Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Rejected Characters Depot VII

What do we want? REJECTS! When do we want them? NEVER!

Origin: Indivisible
Intended Seasons: 7, 8
Every setting change brings with it a lot of brainstorming. We tend to see rosters shift more when we switch settings than we do during the halfway mark (the offseason held in between the two years of a setting). I tend to keep my eyes open for anything vaguely related to the theme of the upcoming setting and file it away, if only mentally sometimes, for later. That's how people like Leilani wind up in my reject pile.

Due to not knowing anything about Indivisible, I was only going to use Leilani as a base and make an OC using her design as their appearance. I chose Leilani because she was cute, looked appropriate for the setting, and had a unique-looking weapon. Ultimately, nothing materialized for a character like this, and so here she is now.

Black Manta
Origin: DC Comics
Intended Season: 7
One of my usual "Secret Fiter/Fite Club opponent" rejects. Black Manta would have relied on sealife to make his attacks. This idea was already done better with Danai, and CW used a version of Black Manta as his design for Skate, Dr. Devastating's straight man. Toss in Fite Club Plot taking up all my fite clubbing energy, and it was curtains for the manta ray dude.

Origin: TMNT
Intended Season: 7
Leatherhead was tapped to appear in Race Yer Mates as a bonus opponent, sort of like what Cortez did. Due to struggling to complete the race in a timely manner and just generally being tired at the time, I downgraded Leatherhead to a bunch of generic sewer alligators.

Origin: Wario World
Intended Season: 7
Another Fite Club opponent. Not much to say here, mostly just tossing up Spideraticus and seeing how many people recognize him. :V

Fuku Fire
Origin: Undertale
Intended Season: 7
A cute design and encouragement to play around with fire made me consider the nameless Undertale NPC fans nicknamed "Fuku Fire" as a character when I stumbled across pictures of her one day. She came very close to appearing in a barpost during one of FV's suspensions - he had posted Grillby as one of his Here's Some DA Art barposts and had him get turned down for a job on the staff due to there being no available spots. At the time, FV was supposedly leaving the community for good, so I considered bringing in Grillby as Chef Louis' replacement and including Fuku Fire as his tagalong daughter. I sometimes get cold feet when introducing a character I'm not 100% sure of, though, and I ultimately didn't pull the trigger and hit Back on my browser before finishing the post. Fuku and Grillby never showed.

Realistic Fish Head
Origin: The 'Bob
Intended Season: 7
One of my first ideas for Kuwahawi was to bring in Realistic Fish Head as a new newscaster character who would take Sakura Atari's old role of appearing on TV and giving coincidental news bulletins to help kickstart plots or provide exposition. He was denied entry to my ensemble via a one-two punch of me continuing to use Sakura and Myriam when appropriate plus JRM beating me to the fish gag with Mr. Fish. I decided Realistic Fish Head didn't have a niche any more and dropped him.

 Deid Mann
Origin: Ace Attorney
Intended Season: 6
One of me and Chao's favorite jokes from Ace Attorney, Deid Mann is a character in Ace Attorney Investigations who exists to be a corpse in your evidence. He's not even the victim in the case he's mentioned in! Due to his bit role, the translators gave him an appropriately silly name. Chao used him in Season 6 as, of course, a corpse, but I had considered using him myself.

My concept for Deid Mann was as a dead body that gets around. He wouldn't be a zombie or anything, but he'd keep turning up again and again, despite being dead. The Kobbers would investigate reports of deaths or wade into violent, dangerous places, and they'd see Deid Mann again and again. He'd never show any signs of life or movement, decompose, or get rigor mortis - it would be like stumbling upon the same dummy over and over. He might have even shown up at the bar to slump over a table when no one was looking. Now that I type it out, this idea might have been too morbid to be funny, so perhaps it's for the best Chao used him instead.

Origin: Duel Masters
Intended Season: 7
Another character that I probably would only have used as the base for an OC, this time not because she looked like a tropical island kind of character, but because she's just plain cute! I remembered Mimi from a few half-remembered Duel Masters episodes I saw on TV long ago. I liked Duel Masters - what little I saw of it, anyway - because it didn't take itself seriously and treated the eponymous card game as a joke, unlike Yugi making that super serious face every time the pharoah dude takes over his body or whatever happens in that show.

Anyway, cute as Mimi may be, I think I'm generally better off designing my own characters. But don't be surprised if I someday make an OC who somewhat resembles Mimi.

Origin: Wendy's
Intended Season: 7
LOL they blocked us.

Wendy's job in RP was to be a Fite Yer Mates voter and commentator. She would snark at the contestants, cast judgement, and then laugh at the fite. One of the reasons she didn't show was because she should logically only appear for fites I'm not in, so that I can vote. She actually came EXTREMELY close to appearing - the bit where Treasure Knight is hyping himself in the voting period for Dawn's four-way match, and Tinker Knight interrupts? That was initially Wendy making an offscreen snark before revealing herself for Brawl voting, but I backed off and changed it to Tinker.

