Monday, April 8, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 328: I Say Lego Hitler And The Boys Come Running

derp: help, i can't get kazoos out of my head
derp: but i got a wrapup done
derp: fifty million more to go
derp: ...just need to make 'em short and sweet, unlike this one :U
ivel: I'll help, Harpy
ivel: this helps right
derp: no
ivel: you didn't even watch :I
derp: jiopdffjkp
derp: the urge to livereact is real
ivel: do it
derp: "don't run, jump, or dance while playing the kazoo"
derp: bitch you can't tell me what to do
derp: "YEOW- oh hai :)'
derp: um
derp: ?!??
derp: "Waita minute. who ARE YOU"
derp: me after seeing all these fuckin new chars in ZFRP
Draco: I had a traumatic experience today though. While I was out shopping, one of the stores I was in played a "Cars for Kids" radio ad. D:
derp: klfjdfjhfg
Gooper Blooper: an old foe returns
derp: extreme kazooing
derp: AND UH
derp: yeah bud me too
derp: i just pretended an hour ago
derp: i am being kazooed in my general direction
derp: what even is my life right now
derp: i'm more than just afraid now
derp: pleasetakethispretendspiritawwayfromme
derp: i'm not yer pardner
derp: PAL
derp: >:U
Draco: Okay.
derp: "you're my special friend"
derp: skldjglkdfgjlkfdjgldf
derp: i should not be reacting like this to a freakin 3 minute video
derp: should be specially reserved for kaijus
ivel: no, you shouldn't
ivel: you should react like this to a 30 minute one.
derp: ivel made me break taboo and you'll make me-
derp: no
Draco: Anywho, I'll see y'all later. ^_^
derp: nooo draco come baaaaa-
derp: ivel
derp: i will not lie
derp: this is something a younger me would have unironically enjoyed
derp: unfortunately i'm an adult and have some measure of self-awareness and i'm suffering a bad case of embarassment
derp: 100% cheese
derp: plot twist: i kinda liked the last song.
derp: kill me now
ivel: I'm still not sure if this is cheese or haunted video
derp: i mean
ivel: I think the latter though :U
derp: you could watch the 30 minute video and find out!
ivel: or both
ivel: implying I'm not, dear
ivel: I'm 13 minutes in
derp: ivel in deep
ivel: to be fair, it could be a cheesy haunted video
derp: this video is going to haunt me forever
derp: speshul frand


Bree: crash bandicoot skill report: I fucking suck
Bree: turns out nostalgia doesn't help you play video games


derp: the stupidest thought crossed my mind
ivel: good
derp: "i wonder if i could watch jurassic park on my iPhone"
ivel: you could
derp: "while we're going to new york (maybe)"
derp: more than likely i'll just watch on thanksgiving morning
N Goat: Watch it on your 8 track
Gooper Blooper: watch it on your calculator
derp: give thanks
derp: to dinosaur
N Goat: watch it on your reel to reel
derp: i'll watch it on my microwave, somehow


Jumpropeman: holy crap
Jumpropeman: I linked that because of obvious reasons
Jumpropeman: but the lesserknownwaifu's logo image is of Greendog's girlfriend
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahah
derp: *focusing on the entirely wrong thing*
Gooper Blooper: Harpy: yes, DJ Candy occasionally has freckles
derp: mysteriously vanishing freckles
derp: :I


ivel: Harpy
this movie said CD-ROM
and i instantly turned into a velociraptor
hun I remember when floppy discs were a thing

Jumpropeman: once upon a time I had a box of floppies
Jumpropeman: once upon a time I had a tower of blank cds
derp: everyone is older than me except spy
Jumpropeman: once upon a time I had plenty of blank cassette tapes
ivel: I have blank cds in the other room for burning songs I've downloaded
Jumpropeman: and I also had many blank VHS for recording
ivel: I just haven't put them on there
Jumpropeman: like none of these things ever got used
Jumpropeman: although the CDs found one use
ivel: LEGALLY downloaded in case the CIA sees this :I
Jumpropeman: in a Star Wars parody I made for school
ivel: oh?
Jumpropeman: our literary magazine was accepting multimedia things like songs, don't think anyone did in the end, but to advertise that I made a commercial for the school announcements that parodied Star Wars. At some point, Luke Skywriter uses the force to launch CDs at whatever our Darth Vader parody was and we just all chucked the blank CDs at him from off camera :V


