpropeman: its an extraction shooter, which is like a battle royale except the goal is to find cool stuff and get out of there while other people can kill and steal from you
Gooper Blooper: The genre people are using is "extraction shooter", a genre I'm not familiar with
Gooper Blooper: 2slow
Draco: Oh. Not my kind of game anyway then. I 'watched' a video on it earlier (meaning I listened while I worked - it sounded awful)
Jumpropeman: extraction shooters are definitely high frustration, high reward kind of games already
Jumpropeman: now remove the high reward...
Draco: Sounds like it. XD
Draco: Dang. 2023 is the year of amazingly awful games, isn't it? First Gollum, then Kong, now The Day Before...
Gooper Blooper: Awful games release all the time, but these have been some pretty high-profile bombs for sure
Jumpropeman: I saw someone refer to The Day Before as a Gollum-Like
Gooper Blooper: I started hearing "Gollum-Like" when Kong released
Gooper Blooper: I figured it meant "awful current-gen licensed dreck" but I guess now it just means "new bad game" :V
Jumpropeman: I think it's High Profile Awful Game
Gooper Blooper: "They started working on this game The Day Before it came out. On the day it came out, we found that we had been scammed. On the day after it came out, we found Steam doesn't care about what is on their store."
Jumpropeman: I was waiting in case Kong or Gollum got fixed, but it looks like both will be ripe for some fun next year
Jumpropeman: may even stream some gollum or kong
Gooper Blooper: even if they did get "fixed", let's be real
Gooper Blooper: it'd be a Raven's Cry situation where it's just boring instead of a disaster
Gooper Blooper: be brave, horse's asses
Gooper Blooper: "For every like this review gets, I will consume 1 spoonful of mayonnaise"
Gooper Blooper: "17,276 people found this review helpful"
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: he's about to be mayo georg
Draco: Yikes D8
Gooper Blooper: "This is why Aliens won't talk to us"
Draco: Well, according to their Twitter, they're at least trying to get refunds for anyone who wants one.
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I saw people with over 40 hours of playtime (most of which was spent sitting waiting for servers to let them in) getting refunds
Gooper Blooper: "this "open world" is smaller than a New York apartment but with more rats"
Draco: If only Chao were here to confirm it...
RubyChao: hello
RubyChao: i am here
RubyChao: i saw Napoleon
RubyChao: good movie!
RubyChao: let me go catch up on review
Jumpropeman: chao dashed in to give us the deets
Draco: Excellent.


(After JRM opens his Christmas present from me)

Draco: Oh, did you get your Fish and Wildlife Crimes sticker too, JRM?
Jumpropeman: yes I did draco :V
Gooper Blooper: I still have legions of those things
Gooper Blooper: Beware of fish and wildlife crimes.
Jumpropeman: that's like a proof of authenticity
Jumpropeman: don't accept a goop gift unless you see that sticker
Gooper Blooper: Draco sent me a gift a couple years ago where he used the Fish And Wildlife Crimes sticker I'd given him previously as a seal
Jumpropeman: im saving them to slap on any fish or wildlife criminals I spot
Draco: We'll do Fish and Wildlife Crimes plot in 2026.
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: gotta watermark it to prevent it from being stolen!
Draco: lol
Gooper Blooper: That would be a Report Fish And Wildlife Crimes Crime!
RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: look out, she's got a gun
Draco: To solve a Fish and Wildlife Crime.
LadySeychelles: What if its just a Fish crime
LadySeychelles: or a wildlife crime
Gooper Blooper: Take it somewhere else then, they have bigger fish (and wildlife crimes) to fry
Gooper Blooper: Context for Sey: Several years ago I came into possession of a huge pile of those stickers and started including them with mailed gifts
Gooper Blooper: I needed a new "GB has a million copies of this random thing" running gag because I was almost out of the first thing I did this joke with (a specific Grimer Pokemon card)
Draco: One day I'll send Goops a box that is wrapped entirely in those stickers.


Cornwind Is On A Train: Apparently Danbooru is banned on this train


Jumpropeman: do you think, when people apply for a job at Game Freak, they get asked what their favorite pokemon is? And do you think they hire anyone who didn't say charizard?
Gooper Blooper: Sure they do - there are other Pokemon who get pushes
Gooper Blooper: Greninja and Lucario fans have a place at game freak
Gooper Blooper: if you like Purugly though you're out the door
Jumpropeman: Mars evaporates
Draco: If you say Raichu, they sue you.
Jumpropeman: a raichu fan slipped through the cracks once and gave us alolan raichu


