Sunday, December 12, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 395: Is That Enough Shrek, Though?

Cornwind Evil: Playing Lunar Dragon Song and playing Final Fantasy 7 is the difference between eating a box of cookies that expired two years ago that you plucked from the back of a convenience store's shelves and eating a piece of wedding cake frozen after the wedding
Jumpropeman: playing one jrpg so close to another really puts into perspective how deep the failures were in lunar dragon song


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: How did you know what Par Seas is working on?


Draco: Sumireko is in the mobile game as an enemy.
Jumpropeman: cute- I mean... uh, terrifying?
Draco: I'm scared.


Jumpropeman: i didn't notice the Wiki Trawls chatzy madness tag before
Jumpropeman: but I'm glad it exists in case I ever get nostalgic about that sexy as hell Ms. Fieldmouse
Harpy: that's how you're going to get a fieldmouse dream
Gooper Blooper: I came up with it a year or two ago and retroactively added it to Chatzy Madnesses with notable wiki quoting segments
Gooper Blooper: We've gotten some incredible riffing material from those things so I wanted a tag
Gooper Blooper: g e n t l e _ b e a r
Jumpropeman: "Ms. Fieldmouse is ostensibly kind, unbearably beautiful, very attractive, insanely sexy and caring"
Jumpropeman: i love that build up to end with "caring"
Harpy: insanely sexy
Gooper Blooper: insanely caring
RubyChao: fieldmouse for rp
Harpy: pretty sure that's most of my cast described
Jumpropeman: too hot for rp, I say
Harpy: we have stella
Jumpropeman: you're right, cats eat mice...
Harpy: damn rite
Gooper Blooper: "Stella Hoshii is ostensibly kind, unbearably beautiful, very attractive, insanely sexy and caring" - last edit made by Sapphire Drachen
Harpy: sammy can't compete with that


RubyChao: "I never remember what my actual objective is in Metroid games. I just wander around until I find something new.
Adam will be like "You need to activate the generator in Sector 7 and clear the foliage from the turbines to proceed." and I'm like "Walk around using my latest upgrade on every inch of the map. Gotcha.""

RubyChao: me
Jumpropeman: "Metroid Fusion is too linear" "not if you don't pay attention to anything" *taps forehead*

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 394: Meet The Mets (AKA Lunar Dragon Song Edition, AKA "Swack")

Harpy: i am tempted by an owl mask
Meow Sheep: Sounds like a
Meow Sheep: real
Meow Sheep: HOOT
RubyChao: more like a real
RubyChao: HOOPLA
Meow Sheep: It's a swingthing!


Jumpropeman: next year I will be introducing
Jumpropeman: MULTIPLE
Jumpropeman: male characters
Bree: WHAT
Jumpropeman: bold, I know
Bree: wao!!
Gooper Blooper: Oh boy, more moles!
RubyChao: gasp!!!
Bree: lel goops XD
Harpy: can i date them
Harpy: no wait that's phrasing
Bree: mole dating simulator
Harpy: may i ship them with one of these LUCKY LADIES
Jumpropeman: they will all be eligible bachelors
Harpy: garsp


Draco: Relevant to RP:
Jumpropeman: Mega Drive sitting on her porch in a rocking chair eating werther's originals
Gooper Blooper: link
Bree: sumi no
Bree: how could you hurt dolby like this
Bree: top ten anime betrayals


(Re: My 2021 Touhou Sorter results)

RubyChao: someday goops will be unable to leave out the pc-98 games
RubyChao: because we will have ruined too many hus from them
Harpy: do you really think we can bring back orange
Harpy: read: bootleg meiling
Gooper Blooper: I do like that the two most important PC-98 hus are from the same game so I only need to include one for now
RubyChao: luize DESTROYED
Gooper Blooper: man, I forgot all about her...
Jumpropeman: luize is louise in the sorter right?
RubyChao: yep
Jumpropeman: I've been treating her as such
Harpy: you won't forget in season 13 :)
RubyChao: i'm just used to the old translation
Harpy: geez, luize
Gooper Blooper: Holy crap Luize, remember the time you were in RP?
Harpy: blasphemous
RubyChao: `ban Gooper Blooper

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Gooper Blooper: as I continue to read thirty-year-old magazines, here is 80s Badger
Jumpropeman: oh snap
Jumpropeman: too strong
Jumpropeman: I hope our cultural shorthand for "cool" is never updated
Jumpropeman: I want to continue seeing ridiculous characters with shades and gold chains riding skateboards and all that


Gooper Blooper: I almost said that the "large boulder the size of a small boulder" that struck Kumonga during his final battle with Pillbox gave him Bonkus Of The Konkus but I decided I'd already made that moment stupid enough for what was supposed to be a fairly intense fite finale


Gooper Blooper: link link
Jumpropeman: the extended family!
Jumpropeman: registeel just LOSING it over there
Gooper Blooper: just a dad and his growing family of ridiculous meme golems
Gooper Blooper: *registeel flailing*


MobileDraco: This is roughly fifty feet away from me:
Jumpropeman: holy moly!
Jumpropeman: that's a mother lode of bigfoot merch
Gooper Blooper: A treasure trove!
Munster Sheep: We found him, guys
Jumpropeman: I actually have that plush bigfoot on the left
Gooper Blooper: I like the christmas ornaments
RubyChao: buy that entire store
RubyChao: and give it to JRM
Jumpropeman: im concerned about the lower left bigfoot mugs, but I appreciate a mug with a MUGSHOT on it
Gooper Blooper: the lower left ones appear to be the same as the lower right ones, so you can look at both to see the full design
MobileDraco: Chao, I am in an AIRPORT. I might be crazy enough to buy real Fumos, but I'm not depraved enough to buy things in an airport. D;
Jumpropeman: some things money can't buy. Those things are at an airport gift shop
Gooper Blooper: what if an airport sold fumos
Jumpropeman: even Jeff Bezos would balk at the price
MobileDraco sweats nervously.
MobileDraco: Heck, if the airport sold actual Fumos, I'd give 'em my kidney, sure.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 392: Don't Spank Em