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
ivel: yoops
Jumpropeman: hello gooper blooper
RubyChao: hey goop
derp: kndzzvdfsjlosdfj
Jumpropeman: that's not how you say goops
ivel: it is in keyboard smash language
ivel: vshuybvsduhybvsergvs
derp: shush i'm getting scared by dinos
Jumpropeman: just remember
derp: dinosaurs aren't real?
derp: :U
derp: kill me
Jumpropeman: all dinosaurs are actually household appliances in disguise if Flintstones is accurate
derp: i'd be fucking terrified if my t-rex was a table


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: goodbye lickitung
ivel: rip


Gooper Blooper: funny amazon story:
Gooper Blooper: I was buying a bunch of pogeycard singles off of Amazon earlier and when I went to check out I saw my order total was over a hundred dollars despite only buying a fraction of that
derp: w-
derp: wut
Gooper Blooper: So I looked closely at the order details
Gooper Blooper: One of the pogeycards was automatically set to use express shipping
Gooper Blooper: express shipping was like 90 dollars
derp: wh
derp: what the fuck
derp: what the fuck
RubyChao: WOW
derp: HOW
Gooper Blooper: I changed it to Standard and the cost of my order dropped to $15
Gooper Blooper: Then I changed it to Economy and it dropped to $11
RubyChao: *whistles*
Gooper Blooper: no, third party card seller, I did not need that card in one day thanks
derp: even if i want it fast
derp: i wouldn't pay 90 dollars for it.
Gooper Blooper: I know tomorrow is thanksgiving and then black friday and then the weekend and then cyber monday
Gooper Blooper: but still
Gooper Blooper: 90 dollar trading card shipping


Super Smashed Bros.: I appreciate harps screaming at Jurassic park
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: Same
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: She screm
Super Smashed Bros.: Although I wanna get it on record that even though Jeff Goldblum was technically correct
Super Smashed Bros.: i still don't like him
derp: Leave jeff out of this you monster
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: Jeff goldblum
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: More like
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: Jeff oldbum
Brinehammer: =0
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: Oh no
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: Brine witnessed my childish insult
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: I am shamed
Brinehammer: My duty is done.
Brinehammer sinks back into the mist to lurk harder.
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: There he goes
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: Into the night
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: Where will he emerge next?
Brinehammer: Next time someone mentions an irreverent topic I can seize onto like a leech
Gems Rule Everything Around Me: Lol


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Turkies Beware: hi goops!
RubyChao: hey goops!
Jumpropeman: ¡sdooƃ ᴉɥ
Turkies Beware: i'm scared.
Cornwind Evil: Why
Turkies Beware: joking because of upside down text
Turkies Beware: though i was legit scared yesterday while watching Jurassic Park
Cornwind Evil: Yeah that film scared me as a kid
Turkies Beware: I understand completely
Cornwind Evil: The main issue being the stereo surround sound with T-REX ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Turkies Beware: no that's actually the best experience for a horror movie
Jumpropeman: Ⓢⓐⓜⓔ, ⓣⓗⓔ Ⓣ-Ⓡⓔⓧ ⓢⓒⓔⓝⓔ ⓦⓐⓢ ⓞⓕ ⓒⓞⓤⓡⓢⓔ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓞⓝⓔ ⓣⓗⓐⓣ ⓖⓞⓣ ⓜⓔ.
Turkies Beware: JRM
Turkies Beware: JRM NO.
Jumpropeman: ℑ 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔰𝔢𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔦𝔰𝔰𝔲𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔭𝔶
Turkies Beware: stop i'm dying
MobileDraco: Time to ban JRM.


RubyChao: finished deltarune chapter 1
RubyChao: the fuck was that ending
Turkies Beware: it sure was something. : )
thanksgivel: yup
thanksgivel: now to wait 500 years for chapter 2


SteelKomodo: best quality: her wiggles


MOOOOON: it's been an unacceptably long time since someone mentioned Zack Ryder in this chatzy
MOOOOON: so i'm gonna mention him now
MOOOOON: he's still alive