Honkai Star Del: gotta go to the office tomorrow but I'd honestly rather paint skeletons and plan Jade's next arc
Honkai Star Del: god this weekend is so busy for me
Diadem: I read that as "plant skeletons"
Honkai Star Del: I have to stop them being drafted into the skeleton war
Diadem: here's a burial for your skellington
Diadem: at any rate, happy b-day, i confused your bday for ivel's like two weeks before
Diadem: (his is the 11th)
Honkai Star Del: ha thanks
Honkai Star Del: I got mario wonder, some very disgusting rum and a new shirt
Diadem: sucks about the rum
Diadem: wonder is good tho
Honkai Star Del: no it's uh
Diadem: shirt? practical
Honkai Star Del: so the thing is that it is smoked, which means it mostly tastes of peat
Honkai Star Del: or, less pretentiously, cigarette butts
Diadem: and i guess that's masking a lot of the more subtle flavors
Honkai Star Del: but if you mix it with cherry cola weirdly enough it becomes quite good
Diadem: hey a rum 'n coke, a classic
Diadem: i say as i have never had that in my life
Honkai Star Del: lol
Honkai Star Del: it's pretty classic
Honkai Star Del: bit of lime in there
Diadem: i pretend to know things because I watch How To Drink
Honkai Star Del: mwah


Gooper Blooper: So, shortly before the 3DS eshop's death, I picked up a game called Fragrant Story
Jumpropeman: ah yes, as did I!
Gooper Blooper: It's a tactics RPG, but it was also hilariously brief - as in, three levels long brief
Diadem: >three levels long
Diadem: *weeps*
Gooper Blooper: The replay value came from replaying on different difficulty levels and doing some bonus challenges. I plowed through most of it last month. It was okay but I was like "they kind of needed more space to work, this is too little game stretched too thin"
Gooper Blooper: Today it got a free update on the eshop, because while you can't buy new games, you can update existing ones
Gooper Blooper: It's now suddenly five times larger
Diadem: well then
Jumpropeman: meowza!
Gooper Blooper: turns out Fragrant Story wasn't actually finished, but they had to release it because of the eshop's death deadline
Gooper Blooper: so they just finished the rest of it and put it out as an update
Jumpropeman: i remember there was some game on 3DS that released near the end and it was like, 30 seconds and all you did was leave a room and the promise was it would be updated later
Jumpropeman: no idea if it did
Diadem: promise: kept
Gooper Blooper: and that's how you get a new 3DS game in December 2023
RubyChao: honestly
RubyChao: good on them for actually finishing!
Gooper Blooper: JRM, you are thinking of Otosan, and it's not only running on the exact same idea as Fragrant Story
Gooper Blooper: but it was made by the same guy
Jumpropeman: haha!
Diadem: so eventually it might be finished


Jumpropeman: today I listened to a thing about how chiropractic medicine was invented when a guy got a message during a seance and he almost tried to make it into a religion, but more importantly, the podcast I listened to talking about it was reading a direct quote from the guy's spiritual thoughts on chiropractice and it was the most impressive run-on sentence I've ever heard. So before I go back to PSVRland, I'd like to leave it with you:


Hooded Pitohui: So that Indigo Disk, huh. It's just so *clenches fist* indigo (I'll probably start the DLC tomorrow, haven't touched it yet).
Gooper Blooper: kek
Draco: Spoilers THERE IS A DISK
Hooded Pitohui: GARSP!
LadySeychelles: presumably its indigo


Jumpropeman: Suika Game has a free week long trial if you have switch online in the US
Jumpropeman: I've played it and I have to say
Jumpropeman: stay away
Jumpropeman: I am trapped
SteelKomodo: oh no
Atreides Nutz: uh oh


Jumpropeman: trying to figure out if my right arm muscles are sore from two days of stabbing zombies skulls or like, maybe I used it to push off my chair wrong
Draco: Probably because you ate soup wrong.
Jumpropeman: i knew I shouldn't have used my personal yuuma spork for it
Diadem: betrayal for having cereal


Josey Joestar: Found a children’s book simply titled POOP
Diadem: tfw POOP


Gooper Blooper: I saw this video ages ago but it's been popping up in my recommended lately
Gooper Blooper: Mr. Delicious for ZFRP-
Draco: Can I enter him in the Brawl?
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, but make him your Secret so it's a surprise.
Draco: Okay.


Sey Bells Ring: Just finished my fourth shift
Sey Bells Ring: So a coworker came up to me and said: Do you want to know what the most hated books in our library are?
Sey Bells Ring: (By the staff)
Jumpropeman: what are they?
Sey Bells Ring: The answer was a book on Pisa that leaned like the famous tower
Sey Bells Ring: A sports book covered in Astroturf
Sey Bells Ring: And a movie hardcover with six title pages.
Jumpropeman: cute in concept, until it needs to go on a shelf



