Friday, July 1, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 254: Pikapurp

ThermalChao: AAAAAAA
ThermalChao: hi


Normal Guy Carlos: i take other people's shit and then add onto them like i'm adding 20 crab claws to this sarah drawing
Normal Guy Carlos: (i'm not)
Gooper Blooper: perfectly normal sarahcrab


(Concerning Dimension's Hasp, a world in RP of cut/unused/retconned/rumored content in video games)

ThermalChao: i wonder
ThermalChao: could i get away with creepypasta stuff here
ThermalChao: because it's
ThermalChao: ​JUST A GLITCH
Jumpropeman: ​return of K. Rool Country? :V​
ThermalChao: sadly no
ThermalChao: k. rool country did not use the phrase just a glitch
Jumpropeman: ​DEAD UTSUHO​
Jumpropeman: just post entirely in spanish
Gooper Blooper: I believe that creepypasta stuff would only qualify if it genuinely ​was​ "just a glitch"
Gooper Blooper: which it never was, it was evil
ThermalChao: blast, foiled again
ThermalChao: there goes my chance to set up my next Spooky Scary entrant
Gooper Blooper: it's a little early for that :V
ThermalChao: because if spoopyfite happens i'll probably just enter more creepypasta, sorry :V


Normal Guy Carlos: this is the dumbest thing i've done yet
Normal Guy Carlos: i have no idea i just know "pikablu" and just made a thing
Jumpropeman: there was this thing
Jumpropeman: which started the pikablu rumors
Jumpropeman: even though its pinkish-purple
Normal Guy Carlos: pikapurp
Normal Guy Carlos: doesn't have the same ring
Normal Guy Carlos: that's obviously marill to me
Normal Guy Carlos: :U
Jumpropeman: Purpachu
Jumpropeman: Pinkachu
Jumpropeman: link
Normal Guy Carlos: canon
Jumpropeman: look at this damn thing
Normal Guy Carlos: plz
Jumpropeman: looks like the bootleg version of an actual pokemon
Normal Guy Carlos: bootlegs
Gooper Blooper: As someone who was around for Pikablu
Gooper Blooper: As far as I recall, it was simply a nickname for Marill before GSC got localized
Gooper Blooper: So Pikablu and Marill are identical
Normal Guy Carlos: ...
Jumpropeman: Pikablu is in Bill's Garden with Togepi
Jumpropeman: duh
Gooper Blooper: You could easily swap in that pink thing though
Jumpropeman: and the other PokeGods
Normal Guy Carlos: why must you ruin me, goops
Normal Guy Carlos: nah i kid
Gooper Blooper: lel sorry :V
Jumpropeman: and it says PIKAPURP
Jumpropeman: in the raspiest manly voice
Normal Guy Carlos: THE DREAM IS DEAD
Normal Guy Carlos: i'm dead
Normal Guy Carlos: someone's gonna need to continue this plot and it's not me
Normal Guy Carlos: i'll be here
Normal Guy Carlos: dead
Jumpropeman: Pikapurp takes a sip from its beer while sitting in a lawnchair on the porch
Jumpropeman: "Gonna fix the car later, mhm"


Jumpropeman: my two year old niece did CKR's makeup
Jumpropeman: she looks like she has a headwound


(Cornwind updates Twisted Metal)

Mrgrgr Sheep: Oh hey, more Crumpled Aluminum is up
Gooper Blooper: that's a great name


Mrgrgr Sheep: ​"Right. Listen, everyone: What we're about to do is enter another realm entirely, where glitches are abound. The Unwanted. The Abandoned. The Lost. The Mistakes. The Lies."​
Mrgrgr Sheep: ​I didn't realize today's plot was taking place inside the Sheepplot Warehouse​
Mrgrgr Sheep: Neat name though
Normal Guy Carlos: it is completely unoriginal, i assure you


(Zargeesh, an unusually-thin Hutt, is still too large to fit through a door to attend a plot)

