Saturday, November 30, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 353: The Big Fat Flumpus! I'll Put Salt On His Grapefruit.

Jumpropeman: people make fun of Pokemon characters for saying "An egg appeared! We don't know how it happened!" but they're probably just avoiding telling these child protagonists the pokemon are boning
Draco: Most likely, yes.
harpydoodle: "let me tell you about the pidgeys and the beedrills..."
Jumpropeman: they need to add a stork pokemon
Jumpropeman: so they can be how babies are mad
ivel: >mad
ivel: babies are fed up with storks carrying them around
Jumpropeman: i mean
Jumpropeman: babies seem pretty pissed after they're born
Draco: DeMonde just tells Shimmer that babies are made by moms in a hot forge for nine months after the dad provides them with raw materials.
harpydoodle: there's so much i can say on that
harpydoodle: but i won't
Jumpropeman: "Ewww, I thought they just had sex!"
Jumpropeman: even if Shimmer didn't know how babies were made before, she became pretty good friends with Meiling soooo...
harpydoodle: welp
harpydoodle: fair
Draco: "Nope. Forges. Parents only have sex when they want to annoy the neighbors. At least, that's what my neighbors apparently do."


Jumpropeman: "a Chef’s hat traditionally has 100 folds. This is said to represent the number of different ways a chef knows how to cook eggs"
Jumpropeman: "Hushed silence as a mysterious chef steps into the kitchen with 101 folds.
Tears begin to stream down the faces of the cookstaff, seemingly unable or unwilling to move or speak.
Tears stream from the new chef’s eyes as they open their mouth, but what comes forth is only a high-pitched buzzing, louder and louder.
Every egg for a hundred and one miles begins to shudder and crack of its own volition"

Galar Blooper: final boss 2020
RubyChao: gordon ramsay returns
Draco: He was THE KING IN YELLOW all along!


harpydoodle: >watching a video with ivel about google feud where the prompt was "what body parts can you ____"
harpydoodle: >one answer is "fill with bees"
ivel: another is "use in soccer"
ivel: which I understand what it means
ivel: but
ivel: it sounds much different
RubyChao: *Dr. Bees vibrates intensely*
harpydoodle: "there's a surprising lack of BEES in here-"
RubyChao: wait
RubyChao: you know what i realized?
ivel: there's a lack of BEES?
RubyChao: Queen Sectonia
RubyChao: is a bee
ivel: oh
harpydoodle: dr. bees betrayal incoming
RubyChao: who's ready for Dr. Bees to be my main character for Goopplot
harpydoodle: I'M SCARED
Galar Blooper: but what if Dr. Bees saves us all instead
harpydoodle: bee jesus...


Cornwind Evil: Having mined Metal Gear Rising Revengeance as much as we can, we now mine another Metal Gear game and I RP as The Pain next year.
Draco: Let's do Metal Gear Survive!
Cornwind Evil: None of us used Jetstream Sam though...
Cornwind Evil: God the pain was so silly ridiculous
Draco scribbles a Curse bio for Jetstream Sam in crayon.
RubyChao: nobody used khamsin either
RubyChao: just the three main winds
Cornwind Evil: And technically Mistral has never appeared either
N Goat: Did anybody use the dog-shaped battle companion?
Draco: I can't remember if that specific version of Metal Gear Ray appeared in RP but the big one did.
harpydoodle: *looks at Duer*
harpydoodle: oh wait you meant metal gear...
Cornwind Evil: Non-Booty Josephine, ie Masterpiece did!
Cornwind Evil: She drew it up to fight Spy's snakes
N Goat: I see
Cornwind Evil: In a battle that lasted almost as long as Ash hanging around Strangvia
N Goat: There are plenty of mechs that haven't been used from the game yet though
Cornwind Evil: I'll just RP as Quiet.
N Goat: :I
N Goat: No.
harpydoodle: shebreathesthroughherskin
N Goat: You are all banned.
harpydoodle: or was that someone else
N Goat: Yeah, that was the justification.
Draco: True, Sheep, but I'm not going back to Metal Gear Acid Suffrage Tactics Pachinko Survive Silent Hill 2: The Food Orders of the Patriots DX just to bring Metal Gear Disestablishmentarianism into RP.
harpydoodle: ...she has clothes
Cornwind Evil: That's the joke
Draco: Damn. Look at that proper uniform. My clams are certainly getting steamed looking at that clothed lady. :3c
Cornwind Evil makes it worse by putting Quiet in Fire Force.
Cornwind Evil is about to make a bad joke. "WHAT'S WRONG SHEEP DON'T YOU LIKE GIRLS?"
Cornwind Evil then realizes he actually has no idea what Sheep's orientation is because it was never important.

