Thursday, January 18, 2018


Mock Sheep: >Sunwoop smiled, "Don't be silly! Murders are premeditated."
Mock Sheep: Sunwoop
Mock Sheep: concerns me
Gooper Blooper: Sunwoop actually went straight to the villains list for that one
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: when do we have the fite
RubyChao: Sunwoop vs. Jester Chao
Jumpropeman: when we want to suffer, chao


MobileDrac: Am I dead yet?
Gooper Blooper: Reports of your death were greatly exaggerated
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Chatzy chose: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ivel: Chatzy doesn't know what you are, Draco


Jumpropeman: the sonic mania hype has been getting me to almost pull out and play Sonic the Hedgehog the past few days
Jumpropeman: ive resisted the urge because the ps2 requires like ten seconds of setup and I ain't got time for that!
Jumpropeman: I have a very nice Jabba the Hutt thing going here I can't afford to interrupt


Komodo: Resurgence: Speep
Komodo: Resurgence: nite
Komodo: Resurgence left the chat
Morose Sheep (Mint Sheep) joined the chat

Jumpropeman: hello sheep
Jumpropeman: you will be playing the role of SK tonight
Jumpropeman: I hope you read your copy of the script
Morose Sheep: Oh God, it's just like my nightmares!
Morose Sheep tries to improv and fails miserablly


Jumpropeman: there's a pokemon youtuber by the name of NumbNexus who I literally unsubscribed from because his favorite pokemon was pelipper, and whenever he used it he made an obnoxious screech noise


Mach Sheep: Hm, even if I was around, I don't think I have any characters that it would make sense for them to attend Water Gun Wars
Mach Sheep puts Maurice and Eugene on separate teams anyway


Bree: I really wanna know which president owned a pygmy hippopotamus because holy crap
Bree: *google!*
Bree: calvin coolidge
Bree: this is officially the first and only thing I know about U.S. president calvin coolidge: he owned a pet pygmy hippo named billy
Bree: full name William Johnson Hippopotamus
Bree: I like the species-as-last-name, good choice there coolige
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: that's pretty rad
Bree: john quincy adams owned a fucking alligator
SteelKomodo: amazing
SteelKomodo: i am learning something new and awesome today
Bree: buchanan had a goddamn eagle
SteelKomodo: theodore roosevelt had loads of animals
Bree: martin van buren "Briefly owned two tiger cubs given to him by the Sultan of Oman before Congress forced him to donate the tigers to the zoo"
Bree: "NO, mr. president, you CANNOT keep the tigers in the white house, I'm SORRY." "BUT I'M THE PRESIDENT GODAMMIT"
SteelKomodo: XD
Bree: rutherford b. hayes, another president I know literally nothing about, had a siamese cat named miss pussy
SteelKomodo: subtle :P
Bree: benjamin harrison, who I guess is a president but not one that I remember, had "Mr. Reciprocity and Mr. Protection – Opossums[24]"
Bree: firstly, keeping opossums as pets - kinda awesome
Bree: but wtf with those names XD
SteelKomodo: coolidge had two lion cubs named Tax Reduction and Budget Bureau
Bree: I just saw that, lel
Bree: it's mostly dogs, some cats, and a lot of horses
Bree: but dude, john f kennedy had hamsters!!!
Bree: and so did his successor, lyndon b johnson
SteelKomodo: yep
Bree: everyone seems to think kennedy was the bee's knees so I approve of him owning hamsters, that is indeed proof of being awesome


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao: rip mari
RubyChao: *maria
ivel: harpy no! 😱


Maudlin Sheep: Goops, we should do Junko vs. Junko at some point
Maudlin Sheep: Why has this only now occurred to me?
Gooper Mania: now there's a fite idea
RubyChao enters the Danganronpa Junko
Maudlin Sheep: DESPAIR


Jumpropeman: im on the Accidentally Drop My Food on the Floor Diet. It's really good for limiting my portion sizes


Jumpropeman: apparently all the Sonic 4 bosses are clowns based on this music
RubyChao: jester chao for final boss
Draco: That's the music I want to play at my funeral.
Jumpropeman: is this Jester Chao's theme


