Sunday, February 28, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 381: The Empire Of Michigan

RubyChao: which ZFRP plot is this
Jumpropeman: Forearms Gang
Jumpropeman: aka the junction point that formed MALP :V
RubyChao: are you ready for me to bring in MALP kotohime as a tragic woman who lost sight of her way and became as bad as the MALP themselves
Jumpropeman: Grand Moff Kotohime of Admiral James's galactic navy
Draco: You found me out. The real reason I've been doing all this X-Wing stuff is to set up pictures of MALP Empress Sasami leading a fleet of organic Star Destroyers to invade Appalachia.
Jumpropeman: APPALACHIA?! You've gone too far!
Draco: That's right. She even used an app to decipher the nuclear launch codes instead of hunting down ten random zombies like Todd Howard intended!
RubyChao: look, we even have colors for her
Draco: It's like Dragon Balls except there's ten, you can only wish to launch a nuclear missile, and you can decipher Porunga's passcode from a website instead of needing to speak Namekian.
Jumpropeman: those aint cuffs!
Draco: Yeah, but she's waving it around like a dork. Even Sumi takes her 3D printed gun seriously.
RubyChao: you got me, jrm
RubyChao: that's the Negahime
RubyChao: she's just disguised as Kotohime


Jumpropeman: dog toy or furry bait?
Harpyathome: vore bait.
Harpyathome: *cursed words*
Harpyathome: seriously though, i have 0 idea.
pizza o’ clock: Whut
Harpyathome: chat's cursed.
MobileDraco joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi seX
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: "drac" with your fingers one key to the left is interesting
RubyChao: is this a proposition for him?
snowvel: oh my
MobileDraco: Sorry, JRM. No seX for me.


Gooper Blooper: got some new stuff today, so here's some pics
Harpyathome: oooo
Gooper Blooper: The battle intensifies
Harpyathome: charmander's fucking dead
Gooper Blooper: Who will win the legendary showdown? WHO WILL BE LEFT STANDING?! WHO WILL-
Gooper Blooper: wait a minute
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: that's how you know she's truly ruined
MobileDraco: She's made it big. 😉
Gooper Blooper: coven blogpost reminded me of my witchy plans and here we are

Friday, February 12, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 380: Elf Bowling The Movie

RubyChao: "But, she is really fun to RP, although I still don't get the intense interest with her. Like, she's super fun, but, I mean, what's so special about her? The design? The attitude?"
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: six years later
RubyChao: have you gotten it yet?
Jumpropeman: free me from this shimmer curse- I mean, no, yeah, she's pretty cool


Jumpropeman: gooper's blog got revamped for the setting I see!
RubyChao: yep!
Gooper Blooper: Yes, I always revamp the blog when we move to a new setting!
Gooper Blooper: It has previously changed appearances for Vegas, Kuwahawi, and Olympia
RubyChao: i look forward to you finding a good appearance for our next setting after agama:
RubyChao: Generic Featureless Plain
RubyChao: empty, textureless expanse for miles and miles
RubyChao: except for the bar counter that's sitting in the middle
RubyChao: not a bar building. just the counter.
Gooper Blooper: oh hell yeah, finally, a place where we can be all................ A L O N E
Jumpropeman: alternatively, everyone is shrunk down on the next setting and everything takes place on top of Waluigi's nose
Draco: I admittedly had to threaten Goops with possible violence or pouting if he removed Gloria.
Jumpropeman: so gooper's background is just an extremely zoomed in image of waluigi
Gooper Blooper: I remember the Gloria Riot
Gooper Blooper: she was placed back on her prominent sidebar spot after much outcry
Jumpropeman petitions for a Rachel sidebar
RubyChao: oh sure
RubyChao: rachel sidebar, dolby sidebar, gloria sidebar
RubyChao: but no sumi sidebar...
Draco: Nobody likes Sumi. BI