Cornwind Evil shuts up instead oh god why are you typing all this out fingers.
Draco: Srsly. Rude. :I
harpydoodle: oh no
Jumpropeman: Sheep's orientation is this Thursday, we can't wait to see what he adds to the company!
N Goat checks pulse
N Goat: Nope, still alive.


RubyChao: "when game freak added the ability to choose your uniform number in swsh they did understand that every single human being on earth would pick either 69 or 420 right"
Jumpropeman: yup, im 420
harpydoodle: wha
harpydoodle: welp
Draco: I will pick 14.
Gooper Blooper: My uniform number is 22
harpydoodle: goops has a normal number my god
Jumpropeman: I almost made my uniform number my bank pin number
Jumpropeman: and then realized
Jumpropeman: that's not a good idea
harpydoodle: why not use 9


RubyChao: did you ever fix what was wrong with RAVEN'S CRY
Jumpropeman: nope
RubyChao: sad
Jumpropeman: probably need a better graphics card
RubyChao: guess i'll have to send you my computer so you can play it
RubyChao: (disclaimer i don't know if it works on my computer or not)
RubyChao: (i just want to joke about the extra mile for you and bad games)
Jumpropeman: go into best buy
Jumpropeman: "This computer is good... but does it run Raven's Cry?"
harpydoodle: an actual question ivel could walk into best buy and ask
Draco: The Best Buy clerk would burst into flames.
harpydoodle: proving themselves to be a witch or very prone to heat stroke, when when indoors


Draco: Good idea/bad idea: get someone to draw this except with Joy instead of the one that isn't Neeko
harpydoodle: lickens
harpydoodle: mlem


Cornwind Evil: The Maw was originally a vague idea for Season 8
Cornwind Evil: It was gonna be a supernatural type of danger
Cornwind Evil: But it would still eat ships to fix and empower itself
Cornwind Evil: Had I gone that way, its leader would have been named....Captain Plaguebeard.
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Cornwind Evil: Instead, we had Plague beard my Captain
Gooper Blooper: well there's Plague's halloween costume for next year


Middle Sheep: "I made one cute anime girl super evil, I can do it again!"
Draco: Sheep made a cute anime girl a villain too and now Camilla is Best Golfer.
Middle Sheep: :I
Draco: You can't make me not love her, Sheep. It's too late.
Middle Sheep: Camilla thinks giant robots are stupid.
Middle Sheep has Camilla eat a baby Gundam on National Television
Draco: I mean, they are. Humanoid robots are totally impractical for actual fighting and only win because Rule of Cool. Pacific Rim would've been resolved in ten minutes if they'd just put a ring of kaiju-killing lasers around that crevice.
Draco: Camilla's pretty sharp. She's got a good head on her shoulders.
Middle Sheep: :I
Draco: And baby Gundams are very nutritious. It's great that she's out there breaking taboos about enjoying this super food.
Middle Sheep: Doctor Gundams hate her.


Middle Sheep: "If you have any questions about anything (including stuff not even covered in the blog)"
Middle Sheep: What are your feelings on Pluto not being a planet?
RubyChao: i've grown to accept it


Jumpropeman: "There are 60,065 Species of Trees in the World, Which Means Pokemon Has 60,057 Generations Left Before They Run Out of Names For Professors."


Cornwind Evil: The Fast And The Furious theme: Cars are awesome!
Cornwind Evil: Fast And The Furious 8: FUCK CARS SMASH HUNDREDS
Jumpropeman: clearly, the cars had finished being fast
Jumpropeman: and are now strictly furious
Jumpropeman: isn't the 8th one even just called The Fate of the Furious?


Jumpropeman: I
Jumpropeman: I think
Jumpropeman: I just encountered a shiny in Pokemon Shield?
Jumpropeman: It's a new Pokemon whose colors I don't know well enough yet :V
Jumpropeman: YUUUP
Jumpropeman: IT'S A SHINY
Draco: Neat! :D
Draco steals it.
Jumpropeman: D':


Mackerel Sheep: "Neoverse is a beautiful, fantastic game consisting of adventures with thrilling challenges."
Mackerel Sheep: How informative.


Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries? entered for the first time
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: You know I had an idea
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Its *points at name*
dorkadoodledoo: welp
Draco: Awesome! How big and how much alcohol is in it?
Draco: Oh...that's a good idea too. ;)
RubyChao: oh, neat
RubyChao: hit us up, spaps
Jumpropeman: hit us with that good stuff spy
Gooper Blooper: Conductor epilogue: #trains
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Alrighty!
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: When the usual post-Brawl resurrections rang out, a certain killer's corpse failed to resonate completely. The "no" resonating from his body could practically be felt, and after a brief discussion it was agreed to respect his wishes. After what felt like dozens of lifetimes, Hank has finally been freed from the Madness.
RubyChao: o7
Gooper Blooper: it's what he wanted
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: A lovingly written note was found taped to the bar's door the day after its closing. When one's eyes finally adapted to the overly-flowery script, it read the following: "Wow! You're almost as clever as I am! I should've expected nothing less from such a noble band of heroes. I know I fought a little dirty, but anything goes in the Brawl, right? So lets not worry about that, cause I've got a super cool gift for you all! Look forward to it. You're welcome, Magolor." That would certainly explain the Waddle Dee construction crew gathered on the outskirts of the city in the sky . . .
Gooper Blooper: *ties whatever this is into my Kirbyplot*
Jumpropeman: 2020 bout to be the Year of Kirby
dorkadoodledoo: *Ripple screams in the distance*
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Much less glamorous was the rickety old kratt, alone and abandoned after the Brawl. The reality around it has been almost depressingly intact, to the point where it was easily able to be moved into a museum. Occasionally the air around it seems to ripple, but beyond these brief pulses everything has returned to normalcy. Maybe that's for the best. What need is there for a kratt race when player one has winned?.
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Wait
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Whoa whoa whoa whoa, stop the car. We got an emergency, can't you see?
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: You're doing Kirbyplot!?[
RubyChao: yeeeep
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Hnnng
RubyChao: next year
RubyChao: Dark Matter
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: HNNNG
dorkadoodledoo: i'm completely hype
dorkadoodledoo: and by god i will do everything i can to make the Heart Rod possible
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Fuck. Even I'm hype and I'm a ghost.
dorkadoodledoo: rainbow sword is a question mark
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Maybe I picked a fortuitous time to build Magolorland
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Back to adventure!
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: With just the right touch of movie magic, the Conductor was able to go Super Saiyan Infinity and save the soul of the ninth Big Bar Brawl. As he stood victorious, audiences applauded like they never had before. Survival of the Owl Express was the hit of a lifetime, and the Conductor took home his newest Bird Movie Award in a sweep. Already buzz about a potential sequel abounds . . . and with his thoroughly unexpected performance, that goes for Big Bar Brawl fans as well as the moviegoing public! When asked if he was intimidated by the idea of joining another deathmatch, he had this to say: "It's less dangerous than getting on the wee lass' bad side. What could go wrong?"
RubyChao: PFFFFT
RubyChao: i love it
RubyChao: i still love that the Conductor made it into DYM9 and BBB10 based solely and entirely on his BBB9 incredible run
RubyChao: that's pure zfrp.txt, right there
dorkadoodledoo: that just happens sometimes
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: All these stories and more, Meat Boy enjoyed from the comfort of his newspaper. No longer a vampire, no longer having anything to prove, and finally able to enjoy his hard-earned retirement, Meat Boy sat back with Bandage Girl and watched the shooting stars go by.
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad he doesn't have to be in baby-playing limbo forever
dorkadoodledoo: he is free
Jumpropeman: he left a meat boy corpse it can play with
RubyChao: i forget if it came up on forum but
RubyChao: spy confirmed meat boy's only reason for joining the brawl was
RubyChao: "jumpropeman is my friend and he'd be happy if i did it"
RubyChao: so the little meat cube decided to make the ghost happy
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Yep!
Jumpropeman: and I was happy he did it!
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Coincidentally its my reason too
Draco: I mean, it's not a bad reason.
RubyChao: bbb9 spy roster was partly "neat ideas" but also partly
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: And so the only loose end not completely tied up is the one I can hand over to Goops for his material
RubyChao: "these are the last two spy characters of any significance who never brawled"
RubyChao: gotta get the Complete Sweep
Gooper Blooper: I saw a Thanos Copter toy at Rite Aid today and I was reminded of the scrapped "Meat Boy enters in Thanos Copter" idea