Jumpropeman: So, you guys remember a while back I spoke of a game so difficult I don't think the developers even beat it?
RubyChao: yep!
Jumpropeman: Today on Twitter, I received a message from them. They told me that they changed two levels because they were literally impossible and they reduced the difficulty in the level I was stuck on as well since they couldn't beat it themselves. They asked me to play it again with the changes because, according to them, I'm the player who got furthest in their game. All my suspicions were confirmed
Cornwind Evil: Cripes, what game was THAT
RubyChao: hahahahahaaaaa
M Sheep: Oh dear
M Sheep: I hope it works as intended now
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha, good work JRM
Jumpropeman: in their message telling me this detail, they accidentally typoed the title as Slingshit Explorer which I had to laugh at
Jumpropeman: Slingshot being the correct word of course


RubyChao: "literally what about the “it’s leif erickson day!!” bit from spongebob was so impactful that we all just have the phrase hinga dinga durgen permanently drilled into our cerebral cortex. it was 5 seconds long"
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: "On Leif Erikson Day, "hinga-dinga-durgen" is said and a viking helmet and red beard are worn."


Jumpropeman: I'm so proud of Mario for no longer hiding his Ex from the world
black frivel: but Daisy's been in games for years, jrm
Jumpropeman: I'm not convinced Mario knew he was saving a princess in Sarasaland
Jumpropeman: he has a murderous hunger and Bowser wasn't acting up at the time


RubyChao: "there’s something satisfying to me about the fact that despite going out of their way to shove the CDI games under the rug, whether or not Nintendo likes it King Harkinian is, technically, an incredibly iconic and memorable Zelda character"


MobileDraco: Time to tease more Rapping Scotty Dog.
derp: dont
derp changed name to Harpy
MobileDraco: Oh. Okay.
Microbial Sheep: dont
Microbial Sheep: don
Microbial Sheep: do
Harpy: d
Microbial Sheep: do
Harpy: od
Harpy: nod
Harpy: t'nod
Microbial Sheep: nod
Microbial Sheep: od
Microbial Sheep: odd
Gooper Blooper: this is the sort of illuminating discourse I come to chatzy for
Harpy: not as fun as the dinosaur discourse
Harpy: or gamefaqs


Harpy: FF5 is good but its kinda easy to get lost and get decked
Harpy: same with FF6 but it saves it for the latter half of the game, where its not even mandatory to do anything aside from get the primary 4 party members
Harpy: or three i think
Harpy: all you need is three to get through kefka's tower
Harpy: everyone else is optional
RubyChao: i will admit
RubyChao: ff5 was helped by me playing it after bravely
Jumpropeman: sometimes playing a game at the right time does wonders for it
Jumpropeman: and sometimes the opposite :V
Harpy: yeah bravely is ff5 taken to 11
RubyChao: perhaps that's why i didn't like ocarina?
N Goat: Or maybe
RubyChao: i played it after majora and wind waker and many later games
N Goat: it was GARBAGE
N Goat: I wouldn't actually know. Never played.
RubyChao: you know what else is garbage?
RubyChao: that small town sports team
Harpy: : o
Harpy: you don't even watch sports, ivel
ivel: we have a lot of pride in our sports teams here :I
Harpy: you don't even watch sports
Harpy: >:U
ivel: :I
Harpy: i had pride
Harpy: when my bro played in the kids baseball team


Harpy: oh god chris pratt is hot
Harpy: oh no
Harpy: i'm done for
Gooper Blooper: top kek
RubyChao: yep
Gooper Blooper: goopsmom warned you, harpy
Cornwind Evil: Good thing he gets eaten halfway through
Cornwind Evil: (Of course he doesn't)
Harpy: he's 2 hot 2 die
Harpy: thats the law of movies
Harpy: ian was protected by that very law
ivel: not in the original book :U
Harpy: i said law of movies not law of books
ivel: instead he was brought back because he was hot in the movie
Harpy: books don't discriminate


Harpy: oh man
Harpy: >mario is missing
Harpy: *gags*
Jumpropeman: come on harp
Jumpropeman: you can't judge a game before trying it!
Jumpropeman: maybe playing as Weegee and asking the odd question of "Where's the nearest koopa?" to random passersby might be what you've wanted in a game all these years
Harpy: i've played it.
Harpy: i can't remember if i've beaten it or not but i
Harpy: i played it
Harpy: i'm within my rights
Gooper Blooper: bold of you to assume harpy hasn't played mario is missing
Gooper Blooper: sorry, she's got me doing it now
Harpy: i didn't expect for it to stick
Harpy: much like i didn't expect my other gang of friends to take another thing I said and turn it into an official meme for ONE CHARACTER
Jumpropeman: I'd rather italicized my assumptions
Harpy: "hotel mario brazillian dub"
Harpy: no
Harpy: i regret everything
Harpy: plz


