Sunday, May 14, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 291: Sex With An Alligator

Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: my first post
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: is a barpost
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: and it's a byte post
ivel: it's a barkpost
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: FUCK
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: that's good
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: borkposting is the hot new trend


Befuddled Cartoonist: dia arrives when gino stays at the bar for longer than 2 seconds
ivel: it took him longer than 2 seconds to drink his drink :U
Befuddled Cartoonist: okay, like, a MINUTE
Befuddled Cartoonist: :I
Gooper Blooper: Now I'm imagining Gino just walking in, grabbing a drink, opening his mouth, throwing the entire contents of the glass into his open mouth in one motion, then walking away
ivel: lel
ivel: he probably would too
ivel: less effort to drink that way :U


Gooper Blooper: Mole Knight: Fire affinity, likes to dig
Specter Knight: Basically the grim reaper, can summon skeletons
Plague Knight: Mad scientist, potions, explosions, a lovely assistant
Treasure Knight: Anchor on a retractable chain, good swimmer, greedy
Propeller Knight: Flies, has a rapier, can call in an airship
Tinker Knight: Not much by himself but has some secret weapons he built
Polar Knight: Big grumpy dude with a snow shovel, ice affinity
King Knight: Smug.avi, struts everywhere, has a scepter, can summon horns to blow damaging confetti
Gooper Blooper: the order cliffs notes
Bree: neat
ivel: so what you're saying is Tenshi vs Treasure Knight
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: his arena is completely underwater in Shovel Knight
Gooper Blooper: this is the best idea
Draco: Still not Smuggery The Smuggening


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: y
Jumpropeman: o
Bree: h
Bree: i
Draco: H
Draco: E
Draco: L
Draco: L
Spy Days Til Graduation: 26: I hope you're all having a good
Draco: O
Befuddled Cartoonist: i hope you're having a good O
Bree: lel, hi spap
ivel: l
ivel: e
ivel: l
Spy Days Til Graduation: 26: Yes
Spy Days Til Graduation: 26: I ruin everything :D


Cornwind Evil: There was a 2014 movie, Pompeii
Cornwind Evil: I assume you can guess what it's about
Gooper Blooper: a refreshing hot spring
King Crimson: Delicious pasta.
Bree: puppies?
RubyChao: i know what it's about
RubyChao: let me quote chainsawsuit
RubyChao: "Senator Impudius: With my power consolidated here in Pompeii, the capital of Rome, I shall send armies to the north to destroy the pharaohs of Egypt. Then… onto America."
Cornwind Evil: Being a movie, you can probably assume something basic about the plot.
King Crimson: That is... exactly how geography works, Senator. Yes.
King Crimson: And history.
Cornwind Evil: Guess how many characters survive the eruption so catastrophic it literally shook Europe
King Crimson: Good- good job.
RubyChao: (that's the joke)
King Crimson: Too few to stop the rock?
Stop the rock
You CAN'T stop the rock
Can't stop the rock
ivel: I watched that movie!
ivel: with iveldad
Bree: tell us then ivel
Bree: how many people lived
ivel: everyone lived happily ever after
ivel: in the afterlife
ivel: the last 30 minutes of that movie were torture for me in the theatre
Bree: why
ivel: last 30 minutes involve a huge flood and I REALLY HAD TO PEE BUT DIDN'T WANT TO MISS THE ENDING
Gooper Blooper: kek
Cornwind Evil: He ain't lying. Everyone dies. Everyone.
Cornwind Evil: Except maybe a horse.
King Crimson: Yaaaaay
King Crimson: YAAAAAAY
King Crimson twirls parasol in the pyroclastic cloud and lava


Gooper Blooper: see you guys tomorrow
Draco: No promises. BU
Draco hides in his bunker.
Gooper Blooper: *places Gloria in a chair* the perfect draco lure


Bree: chaoooooo
RubyChao: breeeee
Satan is Weak to Wind: Donkey
Bree: kap?
RubyChao: i can do some kap
Bree: I should probably fud first
Bree: I guess I'll go get some fud
Bree: but then kap!
RubyChao: ok
RubyChao: how long do you think fud will take?
Satan is Weak to Wind: It's like watching aliens talk
Satan is Weak to Wind: Fud, kap
Satan is Weak to Wind: What am I
Satan is Weak to Wind dies
RubyChao: you're an alien
Busted Controller is Top Tier: lel