Draco: The real Sword/Shield differences you need to consider: #NSFW
Jumpropeman: Shield all the way
dorkadoodledoo: i'll take one frosty mom please
Gooper Blooper: Alolan Youmu is cute
RubyChao: Yam
Gooper Blooper: Galarian DeMonde is cute too tho
RubyChao: i've seen multiple people joke that since Bea is Alolan Youmu
RubyChao: Allister is actually her ghost half
Gooper Blooper: Shy Guy Boy is fun
dorkadoodledoo: that's a dude?
RubyChao: yep
Jumpropeman: i remember when he was revealed others thought he was a girl V:
Jumpropeman: that image doesn't help really chao :P
dorkadoodledoo: sometimes the hair fools me
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: but it's a good picture
Gooper Blooper: yeah, I thought he was a girl and JRM corrected me :V
Draco: Viola's cousin
Gooper Blooper: Oh, found out this morning
dorkadoodledoo: o?
Gooper Blooper: apparently the official name for the female Swoosh trainer is
Gooper Blooper: Gloria
dorkadoodledoo: imagine if you used gloria as the name
dorkadoodledoo: my god
Gooper Blooper: They didn't offer me any default names this time so I had no idea!
dorkadoodledoo: gloria's a fuckin angry
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Man
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: Thick mom vs buff girl is like
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: The hardest decision anyone in ZFRP could make
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: That's like half our ladies vs half our other ladies!
Gooper Blooper: Celestia vs Undyne who ya got
dorkadoodledoo: dia vs dashra
dorkadoodledoo: ...selena vs dashra
dorkadoodledoo: there i fixed it
Gooper Blooper: Selena is thick mom and buff girl at the same time
Spy Chatsy Epilogue Summaries?: And that's the best


Jumpropeman: I forgot to share this the other day, but look what Goops made!
RubyChao: nice!!
Mogey Paster: hell yeee
Jumpropeman: whenever I get to updating profiles it's going square in there
Jumpropeman: Shimmy Sham and Vimmy Vam


Jumpropeman: I found WK
Jumpropeman: somehow dubbed and animated worse than Animal Soccer World
Jumpropeman: the narrator sounds like they're eating cereal during the dub


RubyChao: link
iKomodo: WHAT
Jumpropeman: i like that the image is all ruinedhous too... except rumia
RubyChao: somebody needs to ruin rumia someday
Jumpropeman: time to do evil Rumia
Jumpropeman: she controls darkness after all
iKomodo sits in my comfort zone of riders and sentais
RubyChao: we'll corrupt you someday, sk
Waluigi: ...I might bring Rumia around if no one else does.
Jumpropeman: Hi Rumia RPer
RubyChao: doooo iiit



Gooper Blooper: I appreciate someone illustrated this joke from a few days ago
Gooper Blooper: that beat panel
Gooper Blooper: that guy knew it was coming
Mogey Paster: hawww


(JRM visits an arcade)

Jumpropeman: They had the arcade Punch-out!! which I played only a little of. It was very annoying because it was so loud anyone who was like six cabinets away could hear the announcer shout BODY BLOW BODY BLOW every time you landed a punch
RubyChao: jrm if i do any hibiki boxing
RubyChao: i expect you to just randomly insert BODY BLOW into my posts
Jumpropeman: but of course
Jumpropeman: I'm working on the banner images for the arcade games for the site, and Asteroids's automatic trimming changes it to just big bold letters saying STEROIDS
Mogey Paster: my god.
Draco: Performance-enhancing games!
Gooper Blooper: reminds me of the old story of Pac-Man once being called "Puck-Man" and someone said to change it so it wouldn't be vandalized to "Fuck-Man"


Gooper Blooper: Heads up for JRM: Battleborn has announced they're shutting down and it will be permanently unplayable in 2021, so get your Toby time in while you can so you can be that much closer to playing Every Game
Jumpropeman: mamma mia
Gooper Blooper: it's already been pulled from all digital storefronts apparently
Jumpropeman: "The sunsetting process has already begun; 2K has removed Battleborn from digital storefronts, and the game is no longer available to download from the PlayStation Store, Steam, and Xbox Games Store."
Jumpropeman: yeah
Jumpropeman: that doesn't make it easier
Gooper Blooper: I was hoping you already had a copy but alas
Dorkasaurus: i'm not sure, but i feel like i have battleborn at my house
Gooper Blooper: it has a single-player campaign!
Dorkasaurus: i'm not sure
MobileDraco: Hmmm. There's some cyberpunk Viking game I remember hearing got pulled from stores after getting caught stealing assets or some.
Jumpropeman: oh, maybe I do
ivel: I mean, it's at a lot of Five Belows and similar discount stores
Jumpropeman: apparently even the single player requires an online connection
Jumpropeman: i do not seem to have a copy, if I did it was digital and the store pages don't show it anymore
MobileDraco: Sheep.jpg
Jumpropeman: rp needs more sexy goblins
ivel: luckily it's dirt cheap on other sites
Gooper Blooper: we have a bunch of sexy demons if that works for you
ivel: Battleborn, not sexy goblins
Jumpropeman: sexy goblins are worth every penny
Dorkasaurus: is there a sexy goblin sex trafficking thing we need to know about
ivel: I'm not saying there is, but if there was, they'd be more expensive than Battleborn


Jumpropeman: if you train a male salandit and male combee in the same party, they should evolve into Combro and Salandude who don't need no ladies


