Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 410: So Good It's Blasphemous

Cornwind Evil: I honestly don't know among mine which would be the worst chef
Draco: Dexter
Cornwind Evil: ....that's not UNtrue...


ShasO Viorla Del: Okay
ShasO Viorla Del: Stop everything
ShasO Viorla Del: They're making a spiritual sequel to the Zelda cdis
ShasO Viorla Del: Including getting the VAs of link and zelda
Jumpropeman: holy frijoles
ShasO Viorla Del: And honestly, thank god
Jumpropeman: man, I did not expect the cdi voice actors to even be available
Jumpropeman: they feel like they were just destined to disappear into the mists of time
ShasO Viorla Del: They found morshu's va somewhere
ShasO Viorla Del: I'm keeping an eye on this one
ShasO Viorla Del: We need more weird as hell games
RubyChao: honestly
RubyChao: i think if they get harkinian
RubyChao: they just automatically win


RubyChao: a lanterby
RubyChao: i'm excited for jrm to get to the final arc and be disappointed by how little of her there is
Gooper Blooper: woah, she's smiling
RubyChao: she's excited!
RubyChao: more natural


Lurkabree: touhou in a nutshell: "what if [insert basically anything here] was a cute girl and the cute girls fought each other?"


Gooper Blooper: My favorite thing about Kokoro in the Brawl: in both the picture where she's killing someone and the picture she's being killed, she's making the same bored expression