Gooper Blooper: In other gift news, I've received another package from Harpy, this time of the thing she left at the con
Gooper Blooper: Harpy told me as soon as I saw this I'd understand why it was so important she give it to me
Gooper Blooper: so let's see what it is
Diadem: i still stand by that statement
Gooper Blooper: it is... taped to the inside of the envelope
Gooper Blooper: rippin' time
Diadem: oh yeah chao did you get YOUR thing
RubyChao: i did!
Draco: Nice
RubyChao: i know what it is but i tossed it under the tree
Diadem: oh goodie
Diadem: goops is stunned into silence (no i'm pretty sure he's still excavating his stuff)
Gooper Blooper: I am here! It takes a bit for me to upload photos and this needed to be shared
RubyChao: cuuuursed.
Jumpropeman: oh my giggles
Jumpropeman: you're about to have a bad monday
Draco: Perfect
Diadem: I KNEW
Diadem: they're both stickers!
Diadem: also obligatory spamton
Diadem: love this guy's artstyle
Gooper Blooper: big shot


(Co-op in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet featuring myself, Draco, and Hooded Pitohui promises a hefty reward if the three of us can successfully make a four-star sandwich together...)

Draco: I am starting a picnic near the center.
Goops: bring the Salty and Bitter.
HP: bring the Spicy and Sweet
I'll bring the other one.
Gooper Blooper: I'm here!
Hooded Pitohui: Coming!
Draco: Awesome.
Draco: Alright, now join in the sandwich making.
Gooper Blooper: What do I do, do I just pick a recipe?
Draco: Or hit X to go to Recipe mode, then pick an ingredient or two.
Draco: The ingredients don't matter except to determine what Type is more likely to be encountered and shiny.
Hooded Pitohui: Pokemon challenging us with the most difficult puzzle of all - figuring out how to make sandwiches
Draco: Too true. XD
Gooper Blooper: look at this pile of meat and eggs
Hooded Pitohui: Not sure this'll be Lanterby approved
Draco: We got 4-stars and that's what matters. Now enjoy potentially seeing shiny Rock Pokemon.
Draco: "Tasty"
Draco: Margit just got banned from Journey's End for a day after Lanterby saw it.
Gooper Blooper: it worked! Shiny Geodude get.
Draco: Nice!
Hooded Pitohui: Gonna try to help out with the new Ditto hunt that popped up and then unfortunately I'll probably be Pogey'd out
Gooper Blooper: That's cool, it IS getting late
Gooper Blooper: We've made a LOT of BP today, this alone is enough to unlock every biome almost
Draco: Yeah, I've gotten at least 12000 BP, I think. XD
Gooper Blooper: teamwork and disgusting meat sandwiches makes the dream work
Draco: MEAT
Hooded Pitohui: Pffft
Hooded Pitohui: Pick up an item
Hooded Pitohui: By happenstance a Ditto I was overlooking was right next to it and got exposed
Gooper Blooper: Selphy on a roll
Gooper Blooper: (yes I see HP did not name his character selphy, work with me)
Draco: An important person like Selphy can't just walk around announcing herself or she'll get mobbed by admirers.


Jumpropeman: "it spits a fluid that dissolves everything" weepinbell will dissolve the Earth...
Brinehammer: A hole all the way to Kanto.
Honkai Star Del: dig to kanto? with my weepinbell?!?


Jumpropeman: found a shiny litwick!
LadySeychelles: nice
MobileDraco: Nice!
LadySeychelles: How is teal mask
Jumpropeman: i like kieran more than i expected i would
Jumpropeman: another shiny litwick
Jumpropeman: seems to be an event or something
Jumpropeman: a third litwick :V


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: donutvania front desk
Draco: Menacing


Sey Bells Ring: Standout Title: Santa Never Brings Me A Banjo
Jumpropeman: a tragedy


RubyChao: "Why are you lgbtq+? wrong answers only GO"
RubyChao: developed it as an alibi for crimes, accidentally made it real
Diadem: out of pure spite
Draco: Wrong answers only? A dare.
Sey Bells Ring: Peer pressure
Sey Bells Ring: Everyone else was gay so I joined in
Draco: WRONG answers only. >:V
Sey Bells Ring: Hey now
Draco: ;p


(Re: the 2023 Chao Rumble)

Gooper Blooper: No one:
Nobody at all:
Not a soul anywhere:
Lanterby's theme: SHOE SHOE SHOOOE
Jumpropeman: lanterby's music choice is wonderful



RubyChao: today i found that someone randomly reuploaded King K. Rool Country, the ancient deleted shitty creepypasta mentioned in a chatzy madness, earlier this year
RubyChao: so that was the definition of a "wait what"
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: the legend returns
Gooper Blooper: why are you not linking it this very instant
Boxing Day Evil: This is less a trollpasta than a very low effort creepypasta
RubyChao: yeah it's just a general "bad creepypasta" site
RubyChao: low effort, badly written, legit trollpasta, etc
Gooper Blooper: "after some mouths"
Gooper Blooper: I remember the ending so this is the real deal, not a different shitpasta with the same name
Gooper Blooper: there, I just saved it. NOW IT WILL NEVER BE LOST MEDIA AGAIN