Jumpropeman: I'd say poor Zargeesh, but he's probably proud of being too big for door
Gooper Blooper: ​And yet Sarah got in there just fine
ThermalChao: that only means sarah has more work to do
ThermalChao: she has yet to gain the proper hutt prestige
Gooper Blooper: She's been trying for six years and nothing
ThermalChao: ​meanwhile, josephine succeeded
Jumpropeman: we had to put Sarah on her side and carry her through the door like a sofa
Gooper Blooper: As someone who is coming right up on their 1-year anniversary of moving into a new home
Gooper Blooper: I know that feel


Normal Guy Carlos: *flails as she pretends to be sarah*


Jumpropeman: I decided to do all of Mario Super Sluggers in one night, and the constant swinging/waggling gave me muscle I still haven't lost


ThermalChao: ...i just realized
ThermalChao: i can never enter patchouli in the BBB :<
Jumpropeman: I actually wondered if reconciling Patchy and Impersonator was a way of slipping her in the lotto
Jumpropeman: because then they could amicably vote or something
ThermalChao: but jrm
ThermalChao: think about the ridiculous amount of effort it would take to kill all these other people
Jumpropeman: *tapes books to every entrant that only detach when they die*
Jumpropeman: go get 'em
ThermalChao: the question is
ThermalChao: did you take those books from patchy's library
Gooper Blooper: On one hand, I want patchy in the brawl someday
Jumpropeman: nope, I took them from her personal hidden vault
Gooper Blooper: On the other hand, there are already so many characters I need to vote for that are confirmed in or likely to be in
Gooper Blooper: maybe next year
ThermalChao: *patchy brutally murders half the field with her bare hands*
Jumpropeman: on the other half of the field we'll plant flowers in memory of the dirt that died
Gooper Blooper: Sunflower~


Mrgrgr Sheep: >​H'astra puts some metaphorical bread in his jar
Mrgrgr Sheep: H'astra's slipping
Mrgrgr Sheep: At the beginning of the season, that bread would have been literal
Quest ion: She prefers learning. =u On the other hand, the piano man got rather annoyed when they kept asking him to play him a song.


(Bubsy appears as part of an attack in RP)

Mrgrgr Sheep: A hu
Mrgrgr Sheep: aha
Mrgrgr Sheep: sklsdjklsdfjksdcfklsda
Mrgrgr Sheep collapses
Normal Guy Carlos: shit
Gooper Blooper: poor sheep just loses it every time he crosses paths with bubsy
Normal Guy Carlos: how annoyed is this thief
Normal Guy Carlos rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Normal Guy Carlos: so very annoyed
Normal Guy Carlos: that he
Normal Guy Carlos rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Normal Guy Carlos: keeps rolling
Normal Guy Carlos rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Jumpropeman: The Thief just keeps stabbing the head but it won't stop
Normal Guy Carlos rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Normal Guy Carlos: there
Normal Guy Carlos: its a gradual effect, like poison
Normal Guy Carlos: except
Normal Guy Carlos: worse.
Normal Guy Carlos: now to await ruby


Draco: Zeldoten glares at Gallade, takes out a piece of paper, and adds him to the "arch enemies" list right below Sonic Man, Attwater, and that convenience store clerk who is supernaturally good at preventing her from taking the hot dogs that have been sitting on that cooker all day.
Gooper Blooper: nothing gets past Mary, Zeldoten