Draco: When Season 12 ends and we leave Agama, please visit Silvania's new venture in the underwater city, the Bigger Shirt Store, specializing in shirts that are bigger than the one you're currently wearing.
Jumpropeman: I don't think Silvania has seen how big my shirt is 😏
Draco: Please don't leave her a 2-star Yelp review, Mr. T-Shirt Wearing Man. D:
Jumpropeman: my t-shirts are used as parachutes for the space shuttle, they're that big
Draco: Oh! Well, she's got a Craig Stadler t-shirt in that size, but it's pre-Saturn Craig.
Jumpropeman: when I wear them I just kinda pile them atop me
Draco: Smart. The layers will protect you when IRL Shimmer finds you and tries to zap you.
Jumpropeman: I'm safe from irl Shimmer. She still hasn't figured out how to use a map
Draco: Clever.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Every Witch Way

The mansion was located some distance away from the main city of Agama. One of the canals had a natural branch connected to it formed by nature's wear rather than the hands of the populace, and if you followed that little branch along a winding dirt path, stooping under low-hanging tree branches and tromping across a weathered old wooden walkway that stretched across the river, you would eventually come across the mansion in a clearing in the jungle. Surrounded by tall trees and difficult to see from any distance outside of the clearing, the old building was nonetheless full of life if the lights in the windows and shadows flickering across them were any indication.

"This mansion was built 220 or so years ago, at the end of the 18th century. It's been renovated a few times, but when The Coven got to it, it hadn't been touched in years. We didn't even have electricity until we got some crystal generators hooked up!"

Momopie had been babbling a mile a minute since the three witches had started on their walk. Behind her trailed Megumin, half paying attention to her friend's words in favor of taking in her surroundings. Bringing up the rear was Missy, who was munching on a granola bar she'd pulled from her overstuffed "Midnight Store" branded backpack.

"So according to our research, the original owner of this mansion was the last of a bloodline that had once been in high standing in Europe. They'd hobnobbed with royalty and acquired many riches! But over time, the kings and queens and other well-to-do folks retired or died and the next generation came into power, and the influence of the family declined as the new rulers were less interested in what they had to say. Eventually the line was whittled down to one eccentric old man, and so he became a recluse."

"Really. And what was this guy's name?" Megumin asked.

"Ehhh, I think it was Don Huxtable or something? I didn't pay much attention to that part."

"You seem to know the rest well enough."

"People are more interesting than their names." Momopie chirped as the three girls reached the entrance to the mansion. "So anyway, this Yon Yonson guy had no kids or descendants or living relatives at all, so he had this mansion built and then spent the rest of his life using what he had left on him to collect stuff. He gathered together things from all over the world and made what people back then liked to call a 'cabinet of curiosities'. Rich adventurer types liked to make them to show off their worldliness."

"Wait a second, wait a second." Megumin waved a hand, Momopie turning curiously. "I thought Agama was only recently re-discovered and hasn't invited tourists in ages. How'd this guy know where Agama was?"

"That's the strangest part!" Momopie grinned. "He didn't! This mansion was built in Europe."


"Two decades after it was finished, the mansion vanished from where it was built. Only a large hole in the ground remained. Nobody outside of Agama knew it had shown up here until The Coven researched it and worked out the place's history."

"But how could that have possibly happened?!" Megumin exclaimed, scratching under her hat while Missy, enraptured, inhaled another granola bar.

Momopie just shrugged. "We don't know! But it was probably some kind of lost magic spell. It just made the mansion even better for us as a meeting place, no?"

Megumin looked up at the mansion, towering over her and the other girls. Suddenly the building seemed to take on an ever-more ominous tone. She could have sworn she heard an owl hooting, even though it was a cloudy afternoon and she was PRETTY sure owls didn't live in Agama.

"Anyway, let's head on in! I can't wait to introduce you to everyone!" Momopie knocked on the door, which then opened a crack. An echoing, metallic voice solemnly called out.

"Who goes there."

Momopie leaned in and smirked as she answered with "Momopie! I got the two new recruits I picked up at Olympia with me!"

"Entry accepted. Welcome back, Momopie. Welcome, new members." The door swung open, and as light spilled into the mansion, the girls could see that the speaker was what appeared to be a tall suit of armor... and it didn't seem as if anyone was inside.

"Thanks, Armory." Momopie giggled as the witches slipped inside.