Saturday, February 9, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 322: The Cory Is Coming From Inside The House

Delcast Eternals: Oh god theres another Dr rabbit source
SteelKomodo: yes
Delcast Eternals: Also the description mentions this creator was grounded five times and uh
Delcast Eternals: Now I feel old
SteelKomodo: dunno when that was released but it looks very 80's
SteelKomodo: me too :P
SteelKomodo: wonder what they got grounded for?
Delcast Eternals: Making Dr Rabbit YTPs
Delcast Eternals: :U
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Draco: I always worry about Precious Cinnamon Roll Beach Episode.
Brando: I worry more about circe
Draco: I worry about ALL the Cinnamon Rolls. *hugs all the Coolladies and Beach Episode and Cirral*
Gooper Blooper: Cirralmin roll
Draco: Oh! *and Dovetail*
Brando: Too bad magic
Brando: you were abandoned
Gooper Blooper: MAGIC was not abandoned!
Draco: She's my Precious Cinnamon Cake.
Draco: Because she's extra sweet.
Gooper Blooper: a mere roll not enough to hold all that cinnamon
Draco: There are not enough robes to protect her from my love.


Jumpropeman: reminder that Captain Falcon is a mass murderer
RubyChao: Good.
Gooper Blooper: oh god I forgot about that amazing cutscene


RubyChao: "Telling someone that they die in the future — regardless of the existence of time travel — would not cause them to dramatically fade from existence while screaming “noooo.”"
Draco: doesn't?
Draco rewrites Dracoplot finale.


Jumpropeman: ewww, we can like each other's posts now
SteelKomodo: nobody's ever gonna use that :P
Delcast Eternals likes every post with Rory in it


MobileDraco: I'm just going to pretend Chatzy is the forum and RP here.
RubyChao: but on chatzy
RubyChao: there are NO TEXT COLORS
RubyChao: it is a barren wasteland
RubyChao: of ordinary text
Gooper Blooper Correction: you get ONE text color.
Jumpropeman: unless you're brine
Jumpropeman: all brine gets is black
RubyChao: speaking of brine
RubyChao: let's see
RubyChao: del sk draco goops chao jrm harpy spy
RubyChao: that's everyone i know has been caught up to speed
RubyChao: i also messaged bree
Gooper Blooper: Brine was here when the conversion first happened
RubyChao: basically i think giving a warning to everyone we can would be nice
RubyChao: oh yeah
RubyChao: so that's sheep, cornwind, and ivel who have Surprises in store
Gooper Blooper: Brinehammer: I, uh... Well dang.
Gooper Blooper: Brinehammer: Eh, fuck it. It's really not that bad. The show goes on.
RubyChao: brine.txt


M Sheep joined the chat
M Sheep: Hello
ivel throws balls at Sheep
MobileDraco: Pokesheep Go
M Sheep is hit in head and crumples to the ground. The Pokeball rolls across the ground like a mad, swiveling eyeball before coming to a stop at ivel's feet, a spot of blood shining black in the moonlight
M Sheep: Hi
ivel: darn, didn't work. Let's try more!
ivel throws another one
M Sheep it splats against the body with a sound like a cue ball thrown into a slab of ham.

M Sheep: >Hotline Moscow: i have promoted myself in a dangerous game
M Sheep storms the capital and topples the Del statue
MobileDraco throws Sheep in a burlap sack painted red and white.

M Sheep: Nae king! Nae quin! Nae laird! Nae mastleblble...


