Saturday, February 11, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 272: Call Me Burpo

SOON entered for the first time
Jumpropeman: if it isn't my favorite Estonian lemma, Soon!
BreeBlob: no idea who that was
Jumpropeman: I think maybe Goop just trying to notify us he's coming?
Seven. Seven human souls.: Or CW
Seven. Seven human souls.: That's not Goop Blue
Seven. Seven human souls.: That's Coral Blue Number 5
illKomodo: I don't think that was CW
Jumpropeman: it's a U.S.A. person
illKomodo: I checked the locations and they were from the US
SOON: It is harpy
Jumpropeman: the great mystery is solved!
Jumpropeman: one single drink
Jumpropeman: we have to share, I'm not made of money >:I


BreeBlob: komachi serves up a heaping helping of "shut up fuck you"
Gooper Blooper: yayyyy
Gooper Blooper: just what I wanted
BreeBlob: lel, thank goop


Jumpropeman: ​"wait til Molly turns 100 or burns in a fire caused by a toaster at the very least!" *Shimmer goes around Molly's house blowing up all the toasters* "Not while I'm around she won't!"
Jumpropeman: I realize the issue with that is I implied for some reason Molly had more than one toaster
Jumpropeman: but here is an actual picture of her house
Gooper Blooper: I knew that would be the picture and I still laughed
RubyChao: AH-HA
Steam Will Live: She just lives in the rusting relic of the boss from last year when she's not with Sarah, apparently. Among a coterie of smaller Toasters.


Harpy: can
Harpy: can raven put on the hat
Harpy: god my post is going to be so stupid
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: rock that hat
Harpy: posted
Harpy: i'm not sorry in the least


RubyChao: brb
RubyChao: if i don't make it back, tell my characters... i dunno, you decide
Jumpropeman: *adopts Utsuho*
ivel: *Adopts Jester Chao*


RubyChao: >​youtube video used to describe an attack
RubyChao: >​it's deleted
RubyChao: :I
Gooper Blooper: this is why writing out what the attack does is good


illKomodo: Butts
RockCandyGuy: One thousand butts
RockCandyGuy: Could you imagine?
illKomodo: I try not to :P
RockCandyGuy: Just, butts, far as the eye can see
RockCandyGuy: It ain't a pretty spring rose
SickKomodo: hahaha


RockCandyGuy: I am a genius
RockCandyGuy: Basically drew Professor Frankly but as a Yoshi's Island ghost
SickKomodo: amazing
RockCandyGuy: Flawless and original character design


BreeBlob joined the chat
RubyChao scoops the blob of bree into a jar
BreeBlob changed name to A Jar of Bree

A Jar of Bree: you've got a jar of breeee, you've got a jar of breeeee
A Jar of Bree: and guess what's insiiiiiiiiiide it
Gooper Blooper: Bree?
A Jar of Bree: hi
RubyChao: Undyne, somehow?
Gooper Blooper: ​IT A COOKIE​
RubyChao: ​WEED


SickKomodo: ​"Something started moving in the trees." Not what you want to hear at any point ever.


StoryDel: I get off the bus from games club
StoryDel: Young woman in her driveway has like
StoryDel: A blowtorch or something
StoryDel: Is burning something on her driveway
StoryDel: Her cat sits next to her, watching
A Jar of Bree: catte D:
StoryDel: Welcome to Long Eaton motherfucker


Jumpropeman: why is Arby's posting Knuckles jokes


RubyChao: salvation was not prepared at all for these mortals
Gooper Blooper: could learn a few things from the baron I'd say
Jumpropeman: I'd make Shimmer go full Bayonetta on her ass but I don't think she can pull off the posing
Jumpropeman: or the foot guns
Jumpropeman: or the hair magic
Jumpropeman: but she can kill an angel!
Gooper Blooper: ha


Gooper Blooper: "Shimmer did not much care for this thinking thing. She'll remember to swear right off it after this battle."
Gooper Blooper: A+
illKomodo: Amazing
ivel: best


Booty: Suddenly 35 "I posted!" noises at once
Booty: I'm wearing headphones maaaan D:


Addictive Laxatives: "Raven just shrugs and does what he does best: slash."
Addictive Laxatives: He writes up some stories with homosexual lovers and throws it at Salvation
Harpy: Raven: So good, they're to die for.
Harpy: Raven is immediately buried in tomatoes.
Jumpropeman: last night I found out
Jumpropeman: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Jumpropeman: I always thought the tomatoes turned into actual monsters
Jumpropeman: but no, they really are just tomatoes
Addictive Laxatives: But they're KILLER, man