Gooper Blooper: It wasn't until Chao pointed it out to me that I realized Josephine's Brawl loss was her first death
Gooper Blooper: despite five years of her jumping into battles and shooting guns everywhere while yelling
Gooper Blooper: she really hung in there
Bree: that line gave me a mental image of josephine kicking a door down and storming into a room shooting from the hip with two rifles in two different directions and shouting "WHO ORDERED THE ASSKICKING SPECIAL"
Gooper Blooper: that's pretty much how I want her to make her return


Procedural Snoop Dogg: so let me summarise my character in eva boston for you
Procedural Snoop Dogg: franklin did nothing of consequence, failed to be a hero when it counted, and never got to smooch the nice clone girl
Procedural Snoop Dogg: the fucking end
Procedural Snoop Dogg: EVANGELION WHOOOOOO
SteelKomodo: ;_;
Bree: thankfully the kobbers won't turn out like that
Bree: aside from maybe not smooching the nice clone girl
Procedural Snoop Dogg: kobbers never turned out like that
Bree: someone should put that on their to-do list
Brinehammer: Srspost.
Procedural Snoop Dogg: the list of clone girls is quite small
Procedural Snoop Dogg: consisting currently of clash and caprice
Bree: true
Bree: but they're both quite smoochable
Bree: well aside from caprice not being here yet


Cornwind Is Home: I'm looking at the cancelled/renewed/ending stuff for TV this year
Cornwind Is Home: "'Doubt' (CBS): Cancelled after two episodes"
Gooper Blooper: rip
Cornwind Is Home: "Call the Midwife' (PBS): Renewed for three more seasons"
Cornwind Is Home: They're confident


Gooper Blooper: "Really knows how to handle his sword. He fights good too."
Gooper Blooper: took me a minute
Bree: classic chastity


Cornwind Is Home: Chastity is not a homewrecker
Gooper Blooper: just a pantswrecker
Cornwind Is Home: EXACTLY


Jumpropeman: a podcast I listen to has its latest 2 hour episode titled: The Most Hilarious Donkey Kong Jokes: A Literary Analysis
Jumpropeman: I see they found their own Pac-Man Joke Book


RubyChao: i had a dream about del rp
RubyChao: namely; vince was in this new mall, which was pretty good except sometimes customers or staff would start disappearing
RubyChao: eventually it was revealed that it was because of a handful of ancient vampires, all of whom seemed (keyword: seemed) to be basically invincible (fast, strong, etc)
RubyChao: so eventually the vampires made their move and decided to just drain everyone in the mall at once, during which vince noticed the art pattern on the ground was actually a bunch of ornate circles
RubyChao: so he broke them, which shut down all the vampire powers, and then went ex-aid and blew them to bits
RubyChao: it was actually pretty cool
SteelKomodo: welp
SteelKomodo: neat
Always Believe in Science joined the chat
RubyChao: good timing
RubyChao: hi del
Always Believe in Science: thats a good dream
Always Believe in Science: vince will never live up to that standard
Always Believe in Science: 😜
RubyChao: rekt


Always Care About Science: oh hi brine
Always Care About Science: i'm gonna bug you bout scylla meeting the morgawr again!!!
Always Care About Science: i'm doing it!!!
Always Care About Science bugs
Always Care About Science has flashbacks to secondary school


Draco: "Meiling puffs her chest out with pride." <- Where'd that eclipse come from?
ivel: plz
SteelKomodo: #lewd?