RubyChao: sometimes i feel down
RubyChao: then i remember we live in a world where william shatner expressed his opinion on which of the love live characters he liked the most
RubyChao: and i'm cheered up by how ridiculous it can be
M Sheep: I'm still comprehending that sentence


M Sheep: Can I add Tapatalk to my Foes list?
RubyChao: XD
M Sheep: The foe thing slays me
M Sheep: they even a have a color for Pms from your Fooooooe
M Sheep: which, of course, is BLACK AS THEIR DARK HEARTS


Jumpropeman: *opens Youtube*
Jumpropeman: Subscriptions: a review of Halloween for Atari in july
Jumpropeman: the creep
Jumpropeman: it continues
Gooper Blooper: this is actually starting to get a little spoopy now
Gooper Blooper: Pumpking is actually winning in real life
Gooper Blooper: the most successful RP villain ever
Borked Chatroom: Pumpking vs. Christmas Creep


RubyChao: just leaving this ere so i don't suffer alone
RubyChao left the chat
Delcast Eternals: Lol
Delcast Eternals: Jesus
Delcast Eternals: Cursed image


Jumpropeman: there is a lot of overmuscled Soar the Eagle art that I've spared this community from


RubyChao: guys i just made a terrifying discovery
RubyChao: from tapatalk's custom domain instructions
RubyChao: "Step 2. Change Your Nameservers. Please visit your registrar's dashboard to change your nameservers to '' and ''. The transfer process can take up to 24 hours."
iPad Bree: and JRM isn’t here for this groundbreaking revelation
Draco: O_O
iPad Bree: maybe because... he knew all along?!
iPad Bree: is JRM the real tapatalk?!
RubyChao: he sold out
iPad Bree: turned his back on the zfrp universe
iPad Bree: yes autocorrect, the Afro universe
iPad Bree: you cracked the case, autocorrect
Draco: Disco Cops confirmed new Elohim.
RubyChao: that's what you call it when Ace shaves
RubyChao: his head that is
iPad Bree: nice clarification there
Draco: Versus his face
iPad Bree: versus his anything else


Bree: *looks at newly converted forum for the first time*
Bree: BARF


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Borked Chatroom: oh hey goops is here
Borked Chatroom: now i can make stupid posts


Bree: post
Bree: hina confessions
Bree: gripping reality TV here on ZFRP Channel
Bree: but really this is kind of half me wanting to justify what hina did in the face of browny highlighting how OOC it was but also me just having a kinda nice idea for a character moment
Bree: I don't know why I felt like she should tell browny specifically but hina doesn't know either so shrugpony.jpg
Borked Chatroom: Browny has this
Borked Chatroom: dad-esque aura about him.
Gooper Blooper: He's Good Cop
Gooper Blooper: Good Cops are kinda dad-ish
Bree: plus his name is a dessert so that's comforting
Bree: like confessing to officer cupcake
Gooper Blooper: It's Contra canon that his name comes from, quoth the manual, "his warm personality"
Bree: lel
Gooper Blooper: so yeah he's a nice guy
Borked Chatroom: his warm personality
Borked Chatroom: warm
Borked Chatroom: like a perfectly baked brownie.
Gooper Blooper: warm like a fresh brownie
Bree: now I want brownies
Borked Chatroom: topped with vanilla ice cream and drizzled with hot fudge and caramel
Bree: noooooo stahp


RubyChao: we have more MCM entries
RubyChao: this is going to be Fun
Mango Sheep: It's shaping up to be a real who's who of insignificance!
Delcast Eternals: I'm excited