(Lacking in Gen 8, Harpy plays Pokemon Black instead)

Dorkasaurus: Mel wants to shove a rocket powered skate up Ghetsis's ass
Gooper Blooper: understand understand the concept of grey
Gooper Blooper: unh
Dorkasaurus: i choked
Dorkasaurus: thanks
Gooper Blooper: just doing my best
ivel: it's true, you killed her
Dorkasaurus: troy supports mel in this trying time
Dorkasaurus: of course this is in the form of a tarantula AND a centipede
Draco: Ivel bravely typing Harpy's last words for her. ;-;7
Gooper Blooper: The Monster At The End Of This Cave
ivel: lol
Dorkasaurus: i legit thought i was gonna fight ghetsis
Dorkasaurus: and then no
Dorkasaurus: i got N
Dorkasaurus: don't just tell me ghetsis is at the end trying to evaluate me and then give me N
Gooper Blooper: it was a bait N switch
Draco: LOL
Dorkasaurus: i fucking hate you in this very moment goops
Gooper Blooper: I'm on fire
ivel: pfffff
MobileChao: Will provide more deetsin spacechat when home
Draco: our gooper f-blooper


Dorkasaurus: "i just want to liberate pokemon without force..."
Dorkasaurus: sorry but ghetsis thinks differently i'd say
Draco breaks N's kneecaps.
Draco: Hazel liberates Pokemon using ONLY force! Against N!
Bree: hey don't hurt N :( he has nice hair :(
Dorkasaurus: he is cute i'll give him that
Bree: oh
Bree: my
Bree: god
Bree: I looked him up on bulbapedia and it says his full name
Bree: is
Bree: Natural Harmonia Gropius
ivel: yup
Dorkasaurus: no wonder he kept it to N
Bree: it takes effort to come up with a name that stupid
Draco: What a bro his dad is.
Jumpropeman: Gropius that Tropius


MobileDraco: Tom and Jerry vs Godzilla
Jumpropeman: they'd take the place of the reporter from the US adaptation of the original Godzilla
iKomodo: Oh god


Draco: I'm somewhat tempted to catch a Wooloo, name it M_Sheep, and send it off into the Aether as a Wonder Trade.
Midi Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: I caught a Wooloo and named it M Sheep, then I caught its' evolution and named it N Goat
RubyChao: the solution is
RubyChao: catch 26 wooloos
RubyChao: name them after various ungulates
RubyChao: and then send them ALL off into the ether
Midi Sheep: Chao, why
RubyChao: M Sheep, N Goat, O Pig, P Camel, Q Dromedary, R Deer, S Giraffe...
RubyChao: i could go on
Gooper Blooper: L Llama
Curry Cup Nood: como te L Llama?
Draco: I'd name a Numel "Q_Dromedary" if it were in Swoosh. I don't know if it is though.
Midi Sheep: como se llama usted?
Midi Sheep: :I
Draco: L_Llama is now my Meowth's name. jk
Midi Sheep: May your biscuits burn
Draco: MY CAKES ARE BURNING. *cue slide whistle*
RubyChao: ...T Antelope, U Cow, V Hippopotamus, W Alpaca...
RubyChao: can i count those that evolved from ungulates?
Jumpropeman: you don't need it chao
Jumpropeman: I believe you can do it with just the ungs
Midi Sheep: May your you get an itch between your shoulder blades you just can't reach, and your crops die
Jumpropeman: I mean
Jumpropeman: there's like a billion types of antelope
RubyChao: i'll take that as a yes sheep
RubyChao: X Whale, Y Porpoise, Z Dolphin, A Horse, B Rhino...
Jumpropeman: ibex, oryx, saiga, gazelle, dikdik...
Midi Sheep: May a crazed sultan force you into mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with a sick lizard
Jumpropeman: muntjac is either an antelope or deer
RubyChao: C Zebra, D Ibex, E Oryx, F Saiga, G Dikdik, H Gazelle...
Curry Cup Nood: >steamroller
RubyChao: thanks, jrm!
Jumpropeman: deer according to wikipedia
Midi Sheep: May the swami of Bagdad squat on your fez
RubyChao: I Ox, J Donkey, and K Tapir
RubyChao: there we go
RubyChao: a full set of wooloo for anyone who wants
Midi Sheep: May a carsick mongoose change the color of your seats
RubyChao: sheep i only bully you out of looove
Jumpropeman: he probably has a better eye for color than I do
Jumpropeman: I trust this mongoose
Midi Sheep: May a desert rat sunbathe on your radar range
Midi Sheep looks for more Carnac quotes


Jumpropeman: the way to win at Bad Rats
Jumpropeman: is make an arrangement of rats that looks like it could work and then reset over and over until the physics somehow decide it does


