Thursday, December 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 267: And Then Bootler Was A Sentai

SteelKomodo: lessons learned from this year
SteelKomodo: don't RP anything that needs the text colour fader


John Constantine: I got my Virtual Boy in the mail too today but I didn't get to try it because WAKE UP YOU'RE WORKING
John Constantine: my bosses got me a pizza for coming in though :3
CouncilChao: my god
CouncilChao: it's full of bad gams
CouncilChao: *games
Gooper Blooper: The Virtual Boy's gams are lovely, thank you very much


Jumpropeman: I got my Virtual Boy so I'm happy
Jumpropeman: except for the pain on my nose since I play it laying down with the thing on my face
Draco: I don't think that's an approved play position.
Jumpropeman: I bought a discount Virtual Boy that works fine but has a broken stand, and I wouldn't know where to put the stand anyway :V
Jumpropeman: I have a very small room
Draco: You put it on A DESK.
Draco: A TABLE.
Draco: All household objects!
Draco: That you can put a Virtual Boy on!
Jumpropeman: there is no room for such things in JRooM- okay maybe the last one
Bree: why does this virtual boy need a stand? I don't know what one looks like
Bree: is it huge?
Jumpropeman: it's a hefty VR headset but it has no strap or anything to keep it on your head
Jumpropeman: their solution was a stand for a table
Jumpropeman: here's a dude with a Virtual Boy
Jumpropeman: it has a controller you need both hands for too so you can't just hold it
Monopolized Sheep: And here I was hoping it came with a Stand
Draco: I had one when I was a youngster.
RubyChao: damn, 2slow


ivel: nobody let Samus find out this is a thing


AsteroidDog: do i have to roll
ivel: you have to do a flip instead


Monopolized Sheep: I'm going to do a little RP catch up and feel my sins crawling on my back
Monopolized Sheep: "YAYYYYYYY-! Let's play Go! Let's play Go!"
Monopolized Sheep: And then there's this guy


Gooper Blooper: Stop asking chatzy if you don't like what it tells you, just go with what you want
Monopolized Sheep: I think we should determine our every action by chatzy's rule; in Rp and out
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between eat dinner and sacrifice it. Chatzy chose: eat dinner
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between take bite and sip drink. Chatzy chose: take bite

Monopolized Sheep asked Chatzy to choose between breathe and don't breathe. Chatzy chose: don't breathe
Gooper Blooper: lucky for us, sheep doesn't need to breathe as he is a horror from another dimension
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Cancel Plot, Get Cheetos and Fight Da Powah. Chatzy chose: Fight Da Powah
Draco punches Chatzy.
Monopolized Sheep RIOTS

ivel asked Chatzy to choose between listen to chatzy and don't listen to chatzy. Chatzy chose: don't listen to chatzy
ivel: ...but if I don't listen to Chatzy now, I'm listening to Chatzy D:


Monopolized Sheep: "Yeah, that sounds like a raw deal. Still, at least you get a really cool look out of it. I love the eye thing you've got going on there."
Monopolized Sheep: Yeah, slowly dying because your existence is dependent on the remembrance of others for outdated technology among the the heights of planned obsolescence is kind of not the best, BUT THE ARRAY OF ARTIFICIAL COMPONENTS AMONG YOUR FLESH IS AESTHETICALLY PLEASING TO ME
RubyChao: pretty much sheep


Monopolized Sheep: "I don't have many regular bills to pay, just the phone and that's it."
Monopolized Sheep: Does Maria actually live in a trailer down by the river?
Gooper Blooper: I made that joke a while back and chao told me I was actually pretty accurate
RubyChao: she does
RubyChao: it's not down by the river, but she prefers a mobile home to something more permanent
Gooper Blooper: on the other hand her phone bill is 1000 dollars a month
Monopolized Sheep: She needs a mobile river
RubyChao: goops: why do you think she avoids other bills :V
Draco: I don't think Vegas even has a river.