Jumpropeman: thiccccc
Harpy: thiiiiiiccc


Jumpropeman: *emerges from Kirby Golf Boot Camp*
Jumpropeman: I've... seen things
Harpy: you played dream course.
Jumpropeman: I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Tornado powers used on the finnicky slopes around Whispy. I watched Kabus spin in the checkerboards near the spinning tiles. All those courses will be lost in time, like the final enemy on a hole. Time to golf.


Jumpropeman: hi humans who have entered recently
Jumpropeman: I'm just over here
Jumpropeman: fighting Trump as Shaq
Jumpropeman: the plot of Shaq Fu The Legend Reborn is literally about fighting celebrities
Jumpropeman: next up: Bieber
Jumpropeman: so I know what you're thinking
ivel: are you sure about that
Jumpropeman: if I could make Justin Bieber into a video game boss, he'd be half chicken and fire flaming eggs at you
ivel: damn, he was right
Jumpropeman: it was sort of unfair, considering how obvious it was


RubyChao: link 1
link 2
link 3
Jumpropeman: I like that first design
Jumpropeman: *puts it in Harpy and Gooper's future folders*
Harpy: i have no future folder
Harpy: except for one character
Harpy: and one alone
Draco: Only the present and past folders.
Draco: Full of Stacy pictures.


RubyChao: i found a Crazy Taxi creepypasta
RubyChao: of all games
Jumpropeman: I hope energetic ska still plays during hte delivery of my dead friends
RubyChao: "As time ran out, the Fare got more and more pissed, as he always does, until the timer went to zero. the logo "BAD" showed at the bottom of the screen, as It does, and the Fare said "You Suck! Look at the time!" as he usually does. however, he then pulls from his back pocket, a 9mm pistol, and shoots poor B.D. Joe directly in the back of the head! No graphical blood or anything, but for the next second or so, his head rested lifelessly on the dash board, as the Fare jumps out of the cab."
Jumpropeman: >no blood
Jumpropeman: clearly an amateur writer


RubyChao: Jumpropeman: I sometimes forget I watched the entire Postman Pat movie
-Jumpropeman: like it's some sort of repressed memory resurfacing
-SteelKomodo: why would you inflict that on yourself
-SteelKomodo: was it a "I gotta know" thing, or...?
-Potato Nightmares and truths: I forgive you.
-Jumpropeman: yeah, after I saw robot Pat and the British American Idol I had to know what was going on in that mess

RubyChao: jrm this is exactly what happens to me
RubyChao: sometimes i just
RubyChao: remember it
Jumpropeman: great
Jumpropeman: I had suppressed that again
Jumpropeman: and now its back
Draco: Oh well.


Harpy: hey i'm playing costume que-
Gooper Blooper: 100% Orange Juice making as much sense as always
Draco: It's only 6.99 too.
Harpy: when has it ever made sense?
Draco: 100% Price
Harpy: i mean the only reason a character got involved in the main story was because his wallet got stolen
Harpy: ivel's char has a halloween costume that's basically him being fred flintstone :U
Gooper Blooper: Imagine the kind of house that would give out bone-in cuts on halloween
Harpy: WE HAVE


RubyChao: this is to spoil jrm's season 9 plot
Jumpropeman: not pictured: Cirno trying to eat the stones because they look like candy
RubyChao: i would trust cirno with the gauntlet
Jumpropeman: then you are not a wise man
Draco: She doesn't know how to snap her fingers though.