Jumpropeman: without covid context
Jumpropeman: these would be wild


brolivel: "Gamemaster — Today at 6:53 PM
So i finally got AV cables for my Sega Saturn. I never owned one as a kid and I'm still convinced it isn't real. This thing is an elaborate ploy by everyone else to make me believe this system existed"

Jumpropeman: that's how I used to feel about Turbografx
MobileDraco: lol
MobileDraco: My cousin used to have a TurboGrafx 16.
The Deleter: But father
The Deleter: I AM a TurboGrafx 16
Draco: "Sega Genesis never told you what happened to your father." "He told me enough. He told me you got him discontinued!" "No, I am your TurboGrafx 16!"
The Deleter: Lmao


Modus Sheep: I have no idea, energy, or motivation, but would anyone talk to a stinky ratman in a bar?
Modus Sheep: I know
Modus Sheep: I make it sound so appealing


Bree: did I miss the plot about tsubasa's jerkass grandpa
Bree: did we deal with him
Harpy: we did deal with him with a way, but there's still a bit more to go
Gooper Blooper: Yesterday we exposed his awfulness and Tsubasa officially broke off from him
Harpy: gaslit her so much you woulda thought he was about to set her on fire
Gooper Blooper: we actually fight him later this month
Modus Sheep: they're penciling him in
Modus Sheep: brutally
Gooper Blooper: I mean, that's basically the RP Schedule in a nutshell
Gooper Blooper: "I can pencil you in on the 23rd for an ass-whuppin, have your people call my people"


Jumpropeman: "Game Developer reported the game "was criticized for featuring too much pink in its graphics.""
Cornwind Evil hears sad Poyos in the distance.
Harpy: as the local expert in pink
Harpy: i feel like someone is exaggerating
Jumpropeman: the horse isn't even pink!
Harpy: an orange brown, maybe rust
Harpy: maybe the stone tiles are bugging him and maybe it needs the hue toned down a bit
Jumpropeman: there are pink horses in the game, but I'd hardly say it's an overdose
Bree: those bricks are super pink but that's not "too much pink" in the game
Bree: and the fact it's the color pink they're complaining about makes me think it's them being sexist
Harpy: yeah, i profess this game to be
Bree: this cute game about a horse is not manly enough
Harpy: brohamsicle you have red dead redemption 2 right there
Modus Sheep: Pony Island?!
Jumpropeman: somehow I have not got around to pony island yet
Modus Sheep cracks the game whip
Modus Sheep gets hung up on the motion controls

Jumpropeman: ohhh, the pony is customizable
Jumpropeman: so you CAN make a pink pony
Modus Sheep: A pretty pony!
Jumpropeman: I, however, will be making a hulk pony
Modus Sheep: It's deeply conflicted and filled equally with self-loathing and rage?
Jumpropeman: that and it's got black hair, green skin, and a purple tail
Modus Sheep: What luxury!
Bree: name it bulk biceps
Jumpropeman: finally, I saved one of my pony friends! What does she have to say in gratitude? *image of a circus wagon* glad to have you back friend ; w ;
Jumpropeman walk a few feet forward, see a circus wagon with another pony friend in it
Gooper Blooper: this is some intense horse gaming action
Jumpropeman: i didn't have the right jewel to save circus wagon horse though
Jumpropeman finds horse fused into a stone mountainside
Jumpropeman: the witch has stepped up her game from circus wagons...
Draco: D:
Jumpropeman: i have saved all the ponies
Modus Sheep: Woah, that was fast!
Jumpropeman: it's a short game! I'm gonna look at HARD MODE
Draco: That WASN'T hard mode?! Being a gamer who has played a game, I need all of my games so easy I can get through the tutorial!
Jumpropeman: in hard mode, the animals give NO HINTS
Gooper Blooper: GASP

Friday, September 3, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 391: Frog-Like Aura

RubyChao: "so anyway, i started blasting"
Jumpropeman: were there any non-targets you DIDN'T kill
Harpy: chaaao, did you blow up corpse piles agaaaain?
RubyChao: only the ones i knocked unconscious earlier before things all went to hell
No Scope! Power Bomb!: Why the heck did you kill 124 non targets!?
MobileDraco: Chao is an overachiever. :3
Gooper Blooper: He hit a LOT of men! And some women too apparently
RubyChao: i was trying to do a challenge that involved "get seen doing a kill and thus have witnesses, then remove all witnesses via KO or kill"
RubyChao: but in this case it started spiraling out of control because i got witnesses to my witnesses and so on and so forth and finally i went "fuck it" and decided to just massacre everyone on the map
RubyChao: there can be no witnesses if no one is alive
Harpy: well i guess that technically completes the challenge
RubyChao: it does!
RubyChao: it counted!
Harpy: astounding


Modus Sheep: There's another space lady from Gooseworx to be turned into a hardened criminal:
Jumpropeman: well, time to make another Blastoplot
RubyChao: it worked for nova
Jumpropeman: i think I'd like this supernova design more if she didn't have her tongue sticking out
Modus Sheep: What if she was sweating constantly, JRM?
Jumpropeman: give her a little fang and eyebrows through the hair while you're at it
Harpy: aww jrm but she's just the ;P
Jumpropeman: I think the sharp points implies a character who's more excitable rather than the dopiness implied by a hanging out tongue
Gooper Blooper: she probably would be sweaty after six minutes of constant gyrating
Jumpropeman: if I use her I'd probably airbrush the tongue out :V
Gooper Blooper: I bet she'll get fanart, but I also bet every single piece of fanart will include the tongue
Modus Sheep: Make the tongue
Modus Sheep: BIGGER