Phone: We can always do with more hammer hugs and pretty ladies administering them to the face.
Phone: But would Rosaria constitute Zoofighter material in the olden days on display? I've yet to hear many stories one way or another.
Jumpropeman: probably not. Too humanoid
Jumpropeman: Zoofights did make certain things work when they felt like it
Draco: Nibbles is given a ratling gun and a broadsword. Now he's the Zoofiter "Crabsolute Mayhem"
Jumpropeman: that's a fantastic zoofighter name
RubyChao: smash gordon comes to mind
Half an hour Man: We should try and come up with tons of great Zoofighter names
Draco: Zeldoten gives Nibbles some ice powers and he becomes...."Crabsolute Zero"
DMG: I always liked the idea of a large boar with chemical/disease related powers called "Pig Pharma"
Draco: With a stealth generator and some klawtanas, he's "Crustachinobi"
Half an hour Man: Oh my god Pig Pharma is great
Jumpropeman: ive got an idea for a bison that is also a train. I call it: Buffalocomotive
Draco: Hell Oil: a demonic clam that carries an oil-powered flamethrower.
Half an hour Man: The Incredible Gullk. We jammed a shitton of radiations and steroids into a seagull to see what happened
Half an hour Man: The answer may surprise you
Phone: Affix a heavy gattling with cybernetics to reload and aim to an alligator, call it alligatling.
Gooper Mania: Duck Soup: Swanmass but horribly liquidy
DMG: Battle Axolotl: use your imagination
DMG: cuz I sure didn't
Half an hour Man: The Komodo Wagon, half of a komodo dragon stapled onto a state-of-the-art pioneer covered wagon
Half an hour Man: Tricked out in all of the finest weapons this side of 1864
Phone: Non-Net Neutal Tapogres
Draco: Schswarma: a few hundred pita-making bees.
Jumpropeman: "Can there be a full summary of the story so far? For all the seasons? Please?
January 23, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSean"

