Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rivalries Are Rumbling

A couple weeks ago GameFAQs latest tribute to Legend of Zelda popularity contest started up and... it's been very, very by the book. The hardcore guys on there who closely follow every contest are annoyed because there hasn't been a single upset or close match yet even though there have been over two dozen matches. I filled out a prediction form and I've only gotten one match wrong so far (thought DK would lose in Round 1 - underestimated the power of a decent rivalry).

Coming up tomorrow at noon New York Time is the third-to-last match of the first round, between Siegfried/Nightmare (Soul Calibur) and Ramza/Delita (Final Fantasy Tactics). Now I mentioned this before when I previously blogged about this contest, but it bears repeating because goddamn.

This character.

This character.

I could buy and play Final Fantasy Tactics, beat the shit out of it, rack up 500 hours of playtime, it wouldn't matter. I can never, ever associate this character with anything but You-Know-Who the You-Know-What, and if the storyline of the game sets him up with a love interest I'd just be like "no that's incorrect sir" and pair him with a generic You-Know-Who named You-Know-What. And I would pretend the sprite is several pixels shorter or something, I dunno. And the healing items are sweets instead of potions.

This warped mentality also applies to Air Man. I'd be expecting him to apologize profusely every time he successfully hit Mega Man. They are TAINTED BY RP FOREVERMORE.


  1. I've played the game and I assure you, Ramza does not end up being paired up with anyone. The ending, however...

    Well, one day you'll see.

  2. If that's the case, don't pick up Starcraft 2. Every marine is now Del. You're welcome.

  3. Goodness, I can hardly imagine how you see sheep now...

  4. I feel for ya, Goops. I can no longer watch Rain's fatalities without thinking "Ooh, what would Stel-Stel say about this?".

    RP has cursed us all. D:

  5. Ah yes. Orators and purple ninjas are also RUINED FOREVER. And Draco from Dragonheart. And Shuma- wait, no, Shuma acted pretty much as I would have expected. WASTE OF FLESH.

    For whatever reason I'm still okay with sheep. I think.

    Well, in any case, Gezora was the first to pull this off.