(Chastity orders a drink named "Sex With An Alligator")

Angry Kyutama Noises: I'm pretty sure Chastity is trolling with these drink names :u
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Look last night I drank a raspberry woo woo
Procedural Snoop Dogg: That's a drink name
Angry Kyutama Noises: Who the hell names these drinks, anyway
Bree: are there other flavors of woo woo?
Procedural Snoop Dogg: If aliens came along to judge whether we lived or died based on our drink names I'd start digging my grave
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Uhm, maybe
Procedural Snoop Dogg: I don't know I mostly drink rum
Angry Kyutama Noises: fine, time to find my own lewd drink name
Blustery Chill: must be some strong shit
Procedural Snoop Dogg: If I had to name a drink
Procedural Snoop Dogg: I'd name it
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Uhm
Bree: also a drink name that is #lewd if you want: "slippery nipple"
Procedural Snoop Dogg: I'm actually having trouble
Procedural Snoop Dogg: The Snoop Dogg
Bree: the snoop lion
Angry Kyutama Noises: Don't worry, bree, I got one
Gooper Blooper: The Buttsephine
Cornwind Evil: It exists
Procedural Snoop Dogg: I need it to be something that someone goes up to the bar, says "I'll have a round of X", then instantly regrets life
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Petrol
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Bad Life Choices
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Bartender I'd like a tall Harambe Meme
Angry Kyutama Noises: Done it
Procedural Snoop Dogg: (it's just a long island ice tea)
Bree: did you know snoop dogg has a cooking show with martha stewart
Procedural Snoop Dogg: I do
Should-Sleep, The Fool: I was reasonably sure I had a Heavy Regrets at a bar once.
Angry Kyutama Noises: The fact that there seem to be no cider-based cocktails saddens me
Procedural Snoop Dogg: I also know there isn't any weed in the cooking
Angry Kyutama Noises: but I guess that'd be too hard to do
Bree: and because of this, I also know that snoop dogg puts barbecue potato chips in the batter for his fried chicken recipe
Procedural Snoop Dogg: What
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Holy shit
Bree: sorcery, right
Procedural Snoop Dogg: That's genius
Bree: I know
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Holy dicks
Bree: that's what the whole post was about
Bree: "holy shit snoop dogg's fried chicken recipe"
Angry Kyutama Noises: ...shit, I found a drink name I really should have used
Angry Kyutama Noises: red headed slut
Bree: I think I found the list of drinks that cornwind is using for chastity
Bree: it has both Angel's Tit and Sex With An Alligator in it
Blustery Chill: i wasn't even using a drink list
Blustery Chill: i'm just
Blustery Chill: typing shit
Angry Kyutama Noises: Yep
Angry Kyutama Noises: I went with the other one because it seemed like a nice tropical drink
Angry Kyutama Noises: that just happened to have an unfortunate name :U
Bree: oh man the last entry on this list is a drink just called Ass
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Julius walks in and orders a glass of water
Bree: "Bartender, I'll have a round of Ass!"
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Brings the whole mood down
Angry Kyutama Noises: Dirk's drink
Procedural Snoop Dogg: No got it
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Bartender
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Gimme a Kamen Rider
Bree: I need to try that drink I guess because when I think something tastes awful I say that it "tastes like ass"
Draco gives Del a glass of Beck.
Bree: and sometimes people ask me "how do you know what ass tastes like?" because they have to be rude like that :V
Bree: and if I had this drink I could just go "it's a drink!"
Angry Kyutama Noises: That's pretty neat, del
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Bartender I need a glass of Persona Memes
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Bartender tells me to go to bed
Angry Kyutama Noises: Bartender, gimme a Mighty Action X
Gooper Blooper: Draco: Sounds like what I did for Neo Kobbers! :V
Should-Sleep, The Fool: I had no idea JRM was the bartender. He tells me to go to bed all the time.
Bree: bartender I'll have a round of Jumpropeman
Bree: bartender I'll have a tall glass of Former Vengeance
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Now THIS is the King of Beasts bar!
Bree: bartender, pour me a Ruby Chao
Bree: I think she had one too many Cornwind Evils
Gooper Blooper: a round of gooper bloopers on me
Draco: Don't order a Draco around the Brawl; they're too salty.
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Nobody would drink a Del but that's cos the Steakhouse is right across the road!
Blustery Chill: pour me a Harpy
Blustery Chill: it's just
Blustery Chill: three kettles worth of espresso
Bree: "Pour me a Harpy and make it Kuro!"
Draco: Ivel drinks them up like he needs a Harpy to live.
Bree: fancy name for coffee, black
Angry Kyutama Noises: The Steel Komodo has a bite to it :P
Blustery Chill: ivel doesn't drink coffee unfortunately
Gooper Blooper: ~A Harpy~
Pour three kettles of coffee in a big jug
Stir with an AWAKE bar