Half an hour Man: They have no pity
Half an hour Man: Only pitas
Jumpropeman: this poor guy found Zoofights a few years too late
Draco nods slowly.
ivel: poor Sean
DMG: oh Sean, if only it were that simple
DMG: then I might have a clue what was going on here half the time
ivel: Sean should have Sakuya explain
Phone: I could try, but it would still be barchive long.
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: where's that from
ivel: Chao no, spare the poor soul D:
Jumpropeman: comment on the front page of Zoofights
RubyChao: rip
Phone: Anacondor. We grew a condor big enough to eat a anaconda, ripped off its wings, attached them to the snake, and taught it hunting tactics with them.
Jumpropeman: you'll also see a comment by one CavemanHayes
RubyChao: also >asking on the front page in 2015
Half an hour Man: Deep Stoat, an undercover weasel who always gets his man
RubyChao: yeah uh
RubyChao: good luck ever getting a reply
Jumpropeman: I had intended to add his creation, Jawsome Possum, to today's affairs, but the image link broke before I ever had the idea
RubyChao: awwwww
Jumpropeman: I remember Jawsome Possum too
Jumpropeman: I thought CavemanHayes was HoodooDoghouse for a while
Jumpropeman: since Jawsome looked very Hoodoo-esque
RubyChao: well i thought of a bad pun
RubyChao: and then stuck an idea onto it
RubyChao: is that how making monsters works
Draco: Yes.
DMG: Escargorilla: A gorilla with a large, armored shell that is also kind of gooey and a delicacy in France
RubyChao: an all-american division of warrior ants that have learn modern tactics and are large enough to use weapons
RubyChao: led by their commanding officer
RubyChao: General U.S. Ant
DMG: Nice
ivel: I'm familiar with rollup pins but not those quick pins mentioned
DMG: his right hand man is the CommandAnt
Phone: Junk Rat: a filthy, diseased rodent that also serves as one of our cybernetics surgeoneers, using only the finest thirdhand parts and garbage.
ivel: but oh god the entrance music
DMG: Junkrat?
Half an hour Man: The Ten Commandmantis
ivel: exactly, DMG
Half an hour Man: A praying mantis who has stopped praying and started becoming a prophet
ivel: that one was reaching, Spy :I
ivel: but that's the point so :U
Half an hour Man: Brock Lesnar, a shaved albino gorilla barely kept in check by his handler, Paul Heyman
Jumpropeman: The Visisloth: A german raider sloth who murders and pillages... eventually. Give him a couple minutes.
Jumpropeman: *germanic
Jumpropeman: possibly also german
RubyChao: wait spy
RubyChao: what if we give a mantis big muscly arms
RubyChao: teach it to wrestle
RubyChao: put on a mask
RubyChao: and don't boost the iq at all
RubyChao: introducing: KINNIKUMANTIS
Half an hour Man: Pfffffffft
Half an hour Man: That was roundabout and I love it
Draco: Nice.
Half an hour Man: The Catastrophe, a standard housecat armed with inordinate amounts of bad luck
DMG: Sea Bisquick, a race horse made of pancakes
Half an hour Man: You don't fight The Catastrophe. You fight your surroundings, your environment, your own malfunctioning weapons
Draco: Conspiracy Deerist: an elk that sees danger in everything, constantly wears tinfoil on its antlers.
Phone: Catorpillar, a nemean lion with a hundred stone linths or columns for legs and fur made of unbreakable myth stuffs.
Jumpropeman: >unbreakable myth stuffs
ivel: Measle Weasel: a ferret that weakens its opponent with disease
Half an hour Man: Muskrat, who will fight as soon as he gets back from his trip to mars
Jumpropeman: who are you and what have you done with ven
Phone: Hi is Amty
Phone: With the Nemean Lion I am at a loss how else to describe invulnerable external material, though.
ivel: so venmity? I see no problems unless we remove the v from that
DMG: Outer Dace, a fish with power over gravity and dark matter
Jumpropeman: reminder this was an official Zoofighter: Bee Unit – 50 Cent’s mind, trapped within the body of a man-sized, almost flightless Bee, supported by six similarly impaired hip-hop cronies, each brandishing various pollen and wax-clogged gats, lead pipes and other ghetto weapons.
Half an hour Man: I think we could totally brainstorm up at least a ZF1-2 quality roster
DMG: easily
RubyChao: you mean we haven't just done that?
Phone: That is no reminder. That is a first informing for me.
Half an hour Man: I kinda miss that old setup where a lot of entrants were weird team fighters
ivel: I didn't know either
Draco: Purrhana: the catfish's meaner cousin.
RubyChao: honestly we could probably even do a full zf1/2 quality zoofights
ivel: a team?
RubyChao: it's only 3 to 6 we'd never match :V
ivel: ...the Poppo popo
DMG: Bee Unit was a quality zoofighter
Jumpropeman: Sun Cat and Moon Cat's little fight was probably longer than some ZF1/ZF2 fights
DMG: yeah, they weren't long
Phone: Aquamandrill, the monkey king of the waters.
Half an hour Man: An FYM level of Zoofight would probably be the most we could pull off, but man it would be great
Half an hour Man: All Gnatural
Half an hour Man: This gnat refused surgeoneering
Half an hour Man: Refused drugs
Half an hour Man: Refused weapons
Half an hour Man: He just worked the fffffffffuck out
DMG: so it's just a gnat
Half an hour Man: A buff gnat
DMG: 10/10
Phone: He-Mantis, supposed master of the universe, at least until he meets a lady and she eats his gray skull.
Jumpropeman: you get extra points for that second pun ven
DMG: Skeletornado, not an animal at all actually, just a tornado with a bunch of bones I don't know
RubyChao: A Human
RubyChao: we don't know what he's doing here
RubyChao: he just kind of walked in
Jumpropeman: You mean The Rabble?
Draco: Hueman: the half-human/half-chameleon who otherwise is unremarkable and still we don't know why he's here.
Draco: He's got some horns though.
DMG: The Truman
DMG: it's actually Truman
ivel: Alpackin' Heat: Alpaca with a Gun
Draco: Coalbra: a highly-flammable serpent. He WANTS you to light him up though so his bites become fiery. Upgrades to Vipertroleum and then Frackttlesnake.
Jumpropeman: that settles it, Draco is the king of Zoopuns
Draco: Thank.


