Saturday, April 23, 2022

Another Batch Of Unsolicited Game Opinions

Since my April 2021 video game review blog got such a warm reception, I figured I'd do it again with some of the games I've played in the year since that post went up. Not as many games this time due to the smaller timeframe, but I've got plenty to talk about...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 398: My Love Is Like A Ripe, Ripe Fart

Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi
Kurororo: why hello
Kurororo: rope man
Jumpropeman: no jumping today


Gooper Blooper: saw a cheap game on the Switch eshop that looked kinda interesting so I googled it, and...
Gooper Blooper: "Contrary to how it may seem, it's not very fun reviewing bad games. Sure, there's a degree of enjoyment in being mean, but the shocking secret of criticising games that aren't enjoyable? We still have to play them. Picking up the Switch and knowing we had to play more Gleamlight made the system feel ten times heavier.
Gleamlight's developers have claimed that their game isn't a rip-off of Hollow Knight. They're right. If it was a rip-off, then it'd share some kind of inspiration, some mechanical flair. The creativity, the baseline of enjoyable moments, some solid fundamentals. It's all missing. It's not a rip-off of Hollow Knight, it's a stupid child's drawing of it."
Draco: JRM, did you write that quote? Are you reviewing the legendary Gleamlight?
Gooper Blooper: my favorite burn was from a different review
Gooper Blooper: "If 2020 was a game, Gleamlight would be it."
Jumpropeman: dang son
Jumpropeman: oh man, it looks so cool too
Gooper Blooper: My first thought upon comparing the scores to the screenshots was "did I stumble onto another Firefly Diary"


Jumpropeman: you can tell bull riders are passionate about their sport based on the size of the wikipedia pages for singular bulls
Jumpropeman checks out the official pro bull riding league website
Jumpropeman pop up hocking NFTs
Jumpropeman: I am less amused by you now :I
Gooper Blooper: non fungible taurus
Jumpropeman: one thing that is cute about PBR is that they talk about bulls like they're athletes too
Jumpropeman: like the commentators will even call the bull a tremendous athlete
Gooper Blooper: Well, they kinda are!
Jumpropeman: a score in PBR is half based on the rider's performance, half based on how ornery that bull is
Jumpropeman: so the bulls are being judged too!


Gooper Blooper: the good news is I have beaten Nina Aquila and overall I liked it a lot!
Gooper Blooper: the bad news is Nina's optimal partner in an investigation would be Jenny LeClue
Gooper Blooper: game ain't done
RubyChao: OH NO
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: nina and jenny team plot in rp
Jumpropeman: plot never finishes
Gooper Blooper: Chao, you know how every Ace Attorney does the thing where you go through the cases but there's "That One Case" floating around in the background? "Remember That One Case?" "That One Case means a lot to me" "I gotta find the answers to That One Case!!"
Gooper Blooper: Nina Aquila does that, but we don't get to do That One Case yet
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: so you're saying
Gooper Blooper: YES
Gooper Blooper: (Nina Aquila only just released last July though, and it IS episodic, so... giving 'em time)

Sunday, April 10, 2022

College Reunion

On the outskirts of Agama, in the quietest corner of the city, two space aliens tried their best to look inconspicuous as they walked off the street, into an alley, and behind a run-down old building that still had signs in the windows but certainly didn't look it was open for business any time recently. Some ne'er-do-well had spraypainted "TOURISTS SUCK" on the side of the building in red. The only sound was the burbling of one of the city's many canals as it ran behind the building, blocked off here by a fence put up to keep any refuse from falling in.

"Is this the place?" asked Baltan Seijin, more to himself than anything else as he took in his surroundings.

"Certainly looks like it." Kauket huffed in mild disgust at the run-down and dirty area as she crossed her arms. Her species was referred to as 'Flatwoods Monsters' by people of Earth. She resented being called a monster, but in the long run didn't really care that much. It had been 70 years since the day she'd acquired that moniker. A lifetime for a human, but not much for her. By the 80s or so she'd already gotten over it. "I still don't like this at all. Feels like a setup."

"Aw, c'mon! My ol' college buddy would never pull a fast one on me like that! He's a good egg."

"He's wanted in seven galaxies for questioning regarding the disappearance of my father's fortune."

"Would you buy that he's a mediocre egg?" Baltan offered. Kauket didn't dignify him with a response, instead flipping open a small communicator device and peering at it. The gadget worked similarly to an Earth smartphone, and could even link up to them, but the technology was very different. It ran on a powerful solar battery, and could communicate across vast distances, but Kauket was currently using it as a mere watch to check the time. As she suspected, she and Baltan were punctual. It was his friend who was late.