Sunday, January 29, 2017

Hostile Takeover


The end of January was too early. Beheeyem didn't need that much time to set up. Not even he was really sure how his Fite Clubs worked - he simply rented rooms, and the odd people who came to him would do what they wished to furnish said rooms. Sometimes they barely altered them from their default "plain room with a wrestling ring" appearance, but other people seemed somehow able to make little pocket dimensions, like the wintry forest Letty Whiterock, his second-in-command, had made for her own battles. He didn't understand it, but he felt it wasn't important (though, if pressed, he's always assumed something like Big Bobby's portals were at work... but how they were able to follow him around without his knowledge even when he got a new facility baffled him).

In any case, the strangeness of his "tenants" meant that three months of preparation was about two months too many... but Beheeyem had been quite happy to change location, and was eager to see Kuwahawi for himself, quietly, peacefully, before things got chaotic in May when the Kobbers inevitably began rooting out corruption, evil, and darkness. For now, Beheeyem was just another tourist, and Fite Club was able to be set up at a quiet, leisurely pace.

What Beheeyem hadn't anticipated was that maybe he'd been around the Kobbers a little too long. Maybe their stink of attracting trouble had finally worn off on him after four years of greeting them, helping train them, and even fighting with or alongside them several times. Perhaps his joining in that time last October when Big Bobby got in trouble with a portal breach was the tipping point.

After all, how else could he explain the clearly non-native armored fellow currently swaggering into the Fite Club like he owned the place?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 270: 17 Dr. Peppers And A Mouthwash

RubyChao: i posted... something in the bar
RubyChao: i just kinda typed and let words flow out


Deletons: RubyChao: "The snowman", thought Banjo.
-RubyChao: ^a summary of my experience
Deletons: We are such fucking memelords
RubyChao: we are
SteelKomodo: mmhm


Gooper Blooper: funny Goopsmom anecdote I don't remember if I shared: Last year she looked at a skull decoration and fumbled for the word before calling it a "skeleton head"
Gooper Blooper: now she intentionally calls skulls skeleton heads as a running gag
Jumpropeman: the most important bone in the body is the skeleton head


RubyChao: *searches in old chatzy*
RubyChao: Brinehammer: Yeah, I think I'm gonna do something like a machine ghost or some scrap ode that gained sentience or something. My roster is already kinda stuffed, so It might not see the light of day, but backups are always nice to have.
RubyChao: from 190 days ago


Draco: Side note: I would like to see a giraffe with a chainsaw blade built into its neck.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 269: Poo Poo Santa

Harpy Psycho 100: >​gingerbread food truck
Harpy Psycho 100: I have a MIGHTY NEED
Harpy Psycho 100: look at this beautiful thing
Harpy Psycho 100: look
Harpy Psycho 100: i want this
Gooper Blooper: "Functions as portable grocery store, and offers exclusive foods including Spicy Oden Soup, Tempura Udon, and Chicken Gizzards!"
Gooper Blooper: Because when I think sweets truck
Gooper Blooper: I think chicken gizzards
Harpy Psycho 100: we're not sure why, either.
Harpy Psycho 100: but it DOES come with chocolate!
Gooper Blooper: I like how it's considered a pet and has stats and stuff
Gooper Blooper: IT'S ALIVE
Harpy Psycho 100: yes
Harpy Psycho 100: even the things you'd think are nonsentient
Harpy Psycho 100: are alive
Harpy Psycho 100: the sweet broom is alive.
Harpy Psycho 100: the leek is alive.
Gooper Blooper: tank is alive
ivel: Ikki isn- oh wait :U


Gooper Blooper: >​The Decepticons won Splatfest
Gooper Blooper: pack it in, guys, we can't beat em
Draco: Hasbro sponsored a Splatfest, therefore Splatoon is Transformers canon.
Draco: Marie supported Decepticons too. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUN
Gooper Blooper: Marie's heelishness continues


Jumpropeman: WWE's having its 2017 Royal Rumble in my city
Jumpropeman: *loads up the elephant gun* let's see which wrestler Cornwind's getting for christmas
SteelKomodo: kek
RubyChao: make sure to bring some wrestling merch to serve as a blind
RubyChao: gotta disguise yourself that close to the ring
Jumpropeman: *enters as a moving pile of wrestling t-shirts*
Jumpropeman: aka as my upcoming 2017 character
Draco enters his new character, Parsee.
RubyChao: you know, JRM, i believe you could make that engaging and interesting


Jumpropeman: "Chang'e was mentioned in a conversation between Houston Capcom and the Apollo 11 crew just before the first Moon landing in 1969"
Jumpropeman: "Houston: Among the large headlines concerning Apollo this morning, is one asking that you watch for a lovely girl with a big rabbit. An ancient legend says a beautiful Chinese girl called Chang-O has been living there for 4,000 years. It seems she was banished to the Moon because she stole the pill of immortality from her husband. You might also look for her companion, a large Chinese rabbit, who is easy to spot since he is always standing on his hind feet in the shade of a cinnamon tree. The name of the rabbit is not reported.
Michael Collins: Okay. We'll keep a close eye out for the bunny girl."