RubyChao: link
Draco: lel
ivel: "Suddenly, thousands of new Reddit accounts are being made"
Gooper Blooper: it's the perfect plan
ivel: that's only if the NSFW people went to Reddit, of course, since it's pretty much the only place I can think of for them to still show their work
Gooper Blooper: to grow their site, they will become exactly the same as everywhere else
Gooper Blooper: that will surely draw crowds
ivel: lel
Draco: link
ivel: okay that one got me
Harpy: you got him
Draco: I got him.
Gooper Blooper: no, no, it would be empty
Gooper Blooper: no balls will be allowed on tumblr
Harpy: jerio9udfjouthopglgh
ivel: GOOPS
RubyChao: heeeeeh
Harpy: ivel's dyin, cloud
Gooper Blooper: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Harpy: why
ivel: Harpy's dyin, cloud


Harpy: still completely baffled by that synpopsis of godzilla and mothra...
Gooper Blooper: Oh, I forgot to tell you that synopsis was utter nonsense
Gooper Blooper: Mothra and King Kong have never met
Harpy: oh good
ivel: how do you know?
Harpy: time to double check to make sure i didn't hallucinate it
ivel: they could have sat down for coffee one day
Draco: They online dated for awhile, but it just didn't work out.
Gooper Blooper: Okay, fine, never met onscreen :V
ivel: lel
Gooper Blooper: There was however a movie where they WOULD have met, but plans changed
Harpy: status: synopsis still there
Harpy: very confoot
Gooper Blooper: Godzilla Vs The Sea Monster originally starred Kong, but it was changed and Godzilla was swapped in for Kong
Gooper Blooper: They didn't change much else, so Godzilla acts and fights like he's Kong
Gooper Blooper: it's weird
Harpy: time to get blasted by SURROUND SOUND-
Harpy: qwdasknhdfkl
Draco: Um...pretty sure it's been seen in North America. Somewhere in Canada, I assume.
Harpy: salt
Harpy: also its another 48 hour rental after i start watching
Gooper Blooper: I can't tell if the "Godzilla(r)" is them attempting to mark him as a registered trademark or if they're making fun of how some of the old dubs call him "Godziller"
Harpy: i can't tell either
ivel: both
Draco: Yes.
Harpy: godziller always kills me
Harpy: always
ivel: well yeah, you stand no chance against a kaiju
Gooper Blooper: Godzilla is the kaiju, Godziller is a drunk guy in a Godzilla suit
Gooper Blooper: I can make sense of that synopsis talking about "never before seen in America" though
Gooper Blooper: Before 1998, none of the Godzilla movies made after Godzilla vs Biollante were released in the US
Jumpropeman: *adds Godziller to RP plans*


Harpy: real sexual dinosaurs.
Harpy: gimme some of that HOT CACTUS ACTION
Jumpropeman: >Porky Pig review flagged
Harpy: but why
ivel: he has no pants
Harpy: i wish they would tell us


Jumpropeman: I hope Lego Hitler is in this Lego Indiana Jones game
Brinehammer joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi brine
iKomodo joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sk
Jumpropeman: I say Lego Hitler and the boys come running
iKomodo: Hi
Fun username goes here: Hi brine welcome to the no porn zone
Brinehammer: Hello... Lego Hitler isn't here, is he? Damnit.
Fun username goes here: No Lego hitler
Fun username goes here: Wait here he is
Brinehammer: Dang. I'm never reich on time.
iKomodo: XD


ivel: the Switch has a Senran Kagura pinball game coming out with all the fanservice expected of the series uncensored, while the next full game on the PS4 is getting censored
ivel: in other news I know what Goops is getting next Christmas
ivel: (kidding)
Jumpropeman: don't get goop sexy pinball
Jumpropeman: get him sexy poker
Jumpropeman: broaden his horizons


(I clear every stage in Mighty Switch Force: Hose It Down)

Gooper Blooper: finished fighting fires with patty, thank for the fun little vidya harpy
Jumpropeman: time for her to start the ZFFD
ivel: when's her fite against Utsuho
Gooper Blooper: fun fact: I was planning on bringing in a firefighter character last season
Gooper Blooper: but after I decided to use Patty I realized it would be redundant
Jumpropeman: that reminds me of that boss firefighter hero from My Hero Academia
Gooper Blooper: In my case it was going to be a mysterious gasmasked person, kinda like the Pyro but in a firefighter outfit
Gooper Blooper: then after a few appearances they would unmask and it would have been Bastion from the Neo Kobbers the whole time
Harpy: *immediately thinks of mr down instead of cool firefighter*
Gooper Blooper: I think I was just looking for an excuse to have a strong lady biff stuff with Sally gone
Gooper Blooper: and now I have Dana, so there
Harpy: welp
Jumpropeman: awesome
Jumpropeman: I thought she might just be background
Gooper Blooper: That was the initial idea, but I tossed her in my profiles on a whim and I think I can take her places
Gooper Blooper: she might be on the security team or something
Gooper Blooper: someone has to protect Jill, she has no idea how to fight
Gooper Blooper tosses Jill into the Brawl anyway