Normal Guy Carlos: hope you like bubsy
Normal Guy Carlos: because uh
Gooper Blooper: BUBSYPLOT
Mrgrgr Sheep: no
Normal Guy Carlos: next plot day is indeed bubsyplot
Normal Guy Carlos: sheep i'm sorry but i gotta
Bree: oh god
Normal Guy Carlos: I GOTTA DO THE THING
Mrgrgr Sheep: this is the darkest timeline
Mrgrgr Sheep: so cold
Normal Guy Carlos: I LOVE YOU SHEEP
Mrgrgr Sheep: and so dark
Normal Guy Carlos: I HAVE TO DO IT
Jumpropeman: Bubsyhead takes over Glitch World
Mrgrgr Sheep: is that you, manju?
Jumpropeman: with Big Brother like posters
Mrgrgr Sheep: swing low
Gooper Blooper: We need JRM and Sheep on Bubsyplot
Mrgrgr Sheep: sweet chariot
Gooper Blooper: Sheep just sends Junko, she spends the entire plot in the corner in the fetal position
Mrgrgr Sheep: comin' for to
Mrgrgr Sheep: take me home
Normal Guy Carlos: i broke sheep
Normal Guy Carlos: i think this plot is a bad idea
Normal Guy Carlos: everything could pawsibly go wrong
Bree: it's the best idea
Normal Guy Carlos: but is it worth breaking my frand over
Normal Guy Carlos: IS IT WORTH IT
Gooper Blooper: sheep is already broken upon the rocks of his own plot
Normal Guy Carlos: tru
Mrgrgr Sheep: ouch
Mrgrgr Sheep: the truth
Mrgrgr Sheep: it burnsss
Jumpropeman: my only objection to Bubsyplot
Jumpropeman: is it would require harpy to do research on it
Jumpropeman: I would not wish that upon her
Normal Guy Carlos: brb letting jrm host the plot for me
Normal Guy Carlos: also rereading that bubsy 3d post
Normal Guy Carlos: because reasons


Quest ion: Effie's been too busy lifting, eating, and rescuing cats to hobnob this year. =p
Jumpropeman: Effie's set for 2017, I'd like to play Fats first before RPing her again
Jumpropeman: ...Fates
Quest ion: There are very few fats in Fates. =v
iKomodo: kek


Draco: Super Saiyan Pteron
Jumpropeman: I was a kid when I came up with Pteron, so that's more accurate than you think :V


M Sheep: "And hey, you never know - maybe this adventure won't end in violence?"
M Sheep: Whaaaaat
M Sheep mournfully lowers chainsaw


(The Heart Attack Grill reappears in RP)

M Sheep: ​Heart Attack Grill​
M Sheep: WHY
Expose The Esoteric: Sheep will love the new Bubsy-themed Heart Attack Grill kid's meal


Dellaris: I've found the best way to play overwatch
Jumpropeman: naked?
Dellaris: There's a mei voice line where she goes "sorry, sorry, I'm sorry, sorry"
Dellaris: So every time I kill someone else
Dellaris: I spam the line
Dellaris: I am hoping for rage in the chat one day


Xavier the Sage: anyway stacy
Xavier the Sage: she's a thing
Expose The Esoteric: lel
Xavier the Sage: she may or may not also be a lesbian
Jumpropeman: *crosses Stacy x Boblett off the shipping wall* :'(
Xavier the Sage: why you gotta do this to me
Xavier the Sage: besides she's prolly bi or somethin idk i haven't explored that aspect of her
Xavier the Sage: she's just a cook who likes pretty ladies


Jumpropeman: oh shi that's right I can look at Bravely Second stuff online now
Expose The Esoteric: you made it, JRM
Expose The Esoteric: you're free
Expose The Esoteric: until Bravely Third gets close to release in Japan that is
Jumpropeman: *sees a Minette picture* *Thumbs Down BI*
Expose The Esoteric: Even after they gave her A SAD BACKSTORY?!?!
Draco: Jrm is a dog person. BI
Draco: That is why we are enemies.
Jumpropeman: i remember the sitch
Jumpropeman: Minette's terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE puns made her irredeemable


Jumpropeman: I almost sent Sonic Man on today's plot
Jumpropeman: but I was worried we'd fight Asmodeus and he is not fit for that
Expose The Esoteric: We were initially going to fight Asmodeus
Expose The Esoteric: then Harpy started making child support jokes
Expose The Esoteric: and I decided it was time to stupid it up
iKomodo: Kek