Cornwind Evil: "It will be gone by June." - Variety Magazine, giving a prediction on the future of rock-and-roll in 1955.
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: bonus points if that was May's issue


Cornwind Evil: Marvel has had a lot of super prisons
Gooper Blooper: >Monster Island
Cornwind Evil: Hey, Godzilla was briefly part of the Marvel Universe!
Draco: They even made an indirect reference to Godzilla's Marvel run in the Marvel Transformers comics.
ivel: The Prison
Gooper Blooper: You just posted a whole bunch of em!
Gooper Blooper: Pick one of those :V
Cornwind Evil: Yeah but they're already taken!
ivel: The Raft- wait
Gooper Blooper: So was The Bleed :V
Dorkasaurus: who said they were canon in this universe
Draco: Old Mountain Correctional Center
Draco: Howling Wind Juvenile Holding Center
Ashfield Medium Security Prison
Raven's Nest Asylum
Bouldergate Holding Center
Brinestone Low Security Prison
Blackwater Regional Prison
Frenzy Cay Penitentiary
Silent Wind Prison
River Bank Regional Prison
Dorkasaurus: The Ward.
ivel: "Oblivion Low Security Prison"
ivel: I mean i guess if they're already in oblivion, they don't need much security
Dorkasaurus: i was gonna joke "skyrim"
Gooper Blooper: "Silent Gallows Detention Center"
Gooper Blooper: this one sounds fun!
Cornwind Evil: Obviously they're silent because they're never used
Gooper Blooper: "Joyville Work Camp"
Gooper Blooper: And I guarantee this one is SUPER unpleasant
RubyChao: "Obsidian Maze Detention Center" i see how they keep the prisoners from escaping
RubyChao: "Closed Gate Juvenile Holding Center" this one goes for a much more low-maintenance method
Gooper Blooper: "Black Citadel Penitentiary"
"Cold Heart Institute"
Gooper Blooper: and these are just Obviously Evil
RubyChao: "Retirement Asylum"
RubyChao: i don't even have a witty comment but
RubyChao: i had to share this one
Gooper Blooper: where old crazy people go
Draco: What happened to the "Ash's Backyard Eternal Superjail For Really Bad Super Crooks"?
Cornwind Evil: Not feasible in this case Draco
Draco: Ah.
ivel: "Turtle Bay Asylum" Genbu?
Jumpropeman: Bad Guy Depository
Draco: Chao, didn't JRM used to work there?
ivel: "Goldfield Institution"
Dorkasaurus: we send our worst to the Bleak Creek Asylum.
Dorkasaurus: i read that as gorefield
ivel: that doesn't even sound like a-
ivel: okay if it was Gorefield yeah that'd be an asylum or prison :U
ivel: but as is it sounds like a research place or something
RubyChao: "Closed Gate Medium Security Prison" i see they found success and spread out
ivel: "Darkside Detention Center"
RubyChao: "Game Over Juvenile Holding Center" GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!
Mood Sheep: St. Wyl O'Pan's Enhanced Home For Penitent Souls
ivel: "Long Wait Medium Security Prison"
Dorkasaurus: is that just line simulator
ivel: it is
ivel: it isn't even a real prison, it's just a really long line
ivel: "Purgatory Low Security Prison"
RubyChao: "Phoenix Max Security Prison"
RubyChao: not sure that's the best reputation in RP...
ivel: just like the oblivion one, if they're already in purgatory, I guess
Dorkasaurus: i forget
Dorkasaurus: is reversal any good?
Mood Sheep: Clakkaratz Asylum
Mood Sheep: or "The Clack"
ivel: "Early Grave Correctional Facility"
ivel: UM...
Mood Sheep: The Time Out Place.
Dorkasaurus: sure sounds like a prison
Dorkasaurus: to a baby
ivel: not for long it isn't :U
Draco: To be fair, Ivel, nobody misbehaves again once they leave.
ivel: they make sure of it
Mood Sheep: Woebegone Correctional Facility
Mood Sheep: This Hole
ivel: "Time Out Low Security Prison"
ivel: they just put you in the corner.
Mood Sheep: We Gotz Bad Guys
Mood Sheep: Hotel With Barbed Wire For The Rich
Dorkasaurus: isn't that just hotel california
Mood Sheep: California.
Mood Sheep: The entirety of California.
Dorkasaurus: draco's in prison??!?
ivel: Atonement Institution
Mood Sheep: Yes
Mood Sheep: He knows what he did.
ivel: Early Grave Low Security Prison
ivel: I guess they don't need much security
Mood Sheep: The Paranoiacon
Dorkasaurus: do we not have the perfect name yet
ivel: Wrong Path Prison
ivel: they took the wrong path... in life!
Mood Sheep: Perfect Name Prison.
Mood Sheep: We've done it.
Dorkasaurus: our body is a prison
Dorkasaurus: for that goblin within each of us
Mood Sheep: Impel Down
ivel: Killingfield Prison
ivel: Hot Spring Regional Prison
ivel: either that's a very misleading name or those prisoners have it good
Mood Sheep: The Seventh Circle?
Mood Sheep: Are we getting warmer, CW?
Mood Sheep: Colder?
Mood Sheep: WE NEED NOTES!
ivel: Ghost Isle Prison
ivel: even ghosts aren't safe
ivel: but do they get life sentences?
Mood Sheep: d'ohohoho
Draco: Afterlife sentences.
Mood Sheep: :I
ivel: that reminds me
Mood Sheep: of a prison?
Dorkasaurus: Imprison Prison
Dorkasaurus: for people who stole your moveset.
Mood Sheep: What if we put the prison
Mood Sheep: inside of the bad guy?
ivel: I don't remember the specific details, but I heard about someone who's serving a life sentence, I forget if he had a heart attack or what but he was brought back, and he argued he technically served a life sentence
Mood Sheep stares at hands
ivel: which is a brilliant argument but the guy got a life sentence for a reason so I can't really say it should work :U
Mood Sheep: The ole Man They Couldn't Hang defense


