Thursday, May 9, 2019

Talk To Transformer

Give this website a prompt and it will "write" something for you based off of it. Here's some ZFRP-flavored AI stories. Enjoy.

(The text in bold at the beginning is the prompt I wrote. Italic text in parenthesis is my own comments, added post-generation.)


Let the ninth Big Bar Brawl begin! After completing the main quest "A Friend in Need," return to the Sanctuary to finish the quest "A Friendship Gone Viral."


The Big Bar Brawl takes place after the player completes the mission "A Friend in Need."

The quest "A Friend in Need" cannot be completed until after completing this quest.

The Big Bar Brawl is the first Big Bar Brawl outside of the Caverns of Time. After completing this quest you will receive 5 Big Bar Brawls for free.


If the player stands to the right of the bar to receive the fight on the other side before the beginning of the encounter, they will see the Big Bar to the left, but in the center. A fix is to return to where you received the fight, stand to the side of the bar, and turn away to receive the fight from the other side and wait outside to receive it.

If the player dies during the fight, they can simply continue on with the quest.

(Five Brawls for free, huh? I think you'll need to start outsourcing, JRM.)


Sumireko Usami slammed her hands onto the table dramatically and looked at the rest of Nerd Club.

"Well done, you were really clever. But I really feel guilty right now." Nerd Club responded back like a child being punished. "What have I done for you?"

"Oh, just tell me. What were we doing?" Nerd Club asked as she picked up her phone and continued to read through emails.

"Well, I was trying to teach someone how to become a ninja. It turns out the ninja has nothing but ninja genes! Then one day, he wanted a pet. So we decided to take his pet home while I taught him ninjutsu, then we started fighting a lot." Nerd Club continued. "Eventually, we won. It was actually kind of fun!"

"That's… pretty cool." I said.

"I was hoping you'd get some feedback on it too." Nerd Club said. "It was a huge mistake in our previous life that started our journey of becoming a ninja. It gave me this really bad itch to help people as

(You can tell this is an early attempt because I hadn't realized the generator would interpret "Nerd Club" as a singular entity, first name Nerd last name Club. Sounds like Kela joined Nerd Club or something. Or Rachel became a ninja.)


Dolby and Maria walked side by side as they walked out of the Melbourne airport. "So!" Maria said. "What do you want to do first, Dolby?"

"I want to do this."

"I'm going to bring up the money that you owe me."

"I'm going to do that."

"I'm going to meet you there."

"That'll be all right."

"I think what's really important is that you're here."

"So where are we going?" Maria said.

* * * * * * * * *

"The reason I've got you here today is to give you some hope."

Dolby said this and walked out to the open room behind his friend. Dolby put his friend on the desk.

Dolby sat down at a large, tall desk with a white cover.

"I want you to find a friend like us that you can live with," Dolby said. "One that is so easy to fall in love with. One that will never touch anything with both their heart and their mouth on it."

His friend took out an antique mirror and pointed at a face: an older woman with a white face.

(Dolby appreciates her friendship with Maria. Maria wants her goddamn money, and also it'd be cool if they became friends with DeMonde.)


Sarah and Josephine cheered as Celestia placed a gigantic cake on the table in front of them. A tray of cakes, pies, and cookies filled the tiny table inside the restaurant's small kitchen. She was pleased to find that it was far too hot to eat outside while Josephine waited patiently in her seat.

"I think I'm going to have to eat some hot chocolate today, Mrs. Potter," Celestia said as she put two big chocolate cakes onto a stack of cookies in front of herself.

Josephine frowned, but quickly nodded her head. "I'd much rather eat the hot chocolate right now."

Celestia nodded in agreement, and the two walked back to Celestia's table. Both of them turned to see two young men working at the kitchen door. They both noticed their parents sitting directly behind them to a plate of sweets. The blonde woman leaned back from the plate and took a careful look over her own plate. In one hand she held up her fork, which was resting

(Jesus, Celestia, I can see where your daughters got it from.)


Bubble Bass crossed his arms. "I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, 4 by 4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it and let it swim."

"Why is he in your pool pool and not our pool pool? I thought we only needed a pool to go from a small pool into a big pool, and when I called him to say he was coming he had 3.9 billion free gallons of salt in his house from his pool," said Mr. Caddy.

"I'm gonna go with that, if you can find one of those Double Triple Bossy Deluxe's here." said Bubba.