Monopolized Sheep: "Hold up, hold up. You're telling me the video game guy is the one most afraid of dying? Shouldn't he have extra lives or something like that? Is it insensitive to say that?"
Monopolized Sheep: OH MY GOD, YES!
Monopolized Sheep: YES, IT IS, SONIC MAN!
Draco: You can't just ASK someone if they have extra lives!
RubyChao: the next day, Sonic Man had to attend one of Chiharu's sensitivity training sessions
RubyChao: at least he had Kasumi in the same class
RubyChao: oh wait that might be worse
Jumpropeman: Sonic Man is really bad at this
Monopolized Sheep: Even Dustine's like "I think that was too forward."
Jumpropeman: betrayed by his fellow Bronze Medalist D:
Monopolized Sheep: Which, by the way, made for an interesting read through the Feats of Intelligence
Monopolized Sheep: to be on the other side and be reminded just how freakin' blunt she comes across


Draco: I just realized why Nitori never caught on to the "Is Nitori dating the bote lady" debate. Every time she heard about shipping, she thought they were sending products to customers. :D
RubyChao: amazing
Jumpropeman: whomp whomp


Cornwind Evil: Brine, roll a 1-10 tractor for Ino's enjoyment of Sine's films. If it rolls low, the films are just 'okay' and Sine will do a little editing and reshooting
Saltshiv rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 3
Cornwind Evil: Clearly some tweaks are needed
Cornwind Evil: To the editing room
Jumpropeman: Ino clearly a top notch movie critic
TheDeleter: Ino not spooked enough
Cornwind Evil: SHE IS
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil: .....I'll just be going now
Jumpropeman: Worst. Movie. Ever.
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Cornwind Evil: Better.
Cornwind Evil: And just for lulz, The Exorcist
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 8
Cornwind Evil: ....joking aside, we're learning a few things about Ino's mind
Jumpropeman: *shows Ino Kindergarten Cop*
Mirrors of Malice rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 3
Saltshiv rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 5
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Cornwind Evil: Ino terrified of how Arnold mangles the English language
Mirrors of Malice: AHRRNAghlD?


Jumpropeman rolled a die. The die showed: orange juice


iKomodo joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
iKomodo: I'm SK :/
Jumpropeman: ...i am ashamed v_v
Jumpropeman: hi sk
Jumpropeman: as penance, here is a picture of a gar about to get owned by a gator
TheDeleter: RIP
iKomodo: RIP that fish
Jumpropeman: one day you're happily flopping out of the water for no real reason
Jumpropeman: and the next you're diving down a reptile's throat
Jumpropeman: sunrise, sunset
iKomodo: the ciiiiiircle of liiiiiiife


ivel: Ship found in Arctic 168 years after doomed Northwest Passage attempt
Exclusive: Perfectly preserved HMS Terror vessel sank during disastrous expedition led by British explorer Sir John Franklin

The Deleter: what a name
The Deleter: for a ship
The Deleter: hmm yes the hms TERROR
ivel: yep
ivel: could never go wrong


RubyChao NEO: "National Video Games Day is observed annually on September 12th." oh hey
iKomodo: Aw shit I missed that
TheDeleter: I played a video game today
TheDeleter: Observed!


ivel: I've never had the chance to play Dangan Ronpa
RubyChao NEO: u should, if you like murders


Jumpropeman: imagine if Jester Chao and Jokerton were in the same year, and Jester Chao tried to help Jokerton by teaching him jokes
RubyChao NEO: jokerton never finds his emotions because he never brings anyone joy
RubyChao NEO: bad end
Jumpropeman: Jokerton just walking up to a stranger. "What do you call an upside down Z? It's still Z." and just staring at them waiting... waiting... no expression


Saltshiv: BrB in like 20 minutes; Near Lastpost, go ahead and ​Fuck Alocyn UP​ however you'd like.
Draco: Okay.
Jumpropeman: AWW YEAH, I'M GONNA ​take her to get some coffee​ AND THEN I'M GONNA ​buy her a nice sundress for summer​ AND FINISH IT ALL OFF BY ​pulling out her entrails and wearing them as a necklace
RubyChao NEO: i laughed
Gooper Blooper: beautiful