Working Del: this is fucked up
Working Del: and not in a good way
Mango Sheep: What am I looking at here, Del?
Mango Sheep: Looking at the graphics later in the article, some of these angelic-ish creatures have...interesting names
Mango Sheep: Who could forget that fair seraphim Boss "Meatball" MacUilieoid?
Mango Sheep: And never did a seraph spread pinions so fair as Intentionally Awkward Cornelius
Mango Sheep: Shout out to L.L. Belchip of The Glowing Obelisk
Working Del: okay
Working Del: so
Working Del: there's a term used for magic games where you just used the contents of prebuilt decks and/or boosters
Working Del: called sealed
Working Del: this game is just that format forever
Mango Sheep: I'm going to regret making jokes, aren't I?
Working Del: the idea is you buy a deck and that's it???
Mango Sheep: That does seem like a difficult to manage business model
Working Del: yeah it's not
Working Del: gonna work
Working Del: cos with magic you open that stuff and then when you're done you can add that to a bigger collection
Working Del: this game doesn't have that appeal
Working Del: damn it i still have some magic in my locker
Working Del: i could do it
Mango Sheep: Make a summoning circle out of Magic cards?
Working Del: i COULD try and summon brine here with chaos magic yes
Working Del: i could also just
Working Del: buy into the new mtg stuff
Mango Sheep: You say that
Mango Sheep: and then every surface in the house is covered in cards as soon as you turn around
Brinehammer slowly draws back into the shadows, rubbing his hands together and spilling basic lands from his pockets.
Working Del: damn
Working Del: it's too late
Working Del: now i'm sleeping on a bed of new phyrexia cards
Mango Sheep: You wouldn't be having that problem
Mango Sheep: if you bought...
Mango Sheep has to to actually look again
Mango Sheep: Key
Mango Sheep: Keyforge
Mango Sheep: CANNOT remember that name
Working Del: yeah it's a bad name


Big Del: Also I keep looking at it and seeing netrunner's grave :I
Gooper Blooper: del is just like
Gooper Blooper: "netrunner died for this"
Big Del: Netrunner died for steampunk overwatch :I


RubyChao: do you guys wanna see the QUALITY screencaps i took from one f-zero episode
SteelKomodo: yes
Fifty Spider Monkeys: #Kwality
SteelKomodo: oh man


MobileDraco: All I want for Christmas is a PSP.
MobileDraco: PSP psp all I want 4 Xmas is a PSP lol
Gooper Blooper: a truly legendary ad campaign to be sure
Big Del: Is Draco okay
Big Del: Or has he been possessed by the ghost of Sony's marketing department
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure he's fine
Gooper Blooper: All I can think of is that fuckin PSP rapper spinning his head like he's wearing a Swing Thing to twirl the bobble on the santa hat he's wearing in the PSP music video
Gooper Blooper: thanks draco


RubyChao: harpy: do you want anyone in particular for either side
Bree: kennedy!
Bree: you said kennedy and cirral
RubyChao: ok!
Gooper Blooper: XD
ivel: lel
Gooper Blooper: Harpy just like GIVE


iKomodo: 'Return of Jim'
iKomodo: who is Jim and why did he leave?
iKomodo: such mystery and intrigue
Bree: he was just taking a vacay
Bree: but we missed him so much
Gooper Blooper: He returned for the Brawl and got killed by Octavious and Jeffery
Bree: still makes me laugh that octavious used jeffery as a weapon


RubyChao: i have hiccups
RubyChao: pls remove my internal orgams
RubyChao: it would be kinder
RubyChao: (i'm exaggerating but i don't like hiccups)
Borked Chatroom: i
Borked Chatroom: i read that as "internal orgasms"
Bree: harppls
Borked Chatroom: your diaphram is having a good time
Borked Chatroom: ...i should find out how to spell
Bree: diaphragm
Borked Chatroom: RANDOM G THREW ME OFF
Bree: close but it's got a lame random G like the word phlegm
Borked Chatroom: i won't win the spelling bee like this.
Bree: you won't win because I will
Borked Chatroom: i know
ivel: spelling bree
Borked Chatroom: bumblebree
Bree: bzzzzz bzzzzzz
Bree: flowers and honey and stuff


Mango Sheep: barpost, if only to say "Hey, I posted today"
Mango Sheep: The thrilling, continued adventures of a spider building a house.


Borked Chatroom: i mean
Borked Chatroom: pjs
Gooper Blooper: that's EXACTLY what you mean


Jumpropeman: weird ruined I saw today
Jumpropeman: the whole "3d printing gun controversy" about whether it's legal or what
Jumpropeman: had an image labelled, and it was Sumi's liberator, the real version
RubyChao: nice


MobileDraco: I'm growing increasingly convinced that Dawn is really just a super-awkward dork who only pretends to be a super stoic badass.
Bree: I think she's both, drac
MobileDraco: It's possible. She's adorkable and just needs a friend.