(This one is short but I love it. Bubble Bass visits two rednecks in search of a large pool, and lied about his salt storage to gain entry.)


"And welcome back to Slow Weather Jamz, your source for accurate weather information 24/7. Stay tuned for your five day forecast." — Slow Weather Jamz on their Facebook page

A new weather forecast app for iOS has been released. The app was released by Slow Weather Jamz.

The app is called Slow Weather Jamz, which sounds like it could refer to a Slow Weather T-shirt. The description states, "Welcome back to Slow Weather Jamz, your source for accurate weather information 24/7."

For the app to work, you need to create an account on Slow Weather Jamz as explained by its Facebook page. The page has the following video description:

So with that out of the way, what is the app for?

The app, Slow Weather Jamz, is an app that you buy an Android phone by the box and store them in iCloud. The app stores the original Google data on your phone. Once the phone has been connected to iOS, it stores the new Google content on the phone. The

(I forgot the name of the app, could you repeat that again?)


Ceratosaurus had nowhere to run. Carnotaurus had cornered it, the larger dinosaur roaring a challenge. It was time to fight. Fight, or die.

No time like the present, the dinosaur leader declared. It was time to attack.


At about the moment when a warrior would fight to the point where his or her eyes would drop out straight through his or her forehead, there would be an instant when only one of the combatants had a chance to strike. It might be the warrior who drew his or her spear or sword or shield and struck first. Or it could go the other way, or else the other side of the cage.

If the winner of this vicious battle, the victor of the war of last resort, was a carnivore, Carnotaurus would have a lot to think about when it opened the cage door for him.



Nancy: I can't help it. I'm getting kinda worried about me and Carnotaurus.

(This one seems to depict InGen pitting their dinosaurs against each other in the Underdome, and Carnotaurus' handler Nancy is concerned about her dino's future. Cerato's handler, however, believes there is no time like the present to attack!)


"Time to mix drinks and change lives." Jill said as her first customer of the evening approached. It was Zeldoten. "I'll have a beer." Zeldoten said. "Sure." He pulled out a pair of large blue glasses and started pouring his beverage. "What do you think of this?" Jill asked, raising a hand. Zeldoten took a sip and looked up. "That's great…"

"I can't believe you drank that for a beer." Jill said. "I've been meaning to ask." Zeldoten took a deep breath. "I need to apologize for that."

"No one's going to say anything." Jill said, "You can have this beer right now."

"I'm sorry." Zeldoten said, his eyes narrowing. "I'm afraid I don't have a thing for drinking."

Jill nodded and took another sip of the beer. "I suppose it really helps that it's going for $5."

"I see." Jill sighed before taking another sip. "Can we go outside then?"

"Sure." Zeldoten laughed, standing back up. "What about you

(As seen in some of the other generations, Talk To Transformer likes to change female characters into males even if you include words like "she" or "her" in the prompt. Apparently beers cost $5 at Valhalla, which is either super cheap or highway robbery depending on if it's the original VA-11 HALL-A or ZFRP Valhalla.)


Bernard and Kaede looked deeply into one another's eyes, Kaede searching for a hint in Bernard's expression. Was the talking satellite right? Was Bernard truly in love with this pink marshmallow people call Kaede?

"She really is my girl. She's my best friend. And to think she was my only friend!"

The moment Kaede made those words, Bernard felt himself shiver. He was in love and he didn't want the worst. He turned to his daughter, who sat straight up in her chair, and made "thank you" as she took one last glance at Bernard's smiling face and ran out of the room, quickly disappearing down the hall.

Bernard walked out of the office just in the nick of time. There would be no question.

He had found the woman he loved and they shared a kiss as they made their way down the darkened hallway, through the kitchen and in some forgotten corner of his mind, where one of those rare moments where he was truly alone with his

(And there's the proof you were looking for.)


"Men and women of The Curse!" Plague began, pounding his fist into the pulpit. "The time of the Big Bar Brawl is nearly upon us, and I have a plan!" Plague looked at the audience and took a deep breath. "For starters here, you have to bring along three new soldiers, just in case someone ever finds out we actually want to fight the army from the future… And the reason you bring them along is that they will help out even more by fighting the battles that the people of this island will soon face.

…For starters, we're going to have someone fight against the giant monsters in the middle of the island, and we're bringing along a guy named Gorgon to help out with that.