Jumpropeman mistypes Curse of the Dead Gods as Curse of the Dad Gods
Jumpropeman: Curse of the Dad Bods


Modus Sheep: I miss writing Camilla.
Modus Sheep stares into the middle-distance
Gooper Blooper: I'm a fan of Yakuza Plot! It's nice to cut loose and just bash stuff
Gooper Blooper: guess you'll have to make her a regular again, sheep
Modus Sheep: :I
Modus Sheep: She had little arcs against Neelsen and COLONEL BOGEY himself
Modus Sheep: I'm running out golfers to pit her against!
Gooper Blooper: Quick, Chao, bring back Lara
Modus Sheep: Clearly, we need another golfing-based plot
RubyChao: i am happy to bring back lara
RubyChao: she cute
Jumpropeman: no
Jumpropeman: we need the ultimate golf challenge
Jumpropeman: Camilla, do you think you can get it within HIS?
Gooper Blooper: oh man
Gooper Blooper: let's settle it in pebble beach
Modus Sheep: oh no
Gooper Blooper: televised world championships
Gooper Blooper: the world is watching
Jumpropeman: "Personality
Craig is known for giving guidance to others."

Jumpropeman: "In Chapter 14, Craig appears at the end of the chapter telling the readers that 'Time for hell to break loose'."
Gooper Blooper: I was going to quote both of those XD
Gooper Blooper: I love how all of his appearances aside from TIME FOR HELL TO BREAK LOOSE are him just popping up and surprising other characters
Jumpropeman: Craig Stadler Pop Scare
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: From this wiki's homepage, in the rules: "Please do not write any unimportant statements such as 'This guy is my husband' or 'The best boy' on any pages."
Harpy: but it is an important statement
Jumpropeman: Craig Stadler is the only golfer in all the universes
Jumpropeman edits Stadler's page to say The Best Boy

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 390: Tums Festival

Harpy: *bowsette does a slam dunk off the top rope*
Working from Del: i wish i too was a turtle girl with horns and boobs
Harpy: i'm a girl with boobs
Harpy: that's it.
Harpy: that's all we're getting.
Working from Del: lol
Working from Del: thats all we are allowed


(Re: Hitman)

RubyChao: "During the cutscene that plays in the last part of the Orphanage mission, 47 will point whatever weapon he has in his hand at another character. This results in 47 pointing any number of objects—a shotgun, his fiber wire, a syringe, a book—like it was a handgun. It makes what is otherwise a very serious scene utterly hysterical. For bonus points, you can threateningly point a loaded bible at someone while dressed as a priest."
RubyChao: stop or my bible will shoot
Harpy: stop or i swear, god will smite you with the fury of a thousand suns.
RubyChao: it turns out, the way to make me REALLY like a stealth game is either to make it about killing people or to make it Touhou


Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Jumpropeman: my mom asked about the brawl winner
Jumpropeman: and she was very happy to hear the story about both harp and marisa finally getting a win
Jumpropeman: all moms support a harpwin
Gooper Blooper: On that note, a Goopsmom anecdote
Gooper Blooper: We read all of the Zoofights together so she knew about Zoofights 3 and the creepy orphan child that featured heavily in the lore, Lily Limbcake
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom took to calling any creepy doll a "Lily Limbcake"
Harpymobil (Harpy) joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: This was around when I got that Marisa plush, so of course she called that Lily Limbcake as well
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: and then after not using the name for years and years, when she asked who won, I took out the Marisa plush (having told her earlier when Marisa won the popular vote that the character's name was Marisa and she was Harpy's)
Gooper Blooper: and she fucking said "Lily Limbcake won the Brawl?"
Draco: XD
Draco: Yes, Lily Limbcake won the Brawl. She rose up from her humble origins to be the best.
Harpymobil: Marisa “Lily Limbcake” Kirasame
RubyChao: holy shit
RubyChao: that's amazing
Jumpropeman: Lily Limbcake will win the Brawl when Necronomitron is on a tear
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad harpy came back in to see that
Harpymobil: I came in for a different reason but yes that’s hilarious
Harpymobil: Wait is Marisa Fumo a creepy doll now?!!?
Jumpropeman: I don't remember the context for gooper giving me four images for the fite but he sure did
Gooper Blooper: As I recall, it was just me being incredibly hype and providing images for how I imagined the fite going, and you worked them in because you were obliging like that
Jumpropeman: well those pics stuck with me so great job! I always think of that screaming lily first when I remember the character
Gooper Blooper: and yes, my Marisa mini fumo was considered "creepy" by goopsmom
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: RUDE

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 389: Delicious Sexy Burritos

Jumpropeman searches Little Hope on Gamefly, Littlest Pet Shop: City Friends is a top result
Jumpropeman: I know it just flagged the word little but
Jumpropeman: still ominous
Harpyathome: ominous.
Jumpropeman: dang, its unavailable
Jumpropeman: I won't learn of the dire circumstances those pets are in
Jumpropeman: didn't realize the monkey was on a slide at first
Jumpropeman: i thought it was an altar in front of a pyramid
Draco: Praise monkey
Jumpropeman: The Shrine of the Saccharine Monkey
Jumpropeman: I could legit add that to shrine hills, have it be some place to pray at for the safety of your pets or farm animals...
Draco: Legends of the Hidden Templeplot when


Jumpropeman: what I do have energy for: vacuuming my room, doing the laundry
Jumpropeman: what I don't have energy for: getting up to swap the cartridges in my Switch


Jumpropeman: she dead


Medic Sheep: FINALLY
Medic Sheep: read all the spoilers
Medic Sheep: One reason I dread a Brawl win:
Medic Sheep: Making everyone sit on their hands until I finish reading
RubyChao: trust me
RubyChao: i could survive the wait
ivel: it would be worth it