RubyChao: so i just found out
RubyChao: you guys had a 20 PM limit on the old forum
RubyChao: How the FUCK did you survive!?
Big Del: We never pm'd
Big Del: Or rather, I didn't
Gooper Blooper: I remember it pretty well - two pages of PMs, ten per page
RubyChao: that sounds terrifying
Gooper Blooper: it mayyyy have been 40 PMs and not 20 but I'm pretty sure it was 20
RubyChao: 40 isn't much better
Gooper Blooper: Definitely two pages
RubyChao gestures to inbox which has over 10k
Gooper Blooper: And yeah, I told Chao about it and said we basically only used PMs to plan plot stuff or deal with the staff
Gooper Blooper: no chatting
Gooper Blooper: horrifying words to chao for sure
RubyChao: considering PMs are my main form of communication with my best friend
RubyChao: very much so
RubyChao: don't you mean
RubyChao: "Chao's city tan went pale as the words hammered into his mind. No. Chat. Products."
Gooper Blooper: XD
Big Del: My god


RubyChao: "As part of this Casablanca homage, Sonic is fighting Tom Servo, Crow, and Cambot from MST3K. Because why wouldn’t he be"


RubyChao: very quick barpost
RubyChao: because it doesn't need to be long
RubyChao: it's good as is
ivel: that's what she said


Cornwind Evil: God, I hate those people who come to your door asking to save you, or else you'll burn.
Cornwind Evil: Stupid firemen.
Draco: lol
Bree: kek
RubyChao: jej


Gooper Blooper: I told Chao earlier that thanks to him asking to insert Kaede into this plot
Gooper Blooper: Because the totems were out of control and Celesteela didn't mean to do anything, the biggest antagonist of the event
Gooper Blooper: was Kaede


Hotelinternetropeman: holy frijoles
Hotelinternetropeman: the game hoard has been spammed!
Gooper Blooper: They realized you weren't there to guard it!
Hotelinternetropeman: "adult plus size onesie
Hi, after reading this amazing paragraph i am too happy to share my knowledge here with mates."

Gooper Blooper: AND THEY POUNCED!


Bree: chao's going to get me something so I don't have to ask my mom for yet another thing.
Bree: I literally have the best friends in the fucking universe
SteelKomodo: yay :)
Bree: this computer is going to be eternally special to me for how much of my friends' love went into it
Bree: their love as represented by dolla dolla billz y'all
MobileDraco: Bling bling
MobileDraco: Brine's next.
RubyChao: brine escaped our love by doing it himself
RubyChao: the devious man
Bree: he can't escape. we will drown him in gifts
Brinehammer: ;>_>
Bree: be afraid, brine
Bree: be very afraid
MobileDraco: That villain.
MobileDraco: Built a laptop-proof wall around himself.
Bree: everyone just flinging laptops at the wall "LET US LOVE YOU BRINE"


M Sheep: >A ton of Kobbers are running or walking to the hut, or whatever they're doing.
M Sheep: Pretty sure Zeldoten's cartwheeling
Hiroki: terrible
ivel: no, Zeldo was riding Nyx's shoulders
M Sheep: Oooh, right
M Sheep: Well
M Sheep: Nyx is probably cartwheeling!
M Sheep: Maybe!
M Sheep: It could happen!
M Sheep: "Everybody and their dog has noticed it."
M Sheep: Could this be?
M Sheep: The debut of Henry the screaming dog?
Gooper Blooper: Henry will debut when you least expect him


RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: goops leaves
RubyChao: chat dies
Jumpropeman: he holds the keys
Jumpropeman: I'm forced to slip my chat messages in through the mail slot
Jumpropeman: not worth the trouble half the time