RubyChao NEO: now we just gotta handle the clash stuff and brineplots will have been crushed for the year
Saltshiv: Oh yeah, that too.
Saltshiv laughs nervously.
RubyChao NEO: *clashplot confirmed for next year*


Microcosm Sheep: And then Bootler was a Sentai
Jumpropeman: such is the way of things


TheDeleter: Holy fuck
TheDeleter: Warcraft Adventures was animated by the people who did CDI Zelda
Jumpropeman: that orc is supposedly Thrall
Jumpropeman: and he looks like a slouching teenager
Jumpropeman: I can only imagine the gold he says
SteelKomodo: OH GOD
SteelKomodo: I'M HOMELESS


Jumpropeman: apparently there is a Bob the Builder reboot coming
Jumpropeman: he looks gross
RubyChao NEO: C͞҉A͏̴̀͟N̢͠҉̨͘ ͏̶̧̛͢W̸̴̢̨͝Ę̛͡ ҉̧̛͜҉F̴̸̕͟͝I̵͝X̴͜͟ ̴͡I̸̵̴̡͝Ţ̸̷̀


Bree: when duer does a buttslam, if he ever does
Bree: he should yell "KISS MY CRAGGY IRISH ASS"


Loony Toons Vs Aliens entered for the first time
Draco: Hi Space Jam.
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: Unfortunately in my dream it was the xenomorph aliens.
Gooper Blooper: rip
Draco: That would have improved it by at least 45%.
FV: *fond sigh* That would've been greaaat.
RubyChao NEO: i hope they still played sports
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: No, they did not
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: It ended poorly for everyone
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: Of course it being a dream everything kept shifting due to dream logic
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: So sometimes they were loony toons and sometimes they were just generic space marines
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: Also I think Tracer from Overwatch was in there
RubyChao NEO: We are the Looney Toons! We are the Emperor's fury!
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: Or Joy from Pixar's Inside Out
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: Like I said. Wacky dream shifting logic
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: It also had an alien bodyspawn hiding in a hot dog. Which should not work as they're the size of large snakes
Loony Toons Vs Aliens: And this was a normal sized hot dog


RubyChao: "Zeldoten is at .75 Tenshis of arrogance after beating Attwater"
RubyChao: so how many Tenshis is she at now
Draco rolled a die with 25 sides. The die showed: 14
Draco: .89
RubyChao: dang son
Draco: She got to .95, but then Food Fite.
RubyChao: the real question is if it's possible to reach 1 Tenshi
RubyChao: or if she'll just top out at .9999999 or somehting
Draco: Top out. I don't think even Mr. Smuggery the Smuggening can get that high.


TheDeleter: Okay
TheDeleter: Im gonna present this without comment
TheDeleter: This is a persona from persona 5
Gooper Blooper: well
Gooper Blooper: that is uncanny
Gooper Blooper: first that evil mac tonight and now this, something's up with persona yo
TheDeleter: its fucking wild
RubyChao: raise your hand, who here works for them


Spy Fills His Face With Food entered for the first time
Spy Fills His Face With Food consumes chatzy


Gooper Blooper: "serving size: 1/4 cookie"
Gooper Blooper: yeah no
Draco: How do you get 1/4 of a Gloria,? D:


RubyChao: the more i read on the bleach wiki, the more i goggled
RubyChao: you remember "it was boring to kill him?" at least that was onscreen
RubyChao: there's one fight that goes "the villain just POWERED UP TO HIS ULTIMATE FORM" *cuts away*
RubyChao: *cuts back*
RubyChao: "he's dead now"
RubyChao: "they killed him offscreen"
Gooper Blooper: now THAT'S quality
RubyChao: i'd joke about that being how you defeat a major foe in councilplot but let's be honest
RubyChao: that's so annoying i can't even joke about it
Gooper Blooper: you did joke about it, sort of
Gooper Blooper: you once joked The Enigma just doesn't exist and there's only 12 council members and it was a scare tactic
RubyChao: ah, true!
RubyChao: yeah i'm pretty sure i couldn't get away with that :V
Gooper Blooper: on our way to solving this mystery
RubyChao: i will confirm one other thing!
RubyChao: the enigma will be revealed this season
RubyChao: with those two pieces of information, you've narrowed it down!
Gooper Blooper: Now I'm imagining the enigma NOT being revealed this season, but we still fight it without describing it and then you reveal it next year by posting a picture of its' corpse


Saltshiv: Ino is here to have a good time and eat- MEET new people.