Gooper Blooper: two minutes left of 2023 in my time zone
MobileDraco: Yeah. My folks are probably going to bed once New York does the drop.
Gooper Blooper: And there it is!
RubyChao: happy new year!
RubyChao: wow my comp is ahead by like 45 seconds
Gooper Blooper: Another year with you guys
RubyChao: man
Gooper Blooper: I'm so lucky :3
MobileDraco: Happy New Year (premature)
RubyChao: over a decade of this nonsense
RubyChao: wild
Jumpropeman: i can't imagine life without it at this point
Gooper Blooper: Even the "new" forum is over a decade old now
RubyChao: hell, even tapatalk's changeover feels old


Neo Sey: It’s midnight here
Jumpropeman: happy neo year!
Draco: Happy Neo Year!
Draco: Happy New Year from here too!
Jumpropeman: happy OLD year more like! We're already tired of 2024 and looking forward to the next one
Jumpropeman: Happy New Year to you though!
Draco: Oh man. I wish I could be as jaded about 2024 as you guys. D;


Draco looks up.
Draco: Gonk?
RubyChao: GONK

(No one says anything)

RubyChao: you people had one job.
Draco: I'm on vacation. >:U
Gooper Blooper: I was all set to send DROID but at that very moment JRM sent me a PM that I deemed more important
Draco: lel
New Years Day-Il: Dawn: I am not saying it even if you put a gun to my head
Draco puts a French flag to Dawn's head.
New Years Day-Il: Dawn: -starts singing the French National Anthem-
Draco changes the French anthem to be eight minutes of just saying GONK.


Draco: Changing my avatar and Tapatalk still has the old Instant Messenger fields. Like, does anyone still use AIM or MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger?
Draco: Some Googling says...none of those services still exist. Yahoo lasted the longest, existing in some form until 2019 but even that's gone.

(Draco proceeds to edit his profile to provide his Aim, Yahoo, and MSN names: "Gone with the wind", "RIP In Peace", and "Dead and buried")


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: ahoy hoops
Gooper Blooper: hooper cooper
RubyChao: Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Blooper Saga
Gooper Blooper: (there is no chapter two)


Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Meanwhile, to show them more of how the modern world does war, Dawn brings a tank to the Bleah Hills
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: ...The BLEAK Hills
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Not that they could probably use a tank, but they might be interested in the design and mechanics
Jumpropeman: Bleh Hills is where Meh Burger is set up
MobileDraco: Garvan's gonna put on a helmet and go hang out with Oona.
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Might be of interest to the small types in Oona
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Oona's camp who normally would have to be scouts or archers. Too small to go ride in with the melee
Brinehammer: Honestly? It'd be like a Christmas scene in a Charles Dickens movie, all these Vikings cheering and crowding around the tank, lol. Sure, maybe they don't necessarily NEED it, but... Tyvar would fistfight anyone that came between him and getting to fire the main gun.
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Could Tyvar fit inside a tank?
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Maybe keep it near the village to take potshots at anyone who decides to come close with bad intentions
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Unless Dawn went and got them a Warhammer 40K tank
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: But that would be incredibly hard even for her
Brinehammer: More than likely, yeah, Tyvar is the shortest Death Knight despite leading the Death Knight faction. Most of his guys likely couldn't, but he could probably just hunch a little bit.
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Like, if everyone or groups got like 100 Dawn points every year
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Getting a tank would be like 15 Dawn points. Advanced tank, 25.
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Warhammer tank? 75 at least. A Baneblade or something? 90.
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: It would basically be the one free thing you get from Dawn a year
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: And she would not promise next day delivery
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Or mint condition
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Edgar: How much for a new zord?
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Dawn: You can't afford what that would require.
Draco: How many Dawnpoints do you need to get her to use the Gonk body?
Brinehammer: Circe kicking herself for blowing through her points instead of saving up for the Baneblade
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Dawn:.....roll this hundred sided die for the Gonk body.
Draco rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 35
Draco: 35 points. Excellent. :3
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Dawn:....did I say one die? I meant three dies!
Draco rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 50
Draco rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 59
Draco rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 25

Draco: Only 134.
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Dawn: That's still over 100!
Draco: That's okay; we stole more.
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Dawn: You can't steal points, they're an intangible concept!
Draco: Then we're pooling our points.
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: Dawn:.....damn it
Stealing The Worlds S-Bags: In reality Dawn would just go put the body on, no points needed. Why deny people some simple silly joys?
Draco: Because she's a meanie butt. ;p


Jumpropeman: summary of Skies of Arcadia so far: "BACK OFF! ALPHA STOOOOOORM"
Diadem: aika best girl
RubyChao: hang on jrm
RubyChao: i have an ancient meme for you relevant to that
RubyChao: from my adventures playing the game
Diadem: bawrk
Jumpropeman: ive only made one discovery thus far, but that's because im still doing a lot of the story setup
RubyChao: i was Obsessed with the dang things
RubyChao: the gamecube version added more, even


Jumpropeman: "I guess I'll teach Aika Lambda Burst, I bet it's got short range-" *wipes out most enemy groups on its own reliably* Aika continues to be the true MVP
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: some games the character you want to be good takes work to get there. Aika's just a beast
Gooper Blooper: Fire consume her enemies!!


Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro's been giving me updates on a streamer who's attempting to play every N64 game ever made, and in the process
Diadem: oh no, jrm's rival
Gooper Blooper: we have learned about what might be one of the worst games in existence
Diadem: OH NO
Diadem: and its NOT Superman 64?
Jumpropeman: im listening
Gooper Blooper: A Japan-only horse racing game that consists of hundreds upon hundreds of horse races that are entirely luck-based
Diadem: oh
Diadem: oh no
Diadem: i need to go-
Diadem left the chat
Jumpropeman: its shocking how many japanese horse betting video games there are
Gooper Blooper: The challenge this poor man set for himself is that he has to see the credits (or achieve some other obvious endgame condition if it's not formatted that way)
Gooper Blooper: To see the credits of the horse racing game you have to win its' hardest race, which is only unlocked via a long, long period of running races
Gooper Blooper: The hard race then unlocks, but you only get one shot - if you fail to win, it locks again and you must re-unlock it
Jumpropeman: woo!
Jumpropeman: wonderful!
Jumpropeman: this guy is playing on original hardware?
Gooper Blooper: This got so bad that he had to take a break from the challenge because he couldn't bear to break his own rules, but he also was losing viewers who did not want to watch endless random horse races
Gooper Blooper: I do not know, I assumed it was emulated because otherwise that means he has every N64 game including Japanese ones
Jumpropeman: could be an everdrive 64
Gooper Blooper: Anyway what happened was after the break he re-unlocked the final race, and this time he hit reset every time he was about to lose so he could try again
Jumpropeman: nice!
Jumpropeman: but also, very smart
Gooper Blooper: The following stream was four solid hours of resetting that race.
Gooper Blooper: The stream after that, he finally got the win half an hour into it
Jumpropeman: that guy who is playing every steam game in alphabetical order has also started doing "side quests" so that he's able to keep people's attention with more than trash
Jumpropeman: I do not watch the side quests though, I came for the trash
Gooper Blooper: I asked Goopsbro and he said it is possible to boost your horse's stats, but it's still the equivalent of trying to win the Brawl with one specific character
NeoSey: Rip season 12 Raihan
Gooper Blooper: instead of doing the games alphabetically, this guy picks his next game by doing huge marble races with every marble representing an N64 game
Jumpropeman: i can dig it


Gooper Blooper: important discovery from reading a year-old chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman: I intend to make a post of the sega girls talking, and the nintendo girls eventually too
-Jumpropeman: they're all moving to australia so we better do that setting next

Gooper Blooper: He knew.
Jumpropeman: mwa ha ha
RubyChao: dear god...
Gooper Blooper: meredith returns in argo
Jumpropeman: i'll just continously loop the girls
Jumpropeman: we'll never be without video game girls


Jumpropeman: I had my own little "Mandela Effect" moment recently
Diadem: oh dear... tell me more
Jumpropeman: The famous Charizard pokemon card... I do not remember him having that dinky little hand over his tummy
Diadem: wh
Diadem: that was there?!?
Diadem: i thought he had both arms out
Diadem: did i just hallucinate that
Jumpropeman: I at least thought his right arm was hidden by his head or something
Jumpropeman: not just kinda squeezing in there
Diadem: i'm about to cry over a pokemon card (but really man i'm just mind blown)
Diadem: looked it up
Diadem: my god it IS there
Diadem: i never knew
Jumpropeman: forget monopoly man's monocle, this is the real earthshaking revelation
Diadem: right, time to get back to trying to 100% all these places in genshin- wait he has a monocle?
Jumpropeman: he does not
Diadem: okay good i remember he never had one
Jumpropeman: I never fell for that one, but I did think it was Berenstein as a kid and thought the fruit of the loom logo had a cornucopia
Diadem: wait
Diadem: it
Diadem: it doesn't?
Diadem: i'm losing my mind right now
Diadem: breaking gambling addiction and mandela effects just frying my brain
Jumpropeman: every logo they have used
Diadem: what
Diadem: i'm
Diadem: i'm going to be haunted in my dreams by this shit
Jumpropeman: some people have theorized fruit of the loom bootlegs could have added a cornucopia
Diadem: "there was never a cornucopia..."
Jumpropeman: but I don't think jcpenney had bootleg undies
Diadem: man can't wait for someone to use the mandela effect to fuck with people in a murder mystery
Diadem: i'm not sure how they'd pull it off but man that'd be cool and very fucked up
Jumpropeman: i imagine something like the "almost christmas" phoenix wright reveal
Jumpropeman: someone thinking they saw a cornucopia, so everyone in the room thinks the murderer wore fruit of the loom clothing, BUT WAIT
Diadem: the hunger games was not sponsored by fruit of the loom
Diadem: wait why did i cross that out, i'm right