Jumpropeman: if Broderick had just got a Swing Wing instead of the propeller cap he would never have had an identity crisis
Jumpropeman: he'd be having too much fun


Expose The Esoteric asked Chatzy to choose between bet all and bet half. Chatzy chose: bet all
Expose The Esoteric: ohhhhhh good gracious
Xavier the Sage: sumi please
Expose The Esoteric asked Chatzy to choose between bet all and bet half. Chatzy chose: bet all
Expose The Esoteric asked Chatzy to choose between bet all and bet half. Chatzy chose: bet all
Expose The Esoteric asked Chatzy to choose between bet all and bet half. Chatzy chose: bet all

Expose The Esoteric: TEAM GB GOING ALL IN
Xavier the Sage: THEY'RE GOING ALL IN
AlliedChao: ALL IN ALL IN
Expose The Esoteric: *SLOT MACHINE NOISES*


iKomodo: So remember the time
iKomodo: when I wrote a deliberately shitty Garfield fic
iKomodo: and it had the space stallions in it?
Expose The Esoteric: yes I do
iKomodo: because I'm starting to wonder if I hallucinated writing that
Expose The Esoteric: you did not, it was real
Expose The Esoteric: and it was great


Draco: One of these days, Yamame should interact with someone who isn't Gloria. Why don't I do that sometime?
AlliedChao: you could even do it
AlliedChao: RIGHT NOW
AlliedChao: if you want
Draco: D8
Draco: Oh, someone else posted in the lounge. I could.
AlliedChao: well i meant if you wanted me to, i could throw someone at yamame
Expose The Esoteric: *chao throws patchouli at yamame*
Yxl: Yamame has had better taste than to try to eat alllll the girls. =u
Draco: Yeah, Ariel is what they call "health food", as in "Hell the Food"
Draco: ​Eventually the game switches to Strip Chess: The Library Rules.
Expose The Esoteric: If Sarah is a juicy steak, Ariel is a stick of jerky
Draco: More like a stick of...CELERY.
Expose The Esoteric: NOT CELERY
Draco nods. SLOWLY.
Expose The Esoteric: dammit ariel, did that chocolate golem do nothing at all
Draco: Sure it did! Ariel's shirt messy.


(JRM and his sisters finally go over BBB5 the day before BBB6 signups open)

