Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 204: Survivor Edition

Jumpropeman: also, I promised this picture quite a while back, but here it is
Jumpropeman: Silence hangs like a curtain:

Brinehammer: Nice
SteelKomodo: hahaha
I Lust for Robot Death: good work jrm
I Lust for Robot Death: you're doing god's work
Gooper Blooper: that's gold
Gooper Blooper: thank you


Jumpropeman: who is Dick-King Smith, and I hope that name is not indicative of his work
Gooper Blooper: kek
SteelKomodo: lemme throw some names at you
SteelKomodo: Babe the Sheep Pig
SteelKomodo: the Fox Busters
SteelKomodo: ...also, whoops, i put the hyphen in the wrong place
Jumpropeman: yup, I know Babe alright
SteelKomodo: he wrote the book that film was based on
SteelKomodo: edited, it's meant to be Dick King-Smith
Jumpropeman: that's better. I don't think I'd want to read a book called Babe by a man named Dick-King :V
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: yeah, we brits are weird
SteelKomodo: Spotted Dick, anyone?
Gooper Blooper: spotted dirk
Gooper Blooper: striped sephine
Jumpropeman: I know there's a fish named Slippery Dick that younger me and my brother chuckled at in an aquarium


Draco: BBL. Getting a haircut.
Draco: ​Getting them ALL cut actually.


RubyChao: ERRANDS LORD has been vanquished... ​for now
Cornwind Evil: We RPers are good for dealing with villains named Lord
Jumpropeman: except the Lord of the Dance
Jumpropeman: we never did overcome Michael Flatley
Decent for now: ​Yet​. Don't give up hope, JRM.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 203: I Will Not Fuck With Time

(HK-47 shoots the head off Robot Devil)

Brilliant Kid: I love how everyone's ignoring the droid assassination in the bar
Harpy: alex just cleaned up
Harpy: it happens
Jumpropeman: another day, another decapitation
EH: Spy noticed. But after Mann vs. Machine, he's used to robots getting shot in the face.
RubyChao: ​okuu was too busy making goo-goo eyes at pit
RubyChao: (seriously she probably was taken aback but didn't want to get into another fight just this early)
Draco: Parsee noticed, but her brain is still loading words beyond chocolate milk.
Jumpropeman: nobody liked that devil anyway, bring in the next robot deity and we'll see how that goes
Orothicarn: OKAY


Harpy: oh shit that reminds me I should probably add THE PRODUCER to the villain list
Gooper Blooper: The Producer is already on the villain list - oh, you mean your profiles :V
Jumpropeman: I want to be a producer, with a big show on broadway~
Harpy: yes
Orothicarn is actually down for this
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: (no)
Harpy: I know just who to use, too
Gooper Blooper: George Lucas lost his mind and became obsessed with waifish magical girls
Orothicarn: It explains a lot. 8U
Jumpropeman: The Producer and his uncanny ability to use the produce aisle against you


Harpy: waiting for Kevvy's reaction to Producer pic
Harpy: ...
Harpy: *Goopy's reaction to Producer pic
Gooper Blooper: hahahahaha


Cornwind Evil: Hold on, Ven is editing his post
Jumpropeman: *commits it to memory just in case*
Jumpropeman: *feasts on possible unintentional spoilers*
Jumpropeman: *dines on the raw product of the mind before its thrown to the dogs known as the censors and editors *
Jumpropeman: *GROWS FAT ON THE SUCCULENT- okay im done*

Monday, May 18, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 202: Jarritos, Poderosa Refresco