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Diadem: boip!!!!!
Jumpropeman: ginnungagap!
Jumpropeman: also holy moley I did not expect that to be her source material name
Jumpropeman: back around christmas my brother and I were playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and Odin casually mentions the Ginnungagap at one point and its crazy name hit us by surprise
RubyChao: hi jrm
Diadem: ginnungagagagagagagap
Brinehammer: I had to google the meaning, 100%. I guess Fire Emblem Heroes had a Norse phase or something? My Ganglot's from there, too. I love Ginnungagap's design, top tier eldritch stuff to me.
Jumpropeman: ginnungagap for smash-


THE BASEMENT THE BASEMENT NOOO: That weapon description is far too intense to be a 2/3rd of games weapon
THE BASEMENT THE BASEMENT NOOO: It should be the last weapon
Gooper Blooper: Maybe the legends just aren't all they're cracked up to be
Jumpropeman: my current blade is instead: "A blade so slender that it is fabled to be able to cut the very air in half"
Gooper Blooper: Still nothing about cutting through confusion...
Jumpropeman: confusion is a status effect in the game
Jumpropeman: a sword that would prevent it wouldn't be half bad
RubyChao: god i wish chainsawsuit's archives were still easy
RubyChao: because that just reminds me of one chainsawsuit
RubyChao: where a guy goes "wow these knives are sharp!" "sharp enough to cut an atom?" "hmm, i-"
RubyChao: last panel is a mushroom cloud


NeoSey: One time in final fantasy I encountered a lalafell named Shin Destroyer
Jumpropeman: apt name


The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: You'd think climbing a cliff after ten basements would be less of a maze than ten basements
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: AND YOU WOULD BE WRONG
Diadem: the cliff is also a maze
Diadem: everything is a maze
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: And then at the top I had to beat up Firebrow
Diadem: we're just rats in a cage
Jumpropeman: how dare
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: Well, a phoenix.
NeoSey: How is a cliff a maze
NeoSey: Just go up
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: I needed him as a mount!
Diadem: firebrow is a SHMOLL BIRB
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: And he said no lesser creature would ever ride him!
Diadem: pito will come and find you for bird abuse
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: So I beat him into submission
Diadem: *sounds the alarms*
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: Phoenix: You have proven your strength. I, the legendary bird, who has never let any mortal being on my person, will allow you to.
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: Me: "Thanks."
Diadem: only after abuse.
Diadem: i am DISPLEASED
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks uses the Phoenix to fly to where the Red Moa is. Can only be reached with the Phoenix. Requires a hunter and a rare fish.
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks tames Red Moa.
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: -The Red Moa also flies and is better than the Phoenix because it can land on forests as well as grass-
The Oddly Graceful Giant Rocks: Thanks Phoenix! -leaves it behind permanently-


Jumpropeman: the pooh adventures wiki is like a search engine trap


Jumpropeman: beat Mega Man Legends last night, and my biggest disappointment was learning Denise Marmalade wasn't in it
Diadem: the misadventures of tron bonne is what you should be lookin at
Jumpropeman: so that's why that game is priced so high


SteelKomodo: gameranime trip report
SteelKomodo: jiger is a shit
SteelKomodo: racist kid becomes less racist which is a good thing
SteelKomodo: and gamera cannot catch a break
SteelKomodo: next time: zigra gets a glow-up
Mnight Sheep: GAMERAAAA
Mnight Sheep: Listen
Mnight Sheep: Whenever Gamera isn't on the screen
Mnight Sheep: You should be asking
Mnight Sheep: "Where's Godzilla?"


Gooper Blooper: I recently rechecked Game Hoard's N64 section to reread the Banjo-Kazooie review
Draco: I had bad memories reading the Sewer Shark review today. XD
Gooper Blooper: three N64 games got reviewed in 2018, one in 2020, and one in 2022
Gooper Blooper: and that's it
Jumpropeman: I was thinking "I'm gonna play a bunch of Sega CD games! Let's start with this one-" and I haven't played a Sega CD game since
Jumpropeman: N64 does have one of the smaller libraries for a well known system
Gooper Blooper: The N64 just barely missed out on getting any Shrek games
Jumpropeman: imagine the beautiful polygonal form
Gooper Blooper: Shrek Treasure Hunt
Gooper Blooper: there must be a way
Draco: Dang. The N64 got Shrek'd.
Gooper Blooper: But it didn't! That's the problem!
Draco: *almost got
Gooper Blooper: at least the Game Boy Color got one so Gabby can bask in the glory of 8-bit Shrek.
Jumpropeman: I tried to look at the model of Shrek from Shrek Treasure Hunt and my browser crashed
Jumpropeman: this game is literally cursed