(Fat Of The Land comes back to life, but as a human girl instead of a crab hivemind)

The Crableter: Srspost
Cornwind Evil: Oh god Del
Cornwind Evil: You monster
RubyChao: i can't believe Fat of the Land has been Touhouified
Medic Sheep: Chunor has company!
Cornwind Evil: Now Julia has to put HER in the hospital too!
Bree: I have been waiting to make this comment since del told me about this plan: I can't believe fat of the land is a real girl now
Draco: lel
The Crableter: Lmao at these reactions
Jumpropeman: Fat of the Land better be chunky or why even have the name :I
Medic Sheep: Something, something, bountiful tracts of land
The Crableter: I'll be real I didn't think too hard about her physical appearance
Harpmobile: Amazing
The Crableter: I'm gonna sleep now, we shall check on this situation tomorrow perhaps :3
Draco: If she isn't, we can call her FLAT of the Land.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 388: Big Bar Brawl 11 Edition

Draco: link
Harpy: ow.
Bree: blasphemy
Bree: every month is pride month if you're chimata
Bree: chao you must make chimata do something gay this instant
Harpy: violet just lifts her leg a little
Harpy: sexily.
Harpy: for more you gotta pay up-
AlternateChao: okay
AlternateChao: chimata goes and makes out with raiko then
Harpy: so uh, when's the grove ordained wedding-
Draco: That is a good gay thing for Chimata to do.
Draco: How much did she pay Raiko for it?
AlternateChao: that's a secret
AlternateChao: after all
AlternateChao: you don't kiss and tell
Draco: Good point!


Jumpropeman makes a note to throw cirnos at brine characters post brawl
Jumpropeman makes a general note to rp at him in general because it has just not lined up much

Jumpropeman: mainly I just want to hit them with friendship beams after all the trauma beams
Gooper Blooper: Cirno's good for that
Gooper Blooper: Sad Chunor? Kepler having a breakdown upon realizing reality is real? Rub a Cirno on 'em
Jumpropeman: I know you've been fiting wars for thousands of wars, but have you considered... dumb fairy?
Jumpropeman: thousands of years
Jumpropeman: either that or wars within wars
Gooper Blooper: I wouldn't put it past them
Bree: yo dawg I heard you hate wars, so I put some wars in your wars so you can war crime while you war crime


Harpy: "are you okay?" "i'll alive"
Harpy: a typical conversation between me and ivel
Harpy: guess who is who... the answer... may shock you-
Bree: both lines are both of you simultaneously somehow
Harpy: lel
Draco: I'm with Bree on this one.
Jumpropeman: first was terry bogard
Harpy: yeah terry bogard was in my house
Harpy: personally asking if i was okay
Jumpropeman: he's nice like that

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 387: Avoid Being Baked At All Costs

Macintosh Sheep: Hey kids, want to see a dead body?
Macintosh Sheep: Wait, no
Macintosh Sheep: The other thing
Macintosh Sheep: Hello
Macintosh Sheep: "we have perhaps gone overboard" Immersion ruined. ZF Corp would never asked themselves that.
Macintosh Sheep: IT'S HER!
Jumpropeman: hope I didn't step on your toes sheep :P
Macintosh Sheep: I forgot she had a bird's nest in her hat.
Macintosh Sheep: "so this Brawl might actually benefit the jungle more than hurt it!"
Macintosh Sheep: Alright, gang...How many times can we nuke this jungle in one Brawl?
Macintosh Sheep: "and the old sawmill even still stands!"
Macintosh Sheep: And over there's the old sawmill...Yeah, you keep aware of there. Some folks say that sometimes, they seen a Cirno fumo in the window...
Gooper Blooper: This is a great arena. I like how the sawmill and waterfall give it a flavor that ends up feeling like Jungle Paul Bunyan
Macintosh Sheep: "Entrants must be capable of interaction with other competitors"
Macintosh Sheep: *Insert joke about painfully shy character here*
Macintosh Sheep: "I reserve the right to replace them with Snivel from Casper: A Spirited Beginning without warning."
Gooper Blooper: He's going to snivel his finest snivel!


Macintosh Sheep: If ye could change yer fate...would'ja?
Macintosh Sheep: "-Lucina is the true entrant. Kakuna is her assistant."
Macintosh Sheep: booooo
Macintosh Sheep: "no, this is Kakuna's entire movepool"
Macintosh Sheep: *rubs hands together like a fly*
Macintosh Sheep: "combo his techniques into one another to create new attacks"
Macintosh Sheep: Yeeeeees


Macintosh Sheep: Alright, having read the available profiles, I shall now rest these weary and oddly sandy bones...for just a moment......
Macintosh Sheep left the chat
Draco: He's gone.


Draco: ...I have left myself a cryptic calendar reminder about who to enter as my Secret Fiter. I wish past me had gone into a bit more detail.
Gooper Blooper: Draco's Secret Fiter is so secret even he doesn't know who it is
Draco: It is a mystery.
Gooper Blooper: No, JRM picks that one

Monday, June 14, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 386: Skeleton Pee

HORP DE DORP: damn i missed some boob discussion
HORP DE DORP: it was a good discussion
Jumpropeman: boobs are very important
nijisanjivel: agreed
Rose joined the chat
RubyChao: hey rose!
Macaque Sheep: Hello, Rose
Rose: Wtf you're telling me I missed boob discussion
Rose: This is unbelievable
Rose: Hi all
Jumpropeman: hi rose
Jumpropeman: sorry about the boobs
Rose: why the apology


Rose: Oh my god I missed the Peppa v. Lucina fight
Rose: I can't believe it
RubyChao: guess you'll have to quit RP forever
RubyChao: we peaked
Rose: This fight keeps getting better
Rose: Oh my lord


Macaque Sheep: So I was thinking...
Macaque Sheep: How many gaming themed food places have a Jill Sandwich on the menu?