One reason I don't use "meme characters" too much in RP is because their relevance tends to fade fast. Wendy and her spicy Twitter responses were the talk of the Internet last winter, but by the time RP started it was clear the fad was winding down, and what content was still being made was less about Wendy being a smug little shit and more about her having more curves than a racetrack. Ultimately I was unwilling to RP a fading meme sex symbol, so I dropped her.

Origin: Wario's Woods
Intended Season: 8
I've mulled over ideas for Mario-themed plots in RP for a very long time, but not much has come of it aside from the one Sumireko plot where we fought King Boo. One concept I had was one JRM surely would have enjoyed - I would have done a Mario plot where I plumbed the depths of Mario's history (no pun intended) for the most obscure and bizarre characters to appear in the series. It would have been a tour de force of Mario trivia and strange old characters that will obviously never be relevant again in new Mario games. I reveal this now because I don't think I'll ever actually do this plot, but maybe someday some form of it might come to fruition.

Anyway, this here is Aqualea, and she would have been one of the opponents in such a Mario plot. She was also considered as part of a "mermaid stable" I thought of once that would also have included Shyren and the mermaid enemy from La Pucelle Tactics. I'm not sure why I thought of a mermaid stable, but I did. The idea didn't survive last offseason.

This Random Girl
Origin: Pokemon
Intended Season: 6, 7, 8
Yet another "take the design, make a character" concept, except this time there was no actual character to scrap. This girl, as far as I know, appeared only on a Japanese Pokemon site dedicated to Machamp that sprung up a couple years ago. She presumably gushed over his muscles and good looks, if the site pictures were any indication. She ticks a lot of the "GB thinks this is a cutie cute" boxes, so I duly saved her picture and kept her in reserve. I never found a spot to include this random  girl, so now she's here.

Lord Helix
Origin: Twitch Plays Pokemon
Intended Season: 7
JRM, I'm so sorry.

At the end of Season 6, I teased my plans for Season 7 by having Team Skull steal a Helix Fossil from Arceus. JRM got excited because he had wanted to use Twitch Plays Pokemon in RP somehow himself, but had dropped his Red concept (and for good reason - he's rejected several gimmick characters that ask other RPers to do a bunch of extra work, like Red and that blank figure that would take on traits based on what characters said about it).

Born from the same desire of "tropical RP, I should play a cephalopod" that spawned the also-rejected Hank, Lord Helix was to be a rather jaded and irritated talking Omastar Team Skull had revived from the fossil. Aside from being able to talk and skipping the Omanyte stage, there was nothing miraculous or godlike about him, but he would have gathered followers that both he and Team Skull wanted nothing to do with (not unlike Harpy's concept for Shiva). He would have made TPP jokes and fought like a badass when he needed to. Ultimately, I think the best comparison I can make is that he would have been my Jasper - frequently in a bad mood, usually a jerk, but a good guy deep down.

Omastar was rejected due to character roster limits and feeling like I wouldn't have room for the Pokemon plot I wanted to do that would have involved both him and Team Skull. Pokemon Plot was downsized to being just a single day that connected to my major plot, and that was the last nail in the coffin. Painfully aware of what I'd teased, I later tossed up a weak copout that said Team Skull had sold the fossil to afford plane tickets to Kuwahawi, and let that be the end of it. I felt bad for doing it, especially since I knew at least one person was looking forward to it and I made a big deal out of it with the teaser, but I just didn't feel confident in my ideas, so he was dumped.

There are a lot more characters in my files that haven't appeared in RP, but some of them might still show up, and others are tied very closely to my Season 7 plots, so I will save those guys for when I do my behind-the-scenes post, whenever that will be. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed sifting through these weirdos.


  1. Haha, Leilani isn't the only Indivisible design that would be great for a whole-cloth RP OC from what I've seen. Tiki chainsaw though... almost too cool a concept to resist!

    Sadly, despite being a Wario World fan, I don't recognize that big spider. Who I do recognize is Fuku, who I've considered RPing as a full OC a few times! Someone made of fire just seems like a fun thing to work with.

    Sorry for stealing fish :V

    As much as I would have liked both that Mario plot and a TPPplot, I'd rather you do you than strain yourself for a plot. There's always gonna be more stuff down the road and while I'd love to see what you can cook up, you did give me good stuff in 2017 to make up for it!

  2. Not to mention Black Manta is a real, REAL nasty piece of work, not the sort of person you or even I should be playing. Yes, even for a Fite Club. Guy's a child killer, the kind of villain absolutely NO ONE would bat an eye at if a hero killed them for any reason.