No More Basements...For Now: JRM just reviewed Sewer Shark
Gooper Blooper: he did indeed
No More Basements...For Now: One of the meme lines from that is something along the lines of "And why I am doing this pain in the ass job? A MILLION POUNDS OF TUBESTEAK!"
Gooper Blooper: I love that he gave it a Terrible and Draco said that was too kind for it
Jumpropeman: I did legit consider an atrocious too :P
Gooper Blooper: We coulda had Mr. Hippo summoning Hole Hawg to fly around in... and crash after taking a wrong turn
Draco: I had that game as a kid and I could NOT figure out how to do anything.
Jumpropeman: I do often think of him when giving atrocious ratings. Like how he could have done a kamehameha if the time was right
Gooper Blooper: If Mr. Hippo pulled from Legacy Of Goku, he'd use it to summon a horde of wolves
Jumpropeman: are you trying to get the kobbers killed :D
Jumpropeman: D:
Gooper Blooper: :D
RubyChao: honoka WHY


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: heyyyy goops
MobileDraco: Hi Goops.
Jumpropeman: howdy goop
Diadem: oh my god its goops
Diadem: hello goops
MobileDraco: Star of Fortnite, THE GooperBlooper.
Diadem: i dunno about goops being part of fortnite tho
MobileDraco: 90% sure he is.
Diadem: i trust the 10%


RubyChao: found gooper's plot
Draco: Beelzebub is chomping at the bit to escape her prison and dance.
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Justice celebrates her Brawl win...
Gooper Blooper: I'll always hope my characters do well in the Brawl because I like seeing them kick ass
Gooper Blooper: but if I win a third time and become our first back-to-back champ I will dissolve into a puddle trying to apologize
RubyChao: if you win BBB14 i think we are legally banned from voting for you in BBB15
Gooper Blooper: new rule: you can vote for my characters and they count like usual, but if I'm the winning roll JRM just rolls again
Gooper Blooper: I can only get second or worse
Gooper Blooper:, third, because second would kill the suspense
Jumpropeman: *gives all votes to goops next year*
Gooper Blooper: all votes for Ashley are counted as votes for Tehom
Draco votes for Hisui Goomy.
Draco rewrites the rules so Margit can have a Hisui Goodra.

NeoSey drags Sheep kicking and screaming onto the winners podium
Draco: Sey, no! You have to roll him. Dragging him just gets wool everywhere.


Draco: Alright, time to run out and grab some food.
Diadem: and that's the last we ever saw of draco


Cornwind Is A Broken Mess: want to know how long the show Criminal Minds ran?
Cornwind Is A Broken Mess: It ran so long that some of the episodes in the final seasons had the kids of killers from the first season showing up, having become killers themselves


RubyChao: there are very few pizza huts near me
RubyChao: there's a bajillion domino's
RubyChao: lots of papa john's
RubyChao: but all the pizza hut is in wildly inconvenient locations
RubyChao: there used to be two that were pretty reasonable!
RubyChao: then one went out of business and the other burned down
RubyChao: so now the nearest one it says is in manhattan is at 55th street and the nearest one in new jersey is on the other side of jersey city (and i've been to that one. it sucks.)
Jumpropeman: papa john had to eliminate the competition BI
RubyChao: wow their site is hilariously useless
RubyChao: "here are 12 locations in manhattan!
RubyChao: "8 of them are Coming Soon"
Diadem: wow
RubyChao: on the plus side they might have brought back the one in target across the river
RubyChao: i'll have to see
Jumpropeman: oh my giggles
Jumpropeman: I had no idea Poblano was an actual pepper
Jumpropeman: so that's the Pablo joke
Diadem: wh
Diadem: you didn't
Diadem: wah
Jumpropeman: as i said in my blogpost, i don't know food :V
RubyChao: jrm is banned from ocga plot
Jumpropeman: I'm just gonna be like "your dish may be exquisitely described, but I counter with... AN APPLE!"
Diadem: tfw you ran a food plot and you don't know food smh
Diadem: and we just went with it-
Diadem: we've been HAD
Draco: I can't believe JRM had us all fooled.
Draco: Like the Pizza Hut website in Manhattan.