Jumpropeman: im starting to have dreams of me playing new pokemon snap
Jumpropeman: i think I need to buy it
Jumpropeman: nintendo is advertising in my dreams like a futurama episode
RubyChao: Pokemon Sleep strikes
Jumpropeman: so THAT'S what that is


Macaque Sheep: I should attempt to make a post, but don't wait on me
Macaque Sheep: Not feeling the best
RubyChao: no problemo
Jumpropeman provides sheep the wine list and menu
Macaque Sheep: This is, in fact, the opposite of what I wanted.
Jumpropeman: ah, I see you already received your whine

Monday, May 17, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 385: Welcome To The Jungle, We're All Trans And Gay

Jumpropeman: welcome back to ZFRP
Jumpropeman: don't forget to wipe your feet before entering
Draco: Too late. I didn't wipe my feet. >:D


Melt Sheep: a barpost for Draco
Melt Sheep: I wasn't going to do anything tonight, so late, but you got me all excited :I
Melt Sheep: This will be brief
Melt Sheep: :I


Melt Sheep: "we had a Sewer Spirit try to take over the plumbing once."
Melt Sheep: I have waited....
Melt Sheep: literally 11 years.
Melt Sheep: Literally the first day and the patrons are leaving crap everywhere
Melt Sheep: That's one old toaster on the counter, one frog flashlight, and one...Uncle Sam?
Draco: Uncle Sam is going on display tomorrow.
Draco: Sheep mentioning the sewers and then crap had me concerned about what he was actually reading.
Jumpropeman has Claire put her shoe on the counter


Brinehammer: Had to get the most important Brinecharacter out of the way :V
Dobile Mel: Its good
Dobile Mel: She's good
Draco: "This wasn't the ocean." <- This is a bathtub!


Dobile Mel: Okay
Dobile Mel: Logically, I must have sojiro and futaba enter the bar
Dobile Mel: However
Dobile Mel: Panty and Stocking will kill coffee dad
Dobile Mel: I know it
Draco: Probably. We'll make sure the bartender has Breath of Life or something prepped to resurrect him.
Dobile Mel: Lol
iKomodo: Panty would probably try at the least
iKomodo: Stocking would be like “but kouta is sitting right here”
Dobile Mel: Also Jared needs to be a cook here so
Dobile Mel: Let me go and get my tablet
Draco: Well, maybe Panty is a freelance girlfriend. Kouta hires her on a contract basis but she's free to do other guys.
iKomodo: Yes
Draco: "Panty, your sister is gone for the weekend. I am cashing in on the...the..." "Say it, Kouta." "...the Poonpon."
RubyChao: incredibly cursed
iKomodo: Jesus
iKomodo: i wish i hadn’t agreed now
iKomodo: 2cursed4me


Draco: "And, to the horror of all present, Panty" <- SK could start ALL his posts with this phrase.
iKomodo: hahaha

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 384: Tag Yourself I'm Chuggy-Pegs

Cornwind Evil: Koakuma was probably doing the VTuber thing before it was a thing...just by filming herself
The Deleter: Vince proudly supports his vtuber wife
Draco: It's true; Koakuma was a busty devil girl who payed video games before VTubers existed.
Cornwind Evil: The question is how genuine are her reactions. That's the one thing that bugs me about Vtubers: are they exaggerating for effect?
The Deleter: They're playing a character to some extent I'm sure
pepsivel: it depends on if they're working for a company (ie Hololive) or solo as well
pepsivel: if they're just an individual, they're more likely to be at least more genuine than if they're more heavily monitored
Draco: Koakuma doesn't need to exaggerate her rage at Kaizo Mario.
Draco: Especially after the third vodka shot.


Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: Hamsterball is a PS3 game that basically has a Super Monkey Ball mode and a Marble Madness mode
Jumpropeman: in both modes, the time you have left after you beat a stage carries over into the next one
Jumpropeman: Marble Madness mode is much harder and you basically need that extra time for the final levels to be possible
Jumpropeman: after struggling with a level I decided to restart the mode to build up extra time
Jumpropeman: and then when I got back to that level... it was apparently the final level I had been struggling with V:
Marooned Sheep: Ha!
Draco: Owch. XD


Jumpropeman: link


RubyChao: super mario sunshine accurately depicts retail
The Deleter: Lol
iKomodo: Amazing
sinusvel: relatable

Friday, April 30, 2021

Chatzy Madness: The Meiling Collection

Bree: dumb mental image
Bree: meiling is like "hey patchy you want to be my fitness buddy" "no" "it would mostly consist of me carrying you to make my training more difficult" "can I read while you do it" "sure" "...fine"
Gooper Blooper: thirty keks
Bree: that's a whole barrel of keks
Ivy Dragon: Patchy is like a lazy Yoda.
RubyChao: patchy gives training for everyone who asks
RubyChao: it consists of doing the work for her


Gooper Blooper: okay, I attempted to jump to the booby paragraph by hitting control+F and typing "booby"
Gooper Blooper: but something went wrong
M Sheep: Jumped to Meiling's entry?
Gooper Blooper: and that's how I wound up staring at the phrase "Kamen Rider Booby"


Bree: "meiling, what are your plans to save kawashiro" *picture of nitori's rear* *picture of IDK MITSUO's rear*
Bree: chiharu: "I think it's a great plan!"
Draco: Chiharu pls
Bree: there's a reason chiharu and meiling are bes frands
Bree: (the reason is they're goofballs)

Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Rest Is Silence

Blade kept wishing that he would wake up and this would stop happening.

His boots echoed off the white tile as he made his way down the hospital hall. Reverberating voices around him from the staff as they milled about went into his ears and dispelled into formless muck he couldn't focus on. It was just another day for them. He approached the room he'd been told to visit, simultaneously trying to hurry and also trying to delay the inevitable, resulting in a stilted and stiff stride.

