Monday, May 22, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 292: Meme Economy

Nasty Crimeboy: Grilled Cheese Consumed!
Nasty Crimeboy shine get from mario sunshine plays


Jumpropeman: Faith's a great conversationalist: Nice to talk to you again, WHY'D YOU LOBOTOMIZE YOUR DOG?!


SteelKomodo: whoa, internet was freaking out
SteelKomodo: we're ok now
Jumpropeman: I just imagined SK and Del doing the whole "pretending the Enterprise is shaking" thing from the old Star Treks as the internet freaked out
SteelKomodo: that is totes what we would do
Jumpropeman: this one's better because they added music :v
Jumpropeman: plus the guy on the left who realizes a second too late he's supposed to be acting like the ship is shaking
SteelKomodo: that one klingon in the back is having the time of his life


Get Your Woomy On: and now that Marie is about to get her woomy on, whatever that means
Get Your Woomy On: i require speep
Get Your Woomy On: nite, all :P
Beautiful Cappucino: night
ivel: lel
RubyChao: it means wOoMy
Cornwind Evil: For some reason when I hear the term 'woomy'
Cornwind Evil: I think parrots
Cornwind Evil: Dunno why

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 291: Sex With An Alligator

Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: my first post
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: is a barpost
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: and it's a byte post
ivel: it's a barkpost
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: FUCK
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: that's good
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: borkposting is the hot new trend


Befuddled Cartoonist: dia arrives when gino stays at the bar for longer than 2 seconds
ivel: it took him longer than 2 seconds to drink his drink :U
Befuddled Cartoonist: okay, like, a MINUTE
Befuddled Cartoonist: :I
Gooper Blooper: Now I'm imagining Gino just walking in, grabbing a drink, opening his mouth, throwing the entire contents of the glass into his open mouth in one motion, then walking away
ivel: lel
ivel: he probably would too
ivel: less effort to drink that way :U


Gooper Blooper: Mole Knight: Fire affinity, likes to dig
Specter Knight: Basically the grim reaper, can summon skeletons
Plague Knight: Mad scientist, potions, explosions, a lovely assistant
Treasure Knight: Anchor on a retractable chain, good swimmer, greedy
Propeller Knight: Flies, has a rapier, can call in an airship
Tinker Knight: Not much by himself but has some secret weapons he built
Polar Knight: Big grumpy dude with a snow shovel, ice affinity
King Knight: Smug.avi, struts everywhere, has a scepter, can summon horns to blow damaging confetti
Gooper Blooper: the order cliffs notes
Bree: neat
ivel: so what you're saying is Tenshi vs Treasure Knight
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: his arena is completely underwater in Shovel Knight
Gooper Blooper: this is the best idea
Draco: Still not Smuggery The Smuggening

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 290: KON'NICHIWA ALAN-KOUHAI

Brave Caterer: fun fact: Sumi is a shopkeep in my army of ghosties
Bree: yayyy sumi
Brave Caterer: the sprite looks too much like Sumi to let it slide
Bree: her goods are the most esoteric you'll find anywhere! buy now!!!
Draco: Sumi's prices are esoteric.
Brave Caterer: unfortunately, since she's a phantom, that means she died somewhere along the line
Brave Caterer: probably a peaceful death, with all her esoteric friends around her
Brave Caterer: Rachel cries at her bedside, and the one thing she says is
Draco: She died of old age in the Brawl.
Brave Caterer: "Y-you neeerd"
Brave Caterer: because Sumi said something completely dorky before she passed


Jumpropeman: Kamen Rider Hime meets the queen
Draco: JRM actually read my blog. Usually he just posts funny memes and hopes they're accurate. ;o;
Jumpropeman: the latest Kamen Rider Hime
Draco: JRM: See? Fits perfectly. I can't believe you don't read my blog you're so on-point.


Cornwind Evil: Sine gives Zeldoten the ultimate test
Cornwind Evil: Go through Aladdin's Cave of Wonders
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Draco: Nope. Fail.
Draco: She got killed before stepping in.
Cornwind Evil: I'm reminded of a joke from the Mark Maid comic Irredeemable
Cornwind Evil: Where the Superman expy, who has turned evil, gathers up all his old villains and says he wants to team with them to do evil
Cornwind Evil: And to show he trusts them, he's given them all a switch that when pressed, activates a machine that will deactivate his powers
Cornwind Evil: Cue all the villains pressing their switches all at the same time
Cornwind Evil: It was, of course, a trick/trap
Cornwind Evil: Not-Superman: Wow. I didn't even finish my SENTENCE.
Draco: HA.
Phone: No matter how hard I press the button. ...
Draco: lel
Cornwind Evil: So I picture that with Sine, Zeldoten, and the Cave
Cornwind Evil: Sine: You can't touch anything bu- "INFINDEEELLLLSSSS!" Wow, I didn't even finish my sentence.
Draco: Sounds about right. 🙂
Phone: All the Cave of Wonders wants is true love, obedience, and a little lube before people get handsy. Why is that so wrong? Dirty thieves in all the wrong holes, grabbing whilly nilly.
Jumpropeman: go to bed
Phone: I would be glad to, but work.
Jumpropeman: they'll understand if you tell them what happened
Phone: I made bad, lewd jokes and my friend said go to bed, boss.


Draco asked a question: Ready for RP?
Chatzy closed the question after 3 responses:
Ready for RP?
No    1         Off-RubyChao
Draco stahp    1         Cornwind Evil
Yes    1         Gooper Blooper

Draco: Mixed results. Can't tell if people are ready for RP.
Gooper Blooper: Come May 1, people will bumble their way onto the forum and posts will happen
Gooper Blooper: ready or not, here we all come