RubyChao: gacha game shutdown speedrun
Diadem: wh
Diadem: that is an absolutely horrendous idea
Mitochondria Powers the Del: is that a launch and a close in the same tweet
Mitochondria Powers the Del: lmfao
Diadem: oh yeah we're glad to bring you this game but only for 3 months sry
Diadem: like don't even bother at that point, god
Jumpropeman: reminds me of that hot wheels game that launched on stadia a day before stadia died
RubyChao: yes del
RubyChao: it literally is
Diadem: *cries*
Diadem: for some reason i thought they were about to do a P5 collab which has killed many a lesser gacha
Diadem: i don't think they're livin long enough for a collab
Diadem: love was not lived
RubyChao: there was a p5 collab with sif1
RubyChao: the best part is
RubyChao: when they announced shutdown for sif1 they also said you can transfer your gacha cards to 2
RubyChao: so
Gooper Blooper: Honoka saw Bikkie's game flop and said "hold my bread"


Jumpropeman: howdy pardners
Jumpropeman: I've got a story about a video game
Jumpropeman: There's a game called Backbone, or at least, it was called Backbone. It's a noir mystery game but with animal people. It's first chapter is actually very good! However, every subsequent chapter the plot gets weaker and the gameplay gets less involved until it ends on a weak note, making the overall game quite bad in retrospect
Jumpropeman: I reviewed this game back in August of 2023, and gave it a Bad rating for that reason
Jumpropeman: well, if you try and find Backbone now, you won't. Because that very same August, the game changes its name to Tails Noir, which people think is specifically because they want to avoid being associated with all the bad reviews they got
Jumpropeman: I've made sure to change my review's name so people can still find out it's bad though :V
RubyChao: pffffft
Jumpropeman: the demo of the game is the actually good first chapter too so it really does feel like the game almost tries to trick you into getting it before it flops around with no follow through


Jumpropeman: "The first 24 Characters of the DRAGON BALL : Sparking! ZERO Roster are officially revealed!"
Goku (Z - Early), Goku (Z - Mid), Goku (Z - Mid), Super Saiyan, Goku (Z - End), Goku (Z - End), Super Saiyan, Goku (Z - End), Super Saiyan 2, Goku (Z - End), Super Saiyan 3, Goku (Super), Goku (Z - Mid), Super Saiyan, Goku (Super), Super Saiyan God, Goku (Super) Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
Vegeta (Z - Scouter), Great Ape Vegeta, Vegeta (Z - Early), Vegeta (Z - Early), Super Saiyan, Super Vegeta, Vegeta (Z - End), Vegeta (Z - End), Super Saiyan, Vegeta (Z - End), Super Saiyan 2, Majin Vegeta Vegeta (Super), Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan, Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan God, Vegeta (Super) Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan

Jumpropeman: big chance we'll get Battle Damaged Gohan
Missive Sheep: You couldn't pay me to read that
Jumpropeman: when the full roster is revealed I'll just put Waldo in there somewhere
Jumpropeman: cuz no one's gonna find him
Missive Sheep: Super Sayian God Super Saiyan Waldo (Super)
Mitochondria Powers the Del: Goku Goku Goku


Cornwind Evil: "Zyzyx was too focused" on how she was named after one of the lowest grossing movies in history
Cornwind Evil: God damn it Zyzyx
Brinehammer: 100%, I named her for this guy. Also, here, have a dead wiki :V
RubyChao: "Zyzyx is extremely knowledgeable, and most quotes about any subject come from him."
RubyChao: i presume this is all quotes ever
Draco: 6 January 2014
2 Future?
I know the game is already long forgotten AND the creators seem to forget how good of a game it is. Till today I have this badboy on my computer. I want to know if there are any mods/ more patches then the 3rd one/ any one stll playing. We should gather and start to respawn this game back into the market, or at least into the public.

Brinehammer: A good 90%, bare minimum!
Gooper Blooper: The tickers have secretly been plagiarizing from Zyzyx all this time
Brinehammer: Sacrifice came out two days after Halo 1, it was always doomed. I like the game a lot though, warts and all. it's a fun wizard battle RTS type thing.


Jumpropeman: since the Crew didn't work, I'll play another racing game
Jumpropeman: RIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER! Ridge Racer!
Gooper Blooper: It's Ridge Racer!
Jumpropeman silent auditorium
Draco: I played Ridge Racer.
Jumpropeman: there are four racing teams in the one I'm playing (Ridge Racer Type 4) and they are all named for old Namco arcade games
Jumpropeman: Racing Team Solvalou (Xevious), RC Micro Mouse Mappy (Mappy), Dig Racing Team (Dig Dug), and Pac Racing Team (a real headscratcher this one)
Gooper Blooper: The last one is obviously referencing classic arcade favorite, Pac & Pal
Jumpropeman: ah yes, forgot about that obscure Pac character. Pal though? I love Pal World and Pal-Mania


The Del Piece joined the chat
The Del Piece: today in honkai star rail
The Del Piece: i threw chalk at a deer until it died
RubyChao joined the chat
The Del Piece: what a weird sentence for chao to enter in on

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