Sunday, April 30, 2023

GB's Game Reviews, 2022-2023 Edition

Here we go again! This time I've got two different types of reviews. My usual review style where I go over a game once I've seen the credits will be here as expected, but I also will be including a bunch of what I'm calling Quick Impressions. This review type is for arcade games I played in compilations or at Funspot. I only tried many of these games briefly, and they usually don't have an ending, but I'll still share my thoughts on what I saw, and I'll also have a "Insert Token?" rating, where I decide whether or not I would give up a shiny Funspot token to drop in the machine to play it again - either "No", "Maybe", "Sure", or "Absolutely".

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 407: The Glory of the Garf


RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: also, been thinking about character things lately and I don't think we've seen the last of Tron Bonne in RP
-Gooper Blooper: I have A Plan
-Jumpropeman: Tron creates the Neo Neo Kobbers

RubyChao: from mid-2019
Delmon-chan: Oh boy
RubyChao: jrm predicted them right down to the name...
Jumpropeman: I expect Tron to show up BI

Jumpropeman: man, where would Mario be without Upside-Down Pipes?
Gooper Blooper: don't forget the most important mario character, Purple Yoshi
Draco: "Fantastic Firsts: Upside Down pipes" Okay, I guess those are good. "Poison mushroom" HUGE impact on the series, sure.
Gooper Blooper: I especially like the "Fantastic Firsts" listed for Mario Land 2, consisting of Wario and then a bunch of stuff they dropped forever after one game
Jumpropeman: I am just taking this image's word that 3-Up Hearts are a thing
Jumpropeman: cool kids get 3-ups from smiling moons!
Gooper Blooper: I played some Mario Land 2 when the Switch Game Boy app hit, can confirm 3-up hearts are real
Gooper Blooper: I think a lot of the weirdness of Mario Land 2's items comes from needing to be clear without using color, so you get hearts instead of one-up shrooms because you couldn't distinguish them from normal shrooms
Gooper Blooper: and Mario randomly getting a feather on his head when he's Fire Mario in this game only
Draco: What I really find funny is that Super Mario Bros 2 had more of an effect on the series than than the actual sequel to Super Mario Bros and it wasn't even originally a Mario game.
Draco: link
Jumpropeman: gotta love a feel-good story <3

Friday, April 14, 2023

The Art Of Gaming

"Ahhhh... Look at all of zis space! And for such a good deal, too!"

Spreading her arms as she walked around the building she had recently purchased, Palette took in the sight and let her imagination take over. It was stark and empty right now, but she imagined the building filled with the sights and sounds of people at work and play, and her heart soared. Her plans were ambitious, but she had received plenty of encouragement and support from Chimata and the Legion of Stationery to pursue her dream.

The Hardcade was remaining in Agama. The semi-breakups of the Sega Hard Girls and Nintendo Hard Girls, with many of them declining to follow the Kobbers to Europe, ensured that it couldn't come to Whalestrand in its' usual form. Rather than try to cram an arcade into the Journey's End, which was already both a lighthouse and a restaurant, or the Safe Harbor Inn, a new approach would be needed to adapt one of the Kobbers' favorite pastimes to Whalestrand.

Friday, April 7, 2023

There Was Life Here Once

The hunter approached the valley of death.

There was no sound but H'aanit's own footsteps and the whistling of the wind through the pines. She heard the old trees creak gently as their branches swayed. Looking away from them, she stared out upon the ruins in front of her, one hand reaching down to stroke the fur of her loyal pet, Linde the snow leopard. Nodding to her companion, H'aanit stepped forward and entered what was once a village.

They had been here before, but it still hurt every time.

H'aanit walked slowly and deliberately among the rubble, Linde following along behind, her footsteps silent compared to her human owner. Some buildings were almost completely demolished, while others were partially standing. One lucky cottage was almost fully intact, though H'aanit had noticed the paint wearing down over time, more unsightly marks appearing every time she returned. She gently placed a hand against the cottage's wall. If no one maintained it, this little house would eventually fall into disrepair. And there was no one left in the former village to do so.