Blade stopped at the threshold, peering into the room. He saw Helios Canicco, head of the KOB Hospital, taking notes on a clipboard with a grim expression. Again, two clashing emotions filled Blade's head. He was relieved Helios had managed to appear in Las Vegas on such short notice, but he was also very concerned that he was present at all. Helios was one of the best doctors any Kobber had ever seen. The man was quite literally a miracle worker. So for his presence to be required this far from either Olympia or Agama was grim tidings indeed.

Blade put a gloved hand against the door railing to stabilize himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep, long breath. Helios looked over at him sympathetically and made a gesture with one hand. Blade's eyes cracked open and he took in Helios' hand beckoning at him. He sighed, shook his head, and stepped inside.

Together, the two of them looked at Sally Bishop.

Heavily swaddled in bandages, hooked up to a large beeping machine, and out like a light. It had been years since she had stepped in the ring, but Silence still had some fairly impressive muscles. They did her no good here, though, and the tall, strong woman had never looked smaller and more weak to her long-time friend. Her skin was pale and her chest slowly rose and fell with each slumbering breath.

Blade let out a choked noise. "G...grgh! Why... why couldn't I have been there... I should have been there."

Helios did his best to comfort Blade, placing a hand on the biker's back. When Blade flinched, Helios flinched in kind, but Blade calmed down enough to let Helios keep his hand there. "Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known this would happen."

"...You're right. Blaming myself won't do anything." Blade fell silent for a time, his fists clenching and unclenching. "I should be blaming the rat bastard who did this to my best friend."

"I can at least tell you she's not in pain right now. I've made sure she can get all the medication she needs, and get lots of sleep. If anything else comes up, I'll let you know. A private detective has already offered to investigate the case and has hired help with boots on the ground as we speak."

"Private schmivate. They can investigate all they want, but I'm not sitting by waiting for them to figure this out." Blade gently placed his hand on top of one of Silence's hands, taking in a shuddering breath. "I'm... I'm gonna get this guy, Sally. You can... c-can count on me."

Blade removed his helmet to see Sally better, and tears dripped onto her hospital bed.

"Because we're friends." 

Friday, April 16, 2021

End Of The Line

Slowly, she walked into the general store.

She looked at the man behind the counter. "Hello." he said. "Welcome to The Trading Post." She turned away from him, unable to speak. Even now, even at a time like this, he was as cheerful as ever, the same as she always remembered him being.

Even though the end was coming. The end of everything.

She'd heard about it a month prior. Since then she'd been to every town and city she had passed through on her journey years ago. She caught up with old friends, fought some old enemies. And even though nothing on the surface had changed, it all felt different somehow. She paid more attention to the smaller details of the world around her. The way weeds gently formed pathways on less-used cobblestones. The way moss spread to cover the side of a stone wall. The quiet corners of the shop she was standing in right now, where people rarely browsed.

It was all just as she had remembered, now appreciated in a new light. And it would all be going away.

Monday, April 12, 2021

A Flood Of Quickie Game Reviews

It's been a long time since I last posted any opinions of video games I've played on this blog. Funnily enough, I stopped not long before Jumpropeman launched The Game Hoard and became the de facto game reviewer of the community. He does a fantastic job at it and I couldn't compare... but after four years, I've decided to dig through the games I've beaten since the beginning of 2017 and share my thoughts on them. As a caveat, some of these memories are quite old, and I also skipped some games I just don't have much to say about. Let's get right to it.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 383: Ghostbusting Balan's Wonderlinens 'N Things

MobileDraco shoves Chao out of the way and gets in his spaceship to go read Chatzy Madness.


Jumpropeman: "A girl shooting fruit PRO - Hunting apples, pears and other fruits, test your skill will be a fun confrontation. Do not fail or the game is over, you are the best hunter. Good Luck."
Jumpropeman: that's not the game's description
Jumpropeman: that's its' title


RubyChao: link
Del And Knuckles: amogus
MobileDraco: lol
MobileDraco: Kanade is looking pretty dess


Draco: The sequel to Pelswick RP.
Gooper Blooper: Peppa Pig?!
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: if gooper ever rps lucina
Jumpropeman: we know what to expect
Gooper Blooper: pig slayer
Jumpropeman: Peppa Pig's father... was the consumer
Jumpropeman: it's all coming together
Gooper Blooper: pig lore
Draco: Is Lucina's mom Tenshi?
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: link


Draco: Kind of a creepy Bravely Default 2 theory. When you cut down trees and bushes and grass and find stuff, who's to say there's not a pile of bones nearby? It's always stuff sold locally that you pick up too! You're grabbing that Glaive off of someone the goblins killed awhile back, Seth.
Gooper Blooper: m-maybe it just fell off the back of a caravan
Draco: Yeah, after a goblin killed the guy driving it.


RubyChao: world war 2 has been solved, with trains
Draco: Good job, Chao. You saved Hitler.
RubyChao: excuse you, i saved Stalin
RubyChao: and then he made me build a railroad across siberia
Gooper Blooper: They Saved Hitler's Train


RubyChao: *look at rt2*
RubyChao: ...motherFUCKER
RubyChao: look at the minimap
RubyChao: look at the name
RubyChao: this map is called The Dream
RubyChao: I literally never got it until right now.
Gooper Blooper: link

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Spider Patrol

It's another day in the South American jungle, and as usual a very large arachnid was investigating their territory in search of anything out of the ordinary. 