Jumpropeman: also Houston totally got the myth wrong at many points :V


(Regarding the concept of Mario being only 24 years old)

iKomodo: no twenty-four year old I ever knew had a moustache of that calibur

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Saying Goodbye To Sarah: The Story Behind SarahPlot

Took me long enough to write this, didn't it? But hey, now that the busiest part of the offseason - the holidays - is over, and we enter the long stretch of peace between now and May 1, I figured it was high time I finally get around to talking about my third and final plot of the 2016 RP season - SarahPlot.

This one's gonna be different from my usual plot aftermath posts, working a bit more stream-of-consciousness than a format of characters then events.
With my roster enormous going into Season 6, it was high time I do some wrapping up of major characters to make room for others to have their own time in the sun. One character chosen for retirement was Sarah Triden. She's had an incredible run in RP. She was one of the driving forces behind the initial "RP Explosion", and had gotten in on the ground floor for RP's ascendance to being a serious, plot-driven Thing instead of just "a bunch of weirdos talk about ZooFights". She was instrumental in the stories of many characters, whether it was by befriending them or saving their lives, or in one case falling in love. She came back for a second season, then faded into the background before coming back with a vengeance halfway through Season 4, then remained major the next year. As much as I love the little marshmallow, I knew I was running low on stories to tell with her, and her role could be filled by other characters. Helios and the rest of the hospital crew have slowly usurped Sarah's role as the primary healers of the Kobbers, and I've got no shortage of cute, bubbly characters that could be used instead of Sarah for casual bar chat and making friends. But with a character this important to RP, who's been around this long, you don't just snuff out their light and move on. Sarah needed a proper finale, one that built on her history.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Tableter: I hope you learnt things today
Gooper Blooper: Professor Dirk educated me :V
Gooper Blooper: I didn't get around to doing it in time but just imagine Josephine was there wearing a labcoat and glasses, nodding sagely to everything Dirk said
iKomodo: XD


AsteroidDog: if i had any sense of what was going on i'd join
AsteroidDog: but i don't
RubyChao: three kids are using the power of Green Spectrum to manipulate trash to cosplay as anime protagonists


RubyChao: >​type meager as meagher
RubyChao: very obscure #ruined


Rue: I'm not gonna lie, I totally thought the Green Orb was the Lochnar the first time it was brought up. :Y
Jumpropeman: that certainly would've been a good Problem
Draco: Gamera was the green all along.
Gooper Blooper: the green orb is Widow Maker's left eyeball
Draco: GESP
RubyChao turns into Super Dimentio
AsteroidDog: it was luigi all along
AsteroidDog: it is his day
Rue: All of these things are true.
RubyChao: maybe the real green orb was inside us all along
Gooper Blooper: and the orbs we made along the way
RubyChao attempts to rip it out of his chest
RubyChao: nope, that's red
RubyChao: SEE, GREEN!
RubyChao: Oh wait, that's just his anime hair.
Gooper Blooper: so we still have Problem


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: goops, do you remember the 3D Pokedex thing on 3DS?
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, what about it?
RubyChao: i found a creepypasta
Jumpropeman: my brother had the paid one
RubyChao: It was great to see pokemon in great 3D, the instructions said to find more pokemon you point your camera at an AR card, I didn’t have any but turned on the camera anyway. On the screen I could see my room, I turned the 3DS around and took a photo of myself. Click. Looking back at the screen I almost cried, it showed my face and behind me was a dark unhuman face, I jumped up from my seat and turned around… Nothing. I calmed a little, must have just been a trick of the light.
Gooper Blooper: it was great to see some great Pokemon in great 3D that's really great
ivel: oh god, a Pokedex 3D creepypasta
ivel: I'm actually surprised that exists


RubyChao: what i really wonder is
RubyChao: counting white, Spectrum is seven colors
RubyChao: but eight letters
Jumpropeman: Spectrum renamed to Spectum


SteelKomodo: one time Eddie vaped too hard and saw this in his dreams

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

GB's Vidya 2016: Year In Review

You guys know the drill by now! Every year I give a short review to every video game I beat in the past twelve months, ranking them from least favorite to most favorite as I try to find my favorite video game of the year. Two years ago I played only a handful of games, and last year I played a whole bunch but many of them were small, quick games played more for the blogpost than anything else. This year I focused on "major" games - only nine titles are represented (I have combined two of them into one entry, so there are eight reviews here), but the majority of them were long games I had to sink a lot of hours into. With three Pokemon games, two Ace Attorney games, and another RPG on top of that, I spent a lot of time gaming this year - just not on a lot of different games!

First, lemme just give a shoutout to last year's winner, Robot Arena 2. Just as I was finally tiring of it, I found another mod that completely overhauls the game, introduces a bunch of real-world robot opponents, and basically just breathes new life back into a well-worn game. I still mess around with this game almost daily, if only for a few minutes. Definitely deserved that win last year if I'm still playing the dang thing.

Let's get started.