Jumpropeman: we have finished reading the brawl
Expose The Esoteric: what did the sisters think
Jumpropeman: jokes were made about Blade's triangle chainsaw and Guiron being tiny
Expose The Esoteric: excellent
Expose The Esoteric: IT'S A CHAINSAW
Jumpropeman: they were sad Silence won because they didn't know her but they liked it more with the epilogue
Expose The Esoteric: the curse of being an OC
Jumpropeman: every elimination of one of their characters basically caused a break as they reeled and said "I'M DONE"
Expose The Esoteric: though they wouldn't know Cauren either
Jumpropeman: yeah, they were cheering for Koopa near the end
Jumpropeman: and Kevin because of CKR's art
Expose The Esoteric: did... did CKR forget she drew Koopa dying
Jumpropeman: yup
Jumpropeman: been a year after all
Expose The Esoteric: lel
AlliedChao: kek
M Sheep: But what about Saxton Hale?
Jumpropeman: CKR was hoping Broderick would win to carry on Saxton's legacy
Expose The Esoteric: went out early to THE BRO LORD
Jumpropeman: I had to remind her he got squished by a whale
Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash was absolutely mortified when Rainbow Dash died to Mac
Jumpropeman: she was telling me how I broke rules of the universe
Expose The Esoteric: RD can thank CKR for voting for Mac
Expose The Esoteric: the sisters turn on each other
Jumpropeman: I know most of CKR's entrants for this year, Rainbow Dash remains a mystery
Jumpropeman: I've been trying to subtly influence her though
Expose The Esoteric: aside from rainbow dash, right
Expose The Esoteric: ...right
Jumpropeman: of course she'll probably just enter Barkle or something
Expose The Esoteric: or is this the end
Jumpropeman: I don't think she would take dying to mac sitting down
Jumpropeman: even if she can't kill him
Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash must feed her rage
Expose The Esoteric: I do like the Rainbow Dash (the character) arc
Expose The Esoteric: she started out a jobber, peaked in Season 3 with a top placement and a fite win, and has gotten more and more pathetic ever since
Jumpropeman: let's see... they liked Amity
Bree: yay!
Jumpropeman: they HATED the Fazfucks
Expose The Esoteric: XD
AlliedChao: rainbow dash would be like
AlliedChao: one of the very few "filler" characters i'd be okay winning the brawl
Bree: you can tell 'em amity's back for another go in BBB6
AlliedChao: just because she tries so, so hard
Jumpropeman: my voice hurts from doing Teen Girl Squad voice so much
Bree: did you read the brawl aloud to them?
Bree: that's amazing
Jumpropeman: I read some parts aloud
Expose The Esoteric: Teen Girl Squad was one of my favorite JRM Sister entrants ever
Jumpropeman: parts with their characters, funny/important moments
Expose The Esoteric: they were so great
AlliedChao: did they like any of my quarter
Jumpropeman: i think you mean
Jumpropeman: SO GOOD
Expose The Esoteric: yes, yes I do
Bree: teen girl squad was #thebest
Jumpropeman: they did not understand the fascination with Touhous
Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash was very pleased to see Jackal suffer and she doesn't even know the meme
Jumpropeman: they were both huge Wailord fans of course
AlliedChao: beautiful
Jumpropeman: completely dismissed Shimmer surprisingly
Expose The Esoteric: speaking of touhous, I like how the number of hus in the brawl slowly creeps up from year to year as the obsession took hold
AlliedChao: that's true
Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash loved WALL!! eating a Cat
AlliedChao: although i'm going to cut back
AlliedChao: and do my best to avoid entering more than one hu per year in the future
AlliedChao: so as not to overload
Bree: meanwhile bree's roster will be increasingly 2hus
Jumpropeman: RD thinks Raginold looks like a grown up Meat Boy
Expose The Esoteric: haw
Bree: ...not really but I've got so many that could enter a brawl
AlliedChao: raginold was fun, it's too bad RCG never got the chance to rp properly
Jumpropeman: my mom was in the room as we read about the Tit
Jumpropeman: so it was sort of awkward
Expose The Esoteric: Raginold's run was incredible
Bree: it's just a birb, jrmmom
Bree: jumpropemom
Draco: Did you actually call them the Fazfucks or did you tone it down to Fazfarts?
Jumpropeman: she seemed surprisingly calm as I sang the Mac tonight anthem aloud
Expose The Esoteric: Not a super-late-game shocker like Commanderson but still, wow
Jumpropeman: called 'em Fazbear
Draco: Fazbears. Good one.
Expose The Esoteric: Man, who's ever heard of Freddy Fazbear


Jumpropeman: I will usually defend Game Guy
Jumpropeman: but that Chomp game
Jumpropeman: noooooo thank you
Bree: but jrm, fumes would be great at the chomp game
Jumpropeman: ​>:I


M Sheep: >​Werehington DC
M Sheep: The accent
M Sheep: it's getting thicker


Draco: I have too many entrants and not enough entries.
Jumpropeman: alright then, instead of colors, you put an entrant for every number on the roulette
Jumpropeman: I'm sure we could drum up 36 entrants each


Draco: I won't enter Yamame until it's been suggested to her in RP somehow. Because rea~sons!
Jumpropeman: *Jumpropeman enters the bar*
AlliedChao: also i will confirm
AlliedChao: this year, there will be no Jester Chao
AlliedChao: i wish for there to be future Big Bar Brawls
AlliedChao: and if i enter him properly, it may be impossible in the aftermath of his inevitable destruction
Jumpropeman: DK will not be eating another Chao this year
Draco: "THEN MAYBE THEY SHOULD GET SOME ICE CREAM." Yamame gets some ice cream.