Draco: I allowed to eat fried chicken the day before Thanksgiving?
Jumpropeman: I did Draco
Draco: Alright then, JRM. I'll do it too.


Dorkasaurus: if goops can win with five bugs and a fish, i can win with a cactus, a dog, a bootleg dragon, a ghost possessing a chandelier, an electric tarantula, and a centipede
Dorkasaurus: bootleg dragon will inevitibly be replaced by actual dragon
Dorkasaurus: i have no idea what to call this dragon thing sorry
Gooper Blooper: I think Druddigon might be a gargoyle or something
Mood Sheep: Call it
Cornwind Evil: TAILS!
Mood Sheep: Dorkgon
Dorkasaurus: i already called it Dorcas
Mood Sheep: eggcellent
Cornwind Evil: Doesn't that sort of stuff only matter if you're going to seriously battle another player?
Dorkasaurus: yes, but having a balanced team can help with the E4 significantly
ivel: and in general but especially elite 4
Gooper Blooper: Mostly, but every so often you'll run into a powerful opponent Pokemon that, if you have a poorly balanced team, can hit all of your Pokemon's weak points
Dorkasaurus: or you can get stonewalled by a dog.
Dorkasaurus: I can't believe Bianca
Dorkasaurus: BIANCA
Cornwind Evil: What's the evil team in Sword and Shield
Gooper Blooper: Team Yell, they are a bunch of sports hooligans
Cornwind Evil: ....I honestly cannot tell if you are serious or not
Jumpropeman: In Japan they are actually called Yell Gang
Gooper Blooper: I am being 100% serious
Cornwind Evil: It is a legit 50/50 split that that was true or that you were pulling my leg
Cornwind Evil: HERE'S A POSTER
Jumpropeman: oh wait
Jumpropeman: in Japan they're ALL called Gangs
Jumpropeman: that Fun Fact person on reddit is a FRAUD


Jumpropeman: a villain in Bug Fables just offered to pay me with exposure if I give them a special item
Jumpropeman: that's how you know they're evil
Deletons: Lmao
MobileDraco: So did you accept?
Jumpropeman: I wish I could've D;


Jumpropeman: in Bug Fables, Spy is essentially Tattle, but all three of the main characters have their own personal twist on how they deliver it. You can also press enter near any character, in any location, or near objects of importance for similar descriptions. You cannot say they skimped on this game
Jumpropeman: I think I'm like halfway through it and I'm sure you won't be disappointed goops
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, everything you've said about it is making me interested
Jumpropeman: unless the later chapters have us apologize 1000 times to someone's wife or something I feel safe in an early recommendation :V
Gooper Blooper: XD
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): is that a reference to something
Gooper Blooper: I admit, as much as I love TTYD, and as much as it is still my favorite game of all time
Gooper Blooper: it is not without sin
Gooper Blooper: yes, bree
Gooper Blooper: in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, one character makes a mistake and his wife gets mad at him
Gooper Blooper: and will not stop being mad until he says "I love you" 100 times
Gooper Blooper: You get to watch.
Gooper Blooper: A ways in, as you press A to advance the dialogue past every "I love you", a counter pops up showing how many times he has said it
Jumpropeman: I liked the joke in that moment, but then the late game bob-omb bounce was too far
Gooper Blooper: Even the review I read in Electronic Gaming Monthly called out the General White quest
Gooper Blooper: that was definitely dumb
RubyChao: alrighty
RubyChao: *cracks knuckles*
RubyChao: i figured out how to do my plot next year
RubyChao: General White holds the key information to uncovering the true plans of the villains
RubyChao: but if you look for him
RubyChao: you'll just barely miss him
RubyChao: until late october
RubyChao: shouldn't get old
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: How many times does Zeldoten say "I love you" before getting bored?
Draco rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 37
RubyChao rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 20