Bree: in other news I want to tell you guys the brief but dramatic story of Mexican Soda
Bree: are you ready
RubyChao: yes i am
Jumpropeman: tell us of Mexisoda
Bree: right, the Tale of Mexican Soda
Bree: so there's a Mexican brand of soda that I happen to like. it's sold in the "Latin foods" section of the local stores
Bree: I first tried it at Blue's because her mother has dated several Hispanics so naturally they tend to have a lot of Hispanic foods and beverages around the house
Bree: I usually buy two-liter bottles of the fruit punch flavor and it's ​fucking delicious​ and I usually drink it in about a day
Bree: it's just so damn good
Gooper Blooper: What's the soda's name?
Reading review pages: Is it one of the Jarritos, or another kind? -eyes own drink-
Bree: yes, Jarritos
Reading review pages: They're good.
Bree: hell yeah
Reading review pages finishes off his Mandarina
Bree: and it's a rare treat since it costs more than other sodas at the store so I basically inhale it
Gooper Blooper: inhale my soda enragement american
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: dios mio
Bree: I get fruit punch flavor but we were at the store about three months ago
Bree: (this story is Bree's version of the Ron Paul sign)
Bree: no wait more than three months
Bree: like sometime last year
Gooper Blooper: (oh god)
Bree: december probably
Bree: anyway
Gooper Blooper: (RON PAUL SIGN UPDATE: it's still up)
Jumpropeman: when will they replace it with Rand Paul is the question
Bree: we were there and I asked for some Jarritos but they didn't have any two-liter bottles and I asked my mom "can I get a small bottle, I want to try a new flavor"
Bree: she said sure
Bree: this soda, it only comes in two sizes, at least as far as I can tell
Bree: there's two-liter bottles with normal plastic twist caps like any ordinary bottle of soda
Bree: and then there's the above-pictured 12.5 oz glass bottles with bottlecaps
Bree: so I got a small bottle of one of those in the Lime flavor
Bree: so I take this soda home and the next day I wanna drink it and I go "mom where's the bottle opener?"
Bree: she's like "oh we don't have one"
Bree: I'm like "wat, but I bought this drink with a bottlecap"
Bree: she just "welp"s at me and suggests opening it with the scissors
Gooper Blooper: lel
Bree: my mom: best parent
Jumpropeman: oh lawd
Bree: 100% safe plan
Bree: I try it but I'm a wuss so I don't try too hard because I'm afraid of horrifically murdering myself
Bree: so I give the thing to my mom and I'm like "mom open this pls :<"
Bree: she makes a valiant effort but no dice
Jumpropeman: is Jarrito spanish for "impossible to open"
Bree: next she attempts to pry off the bottlecap with the back end of a hammer
Bree: another fail
Bree: the soda is returned to the fridge
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: i think it sounds like the spanish tried to condense a dorito in a jar
Bree: the bree drinks something else that day
Gooper Blooper: I'm reminded of that one atari screw
Bree: now we made numerous trips to the store but we never bought a bottlecap opener because ????????????????????????​????????????????????????​???
Bree: mostly because we never seem to have room in the budget for frivolous things like "a bottle opener for that ​one​ soda that's ​still in the fridge​"
Bree: I kept being like "mom? bottle opener?" and she's like "money is tight and they're like four bucks"
Bree: it's not that we're so broke we don't have four dollars, but once we've paid the bills and gotten groceries, we don't have much left and it's usually left unspent as "emergency money"
Bree: i.e., if something important comes up before mom's next paycheck
Bree: aaaaaanyway
Jumpropeman: you should just take that bottle and break it on the counter, pour the glass/drink mixture in a cup and enjoy
Gooper Blooper: yeah it does seem a bit frivolous unless you're gonna buy bottles like that a lot
RubyChao: that's not hardcore enough jrm
RubyChao: you EAT the bottle
RubyChao: soda and all
Bree: today we went to this new thing they did, a Women's Expo which honestly had nothing to do with women but it was just an excuse to walk around and get free stuff
Gooper Blooper: oh god
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: >​you eat the bottle
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: oh welp
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: anyway gluttony.txt
Bree: predictably I went and promptly decided I hated it because it was really fucking crowded and noisy and there was lots of standing in lines which I hate because my fibromyalgia means I'll be exhausted in like ten minutes of standing around
Bree: I basically went to a few booths with Blue and my mom, ate a bunch of free cheese cubes, and then went and sat in the car (nowhere to sit at the expo) for like an hour
Bree: Blue joined me after like half an hour
Bree: the amount of people, crowds, noise, etc. and people being rude was really making Blue super anxious and pissed and stuff so she had to throw in the towel despite wanting all the free shit