RubyChao: oh hey i forgot to get dinner
RubyChao: i should fix that
RubyChao: bbs
Jumpropeman: what is a dinner
Jumpropeman: is it some sort of... food?
ivel: no, jrm, it's a goblin
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: ​D=
ivel: it's a goblin, not something to be gobblin
Gooper Blooper: Ultimately, it was both
ivel: also true



Jumpropeman: so next year I intend to make that pilot fite into a tournament style, might call it something like Bent Propellers


RubyChao: >​take brawl quiz
RubyChao: >​237/256
RubyChao: well that's just shameful
Jumpropeman: you're slipping chao
Gooper Blooper: We're too far from brawl time
Gooper Blooper: scores increase the closer to a brawl we get


Harpy: shit man
Jumpropeman: Shit man is my least favorite superhero
RubyChao: even less than Florida Man?
Addictive Laxatives: Sadly in comics there technically is a Shit Man
Jumpropeman: >​Savage Dragon
Jumpropeman: an appropriate series for him then


RubyChao: "one day silver was in the ruins of alph completeing his unown colection but then on the pokegear the radio was doing this strange music and unowns were surrounding him. he barley figured out that they spelled LEAVE. he ran and relized that the music was going in a endless loop. he relized that the was trapped. he was falling apart. he took a photo and died. many days later gold found his pokegear and there was the picture. silver was sheading blody tears and only his head was remaining."
ivel: 2spoop
Draco: D;
Draco: 3
ivel: that's not that many :I
ivel: story ruined
ivel: now if it was 4 days


(The kobbers are gassed, experiencing various hallucinations)

PhoneDel: I wish Julius was on this plot so he could just stand around, bemused
PhoneDel: Oh man
PhoneDel: What would Toinette hallucinate
ivel: what would Jester Chao hallucinate :U
PhoneDel: Oh god
RubyChao: ivel: it would be like the ending of the justice league episode with the black mercy
ivel: oh god
RubyChao: the camera zooms in on his face and all you hear are screams
PhoneDel: Plot twist: Toinette is hallucinating ALL THE TIME
PhoneDel: And the gas makes her sober
RubyChao: what if all of zfrp has been toinette's hallucination
RubyChao: even the parts she's not around for
PhoneDel: That's deep


Rattleshirt: we so far have confirmation that the cure can put out ladies who are eternally on fire.


Husk: Brine, I'm afraid I have to confess a horrifying truth I should never have hidden from you, my good friend... ​I've been a nerd all along.
Rattleshirt: there has never been a sin so unforgiveable
Rattleshirt: if only his arm's weren't so thin we could put him in the pillory


RubyChao: "You may think this is some defense of Bubsy 3D, that I'm being an apologist and forgiving it for this terrible transfer into the third dimension. I merely wanted to give you some context that, for a game made in an era where a certain level of patience and understanding is required...
Bubsy 3D is still absolute utter garbage with no excuse for how bad it turned out."

RubyChao: i forgot how wonderful JRM's bubsy blogpost was


ivel: if Draco is the hull, who's the rest of the ship?
Harpy: sarah.
ivel: I never knew Harpy shipped Draco x Sarah
Harpy: no


Coldhands: ​"...It's about a slave being whipped and hung on a stormy night in what we can assume is 1800's America...only for the tree to somehow animate into a monster that kills the white folks." I'm glad to see The Gallows found acting work


A Confused Dawn: Yamame has weird tastes
Draco: She's a spider.