M Sheep: Oh, I've made it back onto the first page of The Game Hoard.
M Sheep goes mad with power
Jumpropeman: *sweats*
Jumpropeman: *publishes more atari reviews to slow sheep down*
M Sheep: Oh boy, look at this
M Sheep: fresh
M Sheep: hot
M Sheep: title
M Sheep: Link's
M Sheep hrk
M Sheep: Link's Crossbow Training
M Sheep: Bet these units flew off the shelves
M Sheep: "but you can only dip a spoon in a shallow bowl of soup so many times, and you’ll likely still be hungry after."
M Sheep: But what if it's, like
M Sheep: a really WIDE bowl
Jumpropeman: well then you'll have to climb in that bowl and you'll spoil the broth


Draco: Yeah, I can't not hear Ostarion as Mr. Krabs and Risbun as Squidward now. Thanks Del. X)
SteelKomodo: Ostarion is Plankton to me.
Fifty Spider Monkeys: glad to have been of service
SteelKomodo: "What, it's just a normal skele- OH, MY GOODNESS! RISBUUUUN!"
RubyChao: "And I always keep me first bone here in the cash register!"
RubyChao: *Ostarion pulls out a mammoth tusk*
Draco: link


MobileDraco: Just fyi, California sucks sometimes.
RubyChao: how much is it on fire
ivel: is it as fire as Pearl's mixtape?


Gooper Blooper: saw the news about the bravely tease earlier today
Gooper Blooper: don't you fuck with me square
Gooper Blooper: give
MobileDraco: Brav3ly
Hiroki: they did the tease at the end
Hiroki: they have to do it
Hiroki: give me the plot shit so ringadings can be more relevant
Gooper Blooper: The timing's right, too
Gooper Blooper: Octopath is released, they're done working on it
Gooper Blooper: it's time
Gooper Blooper: Plot twist, it's a 3DS game somehow
RubyChao: it's
RubyChao: a Wii U game
RubyChao: darkest timeline
ivel: it's a Virtual Boy game
Hiroki: time for my eyes to go right to hell


Hiroki: MAGIC
Hiroki rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Hiroki: figured :U


Draco: Kinda tempted to try RPing FNAF Custom Night characters. :p
M Sheep: Just leave me Mr. Hippo and Orville, Draco
M Sheep: You going to open up a Paru Pizzeria?
Delcast Eternals: Paru paru pizza
M Sheep: Delivers in 30 minutes or a dragon berates an elf.


RubyChao: "i hope i live until 2077 for the fallout memes alone. this game died out 50 years ago and suddenly every elderly person in the world is celebrating the apocalypse and nobody knows what’s going on. it’s going to be incredible"


Jumpropeman: I've played VR games
Jumpropeman: and I tried Fortnite
Jumpropeman: I'm finally hip with the kids
Gooper Blooper: radical, dude


Jumpropeman: I found my Shrek the Third Cd while unpacking
Jumpropeman: I found it one day while working at JCPenney, it was just sitting on top of a bunch of underwear
Hiroki: well then
Hiroki: that must have been
Hiroki: an experience
Jumpropeman: it includes the song "Thank you (Falettin Me Be Mice Elf Again)" which is such a bad pun it is an affront to god


Jumpropeman: *opens box labelled "VHS Tapes"*
Jumpropeman: *it's Sega Genesis games*
Jumpropeman: let me just put Sonic and Knuckles in the VCR real quick
Gooper Blooper: close enough
Jumpropeman: I gotta eat some crow
Jumpropeman: my VHSes of Beverly Hills Cop and Air Force One were in the box
Jumpropeman: amid 30-some Genesis games and the amiibo
Gooper Blooper: so technically the box was correct
Draco: Technically JRM has a Genesis collection he can give you for your new gaming site, The Vidcon Vault.
Jumpropeman: *looks*
Jumpropeman: those sly dogs
Jumpropeman: the way my bed is set up means I can't put stuff under it easily
Jumpropeman: where am I gonna hide all my old Brawl art now
Jumpropeman: that will make her happy finally
Gooper Blooper: in the pipes
Jumpropeman: im hoping once i find my way around my room, I get to fight Wendy O. Koopa
Jumpropeman: shit, Ludwig was pipe land
Draco: Wendy's the water world, so go take a shower.
Jumpropeman: hey, you fight her in pipes in Mario World
Draco: Was her SMW world the Forest or the Chocolate Volcano level?
Jumpropeman: im not ready for this quiz
Jumpropeman: gonna have to Phone a Friend
Gooper Blooper: It's Wisconsin
Gooper Blooper: he needs to go on Cheese Bridge
Jumpropeman: perfect