ivel: "Fight, Solve, and BARF your way through 100's of action-packed levels wrapped in a colorful, arcade-adventure world! What if Pac-Man got fatter while he ate? In Pig Eat Ball, to beat levels you must eat all the balls, but you get FATTER WHILE YOU EAT. If you get stuck, you'll have to barf to squeeze through!"
Harpy: uuuuuuuUUUUUHM
Harpy: should have left while i had the chance
Gooper Blooper: PIG EAT BALL BARF
ivel: I didn't make you read it
Harpy: i'm suffering
MobileDraco: Yay
MobileDraco: YAY?


RubyChao: you know what i haven't done in a while
RubyChao: ask me anything
RubyChao: help me think about rp stuff
Draco: Where's Bambietta?
RubyChao: currently somewhere in europe, planning to eventually get back on the golfing circuit
Gooper Blooper: this time with titanium clubs
Draco: Neat.
Jumpropeman: where's Bambi
RubyChao: that i do not know


Jumpropeman: so is dolby surround sound when Dolby runs circles around you screaming
RubyChao: yes, but why is she screaming
Jumpropeman: she just found an 8 track of Earth, Wind, and Fire and she's excited


 Jumpropeman: "Can you beat Nintendogs without dying?"
Jumpropeman: these challenge runs are getting intense
Draco: No way I can resist the opportunity to do a Nintendogs Genocide Run.


NEVER SAW IT COMIIIING (Fun username goes here) joined the chat
NEVER SAW IT COMIIIING: Holy shit my boy's in!
Jumpropeman: there he is
ivel: yep that's what I was waiting for


[OCEAN MAN]: My memes are no longer dreams
[OCEAN MAN]: Also I'm fucking wasted from rum right now lol
[OCEAN MAN]: What's up gang
RubyChao: i literally got on chatzy in the morning JUST to see your reactions
RubyChao: a lot earlier than usual during offseason
RubyChao: so gj
RubyChao: goops said this for you was like if reimu got in for me and honestly i don't think he's wrong


(GameFAQs' 2018 character battle builds up to a Link vs Zelda winner's bracket final)

Gooper Blooper: It's starting to become clear what GameFAQs is willing to do now that there are no Undertales or Dravens and it's fucking hilarious
RubyChao: >the finale is going to be Link vs. Zelda
RubyChao: and this is why rallies happen, gamefaqs
RubyChao: because when they don't, every story ends the same way
[OCEAN MAN]: Zelda over link imo
Harpy: yeah zelda's better
Gooper Blooper: If Zelda catches a bandwagon and beats link
Gooper Blooper: that would be amazing
Harpy: i'm all up for a zelda rally
Gooper Blooper: "you won too many contests, you're sleeping on the couch tonight"
Draco: "Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess!"
Gooper Blooper: "SURELY THAT'S WORTH A KISS, HUH?" "HA!"
Harpy: poasrduoigjud
Harpy: died


(Regarding a list of Smash characters with the longest gaps between their debut in a video game and their appearance in Smash as playable)

ivel: I'll note the list did have DK as first appearing in Country because Cranky is canonically the DK in Donkey Kong
ivel: that confused ivelmom
Jumpropeman: for a while nintendo was in denial about it
ivel: they're also in denial that Bowser Jr. isn't Bowser's only kid
ivel: BI
Jumpropeman: between that and bowsette
Draco: Bowser is Yoshi's dad.
Jumpropeman: Nintendo is trying really hard to ignore how much Bowser gets down
Harpy: welp
Gooper Blooper: Nintendo refusing to acknowedge that Bowser is canonically a stud


Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: god those ALL take me back
Jumpropeman: chaotic evil is the bane of my ytp watching experience


Bree: so, interesting thing I just spotted on the ZFRP admin control panel
Bree: "Board started: 7:18 PM - Sep 29, 2011"
Bree: we know the board's Official Birthday
Draco: Dang. Board's OLD.
Bree: down to the fuckin minute
smashvel: huh, neat
Harpy: del thought ahead