Dellaris: the 3ds ruse was a distaction
Dellaris: i HAS the birthright
SteelKomodo: yaaaaaaay
SteelKomodo: ?
Dellaris: Yeah I bought a fire emblem game
Dellaris: We shall see if I like it or not
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: i look forward to seeing how you take it
SteelKomodo: ...mebbe i shoulda let you have Awakening after all :P
Dellaris: I will yell at it whenever it is too anime
Xavier the Sage: i'm sorry
Xavier the Sage: all three games are anime
Xavier the Sage: birthright is the easier one but it has better plot elements than the others
Xavier the Sage: conquest is more challenging but it will leave you wondering why the fuck does corrin put up with this
Xavier the Sage: and revelations is just
Xavier the Sage: itself
Dellaris: Bad?
Dellaris: It's okay you can say bad


Jumpropeman: *flops around in brawl entrants like a pig in the mud*


Draco: This just in: Parsee is my Secret Fiter.
Draco: Oh wait, I told you. It's Scooby Fun now! :D
Draco: *Dum
Jumpropeman: Scooby Dum IS Scooby Fun!
SteelKomodo: :I
Draco: I've also decided to give one of my entries to Yogi Bear. Expect it up tonight.
Jumpropeman: ya gotta make sure Cornwind says "LOOK! A BEAR!" when you do




Dellaris: I don't want to know about touhou but I keep learning about it
Dellaris: The curse of chatzy
Dellaris: I know
Gooper Blooper: the cursed breepairings
Dellaris: I'mma be on my deathbed
Dellaris: "Any regrets?"
Dellaris: "Seankuya"
Dellaris: "Dad wtf are you on about"
Bree sniffles


Bree: I remember we had an entire conversation consisting solely of me being baffled by the entire concept of "Dog With a Blog" and azure repeatedly replying "I don't know either"


Jumpropeman: if anyone wants my reactions to their brawl entrants so far, post that good shit thing over and over
Jumpropeman: that's my reaction :V
Jumpropeman: 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ​ᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
Jumpropeman: just that
Jumpropeman: ad nauseum


M Sheep: What is it the kids say these days?
M Sheep: My sodium levels are very high


CosmicChao: Day 1 11:00 I was going to my mom’s friend’s house, and it was a long car ride, so I decided to play some pokemon on my ds.
Day 1 12:00 I arrived at the house, and there was a little boy there. He didn’t seem normal, but I ignored that.

CosmicChao: Day 4: 1:00 I turned the game on and the title screen said “the transformation has been undone” the umbreon was back to it’s original state, but at 1hp. It was dragged to the corpse. The corpse went into battle. Shard had one move, suffer. It said “shard has died” when he used it. The corpse now said finally, and ate my trainer. I ripped the game in half, and threw it at the wall, and the little boy’s outline appeared. I went back to my mom’s friend’s house a week later and asked where the boy was. The mom says what boy? I never had a child.
CosmicChao: just rush all the twists at once
Jumpropeman: >​ripped the game in half
Jumpropeman: well that's why the Hulk shouldn't play creepy games


(Sheep rolls against a 15)

M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
M Sheep: Darnit
Jumpropeman: not a success, not a failure
Jumpropeman: Sheep is at a loss
M Sheep: Time to stall sheepplot for another five years while I think this one over


CosmicChao: Oh, Anyway, I’m Codd Branford. 74 Years old. But i am a Goujin. A special Human race that brings me Eternal youth, and if i eat a “VEGAfruit” i can gain another life. Like videogames, I can respawn if i die. Today i got 18 Lives. Thanks to my Eternal youth, i got a 25 Years old body and smartness.
CosmicChao: i forgot about this stupidly ridiculous creepypasta
CosmicChao: somehow this is a pokemon creepypasta
CosmicChao: also >​smartness
Bree: codd branford, you are sentenced to writers' prison. you must spend another 74 years learning how to speak the english language
Jumpropeman: probably laid out the point of the plot a little thick, but the person learning the lesson is a little thick in the head :V
CosmicChao: but that ruins my plan to have the plot where branford tries to take over the kobbers and you have to kill him eighteen times!
CosmicChao: (disclaimer: i am not doing this)