Bree: whereas I didn't give a damn about the free shit because it's all pointless free shit like magnets and pens
Bree: like, sure it's free but I just don't really need a magnet or a pen so whatever
Bree: more on the expo later if you want, but anyway
Bree: one of the freebies we did pick up
Bree: was a bottle opener!
Bree: a miniature bottle opener!
Jumpropeman: macgyver a bottle opener out of the pens and magnet
Bree: and it's also a flashlight and a tape measure because WHY NOT
Gooper Blooper: knew it
Bree: no seriously, it's a bottle opener/flashlight/tape measure thingy
iKomodo: Yaaaaaaay
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: amazing
Bree: so we get home and I'm like "okay mom"
Bree: "​give me the bottle opener​"
Bree: "it's time to do this"
Bree: my mom: "shit I was just playing with it, where'd I put it"
iKomodo: D:
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: goddamn it
Bree: we search for like three minutes, spoilers it somehow ended up under mom's butt
Gooper Blooper: noooooo
Gooper Blooper: oh okay
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: ...buttsephine.txt
Gooper Blooper: bottle opener pls, breemom's butt is not a bottle
Jumpropeman: buttle opener
Bree: so I march into the kitchen and grab the soda and attack it with the bottle opener
Bree: there's an audible hiss but the bottlecap does not come off
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: just imagining bree
Bree: pause
Bree: reattempt
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: getting into an RPG battle with a bottle
Bree: the edge of the bottlecap bends but the bottlecap doesn't come off
Gooper Blooper: this fucking bottle
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: boss level bottle
RubyChao: oh my god
Bree: at this point I, predictably, bring it to my mom again because now I'm sure something hideously painful will happen if I keep trying
iKomodo: D:
Bree: I'm a wuss and a coward and my mom opens all the difficult things :U
Bree: so I give it to my mom and for the record my mom doesn't know how to use a goddamn bottle opener because she used it backwards
Bree: but I don't usually use one either so I figured maybe I was wrong and she was right
Jumpropeman: this is painful to read
Bree: anyway she tries, nothing happens
Bree: tries again, nothing happens
Bree: tries again
Bree: ​the bottle opener breaks​
Jumpropeman: Most Frustrating Bottle 2015
Gooper Blooper: I'm waiting for the-there it is
RubyChao: WOW
Bree: she says "well it was free swag"
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: boss level bottle
Gooper Blooper: no, you already said that, harpy - this is Final Boss Level Bottle
iKomodo: D:
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: last day of october, everybody has to fucking try to break open this bottle
iKomodo: Wow, this goddamn bottle
Bree: of course it broke, there were hundreds of people there and they had to have enough for all of them so obviously this bottle opener was mass produced plastic garbage
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: everybody seems to roll ones against it
Bree: it's been in the fridge literally for months
Bree: like a solid four months just fucking sitting there because I can't fucking open it
RubyChao: why did i just imagine bree going the nuclear option
RubyChao: pulls out a goddamn hacksaw
RubyChao: takes it to the bottle's neck
RubyChao: hacksaw breaks
Bree: I ":< :< :< :< :<" at my mom and she carefully reassembles the snapped bottle opener and tries again
Bree: and again, and again
Bree: I'm like "get rid of the plastic bit, just use the metal bottle opener part"
Bree: (which was encased in a plastic handle which is what snapped)
Bree: so she tries once and then twice with that method
Bree: I try to explain she should turn it around because maybe she's using it backwards and she's turning the bottle opener in configurations it was never intended for
Bree: like how do you not understand what I mean when I say backwards, mother
Bree: so then I have to show her
Jumpropeman: an ancient evil has been sealed within Bree's Jarrito bottle and the holy seals are keeping it shut
Bree: and in one last, mighty effort
Bree: the bottle is opened
Bree: it's not bad. :U
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: jesus fuck
Bree: that is the tale of Mexican Soda
iKomodo: hahaha :U
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: i was tempted to just get you a bottle opener because fcukin
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: but there was no need
Gooper Blooper: the moral of the story is always buy soda with plastic caps, holy fuck
Gooper Blooper: like why do those metal caps even still exist
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: but i like those tiny glass bottles of coke
Jumpropeman: what a shaggy dog of a bottle
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: so some fallout chars can have some form of a currency, goops :U
Gooper Blooper: Atari Screw has nothing on Lime Jarrito