Half an hour Man: "Another new feature added, meant to enhance both gameplay and story, is the notion of the quick pin - the idea that one player can land a schoolboy roll-up or a crucifix-style leverage pin, ending a bout quickly, just like the matches on TV sometimes. To aid this, there are now 12 different new match interference scenarios - from run-ins to walk-ins to just entrance music blaring - that will create a targeted distraction and open up a quick pin window. After the bell, the loser, still with full energy, will then have the option of beating down whoever it was that just scored the "fluke win." "
Half an hour Man: The WWE games continue their slow march towards just being an episode of RAW


Gooper Blooper: DelCom 2 The Delening: I googled my name + the hedgehog
-DelCom 2 The Delening: And found fucking comedy gold
-DelCom 2 The Delening: What is happening
-DelCom 2 The Delening: Whats the green blob on ur wrist
-DelCom 2 The Delening: Why are your jeans rectangles
-SteelKomodo: oh my god
-SteelKomodo: why would you do this to yourself, bro
-SteelKomodo: why
-Ruby: i think
-Ruby: that is
-Ruby: blood? somehow?
-SteelKomodo: hahaha
-SteelKomodo: why is her blood even green
-Ruby: fuck if i know

Gooper Blooper: Link
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Holy shit
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Goops you legendary legend
Draco: Wow.
Draco: They were wristbands all along
ivel: I thought so? Blood would be too weird even for that art


Muhblah Sheep: Like a letter mailed to the wrong address
Muhblah Sheep: I return!


Draco: Sheep is livetweeting Race Yer Mateys. I think he's enjoying it.
Bree: it is very enjoyable
Muhblah Sheep: Make sure to smash that like button and subscribe, Draco, for more reactions
Gooper Blooper: 😂 😂 S M A S H T H A T M U T H A F U C K E N L I K E 😂 😂


ivel: we went to a couple flea markets today
Gooper Blooper: Were they just like a mini-mall?
ivel: goddamnit Goops


Gooper Mania: I have the Switch set up in the "use a tablet as a TV" configuration and it's right under my monitor, it looks like the world's most top-heavy DS


gneurshk: Just got a YouTube ad for that Jetsons vs WWE movie
gneurshk: and I'm like "Oh fuck, that actually happened, I didn't fever dream that"


Gooper Blooper: picture this
Gooper Blooper: a plot happens that supposedly requires stealth and caution
Gooper Blooper: Everyone sends idiots who are terrible at stealth
Gooper Blooper: but the bad guys are even dumber
Berzerked Character: kek


Jumpropeman: it is very important for a writer to learn to kill their babies, so to speak
Phone: Did you say something? I was busy wreathing these severed heads.


RubyChao flops right in
RubyChao: hi guys
RubyChao: i got fudge
RubyChao: and also the wonder that is fried pickles


Marsh Sheep: "The deadliest foe in Knack isn’t a blade-studded robot or a sword-wielding Goblin. Your most unconquerable foe is the camera, which seems to go out of its way to hide any enemy who manages to get below the bottom of the screen. Knack combat is built around studying your enemies and executing precisely-timed responses, something impossible when your foe is obscured by your poor field of view."
Marsh Sheep: "The solution to this problem is inelegant but important: never, but never allow an enemy to get out of sight behind you. Just don’t do it."
Marsh Sheep: JUST DON'T DO IT
Gooper Blooper: Recent Wiki Activity
Knack - A FANDOM user • 4 days ago
Knack 2 - Dino-drones • June 15
Knack (Video Game) - RealCarlosVs • December 7, 2016
Robo Knack - A FANDOM user • June 9, 2016

Gooper Blooper: Knack's Wiki is thriving
Jumpropeman: that's the reason I'm not fixing any typos or anything
Jumpropeman: its so beautiful


ivel: "Contrary to what you might think, not everyone in the U.S. loves chicken nuggets.
Or so says the dating app Hater, which matches users based on the things they hate. Users can swipe to show approval or dislike for a person, activity, item or concept, including food."