Spy Days Til Graduation: 22: Sup dufers
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Spy I like you but I need to inform you are way too optimistic about the reboot of 40k
Spy Days Til Graduation: 22: Yeah, definitely way too optimistic


Bree: so, everything kawashiro makes is waterproof
Bree: does that mean a kawashiro yacht is waterproof
ivel: the Kawashiro yacht is the only thing NOT Waterproof
Blustery Chill: the biggest question is
Blustery Chill: is it iceberg proof
ivel: wooow
ivel throws a head of lettuce at it
Gooper Blooper: I'll have you know it's unsinkable! Don't sweat it, forget it, and enjoy the show
Should-Sleep, The Fool: The Titanic was waterproof and invulnerable, unsinkable... until it wasn't. h=
Blustery Chill: ivel doesn't get your joke, goops.
Blustery Chill: Draco, you know what to do.
Gooper Blooper: must it be linked again
Gooper Blooper: thy will be done
Blustery Chill: *slips on shades onto her dog*
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Thank you, Goops.
Blustery Chill: watch, ivel, and be amazed
ivel: oh I think I remember that now that it's linked
Blustery Chill: how could you ever forget
Blustery Chill: i feel like that's banworthy
Blustery Chill: :I
Blustery Chill: no i kid
ivel left the chat
Draco: Left before I could ban him. Sorry, Harpy.
notivel (ivel) joined the chat
Blustery Chill: the joke, much like the titanic, has hit the berg


Cornwind Evil: Clearly Chastity needs one of these
Bree: the guy in the video notes that the measurement of tsunade's bust is given as 106 cm
Bree: and observes that that is over a whole meter
Gooper Blooper: *checks*
Gooper Blooper: ...oh my
Bree: and a meter is like, slightly over a yard
Bree: that's three feet of tit
Gooper Blooper: Jinako has official measurements, and uh
Gooper Blooper: 109
Spy Days Til Graduation: 22: So you're telling me her tits are cumulatively the size of a kindergartener
Spy Days Til Graduation: 22: The fuck
notivel: pfffff
Blustery Chill: oh
Blustery Chill: oh my
Blustery Chill: *fans*
Bree: it should be noted though that you're supposed to measure the bust at the widest part
Bree: but still
Bree: jinako is thicc
Gooper Blooper: It says her hips are even bigger
Gooper Blooper: 112
Gooper Blooper: I am not playing her as a sexpot :V She is a mousy cashier
RubyChao: i'm disappointed, goops
notivel: but what about MELVIN UNDERBELLY
Gooper Blooper: bbs
notivel: Goops has to go get mind bleach at the mere thought of Melvin, I understand.
Gooper Blooper: Melvin's sizes are 900 - 1000 - 900
notivel: welp
Cornwind Evil: Melvin's sizes are Brain Bleach-Fuck No-God Why
Bree: I admit I enjoy describing machi's appearance as something of a sexpot (to use your term :V) because her personality is the literal opposite of that
Bree: it Amuses Me
Spy Days Til Graduation: 22: Season 10 spoilers: Oceanus has the body of a bronzed god but only cares about facepunching things


RubyChao: nitori tries the cookies
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
RubyChao: loves them
RubyChao: u did it mach
Draco: Best liar.
notivel: accurate :U
notivel: and now Gino's
notivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Blustery Chill: Dia has told Gino he needs to learn how to bake before she marries him.
notivel: well now that Gino's been threatened
notivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
notivel: WELP
notivel: the threat worked :U
Draco: Twue wuv
Gooper Blooper: all the homecooked meals for dia
Cornwind Evil: I roll for the Dawnlings baking skills
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 11 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil: ....yeah
Cornwind Evil: Let's see if Sine is still really good at greasy spoon style cooking
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 31
Cornwind Evil: ............yep
Draco: Is Clownpiece still awful at burgers?
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Draco: O_O
Draco: Clownpiece saw a land bereft of good burgers and lemonade and learned to make Brgrgrs from Edea herself.