Draco: How is Ivel like a cup of bitter coffee? Harpy might cream him too if he's not careful.
Harpy: u90dfosgjuodf;sijnu iohgfh\
RubyChao: leeeeel
RubyChao: lel in a cell


Jumpropeman: related to the smash news
Jumpropeman: a statement came out saying that Joker is "emblematic" of their DLC angle
RubyChao: oh?
Jumpropeman: "It’s emblematic of the approach that Mr. Sakurai and the team are taking with the DLC. He wants characters that are unique, different, to bring them into the Smash Bros. environment. So it’s going to be tremendously exciting.
Mr. Sakurai, he’s not only a student of Nintendo franchises, and obviously he’s had his hand in a few, but he’s a student of video games from a total perspective and so he’s been the driver in really thinking about what type of character coming into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate would bring just a whole different level of fun and enjoyment for the player. That’s been the approach. That’s the thinking."

RubyChao: oooh
RubyChao: so reimu confirmed???
Jumpropeman: *stabs chao before the reimu joke*
Jumpropeman: dang
Jumpropeman: too slow


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: squirtle
RubyChao: bidoof
Jumpropeman: *starts bidoof on fire*
RubyChao: i'm dying squirtle
Jumpropeman: finally =)


Gooper Blooper: >customers who bought this jurassic world toy also bought Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition
Gooper Blooper: amazon no
Gooper Blooper: I don't want a nylon bag
Harpy: a-amazon no


Jumpropeman: you know how gooper keeps going back to the Streets of Rage well
Jumpropeman: I've resisted the urge to keep going back to Sonic Boom
RubyChao: i'll be honest
RubyChao: if you decided to have Boom Eggman show up as his own guy
RubyChao: i'd be down for it
Gooper Blooper: Streets of Rage 4 better have some RP-able shit in it
Gooper Blooper: I'm getting desperate here
Gooper Blooper waves Isotope around like an action figure


Harpy: >someone messaged me on crunchyroll
Harpy: >its spam
Harpy: >"lookin 4 guys to sexting"
Harpy: mmmmmm
Jumpropeman: sorry harp, that was supposed to go to someone else


Draco: Eggette vs Bowsette
ivel: Bowsette
Harpy: you say that as if Bowsette wouldn't adopt Eggette and teach her her ways
ivel: true
Harpy: #solidarity
Harpy: #family
Jumpropeman: Eggette 100%
Jumpropeman: *waits for Gooper's Bowsette plot to make it difficult*


Draco: On a random note: I had a dream last night that I was walking through a city with my cats and one of them went exploring.
Jumpropeman: sounds like reality to me
Draco: That's because Wisconsinners always have their cats around in case they need a mouse chased.


Jumpropeman: "Traits and Appearance
Shetta appeared to be a fat cat-woman character.
Shetta would shake her body vigorously during the ceremony."

Jumpropeman: fan wikis
Jumpropeman: gotta love em
Draco: Please tell me those two things are the entirety of the article.
Jumpropeman: nah, there's more in the main body, but they made sure to keep those details separate from it


RubyChao: i'm surprised this isn't an edit
Draco: wao
Jumpropeman: draco keeping wao alive
Harpy: wao was never dead...
Draco: wao rood
Jumpropeman: he's stealing your crown
Jumpropeman: you've slipped into keyboard smash more
Draco: Bold of you to assume it wasn't mine to begin with. BV
Gooper Blooper: Draco is mutating into Harpy
Draco: :I How dare.
Gooper Blooper: Only a BV bubbles up from the harpy catchphrases to show us it's still him
Harpy: i'm passing on my ways before i fade into obscurity
Harpy: wait, if draco is mutating into me..
Harpy: wh-who am i?
Jumpropeman: my impersonator theory only grows stronger by the day
Gooper Blooper: Still you
Gooper Blooper: you're just spreading
Gooper Blooper: soon we will all be harpy, wao, much kek
Draco: Bold of you to assume resistance isn't futile.


