Thursday, December 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 267: And Then Bootler Was A Sentai

SteelKomodo: lessons learned from this year
SteelKomodo: don't RP anything that needs the text colour fader


John Constantine: I got my Virtual Boy in the mail too today but I didn't get to try it because WAKE UP YOU'RE WORKING
John Constantine: my bosses got me a pizza for coming in though :3
CouncilChao: my god
CouncilChao: it's full of bad gams
CouncilChao: *games
Gooper Blooper: The Virtual Boy's gams are lovely, thank you very much


Jumpropeman: I got my Virtual Boy so I'm happy
Jumpropeman: except for the pain on my nose since I play it laying down with the thing on my face
Draco: I don't think that's an approved play position.
Jumpropeman: I bought a discount Virtual Boy that works fine but has a broken stand, and I wouldn't know where to put the stand anyway :V
Jumpropeman: I have a very small room
Draco: You put it on A DESK.
Draco: A TABLE.
Draco: All household objects!
Draco: That you can put a Virtual Boy on!
Jumpropeman: there is no room for such things in JRooM- okay maybe the last one
Bree: why does this virtual boy need a stand? I don't know what one looks like
Bree: is it huge?
Jumpropeman: it's a hefty VR headset but it has no strap or anything to keep it on your head
Jumpropeman: their solution was a stand for a table
Jumpropeman: here's a dude with a Virtual Boy
Jumpropeman: it has a controller you need both hands for too so you can't just hold it
Monopolized Sheep: And here I was hoping it came with a Stand
Draco: I had one when I was a youngster.
RubyChao: damn, 2slow


ivel: nobody let Samus find out this is a thing


AsteroidDog: do i have to roll
ivel: you have to do a flip instead


Monopolized Sheep: I'm going to do a little RP catch up and feel my sins crawling on my back
Monopolized Sheep: "YAYYYYYYY-! Let's play Go! Let's play Go!"
Monopolized Sheep: And then there's this guy

Chatzy Madness Volume 266: There's No Such Thing As Bigfoot

Bree: must resist urge to pandapost
Bree: must..... resist......!


RubyChao: "And Kusamochi, and Kusanagi, and Kabi, and Doc, and Timmy, and-"
RubyChao: things i blocked out
RubyChao: there were like 15 kirbies
Gooper Blooper: harpy had a kirby phase and it was impressive
AsteroidDog: regret


RubyChao: enjoy this failure of a boss
RubyChao: i give this thing a boosted tractor and it goes to waste, just like the Golden Torizo
RubyChao: i guess Torizos are just doomed to suck


Deviant: I love how venplot is ambiguous enough that it has almost no listings whatsoever just in case it turns out not to be a plot. =u


Deviant: Whoooop-sie~
Deviant rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Cornwind Evil: WHOOPS
Deviant rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Draco: Good grief, the tractor really freakin' hates you tonight.
Deviant: That's alright. We're not fighting. I can always put it into Shenanigans, as long as you don't mind. =v
Cornwind Evil: I ROLL FOR VEN
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil: ....NEVER MIND
Deviant: -Rah explodes-
Cornwind Evil: MOVE ALONG
ivel: I roll for Ven?
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 265: I Died, The End

Bree: look at all these brine characters getting pairings
Bree: they're just flying off the shelves!!!!
Murky Sheep: All Brine chars must go!
Bree: clash has a crush on aggie, nylora might have a thing for ingrid, etch is paired up with cole, rory is on a date with toinette, lucky has a thing for priscilla, julius and nasennia have had some shippy undertones...
PhoneDel@Home: Julius is a cinnamon and cannot express his feelings for nobody has explored his sad backstory yet
Murky Sheep: But what about Geth?
PhoneDel@Home: So basically he's a brine character
Polar: Geth is going to pair up with Woe and convince her men ain't so bad, in a twist to shock the ages entirely, along his own path out of hatred.
Polar: *This is not and will not be canon and I will find you if you try, CW. b:
PhoneDel@Home: Also Ko cannot be paired because she is on a soul quest to be the henchest woman alive
Brinehammer: Yeah, really though. Somehow, there's someone for everyone!
Brinehammer: ...except Ko =[
LiveAChao: nobody loves emma, rip
Gooper Blooper: Emma X chainsaw
Harpy: more like emma is too busy RIPing things to care
Harpy: who needs a lover when you have a chainsaw
PhoneDel@Home: Ko seems like a character who ain't got time for that shit


SteelKomodo: aw man, Brine got 2 pairings(?) in the space of one day
Draco: Three. Ko x Bag of Fritos....oh wait, they just broke up.
LiveAChao: brine is very good at this pairing thing
Brinehammer: Ko x Steak sandwich- nevermind, it was a summer fling.
SteelKomodo: indeed he is
PhoneDel@Home: He is
PhoneDel@Home: Right now to set Julius up
SteelKomodo: hahaha
PhoneDel@Home fails


Gooper Blooper: I always thought it was funny that Samus' ship was basically a giant version of her helmet. Like, she wouldn't normally go for that kind of Death Egg-type ego booster, and that makes it even funnier


Draco: For better or worse, Zook is now officially gone. Gloria can't summon him because she never could summon HIM. Can't summon Draco either 'cause of Komachi.
LiveAChao: a-a-are you saying
LiveAChao: zook
Draco: is ded
LiveAChao: zook is gone forever!? D:
Draco: Yes.
Draco: He lives on only in our hearts.
LiveAChao: me right now
SickHarpy: zook isn't alive