ivel: "Hater researchers recently turned the app’s food-related data into one big map of the food, drink or food concept people hate most in each state, as compared to the rest of Hater’s worldwide user base."
ivel: :U
Gooper Blooper: I will however very happily accept any unwanted corner brownies
ivel: same
ivel: I live closer so that means I get more of them right
ivel: that's how that works
ivel: :U
ivel: >Foraged food
ivel: how big a problem is that in that state
ivel: for people to hate it that much
ivel: then again it's a dating app. For all I know one single person is there from that state and they just really hate that specifically
Gooper Blooper: That's uh... *checks to make sure* Tennessee
Gooper Blooper: guess they do a lot of foraging there
ivel: apparently


ivel: "The Best Comic Book Stores in the U.S."
ivel: >#1 is the one Harpy and I go to in Annapolis
ivel: I knew we had good taste
Berzerked Character: gonna wait for the next round to join in
Berzerked Character: duer definitely saw that torture scene though and woo boy
ivel: hi harps
Berzerked Character: hi dear
ivel: look, Third Eye Comics is confirmed to be gr8
Berzerked Character: wait what
ivel: look up slightly in chat
Berzerked Character: holy shit
Berzerked Character: HOLY SHIT
Berzerked Character: i could cry right now
ivel: so could I
ivel: because this is so beautiful
Berzerked Character: thank you, ivel, for suggesting we
Berzerked Character: what
Berzerked Character: no
ivel: :U
Berzerked Character: okay granted it looks good
Berzerked Character: we don't die from fall damage it looks like
Berzerked Character: the jokes are still bad tho :I
ivel: there was an opening
ivel: I had to link it
Gooper Blooper: back
Berzerked Character: my beautiful booper
Gooper Blooper: oh my
Gooper Blooper: >Bubsy releases on Halloween
Gooper Blooper: what a way to end the season
Berzerked Character: bubsy
Berzerked Character: was the final boss all along
ivel: the nightmare is real
Berzerked Character: i lied to you
Berzerked Character: i mean i'm going to be terrified and pessimistic
Berzerked Character: so when it somehow turns out fantastic i can be like "huh i guess even bubsy has his day"


RubyChao: "Mad Max and A Goofy Movie are both about a guy named Max being dragged on a trip they don’t want to be on"
ivel: I mean
ivel: it's true


RubyChao: i recognize 6 of these 10
Bree: floam!!
ivel: I recognize 9
Gooper Blooper: Zenith intensifies
Bree: I recognize... 4, maybe 5
ivel: I don't really recognize the train bank
Bree: the fifth one I'm not 100% sure I remember but I think I do
Bree: my memory of my childhood is notoriously bad compared to most people's though, so
Jumpropeman: I recognize them all :V
ivel: Oink, oink, zoo pals~
Gooper Blooper: There are four I don't remember seeing the ads for, but I wouldn't put it past me to have simply forgotten them
RubyChao: the ones i distinctly remember are chia, lots and lots of trains, zoopals, blendy pens, shirly temple, and zoobooks
ivel: I'm surprised I remember so many of these
Gooper Blooper: (Lionel bank, Pillow Pets, Floam, Moon Sand)
ivel: yeah the Shirley Temple one
Gooper Blooper: The rest I definitely saw
ivel: that played ALL THE TIME
RubyChao: goops i like how we remember the exact same set
Bree: I remember chia, FLOAM!!!, blendy pens, zoobooks for sure
Draco: The only one I don't remember is the train crossing bank.
Bree: and maybe zoopals
ivel: I like how Draco and I recognize the same ones too
ivel: yeah I never saw this commercial
Bree: I think I might remember the shirley temple ones, but not well enough that I feel it should count as one I remember :V
ivel: they still have Zoobooks
ivel: I think ivelstepsis is subscribed to get them
Bree: it's more of a distant vague inkling that I've seen it before
ivel: or was
ivel: lel
Draco: Yeah, I'd remember those kids creepily chanting "Lionel Coin Bank"
ivel: aye
Bree: also I'm reasonably certain the main reason I remember floam is because it's so fun to say
Bree: I never owned it but kid me loved the concept of floam
Bree: especially dat name
Jumpropeman: my school library in elementary had a whole arrangement of zoobooks spread across a shelf
Jumpropeman: despite being big on animals, they didn't catch my interest as much as other stuff available
Draco: The coin bank commercial seems to realize it's evil though; the kids chant "Save your money!" at one point.
Gooper Blooper: okay yeah I'd definitely remember that ridiculous LIONEL COIN BANK chant
Gooper Blooper: so I did not see that
ivel: I subscribed to Zoobooks when I was a kid
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro did for a while
Gooper Blooper: not sure why, he's never been an avid reader
Draco joined the chat
RubyChao: suplex him.
RubyChao: because i can't
Draco: I think the dumbest thing about the commercial is the freaking Certificate of Authenticity, like I'd actually hold onto it if I were a kid so I could show people that it was genuine while the rest of the world was flooded in knockoff train coin banks that made 50% fewer annoying sounds.