Gooper Blooper: I wish I could fill every spot JRM desires for his brawl wishlist concerning my characters
Gooper Blooper: but I'd need a lot more slots
RubyChao: JRM eventually just goes "fuck it"
RubyChao: writes the Big Blooper Brawl
RubyChao: a Brawl of all Gooper Blooper characters
ivel: lel
Gooper Blooper: Did you mean: the GB Ensemble Royal Rumble
RubyChao: no, because that has no limb removal
Coldhands: he's right you know
Gooper Blooper: the updated brawl quiz's hard mode should also have the consolation brawl entrants
Coldhands: ooooh, I like that
RubyChao: yes good
Gooper Blooper: hard mode is JRM slamming down a list of like a thousand blank answers and screaming ​"EVVVVERYYYYYONNNNNE"​​
RubyChao: so goops
RubyChao: when you were designing her for plort
RubyChao: ​did you ever guess that you'd be entering Dolby in the Brawl
Coldhands: even if there is no "hard mode" option I'm pretty much going to make it even if it has to be a separate quiz now :V
Coldhands: you can also take quizzes without a timer on jetpunk
Gooper Blooper: I actually assumed it'd have to be a second, separate quiz - I didn't expect they'd be so sophisticated as to have multiple difficulty levels
Coldhands: so hard mode might come with a No Timer Recommended Tag :P
Gooper Blooper: Chao: no
Coldhands: if he did Chao
Coldhands: Dolby would have sick biceps
RubyChao: she could make sick biceps if she felt like it
RubyChao: just stuff a whole bunch of cassette tapes into her sleeves
Gooper Blooper: I have entered a grand total of... I think two characters with sick biceps in the brawl
RubyChao: Silence and...?
Gooper Blooper: Regigigas :V
Coldhands: Sarah
RubyChao: oh right
RubyChao: well goops, i will point out
RubyChao: those sick biceps were the key to your victory
Gooper Blooper: they were also the key to 61st place
RubyChao: too soon
Coldhands: the 61st place trophy was made of some leftover play-dough that had been mixed with other colors
Coldhands: the last place trophy is just your corpse with your placement carved into it
RubyChao: sine still has that "26/26" scar


Draco swaps Zeldoten plot for Barkley Shut Up and Jam Garden plot.


Dead Tired Sheep: >​Silence couldn't say anything.
Dead Tired Sheep: thrilling discourse


Draco: Someday I expect someone to walk up to Julius and ask how he's gonna kiss Ko if he doesn't have a mouth so we can pan over and see Toinette and Julius' bartender friend giggling in the background.
iKomodo: XD


Jumpropeman: for some reason, that new Evolutions Pokemon card set that brings back old Base Set cards bumped Farfetch'd up from an uncommon to a rare
Jumpropeman: prepare for disappointment booster pack openers
RubyChao: because people rarely want one!
Jumpropeman: apparently Raticate also got bumped from uncommon to rare in the Evolutions set
Jumpropeman: Pokemon is trying to crush dreams
Gooper Blooper: Well they've been pulling those shenanigans since the beginning
Gooper Blooper: Base Set had a slew of rare trainer cards
Gooper Blooper: And in Japan, every Jungle, Fossil, and Rocket pack contained a holo, but they made non-holo versions for the US version
Jumpropeman: the dark times
Gooper Blooper: Also, in Japan, all rares are holo now, but you don't get a rare in every pack
Gooper Blooper: They fix it for the US by taking a bunch of the uncommons and making them "rare"
Jumpropeman: that explains a bit actually


Gooper Blooper: "a Steelix t-shirt (with a trendy slogan on it that I can't think up right now)"
Gooper Blooper: WELCOME HELL
RubyChao: pls
Deletons: KILL EM ALL 1998
Gooper Blooper: 3296203984294 DEAD COPS
iKomodo: Pfffft
Deletons: i am trash mon
Gooper Blooper: Steelix is one of those Pokemon where I forget it exists and then I look at it and go "man he's cool, why'd I forget him"
Gooper Blooper: I'd like to use one in a game run sometime
Jumpropeman: i feel sorry for people who used Onix in Gen 1
Gooper Blooper: I used an Onix in my run of Crystal
Gooper Blooper: I can't remember how long I stuck with him
Jumpropeman: base attack of 10
Jumpropeman: huh, bulbapedia says its actually 45
Jumpropeman: but it FEELS like 10
Gooper Blooper: Well to put that in perspective
Gooper Blooper: Geodude's base attack is 80
Jumpropeman: Sunkern's base attack is 30


Deletons: In fifteen years Liam's still gonna be bringing up all the hottest Vita games from Japan. "Look at how good I am at Pantsu RÄ«pofu Za Bested!" he will desperately cry as he mashes a Circle button that long ago lost its circle. "This one sold seventy copies! I bought it on the PlayStation Store on all of your accounts so you can play too!" Woolie has never owned a Vita, and Matt and Pat unhooked their PS TVs years ago. "Look at what you can do with the back touchscreen!" He shoves the Vita into Matt's hands and frantically flicks upward on the back of the device. Matt stares at the empty, long-dead screen and slowly nods his head. "That's very cool, Liam," he mutters, "that's very cool."
Deletons: thanks goons