RubyChao: that's how many sumi could stand
RubyChao: rip sumidoten
Draco: YEP. We got the pairing canonized! Now we can cancel it and start planning Zeldawnten
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 50
Gooper Blooper: actual sumi roll: fifty love-yous
Draco: Excellent.
Draco: Then they went and got pizza because standing around saying "I love you" that many times was less exciting than they thought it'd be.
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): how many love-yous can... NITORI say before she gets bored
Turkey Bree (Turkbree) rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 56
Gooper Blooper: Sumi just cuddles Zeldoten for 100 minutes instead
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): komachi falls asleep mid-57th love you
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): clarification I was not rolling for nitori I was rolling for komachi :V
Draco: I'd make a joke about Komachi actually lasting longer at something than someone else, but she's the current Brorl Champ.


Turkey Bree (Turkbree): chao: I have almost finished the first nero wolfe story in this book and although I was skeptical at first, I like him
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): he's savage
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): he blackmailed a guy for some flowers
RubyChao: that's a pretty solid description of him in the entire series
RubyChao: dude knows what he wants and will attempt to get it with the minimum effort
RubyChao: if that means pushing around other people, so be it
Gooper Blooper: Patchy dressed up as him once for a reason
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): archie goodwin is also savage
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): well I knew nero wolfe was lazy but this part I didn't expect so I think it's funny
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): he is a total bastard
REVENGE: bastard boi
RubyChao: he is, and it's great
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): and a rich bastard too, archie recites how much income tax wolfe paid as part of a "do you really want to antagonize me" quip at the police inspector
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): archie is his assistant
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): his elvis impersonator, if you will
RubyChao: that's a great idea
RubyChao: i should have elvis impersonator dress up as archie goodwin next year for halloween
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): I want to quote a small bit that made me laugh
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): (note: the book is narrated by archie)
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): "[...] and circled around to the rose garden to rejoin Wolfe.
He wasn't there.
The damn hippopotamus, I thought. He'll get lost. He'll be kidnapped. He'll fall in a hole! He'll catch cold!
I went down to the ground floor and out the main exit [...] It was trying to snow in March gusts. I spat at a snowflake as it flew by. Our little Nero, I thought, out on such a night and no coat. The big fat flumpus! I'll put salt on his grapefruit.
I stood and applied logic to it. What, as I had left him standing there, what had been his most burning desires? That was easy: to shoot me, to sit down, and to drink beer. He couldn't shoot me because I wasn't there, so where might he have found a chair?"

RubyChao: nero wolfe has fired archie at least 20 times during the course of the series
RubyChao: not counting the times archie quits
RubyChao: (i'm exaggerating how many times he actually said "archie, you're fired, get out" but it's more than one)
REVENGE: "i'll put salt on his grapefruit" gets me
REVENGE: so hard
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): I know it killed me too
REVENGE: i'm laughing on the outside but cringing on the inside
REVENGE: because grapefruit is better enjoyed with sugar
RubyChao: the best part is that when it comes to nero wolfe
RubyChao: with how much of a gourmand he is, that's an actual threat
Turkey Bree (Turkbree): also archie's logic works. he manages to locate the nearest chair and sure enough wolfe is in it


REVENGE: god i am so tempted to write
Jumpropeman: write my epilogues for me
black frivel writes "Cirno is alive"
Draco writes five pages about how Shimmer gave up skating to become a lawyer, only to become cool again when she loses Voyd's hamster.
Jumpropeman: Legally Pink
Draco: Exactly.
Draco: Her first case is SENDING VOYD TO JAIL...for being too cool. :V
Draco: Voyd was obviously framed.
Jumpropeman: it's been almost a year since I last ate them
Jumpropeman: but I'm about to have me a meal of chicken cylinders
black frivel: I thought you meant Voyd and Shimmer
Jumpropeman: i hope I never sink so low that I have to eat my characters to survive
Draco: You'd spend more energy digesting them than those strings would give anyway.
Jumpropeman: that's the real reason I keep 'em thin
Jumpropeman: my cannibalistic urges are at bay
Jumpropeman: *nibbles on Keahi*
Draco: D:

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