…For starters, we're bringing along a group of girls in order to help us take care an injured warrior in Koga City…"

The crowd gasped when the plan finally came out…or was it

(There is actually a Curse member with the codename GORGON, so this was an uncanny result. I guess Olympia is technically an island, sure.)


The tapogre barged into the tavern and honked loudly, demanding bitcoins. The customers nodded, and the tapoggins left in their cars.

Mozilla's CEO asked a local journalist if she knew who owned the group. He said it was the mysterious developer of the bitcoin software, Satoshi Nakamoto.

The journalists who were present were surprised at this point. It is widely known that the Satoshi is a pseudonym of Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto, although there are rumors that Nakamoto is actually a man named Peter Todd Smith.

The Bitcoiners were upset about not being paid in the currency. That's when the bar owner approached a security guard, who demanded a cash deposit from all the Bitcoiners with the initials of Satoshi in their names. After the story broke, a second bar staff was attacked by the Bitcoiners. Several bar employees claimed they hadn't been paid on time,

(Bitcoiners for final boss 2020. The generator got the inventor of Bitcoin's name correct, by the way.)




Golemking's eyes began to glow with a golden-like light. "Hahahahaha. Your victory, it seems, does not come at the expense of us mortals!!"

Regigigas let out a small laugh, although it was barely audible at all. "And what has changed? You look very nice, by the way. So handsome, and tall. And your eyes are really red and deep. What a great compliment."

"Oi Regigigas! You're getting off

(Regigigas faces off with the evil but mortal Golemking in a confrontation over who gets to be called the TRUE Golem King (it turns out all you need to do to earn this title is touch the skull of the champion three times), then gets interrupted by Belinda when he loses his train of thought. This might be the result with the best Deep Lore.)


Nitori Kawashiro stood proudly before a group of prospective customers, looking very smug. "Kawashiro Technologies is proud to present our latest invention!" Nitori posed dramatically as the invention was revealed behind her. "Behold! I call this invention the Painted Dragon Blade!"

It was in the past year, when Nitori was already the best swordsmith in the town. There are many legends about the origin of the Painted Dragon Blade. All said by many people, such as the owner of the sword, Nitori Natai.

"The Painted Dragon Blade, from its very first use to its present day incarnation was named the Painted Dragon Blades. In the past, the Blade could grant its users amazing abilities. The blade is able to generate its own magical power when used in combat, as well as absorb the magic into it. The blade allows its users to create incredible amounts of power. Its special ability is called the 'F

(And here I decided to try and extend the story by altering the end of this bit to make a continuation for the next bit)

Nitori Kawashiro smiled at their reactions and continued her speech. "The Painted Dragon Blade allows its users to create incredible amounts of power. Its special ability is called the クーディング (クライブ), which lets it create any type of magical power in all kinds of materials that a weapon doesn't normally belong to, even objects forged with fire and water respectively. If it uses this ability and the material it is using, its users can generate power similar to one blade of a sword."

"The クライブ(クライブ)" meant 'fire and water power'; it also indicated the ability to create a similar, if not even more, powerful, weapon than a normal sword; and it confirmed that the クーディング(クライブ) ability actually included fire and water powers.

"But what's special about it, the user?" said Nitori Kawashiro from the perspective of Nitori's companions, and they knew this. "What you're making is the result of your powers being able to

(And one more extension)

"But what's special about it, the user?" said Nitori Kawashiro from the perspective of Nitori's companions, and they knew this. "What you're making is the result of your powers being able to see your mind. You've really grown up with it."

Ritika nodded and moved her chair to a position above Ritsuka's, to sit on it. Nitori and Natori also did likewise.

"To be able to predict and plan so well is the only proof," Nitori finally said, but the tone was still light.

Hikari spoke, "You're right as a matter of fact," but they knew this as well and spoke.

It was a surprise.

After a long delay, the two finally returned to reality again.

"You've made me aware of something," said Nitori, her tone less forceful. "The real purpose of this is to see what you would become and the things you'd do when you reach adulthood and become a human."

Shiki nodded.

"And that's why I

(Nitori has apparently hired a whole new set of Kappakin and they teach her the true meaning of Christmas or something, I dunno.)


  1. *Bernard/Kaede*

    Why do you hurt me like this.

    *Five Big Bar Brawls for free*

    And Dawn still doesn't win any of them.



  2. These were all beautiful. If they were actual RP, they'd all be quotable.