RubyChao: In 2016, retail chain Urban Outfitters, which had long carried Vinyl LPs, started carrying a line of new pre-recorded cassette tapes along with blank cassettes and players[49] featuring both new and vintage albums. Ironically, these new pre-recorded tapes no longer use the Dolby noise reduction system as Dolby Laboratories no longer licenses nor produces the electronic components required to implement the system for recording or playback.
RubyChao: dolby buried
RubyChao: (spoiler at this point i more easily associate the name Dolby with the character than with the company)
ivel: same
Strong Belwas: but will you do the same when Gooper introduces his new character Wal-mart next year?
Harpy: wow rude
Strong Belwas: sorry harps, forgot you were RPing Wal-mart
Harpy: not yet!
Harpy: maybe in 2020


The distracted: Hello, buddy.
iKomodo: Hi fv
Strong Belwas: please Ven, Buddy was my oldest sister's second ex-husband. Call me Burpo
The distracted: Hello pal.
Strong Belwas: Please Ven, Pal was the dog from the Arthur cartoon. Call me Burpo
The distracted: How are you British lads and Call me Ishmael doing?


Deletons: HI BRINE PLEASE INTERACT WITH ME oh fuck he vanished
Deletons rips dick off, hurls it into orbit
RubyChao: del no you need that
Deletons: DO I CHAO
Deletons: DO I
Gooper Blooper: Catching Brine is like when the glass ruffles in pogeys gen 5 and you have to try and go into the rustling patch before it runs off or you get an encounter elsewhere
Deletons: all i want is to ship characters ;;
Gooper Blooper: shippin ain't easy


Draco: Owch. Accidentally hit a Drowzee in the junk with a Pokeball. D:
ivel: Draco you monster
ivel: >:U
Draco: It's okay, Ivel. I sent him to a nice farm in exchange for candy.


Jumpropeman: so is it Arklys or Ahklys because Cornwind's spelled it both ways :P
Jumpropeman: sometimes alternating in the same post
Gooper Blooper: CW has no one to blame but himself for that name :V
Jumpropeman: or is it Peter
Jumpropeman: I bet it's Peter
Gooper Blooper: It's ​pronounced​ "peter"
RubyChao: that reminds me
RubyChao: i was looking through season 3, and in one case, we memorably got "Celestia Corroco"
Jumpropeman: Celestia Corocoro
Jumpropeman: leaking all the pokemon news
Gooper Blooper: celestia chocobo
RubyChao: celestia cocacola
Gooper Blooper: celestia del rio
Jumpropeman: Celestia copacabana
ivel: celestia cornucopia


Jumpropeman: my brother and I used to vandalize the Fanboy and Chumchum wiki, and one thing I did was post the Horse Breeding page form the Farmville wiki on various pages
RubyChao: i never quite understood what drove people to vandalize wikis
Jumpropeman: the fanboy and chumchum wiki was hardly used so it was basically just a place to be funny
Jumpropeman: and we actually broke the wiki once
RubyChao: tell me more, this i gotta hear
Jumpropeman: at some point I started redirecting all the pages to one for Boog, some meathead character from the show. and then I redirected the Boog page back in on itself so it would redirect to redirects to redirects
Jumpropeman: hence, this:

Jumpropeman: the wiki had only one actual page
RubyChao: boog hell
RubyChao: you're not a fan of the show jrm
RubyChao: get out D:<
Jumpropeman: 18 quintillion pages
Deleton Warriors: What the fuck is fanboy and chumchum
Jumpropeman: also look at me with my farmville toolbar and msn messenger
Jumpropeman: 2011 was a different time
RubyChao: some random nickelodeon show, apparently
Jumpropeman: all you'll ever need to know about it
Jumpropeman: and then you'll wish you didnt
Deleton Warriors: I didn't click that and I think I never will
Jumpropeman: well, Del, if you ever kill an entire family, or burn down an orphanage and need to punish yourself for your sins
Jumpropeman: it will be there for you
Jumpropeman: there are some things I feel guilty about
Jumpropeman: some regrets
Jumpropeman: vandalizing that wiki is not one of them
Jumpropeman: if it keeps kids away from the show
Jumpropeman: i have done good
Jumpropeman: now to scroll through pages upon pages of chicken products in the vain hope something I like will be on there
The distracted: See, ​that​ is a defense that I can get behind. =u
Jumpropeman: >​chicken breast chunks
Jumpropeman: not an elegant name for a product
Jumpropeman: but consider me intrigued...
Jumpropeman: Recipes with this Product: Sweet and Sassy Asian Chicken
Jumpropeman: I didn't realize this was a chicken dating website
RubyChao: oh my
The distracted: Oh myy.
SteelKomodo: oh god jrm pls

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