Phone: In the texas restaurant Big Vlad's Stakes, there's a fifty percent chance your Turk burger will be a delicious deep-and-chicken fried poultry of the Turkey kind, and half the time you're instead being fed chopped up prisoners of war.


Jumpropeman: Bratz is a dark time in our collective history


The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: So the new ARMS character
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Has
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: No style
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: No grace
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: A funny face
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Can stretch their arms out
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: And inflate themselves just like a balloon


Marsh Sheep: "I almost hurt a strange woman I thought I saw wiz tentacles-magic, even. Non, non, I 'ave not been at all who I wished to be, coming here to live ze dream you offered and zat I wanted to share." His plump cheeks are flush with shame and jiggle slightly with silent, inaudible sobs that barely hitch his breath.
Marsh Sheep: Hello and welcome back to serious plot about mental illness and depression, starring CHEF FREAKIN' LOUIS FROM THE LITTLE MERMAID
Draco: XD
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP, everybody
Gooper Blooper: hee hee hee
Gooper Blooper: honh honh honh
Marsh Sheep: :I
Draco: lol
Marsh Sheep: Bit of whiplash going from that to susanlee, Old Lady Tapogre
Marsh Sheep: Are Tapogres even native to Kuawahawi? THINK OF THE DELICATE ECOSYSTEM, PEOPLE
Marsh Sheep: >Recommending a website that links back to the website she's recommending, all while trying to seem like she really is just interested in Bollywood a whole lot!
Marsh Sheep: This one I actually remember
Marsh Sheep: suddenly, Terry Bogard?
Marsh Sheep: >The Taylor Swift Chat Tapogre
Marsh Sheep: >NAKED JULIA
Marsh Sheep: I think
Marsh Sheep: that's enough catch up
Marsh Sheep: for one day
Marsh Sheep lies down


Auditioned Sheep: Apparently, "Luck" and "Apathy" are considered "Real Powers"
Auditioned Sheep: I'm so "done"
ivel: >Apathy
ivel: I have a super power? :D
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: what about
RubyChao: super high school level luck?
ivel: Chao plz
ivel: :I
Gooper Blooper: We have an Apathy Elemental in RP
Gooper Blooper: her name is patchouli
Gooper Blooper: Vince may also be an Apathy Elemental
RubyChao: what if
RubyChao: they fused into vinchouli
Auditioned Sheep: "Pectukinetic Combat"
Auditioned Sheep closes tab
Auditioned Sheep: i think that's enough Powers Wiki


Draco: I like Goops' reasoning behind his #4 DYM vote.
Bree: I love his #1 vote explanation XD
Bree: "and meiling, who is meiling."
Gooper Blooper: When you're fighting Mettaton in Undertale, sometimes the between-battle narration can only come up with "Mettaton."
Gooper Blooper: Meiling is that kind of person
Bree: the highest compliment I've ever received


Muffled Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Muffled Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Muffled Sheep: ...
Muffled Sheep puts face in hands
Muffled Sheep nothing is okay

HywiiiE E E A Whee A Bumbaway: Critically acclaimed mutant pirates earned title, news at eleven.
Muffled Sheep: Okay, so what I have to work with here is paint, silence, and...Well, Leona's actually decent in a fite and Jackson has her rifle assembled now...
Muffled Sheep grumbles and goes off to write the darn post
Muffled Sheep: oh, also, heads or tails?
HywiiiE E E A Whee A Bumbaway: Tails.
Muffled Sheep flipped a coin. The coin showed: Heads
Muffled Sheep massages temple