Of course, to some, this creature itself was out of the ordinary. A gigantic tarantula with a body the size of a twin bed, it strode through the jungle without a care for it supposedly being impossible for such a large arthropod to exist. It stomped forward with steady and sure strides as it made the rounds on its' practiced route, a route it had taken every day for years. Nearby villagers could set their timepieces to the march of the spider, which was known as a "Moulder" for the fungi that grew upon its' body. Scientists who had observed the creature as it performed its' daily constitutional surmised that the mold, moss, and mushrooms sprouting from the spider's back played a key role in its' biology, but as the species was considered extremely rare, no one had yet gotten approval to capture it and study it more closely. It didn't help that until recently it was very uncommon to find any outsiders researching Agama's surrounding flora and fauna. This region of South America had been an isolated lost world of sorts, harboring mysterious creatures and long-lost civilizations no one had been able to dig into until now. Maybe this year, with Kobber attention focused on the region, the secrets of the jungle would finally start to be unlocked.

While the Moulder's meanderings were far from the most important mystery, at least as far as scholars were concerned, it too seemed ripe for answers. Those who studied the Moulder's path noted that it was very rigid, but when outside circumstances forced the spider to act, it proved surprisingly intelligent. This odd mix of brainpower and static routine caused no end of headscratching. The Moulder would make small diversions to catch nearby prey or avoid possible predators, and unexpected obstacles that weren't there the day before, such as a fallen tree blocking the path, were easily navigated over or around. But whenever the Moulder's pace was interrupted, it would resume its' patrol at a faster speed until it caught back up to its' proper schedule, arriving at each point of interest at the same time every day like the public transportation of people's dreams.

Today's first unexpected obstacle was a large log lying horizontally across the path. The Moulder came to a cautious stop a dozen feet from it, letting out a chirp as its' pedipalps, the small leglike limbs near its' mouth, rubbed together. This was no ordinary toppled tree. The spider could tell that something was wrong. Its' suspicions were confirmed when the trunk suddenly sprouted legs and rose up off the ground, and a huge insect head emerged from one end of the fallen tree.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 382: Fungus Never Disappoints

Draco pounces on the new Chatzy Madness like Meiling seeing a new cute girl to fall in love with.


Draco: We're making this the new forum banner.


Marbles Sheep: "N Goat: These pretzel sticks are awful"
Marbles Sheep: They really were though.
Marbles Sheep: They really were.
Marbles Sheep gazes silently out the window


Jumpropeman: "Mega Drive's #1 fan."
Jumpropeman: this guy
Jumpropeman: he don't know
Jumpropeman: this tumblr does make me aware of a Lost Episode of Sega Hard Girls though
Jumpropeman: one with Master System in it!
Jumpropeman: sadly it's only in Japanese
Jumpropeman: its also full of rehashed animations from the other episodes :V
Gooper Blooper: pictured: mega drive's actual number one fan
Draco: That guy is obviously lying to himself because I saw this.
Jumpropeman: that's how I found him! But also, I am now following because like, how else will we get the hottest new hard girl fanart besides this dude?
Draco: Good question!
Draco: Draw it yourself, then you'll always know when new art is available.


(Harpy and myself leave Chatzy at the same time)

Draco: Bye Harpy's Friend Goops.
Draco: Bye Goops' Friend Harpy.
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Draco: I'm all alone. ;-;
Jumpropeman: yup
Jumpropeman: Draco's friend Draco
Draco: My ONLY friend.
RubyChao: draco is friends with draco???
Draco: Correct.
Draco: He even follows me on MySpace.


Working from Del: wario's pants remain terrifying


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman congeals

Friday, March 12, 2021

Casting Call

They came from the dark corners of Agama. The criminal elements of this South American region did not seem like much compared to the toxic heights of Olympia in 2019, when The Curse had an iron grip on every aspect of the city's existence, but it has long been a sad truth that no matter where one goes, if enough people gather together, a few bad eggs inevitably try to take advantage of the rest. Agama was no different, and it was here that Mr. Hippo would plant his flag and rebuild The Curse into a group worth defending again.

The fact that he was holding official tryouts with papers tacked up on local stores' bulletin boards and a big 'VILLAINS WELCOME' sign outside the office building he'd rented for interviews meant that he was attracting only a certain type of evil, though.

Not that Mr. Hippo minded. These were his people.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 381: The Empire Of Michigan

RubyChao: which ZFRP plot is this
Jumpropeman: Forearms Gang
Jumpropeman: aka the junction point that formed MALP :V
RubyChao: are you ready for me to bring in MALP kotohime as a tragic woman who lost sight of her way and became as bad as the MALP themselves
Jumpropeman: Grand Moff Kotohime of Admiral James's galactic navy
Draco: You found me out. The real reason I've been doing all this X-Wing stuff is to set up pictures of MALP Empress Sasami leading a fleet of organic Star Destroyers to invade Appalachia.
Jumpropeman: APPALACHIA?! You've gone too far!
Draco: That's right. She even used an app to decipher the nuclear launch codes instead of hunting down ten random zombies like Todd Howard intended!
RubyChao: look, we even have colors for her
Draco: It's like Dragon Balls except there's ten, you can only wish to launch a nuclear missile, and you can decipher Porunga's passcode from a website instead of needing to speak Namekian.
Jumpropeman: those aint cuffs!
Draco: Yeah, but she's waving it around like a dork. Even Sumi takes her 3D printed gun seriously.
RubyChao: you got me, jrm
RubyChao: that's the Negahime
RubyChao: she's just disguised as Kotohime


Jumpropeman: dog toy or furry bait?
Harpyathome: vore bait.
Harpyathome: *cursed words*
Harpyathome: seriously though, i have 0 idea.
pizza o’ clock: Whut
Harpyathome: chat's cursed.
MobileDraco joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi seX
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: "drac" with your fingers one key to the left is interesting
RubyChao: is this a proposition for him?
snowvel: oh my
MobileDraco: Sorry, JRM. No seX for me.