RubyChao: new Touhou character!
RubyChao: we need to wait a bit to get a proper picture though
Gooper Blooper: Harpy, thank you for coming up with the phrase "omnimom", I love it
Blustery Chill: she looks like she's going to cut someone
Blustery Chill: serial killer in five seasons
Blustery Chill: i mean
Blustery Chill: it describes celestia perfectly
Blustery Chill: she is everyone's mom
notivel: Blustery Chill: serial killer in five seasons
-Blustery Chill: i mean
-Blustery Chill: it describes celestia perfectly

Blustery Chill: WOW
notivel: :U
RubyChao: Celestiaplot 2017 confirmed
Bree: lel
Gooper Blooper: That's still Celestia
RubyChao: the worst heel turn in history
Blustery Chill: the cake was poisoned
Blustery Chill: all along
Blustery Chill: brandon's dead. there goes one fave


Angry Kyutama Noises: So this is completely unrelated to RP right now
Angry Kyutama Noises: but if you guys ever wanted to reboot anything you liked, what would it be and what would you change?
RubyChao: oh man
RubyChao: that's a hard call
Cornwind Evil: First season RP of mine
Draco: It's hard to say, SK. Anything I like that I can think of keeps getting new material: Star Wars/Trek, Transformers, Gundam...
Angry Kyutama Noises: I'd reboot Street Fighter
Angry Kyutama Noises: because the continuity of that is a fucking horrible mess
RubyChao: hmmm
Jumpropeman: I'd reboot Kingdom Hearts
Jumpropeman: and remove that whole "plot" thing they've been trying
 RubyChao: the problem is, most of my favorites are either getting new material
RubyChao: or in the case of Metroid, i don't want to throw out all the old material
RubyChao: (just some of it)


Jumpropeman: I was about to sneeze and for some reason felt I should raise my foot to block it
Jumpropeman: these are the times that prove we are related to monkeys


Jumpropeman: I told my mom about idiot hairs the other day
Jumpropeman: she thought they were hilarious
Jumpropeman: she says she's gonna start using the term all the time


Blustery Chill: how am i going to make a coherent animu
Gooper Blooper: Chao could probably help
RubyChao: >coherent
RubyChao: >animu
RubyChao: well there's yer problem


RubyChao: i hope Miu was everything you wanted, goops
Gooper Blooper: That was exactly how I expected her to be, good work
Gooper Blooper: Very distinctive laugh she's got :V
RubyChao: she can join tenshi and maria in the distinctive laugh club
RubyChao: (it's canonically distinctive!)
Jumpropeman: laugh market's getting crowded
Jumpropeman: Gysel's gonna laugh like "Hwardeehardeeharrharrrrrr"


RubyChao: "Something is terribly wrong. It was incredibly obvious to me now that Shigeru Miyamoto had gone mad with power. His God complex knows no bounds and the only thing I knew for certain was that he must be stopped."


Gooper Blooper: >"Nintendo E3 2017 Predictions" article with a picture of Samus
Gooper Blooper: don't hurt Chao this way, Yahoo


Blustery Chill: who is ready
Blustery Chill: FOR MORE BRANDO and some other people


Blustery Chill: now to think up of a tribe name
Blustery Chill: it's probably going to be unoriginal
Jumpropeman: the... Kuwahawaiians
Blustery Chill: or just some word shoved in the translator
Blustery Chill: jrm plz
Gooper Blooper: The Boip Burpos
Blustery Chill: Goops plz


RubyChao: >reading homework dealing with mergers and acquisitions
Gooper Blooper: Chao studying for RP
RubyChao: >"pearl inc has offered cash to buy out jam corporation"
RubyChao: booooooo
RubyChao: (this isn't the worst one though)
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao: (the worst/best one is Three Guys Burgers pursuing a consolidation with Two Guys Fries)
Blustery Chill: oh my god
Blustery Chill: terrible
Blustery Chill: terrible
Blustery Chill: TERRIBLE
RubyChao: kawashiro plot in a nutshell
Bree: okay that made me laugh irl, no lie
Bree: I'm not even sure why
Gooper Blooper: love it
RubyChao: okay one more
RubyChao: "Penn Corp. is analyzing the possible acquisition of Teller Company."
RubyChao: i'm glad whoever wrote these had a sense of humor
Blustery Chill: please
Bree: you call this "a sense of humor"???
RubyChao: i didn't say it was a good sense :V


Blustery Chill: man
Blustery Chill: i miss A.D. already
Cornwind Evil: We're still using that date system!
Blustery Chill: how can i even miss a character i didn't even make
Blustery Chill: oh well, i have this plot
Blustery Chill: that i can use
Blustery Chill: as an excuse not to make a rejected character depot
Jumpropeman: don't worry harpy
Jumpropeman: they're not rejected as long as they appear in a post
Jumpropeman: ex: Uncle Greg :V
Blustery Chill: exactly
RubyChao: GO!