M Sheep: >​The two Kratt Brothers
M Sheep: Oh, so they really were the Kratt Brothers
CosmicChao: *googles*
CosmicChao: ohhhh
M Sheep: I thought it was a copyright friendly version of them for Rp purposes
M Sheep: The Bratt Grothers or something
Jumpropeman: because if there is one thing we're worried about in RP
Jumpropeman: its copyright dodging


Draco: ​Yamame says she has a position Patchouli can her belly. =V
Jumpropeman: I'm already pretty sure a bingo square will be "Yamame eats somebody"
Draco: Just watch: Mac Tonight will be the first repeat winner!
Jumpropeman: >​a gameplay trailer where the player gets hurt
Cornwind Evil: Draco please don't give JRM the cold sweats again
Jumpropeman: I actually like that a bit
Jumpropeman: ...the thing about the trailer
Jumpropeman: not Mac winning
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: hello darkness my old friend, it's time for you to brawl again
Draco bets his life savings on it.
Jumpropeman: go to bed, Draco
Draco: Okay. D;


SteelKomodo: bbl
SteelKomodo left the chat
iKomodo joined the chat

iKomodo: I return
Jumpropeman: SK's magical girl transformation into iKomodo consists of him getting wrapped in glowing lights AND- walking away from his computer to pull out his phone
iKomodo: The most anticlimactic transformation


Gooper Blooper: Guys, I'm using DJ Candy two days in a row, in two plots back to back
Gooper Blooper: what fresh hell is this
Dellaris: EDM hell
Gooper Blooper: *googles*
Gooper Blooper: haw
Jumpropeman: don't forget about her halfway this time


Bree: dellllllllllllllllll
Bree: you promised me an NBN post earlier this week and I never got it
M Sheep: "Nothing of note has happened this week. This has been a NBN news report."
Bree: followed by a soar the eagle post about how everything has in fact happened this week
M Sheep: Followed by a Stan Ligature news report about how some things happened this week, and some things did not.


iKomodo: And now I have this mental image of Rain hearing about the brawl
iKomodo: but Stel's like "NO YOU HAVE TO RAISE OUR KID"
Bree: babby
iKomodo: "but steeeeeel" "NO BUTS UNLESS IT'S MIKA OR JOSEPHINE"
Jumpropeman: Stella
Jumpropeman: don't sell your butt short
Jumpropeman: Rain wants your butt, not theirs


Gooper Blooper: Did four parts of the brawl title pic today btw
CouncilChao: did you do
CouncilChao: ​mac tonight's
Gooper Blooper: I did Sammy, Stacy, Yamame, and Mika
Jumpropeman: Gooper, I understand Bouncy Blue will take you some time
Jumpropeman: but I believe in you
Gooper Blooper: The hardest one of all


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Jumpropeman: the 1 sheep has prayed for
M Sheep: there's the jobbing we all remember!
Jumpropeman: it is finally here
Gooper Blooper: Sheep claps happily as he receives his beloved 1
M Sheep: Ludicrous gibs are just part of the show
M Sheep: nothing to worry about


Jumpropeman: save for some evergreens (Phantomon, joke guys, etc), the only other dude I really could consider for entrant slot 3 was Sonic Man
Jumpropeman: and it would be a shame to do him without the Lightning Bolts
Jumpropeman: but then it might be the Sonic Man and Lightning Bolt show for a while rather than the Big Bar Brawl
M Sheep: But stopped just of entering an actually evergreen tree, huh?
Jumpropeman: Scuba Tree died last year you inconsiderate monster D:
Jumpropeman: show some respect for the dead!
M Sheep: We can re-pot him
M Sheep: we have the technology
M Sheep: Presenting, the Six Million Dollar Tree
Jumpropeman: *Scuba Tree is set on fire again, dies*