Friday, May 15, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 201: He Has No Cereal

iKomodo: Pingases
RubyChao flails and dies from the vulgarity


RubyChao: brilliant kid is back
0 Still Errors The Chatzy: WAIT WHAT
RubyChao: look on the forum
0 Still Errors The Chatzy: HOW DID I MISS THIS


(GB is playing Pokemon TCG Online)

Gooper Blooper: I'm torn between two fairy decks
Gooper Blooper: one of them is supposed to be really good for a theme deck, but the other one has clefable
Borealis Harpy: the one with syvleon
Gooper Blooper: That's the clefable one :V
Borealis Harpy: take it
Borealis Harpy: ​GET THE CLEFABLE
Borealis Harpy: BE THE SAMMY/KEVVY


Gooper Blooper: okay so when the Sylveon deck gets rolling it's a beast
Gooper Blooper: Eevee has an ability that lets you automatically evolve it to Sylveon by giving it a Fairy Energy, and Sylveon's attack does 50 and that jumps to 100 if you use it more than once in a row
Gooper Blooper: Clefable doesn't hit very hard but can switch around pogeys to make your opponent have something useless in the active slot and can make itself invincible to Pokemon that do 30 or less a hit
Gooper Blooper: The deck's biggest problem is a bunch of weak grass Pokemon they tossed in, when I'm stuck with bellsprout and shroomish (there aren't even any breloom in this deck) I'm in trouble
Gooper Blooper: oh, and the absolutely useless Slakoth
Gooper Blooper: this has to be one of the shittiest cards I've ever seen
iKomodo: Haha
Gooper Blooper: this fuckin guy
Borealis Harpy: YAWN
Borealis Harpy: *both are asleep*
Borealis Harpy: like, why
Gooper Blooper: because he sucks
Gooper Blooper: and look at that retreat cost
RubyChao: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: I mean everything about the card makes perfect sense but
Gooper Blooper: but it sucks so bad

Friday, May 8, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 200: The Best of Chatzy Madness II

Beardwind Beard: Dagnabbit I remember when two people had to be in the same ROOM to trade!
Beardwind Beard: And they needed a CORD!
Gooper Blooper: yeah, it sucked


SO MUCH BLOOD: "I hope Hunico has replaced Sin Cara in his everyday life as well as in WWE. Like, the original Sin Cara comes home to find his wife having dinner with Hunico. Every picture of Sin Cara in the house has Hunico heads glued over them."
SO MUCH BLOOD: Internet pls


Del is Confuse: "Hostages were being held in the center of the room, and the Riddler gave us the "What has a million eyes but can't see, and a million ears but can't hear?" Frostguy says, "Fuck this." and builds an igloo around the hostages, and NOLAD answers, "ANSWER: A FIELD OF CORN AND POTATOES. DISCOBOT'S TURN. WHO IS A ROBOT AND LOVES TO DANCE?""
Del is Confuse: goon games
Del is Confuse: (NOLAD is a disco robot)
RubyChao: is the answer "NOLAD"
Del is Confuse: yes
Del is Confuse: the riddler refused to answer so Nolad won
SteelKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: Skurvy X Mirror
Gooper Blooper: it will never lie to him
OutgimmickedSpy: The Mirror Never Lies (But I Lie With It~)
Gooper Blooper: l-lewd
OutgimmickedSpy: No Goops, that's The Table Never Leis
SteelKomodo: XD


Daniel Bryan Is A Farm: "With all WWE's terrible luck this week, I reckon Cena dropped dead directly after Raw and Vince is now going to Weekend at Bernie's him."
Harpy: lawdy
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: here's hoping not
Gooper Blooper: Control ded cena with a system of wires from the rafters
Gooper Blooper: like how they puppet King Ghidorah's heads


M Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: SHEEP :D
Gooper Blooper: rare sheep appearance
Harpy: sheeeeeeep
Harpy: *holds out arms in a hug* sheeeeep
Harpy: *sinks head in wool* sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeeeeeeeezzzzzzz
Gooper Blooper: is it wise to hug The Sheep
M Sheep: Who has two thumbs, and doesn't ever get what he wants done?
SteelKomodo: Ey sheeeeep
RubyChao: no but she's gonna do it anyway