Procedural Snoop Dogg: Sorry folks, I'm tired as fuck
Procedural Snoop Dogg: I better catch some zzzs
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Continue a bit tomorrow maybe?
Blustery Chill: sure
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Cool
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Nite
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Stay cool
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: do british people
Jumpropeman: say
Jumpropeman: catch some zeds
Jumpropeman: or catch some zees
Bree: zeds
Jumpropeman: *has literally been thinking about this quite often lately*
Litten Reigns: Night Del.
iKomodo: Zedd, yes
Jumpropeman: interesting...
Jumpropeman: *adds it to the Great Big Book of Everything, despite it not being something about animals*


Jumpropeman: best Little Witch
Gooper Blooper: A spirited but ultimately failed attempt at the Shimmer Cheek Puff


Blustery Chill: i'm getting lazy and avoiding tags
Blustery Chill: i mean
Blustery Chill: descriptors
Blustery Chill: hargle
Jumpropeman: i will only accept your post if we have at least two paragraphs describing how Brandon eats his spaghettios
Blustery Chill: hell no :U
Blustery Chill: i've lost this battle
Jumpropeman: 😭


Cornwind Evil: Perusing a LP of Sweet Home, Sheep
Missing Sheep: Oh?
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, Wall's home
Missing Sheep: Would WALL!! live anywhere but a Sweet Home?
Jumpropeman: maybe if there was a football field sized ladies locker room
Cornwind Evil: He'd be constantly getting punched
Litten Reigns: Are you quite sure he doesn't live in the Loud House instead?
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: Ah Ven you weren't around for WALL!!'s glory days
Missing Sheep: WALL!! had glory days?
Missing Sheep: Maybe a glory DAY
Missing Sheep: but I'm not sure I'd go so far as make it plural
Litten Reigns: I was ever around? I thought I was, like, everyone's drunken stepdad that entered for brief entanglements so the protagonist has baggage, but not enough to ever get to know a why.


Procedural Snoop Dogg: Byte is real easy to RP
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Step 1) find target
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Step 2) bork
Procedural Snoop Dogg: Goto step 1


Bree: okay I was looking at some news and one of the other articles had this headline that I simply have to share
Bree: "ohio man shoots himself in the penis while getting out of car"
Bree: how do you even
SteelKomodo: GUN SAFETY
Bree: >brine shows up in chat after I share that
Always Care About Science: rip in peace
Brinehammer: Ohio is a special, special place. So many astronauts are from here because you can never get far enough away, lol.


Always Care About Science: okay
Always Care About Science: new high score on tetris
Always Care About Science: 108,964
ivel: nice
Bree: good jorb!
Always Care About Science: high score on puyo pop
Always Care About Science: zero
Always Care About Science: because i don't get how to be good at that
Always Care About Science: but i will fuck you up at tetris i swear


Bree: can I just say that gloria summoning bats is always funny to me and I don't understand why
Bree: like especially right now
Beautiful Cappucino: the only thing funnier than bats
Beautiful Cappucino: is bees?!?
Bree: bats are inherently funny because whenever I imagine bats they're just flappy as all fuck
Bree: and first I pictured them freaking out because it's day and they're all flapping about running into each other going "OMG WTF OMG IT'S SO BRIGHT OMG WHAT IS THIS OMG THE SUN IT BURNS"
Bree: squeaking and midair-flailing like the ridiculous shits they are
Bree: then gloria's like "attack that robot!" and they're like "ok" and just high-speed fly into it like birds hitting an airplane's windshield
Bree: "I'M HELPING" *thunk* "HELPING" *thunk* "IS IT WORKING YET" *thunk*
Beautiful Cappucino: those la pucelle battes
Bree: I kinda characterize gloria's bats summon as being derpy as shit
Bree: but then sometimes she uses them in a serious situation and they're all like "wtf m8 we're just a bunch of stupid bats"