Jumpropeman: my post has Shimmer asking if she can remove mask so if you do a follow-up post chao just assume she did
CouncilChao: gotcha
Jumpropeman: unless Candy grabs her hand and yells NOOOOOOOOOOO
M Sheep: "Or is that like, undressing her, which would be super weird?"
M Sheep: Well, now Shimmer made it weird
M Sheep: So now no one can take off her mask
M Sheep: and the ninja escapes
M Sheep: to plot again
M Sheep: thanks, Shimmer
Brinehammer: And under her mask... Was another mask!
Jumpropeman: beneath the mask, Shimmer sees... her own face
M Sheep: that's deep, Jrm
M Sheep: unless you mean it's like her sister or soemthing
M Sheep: that's just weird!
Draco: Beneath the mask was...A SKELETON
M Sheep: Scorpion?
Jumpropeman: one day Shimmer's family will be relevant again, and no one will give a damn
M Sheep: Is that you?


Asmоdeus joined the chat
Asmоdeus: The trashcan has arrived.


(Regarding RP scheduling)

CouncilChao: i am very flexible
Jumpropeman: are you? THEN DO THE SPLITS
CouncilChao: okay
CouncilChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
CouncilChao does the splits incredirad

Jumpropeman: DAYUM
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: Parsee splits in half.


SteelKomodo: suddenly it's 9 o clock
SteelKomodo: where the fuck did time go
TungstenChao: meanwhile i've been spending half an hour watching FMA vids
TungstenChao: dammit, ven


Bree: hi
Bree: tired
Dellaris: Hi tired I'm del
Jumpropeman: del no, you aren't a dad
Draco: Gasp
Dellaris: I'm Dad 76


TungstenChao: i never did find that one show i have super vague memories of as a kid
TungstenChao: and sometimes i wonder if it ever existed
TungstenChao 2spoopy
TungstenChao: all i remember is there was like, a living stoplight (but stylized, so it had a face and everything) playing hopscotch, and for some reason i associate it with TLC


Jumpropeman: i did a plot where a fat bee found out why he wears hats


RetroWulf: Ahaha oh my god what the hell, I literally have an intro post already set up in my head
RetroWulf: Where did this inspiration come from
Gooper Blooper: spoilers: they crash through a window
RetroWulf: Goops don't tempt me I swear


​Gooper Blooper: Sheep has made more Sheeplot progress in a month and a half than he has in the last several years so that's neat
M Sheep: trying to go hard on plot, because I know I'm going to be a zombie once the fall semester starts up
TungstenChao: we believe in sheep
M Sheep: Never bet on sheep
TungstenChao: but i already placed my life savings on you


HIRE A SAMMYRAI: goopyimage count: 4/5
HIRE A SAMMYRAI: yuyu is the only one spared of goopsart, which is a sad thing
Gooper Blooper: well that's what happens when you have so many OCs :V
Gooper Blooper: unless you go like Brine and CW and such and work off of concept art, that is
Gooper Blooper: and chao with the council
HIRE A SAMMYRAI: i'm too lazy for that
HIRE A SAMMYRAI: and unmotivated
Gooper Blooper: And Sheep and etc
HIRE A SAMMYRAI: and picky as shit
Gooper Blooper: yet my silly noseless animus are always a home run
HIRE A SAMMYRAI: for several reasons
HIRE A SAMMYRAI: look at sammy
Gooper Blooper: sammy got swag
HIRE A SAMMYRAI: i think your drawing of sammy made sammy as sammy could be


Dellaris: The first words my phone keyboard suggests on zeta boards are Toinette, Sean and Fuck
Dellaris: Everything is ruined

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