Bree: is there a way to disable comments on youtube everywhere forever
Bree: so you can never read them
Gooper Blooper: just don't scroll down
Jumpropeman: there's probably a browser plugin


M Sheep: srspost
RubyChao: i am comcnerned in agodo way
M Sheep: Another day, another short jumble of vaguely off-putting quasi-philosophical nonsense.
Bree: "i am comcnerned in agodo way"
Bree: me too did you have a stroke
Bree: go to bed chao
RubyChao: soooon


Gooper Blooper: I still like that most people were upset and angry when Dark Pit was put in Smash
Gooper Blooper: and I, in contrast, was utterly delighted
Gooper Blooper: thanks, RP
Gooper Blooper: without it I wouldn't have appreciated him in there either


Gooper Blooper: "At least Dr. Kudzu was being useful? Well, if you could consider throwing an arm at Hecatia useful."
Gooper Blooper: NEED A HAND, HECATIA???
Gooper Blooper taps mic
Gooper Blooper: n-need
Gooper Blooper: need a hand
Gooper Blooper steve buscemi
Bree golf claps


The Worst Cookbook: I'm Mister Popper
Draco: Where are your penguins?
The Worst Cookbook: I threw them all at my enemies
Draco: Excellent.


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: post-demonde oda
MobileDraco: After DeMonde met Oda, the number of patients who were also DeMonde's victims dropped to 25%.


Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: instant hair shampoo spray is something else
Jumpropeman: my head was feeling icky but I haven't found replacement clothes yet in the boxes
Jumpropeman: instant shampoo made it feel manageable
Jumpropeman: *receives 15 dollar check off screen*


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: no wonder he sucks at Hide and Seek


Gooper Blooper: Alright, this'll be my last post because the sentences I was writing bore no resemblance whatsoever to what the bar sequence is actually about
Jumpropeman: oof
Gooper Blooper: It starts normally, but then
Gooper Blooper: Miu can examine all she likes, but Sumireko's earlier statement that it's the Internet connection and not the tablets bears out - there are no mistakes with Sumireko's phone. None. Not a single mishap this year. Of course that led to pink tinting some of the Brawl outfits, but eh. They'll be fine.
Brawlic Coyote: so were you writing a crappypasta unintentionally
Gooper Blooper: I somehow started writing about Sumireko's laundry
RubyChao: they'll be fiiiiine
Brawlic Coyote: nvm, just tired/10
Jumpropeman: I was so confused
MobileDraco: lol
Gooper Blooper: this is when you know it's time to stop posting :V
Jumpropeman: don't mix your Reds with your whites
Gooper Blooper: going to bed, nite
Jumpropeman: night goop
Jumpropeman: I look forward to Laundryplot tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: it'll be a thrill a minute
Gooper Blooper: stay tuned for the next installment when we hang clothes outside to save money on dryer costs
RubyChao: night
Jumpropeman: maybe nearly as good as Gloria reading


ivel: "And what about those hermit crabs, eh? Carrying your house on your back, like a mobile shut-in... Jinako should learn from them."
ivel: ...thanks Fate/Grand Order :U
ivel: I didn't expect a reference to Jinako in this event, lel
Spooper Blooper: A Jinako reference and a Huge Hermit Ruined all in one


Jumpropeman: my favorite japanese game show is How Much Money Can You Catch With Your Greedy, Greedy Boobs?
Bad Creepypasta: i wanna catch things with my greedy, greedy boobs
ivel: I'd watch you do so


Delcast Eternals: fapatalk

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