Cornwind Evil: Sine's great-great-grandfather Stardust the Super Wizard
Cornwind Evil: The joke being she's all for revenge and punishments and Stardust's were just so utterly crazy.
Gooper Blooper: I remember this comic
Gooper Blooper: I like how the dumb Garfield version shows actual emotion, whereas Destructo just makes the same grumpy face even when terrified


Still Missing Still Sheep: I think Shimmer's ready to skip the Try to Talk Down the Bad Guy sequence


Jumpropeman: "White Magic could do a lot of things, but it couldn't make someone fall asleep."
Jumpropeman: because that would be Black Magic!
Jumpropeman: >sees harpy made the joke next line
Beautiful Cappucino: excuse me.
Beautiful Cappucino: excuse me
Jumpropeman: look
Jumpropeman: a jokester must pounce quickly
Beautiful Cappucino: don't test my FF knowledge
Beautiful Cappucino: I know enough :U
Draco: I know that Rinoa is in Final Fantasy 6.
Beautiful Cappucino: no.
Draco: And Cloud was the final boss of Mystic Quest.
Draco: And the riding birds are called Espers.
Draco: You can summon monsters in Final Fantasy 7 using your Garment Grid.
Jumpropeman: geeze draco, we didn't ask for a history lesson
Draco: And Kain invented Magitek Armor for the Moogles.
ivel: Gino thinks Moogles are the ones that go "Wark" but at least they're still creatures :U


Jumpropeman:bad news from the world of free money: the survey I take twice a year about doing drugs is finally wrapping up
Jumpropeman: I can't tell people "nope, still don't smoke" to get cash anymore ; o ;


Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: notice how the video isn't loading?
Jumpropeman: how will I make this year's end of year post now?!


(FV takes on Undertale)

Pic-a-nic Basket Payment?: Not murdering everything is hard. Xl So hard.
Pic-a-nic Basket Payment?: >the size of the pie intimidates you too much for you to eat it
Pic-a-nic Basket Payment?: No pies are safe. @_@
Pic-a-nic Basket Payment?: Huh. Obeying Toriel's orders does nothing. b= Suppose it's the path of defiance, then.
SteelKomodo: fv pls
SteelKomodo: also "no pies are safe"
SteelKomodo: that sounds eerily like me and pizza
SteelKomodo: :P




Missing Sheep: bluarfgh


Gooper Blooper: have this stupid edit I made
SteelKomodo: triggersephine
Gooper Blooper: the ad was pulled after a short time
Gooper Blooper: no doubt that was Dirksephine's doing
SteelKomodo: yep
Nasty Crimeboy: its not as bad as the ads for the local gym
Nasty Crimeboy: i quote
Nasty Crimeboy: tired of being fat and ugly? why not just be ugly at *insert gym name here*
Gooper Blooper: Good to see the "THIS GAME STINKS" Earthbound PR team is still getting work


Phone: Can't imagine King Knight's mein kampf is going to sell any better, but maybe the gold filigree will attract more readers this time?
RubyChao: king knight's mein kampf is just page after page of king knight in various manly poses
RubyChao: that's the entire book
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: -reading it- I don't see how this is a struggle...
RubyChao: because it hurts to be this hip manly
RubyChao: every day is a struggle as king knight attempts to contain his unrivaled manliness, lest all around him lose their will to live because they'll never measure up to him
Jumpropeman: did you know there is a mein kampf 2
Jumpropeman: the first one didn't sell well, and Hitler wrote a second one but his publisher said "don't publish it, it will just make Mein Kampf sell worse"
Jumpropeman: the book is called Zweites Buch
Jumpropeman: literally Second Book


Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash has her Brawl entrants picked already thankfully
Jumpropeman: we might get more than a sentence each!
Draco enters Clownpiece.
Jumpropeman: Strengths: Clowning Around
Weaknesses: British Colonialism
Draco: Weaknesses: The British Anthem


Bree: ilu you fuckers

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