RubyChao: i was reflecting on my old RP
RubyChao: and i just realized
RubyChao: the original shadow knight, after resurrecting his evil boss who promptly killed him to be evil, managed to escape back to the world of the living
RubyChao: and then he just joined up with his boss again
RubyChao: basically i just now realized how little sense that makes, excellent work past chao


Jumpropeman: well I can't say I expected Yotam and Catarina to get this far
Jumpropeman: ​I thought for sure one or both would be dead :V​
Weyr: Such a big year for you and strange ships! :'v -pinches Jumpropecast's cheeks, breaks fingers on Yotam's YBCO-
Jumpropeman: I don't think anything will top Dakotsel
SteelKomodo: oh god my heartstrings
SteelKomodo: no
SteelKomodo: stop tugging them, tiny elf who lives in my body
SteelKomodo: i'm meant to be a cynical cider-swilling dullard


Jumpropeman: Hoppip in the newest Pokemon card set has Splash as its only attack... and it does 10 damage
Jumpropeman: how could you Pokemon
Jumpropeman: you betrayed the very point of Splash D:
Gooper Blooper: The cards do a lot of dumb things, like translate attacks incorrectly
Gooper Blooper: the card people must not talk to the video game people


Jumpropeman: >​Aggie vs. Noodle
Jumpropeman: thought for a second that Aggie fought Vina's Dratini at some point
Gooper Blooper: It's a Dragonair now I think
Jumpropeman: it can't go any further
Jumpropeman: the name doesn't work for a Dragonite
Gooper Blooper: the antenna are kinda noodly


Jumpropeman: gonna go grab some grub
Jumpropeman: *clings to Purnima*


Jumpropeman: "Have fun with Animal Crossing Amiibo!"
Jumpropeman: that's a tall task to ask of me, Youtube video title
Jumpropeman: I don't think I'm up for such a grueling challenge
TheDeleter: Its gonna be pretty difficult
TheDeleter: You think you're capable???
Jumpropeman: i... i don't think I can do it. I'll spend money on the stupidest shit, but not on a bipedal blue sheep amiibo


Nightmare Nurse: if there is one thing I've probably learned this year though
Nightmare Nurse: its Fuck Subtlety
Nightmare Nurse: *vacuums up all the breadcrumbs and continues throwing loaves of bread everywhere*
RubyChao: i thought it was Fuck The Olympics
Nightmare Nurse: that too


Nightmare Nurse: "Sex-crazy Galapagos tortoise fathers 800, saves species"
Nightmare Nurse: when you score so hard you save your entire species
SteelKomodo: that's one dedicated tortoise
SteelKomodo: he won so hard evolution was like "fine, here's the rest of your species"


RubyChao: "They appear initially as normal humans, but whenever trouble arises, they strike their right hands together and shout, "Whack 'em!" (This is called the Drak Whack.)"
SteelKomodo: the worst sentai call ever
The Deleter: whacking your big d
SteelKomodo: ...oh christ del
SteelKomodo: you're right
RubyChao: del u monster
The Deleter: kek


Jumpropeman: Cornwind's next villain
Jumpropeman: my next ZFRP pairing
Jumpropeman: real life picture of M Sheep


RubyChao: if you're tired, you should just go to bed
RubyChao: i won't get lonely or anything :V
Jumpropeman: *we all log on tonight, Chao has done 14 pages of bar of just his characters talking to each other*
Jumpropeman: *even worse, it's all just the three hecatias*
RubyChao: and it's not anything meaningful
RubyChao: just the hecatias babbling in a stream of consciousness fashion


ivel: "Visit Papa Gino's for the ultimate football experience"


AsteroidDog: parsee is my reason for living
AsteroidDog: ...or at least one of them
Draco: She's four of them.
AsteroidDog: 25 keks

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