Harpy: and now i wait for target to approve my review or
Harpy: something
Gooper Blooper: you reviewed spiny boi didn't you
Harpy: yes
Harpy: believe me i would have went wild with it but i have to sound professional
Harpy: and uninteresting
Harpy: the plainest white bread spiny boi review you'll ever hear from meJumpropeman: time for
Jumpropeman: The Dino Hoard
Harpy: snrk
Gooper Blooper: I've reviewed some of the JW figs on Amazon
Draco: Professional and uninteresting...the anti-Harpy! D:
Gooper Blooper: will probably review more later
Harpy: I usually don't do reviews/leave comments because
Harpy: "wow its great!"
Harpy: only the most exceptional things get reviews
Harpy: in reality i'm just kinda plain, drac :U
Harpy: you don't see me leaving comments everywhere on blogposts!
Harpy: *conveniently ignores comments she leaves on videos for robo-lovin frand*
Draco: I've met you in reality. :I
Harpy: still does not change the fact that i'm kinda plain :U
ivel: I disagree :I
Jumpropeman: I reviewed one book on amazon
Jumpropeman: because I had to let the world know
Jumpropeman: that it was mediocre
Harpy: good
Gooper Blooper: Harpy is anything but plain
Gooper Blooper: she is a very special and wonderful frand
Jumpropeman: harpy is also anything but plaid
ivel: both of these are true
Gooper Blooper: plaid ain't cute
Jumpropeman: *didn't realize gooper was following with a genuine sentiment*
Harpy: well time to ditch these pjs i guess-
Harpy: alas, if only i could get away with calling spino "perfect for guarding gifts and spooking your guests" in a review
ivel: you could tho
Harpy: target would immediately purge me
Gooper Blooper: I did a review where I suggested that people with both color variations of the Herrarasaurus figure could make them buddy cops
Harpy: ...yes
Harpy: i say crazy shit here but i get real timid when actually putting things on other sites
Harpy: except that NIS survey
Harpy: they'll live.
Harpy: fuckers better give more prier
Gooper Blooper: you made very reasonable demands
Gooper Blooper: "thunder thighs II or I riot"
Harpy: i will also accept a proper remaster of Makai Kingdom but only because MAKAI KINGDOM WAS SO FUCKIGN GOOD
Harpy: but mostly prier.
Draco: Thunder Thighs II aka Magnolia and Patty Wagon?
Gooper Blooper: the next generation
Harpy: Prier and Josie v. Maggie and Patty Wagon
ivel: Dirk was going to be the guest ref but he died of blood loss, was revived, and died again
Gooper Blooper: it's just as well, his girlfriend is in there and he'd be biased
ivel: biassed
Harpy: so instead we brought in Kasumi.


(The GameFAQs contest wraps up as Link effortlessly wins)

Gooper Blooper: these two are going at it to decide who gets to get curbstomped by Link tomorrow
RubyChao: i wish this contest had a rally
RubyChao: the finals bracket has felt boring with how foregone we all knew it was
Harpy: yeah this has been a snorefest
Gooper Blooper: There have been some pretty exciting close matches in the Legends bracket, but yeah they were cheapened a bit knowing everyone was just fighting for second
Harpy: i had
Harpy: a glimmer of hope
Gooper Blooper: Mario, Samus, Cloud, and Zelda are all roughly equals of one another, is what this contest has told me
Harpy: thinking zelda would win...
RubyChao: i feel like
Gooper Blooper: and Link 60-40s all of them
RubyChao: sans would have had a big rally
RubyChao: had deltarune come out a little earlier
Harpy: alas
Gooper Blooper: at least no matter how much Link wins by, he can never take away the best moment of the contest
Gooper Blooper: the day Tifa won with her boobs
Harpy: tiddy...
Harpy: world cold, tiddy warm.


Sandodapanda is alive.
M Sheep: Maintain that pulse, Xnithi
Sandodapanda: I guess I will.


Draco: Oh lawdy...
Draco: My mom gave me a couple of little gift bags to put my gifts to my brothers in and in one of them I found a gift card my younger brother had been given LAST year. He either forgot to take it out or didn't see it, so we left it in the bag and put my gift in too. X)
SteelKomodo: XD


[OCEAN MAN]: Woomy
Draco: Woomy
SteelKomodo: Woomy
Harpy: Woomy
[OCEAN MAN]: A full chorus of woomy
Harpy: Barbershop Kidtette
[OCEAN MAN]: Barbershop Squidet
Draco: Would we need Marina or four more people to be a Barbershop Octette?
Harpy: Mmmmmmmmaybe


1 comment:

  1. Zach Ryder just won the tag titles at Wrestlemania! And unlike the last time, he DIDN'T immediately lose the title he won on the Raw right after it!