B.C.: Down with the sickness
McDonia: i prefer to be up with the wellness
B.C.: I wish
Lord Lysias: Hi Harps
McDonia: hang in there harps
SteelKomodo: hang in there harpy
B.C.: I'll be okay, im not having coughing fits
B.C.: Though id like to breathe through both nostrils
MobileDrac: I enjoy breathing.
SteelKomodo: don't we all :P
MobileDrac: Jrm might not. I think he has gills.
MobileDrac: With how many showers he brags about taking.
B.C.: He is mr fish
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Jumpropeman: dym votes posted
Gooper Blooper: A vote for Jinako as read by Horatio?! I'm delighted :3
Jumpropeman: Jinako is his seecret rival SHHHHH don't tell people


Jumpropeman: Time for sheep to make a Worldbuilding topic!
Muffled Sheep: Yeah, I'll get right on that, JRM
Muffled Sheep: It's on the list, right after "The Mother appears"


Bree: spy plots are your guaranteed one-stop-shop for high octane absurdity


RubyChao: (◕ヮ◕)
RubyChao: hi


ivel: "A woman came up with $220 of items. After a wad of coupons and a stack of free gift cards from other promotions, her total went down to $55. I want her to teach me."
Bedridden Chick: a wild celestia was spotted in a southwestern virginia target


Jumpropeman: future jrm rp
Bedridden Chick: our doom is nigh
Bedridden Chick: celestia's rival has arrived


MobileDrac: A match I'd like to see: CKR's favorite brawlers vs RD's favorite brawlers.
Jumpropeman: does that mean the characters those two like of our characters, or our favorite characters from those two's rosters
MobileDrac: From their own rosters.
Jumpropeman: you just want goomy back 😏
MobileDrac: Yes.
MobileDrac: And so do you. *gets out a gun*
Jumpropeman: a few weeks back, I heard this strange noise coming from outside my door. My room is right next to the air conditioner, and it almost sounded like a fan motor breaking, so I was worried when I first heard it but it stopped. I heard it a few more times and decided "I probably should check" and opened my door to see... Goomy, crawling against my door. RainbowDash got a Goomy toy that can move across the floor from me for Christmas a few years back and it was repeatedly ramming itself against my door
MobileDrac: He just wants your votes.


Jumpropeman: oh, thaat mario and rabbids game comes out tomorry
Jumpropeman: that explains why there's a youtube thumbnail spoiling all the bosses


Jumpropeman: FOLDER1! It's where Ruukoto hides all her porn or it would have a better name!
Gooper Blooper: Plot twist: JRM is correct, but the "porn" is just pictures of really clean houses
Gooper Blooper: spotless
L00+: Like "Do Not Look" and "No but Really" as a subfolder and then "I'm telling you, back off" and then "You were warned" and then the actual folder full of it.
Jumpropeman: oh my!
MobileDrac: Housecleaning porn. All the rooms are spotless and smell like lemon cleaner.
Bree: it's actually just pictures of one really clean house, but it's a really big really clean house
Bree: (it's the SDM)
Bree: (nobody but sakuya meets ruukoto's standards of cleanliness)


Jumpropeman: one of my mozzarella sticks is unfortunately shaped and I'm not sure if I should eat it
ivel: how so

(long pause)

Jumpropeman: *ignores ivel's question so he doesn't have to say it looked like a dildo*


Jumpropeman: ZFRP is an enlightened society where ex-cons can reintegrate into society and kill each other in organized bloodsport


Draco: Dang. Pokemon GO's weird. Sometimes I get everything in one try, sometimes it takes me ten tries to get Pidgey.
Gooper Blooper: must be Voth's Pidgey
Jumpropeman: my house is a hotbed of pikachu
Draco: My house rarely gets anything. The two parallel streets get tons of stuff though. Not like when the game first came out and there was a Chansey in my backyard.
Jumpropeman: meowza~
Jumpropeman: meant to do exclamation point
Jumpropeman: Chansey does not put me in that kind of mood
Gooper Blooper: JRM's Chansey love comes out


The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Looks like I'm gonna have to pooost
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: *dangeresque theme plays*

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