Gooper Blooper: got some new stuff today, so here's some pics
Harpyathome: oooo
Gooper Blooper: The battle intensifies
Harpyathome: charmander's fucking dead
Gooper Blooper: Who will win the legendary showdown? WHO WILL BE LEFT STANDING?! WHO WILL-
Gooper Blooper: wait a minute
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: that's how you know she's truly ruined
MobileDraco: She's made it big. 😉
Gooper Blooper: coven blogpost reminded me of my witchy plans and here we are

Friday, February 12, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 380: Elf Bowling The Movie

RubyChao: "But, she is really fun to RP, although I still don't get the intense interest with her. Like, she's super fun, but, I mean, what's so special about her? The design? The attitude?"
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: six years later
RubyChao: have you gotten it yet?
Jumpropeman: free me from this shimmer curse- I mean, no, yeah, she's pretty cool


Jumpropeman: gooper's blog got revamped for the setting I see!
RubyChao: yep!
Gooper Blooper: Yes, I always revamp the blog when we move to a new setting!
Gooper Blooper: It has previously changed appearances for Vegas, Kuwahawi, and Olympia
RubyChao: i look forward to you finding a good appearance for our next setting after agama:
RubyChao: Generic Featureless Plain
RubyChao: empty, textureless expanse for miles and miles
RubyChao: except for the bar counter that's sitting in the middle
RubyChao: not a bar building. just the counter.
Gooper Blooper: oh hell yeah, finally, a place where we can be all................ A L O N E
Jumpropeman: alternatively, everyone is shrunk down on the next setting and everything takes place on top of Waluigi's nose
Draco: I admittedly had to threaten Goops with possible violence or pouting if he removed Gloria.
Jumpropeman: so gooper's background is just an extremely zoomed in image of waluigi
Gooper Blooper: I remember the Gloria Riot
Gooper Blooper: she was placed back on her prominent sidebar spot after much outcry
Jumpropeman petitions for a Rachel sidebar
RubyChao: oh sure
RubyChao: rachel sidebar, dolby sidebar, gloria sidebar
RubyChao: but no sumi sidebar...
Draco: Nobody likes Sumi. BI


Draco: When Season 12 ends and we leave Agama, please visit Silvania's new venture in the underwater city, the Bigger Shirt Store, specializing in shirts that are bigger than the one you're currently wearing.
Jumpropeman: I don't think Silvania has seen how big my shirt is 😏
Draco: Please don't leave her a 2-star Yelp review, Mr. T-Shirt Wearing Man. D:
Jumpropeman: my t-shirts are used as parachutes for the space shuttle, they're that big
Draco: Oh! Well, she's got a Craig Stadler t-shirt in that size, but it's pre-Saturn Craig.
Jumpropeman: when I wear them I just kinda pile them atop me
Draco: Smart. The layers will protect you when IRL Shimmer finds you and tries to zap you.
Jumpropeman: I'm safe from irl Shimmer. She still hasn't figured out how to use a map
Draco: Clever.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Every Witch Way

The mansion was located some distance away from the main city of Agama. One of the canals had a natural branch connected to it formed by nature's wear rather than the hands of the populace, and if you followed that little branch along a winding dirt path, stooping under low-hanging tree branches and tromping across a weathered old wooden walkway that stretched across the river, you would eventually come across the mansion in a clearing in the jungle. Surrounded by tall trees and difficult to see from any distance outside of the clearing, the old building was nonetheless full of life if the lights in the windows and shadows flickering across them were any indication.

"This mansion was built 220 or so years ago, at the end of the 18th century. It's been renovated a few times, but when The Coven got to it, it hadn't been touched in years. We didn't even have electricity until we got some crystal generators hooked up!"

Momopie had been babbling a mile a minute since the three witches had started on their walk. Behind her trailed Megumin, half paying attention to her friend's words in favor of taking in her surroundings. Bringing up the rear was Missy, who was munching on a granola bar she'd pulled from her overstuffed "Midnight Store" branded backpack.

"So according to our research, the original owner of this mansion was the last of a bloodline that had once been in high standing in Europe. They'd hobnobbed with royalty and acquired many riches! But over time, the kings and queens and other well-to-do folks retired or died and the next generation came into power, and the influence of the family declined as the new rulers were less interested in what they had to say. Eventually the line was whittled down to one eccentric old man, and so he became a recluse."

"Really. And what was this guy's name?" Megumin asked.

"Ehhh, I think it was Don Huxtable or something? I didn't pay much attention to that part."

"You seem to know the rest well enough."

"People are more interesting than their names." Momopie chirped as the three girls reached the entrance to the mansion. "So anyway, this Yon Yonson guy had no kids or descendants or living relatives at all, so he had this mansion built and then spent the rest of his life using what he had left on him to collect stuff. He gathered together things from all over the world and made what people back then liked to call a 'cabinet of curiosities'. Rich adventurer types liked to make them to show off their worldliness."

"Wait a second, wait a second." Megumin waved a hand, Momopie turning curiously. "I thought Agama was only recently re-discovered and hasn't invited tourists in ages. How'd this guy know where Agama was?"

"That's the strangest part!" Momopie grinned. "He didn't! This mansion was built in Europe."


"Two decades after it was finished, the mansion vanished from where it was built. Only a large hole in the ground remained. Nobody outside of Agama knew it had shown up here until The Coven researched it and worked out the place's history."

"But how could that have possibly happened?!" Megumin exclaimed, scratching under her hat while Missy, enraptured, inhaled another granola bar.

Momopie just shrugged. "We don't know! But it was probably some kind of lost magic spell. It just made the mansion even better for us as a meeting place, no?"

Megumin looked up at the mansion, towering over her and the other girls. Suddenly the building seemed to take on an ever-more ominous tone. She could have sworn she heard an owl hooting, even though it was a cloudy afternoon and she was PRETTY sure owls didn't live in Agama.

"Anyway, let's head on in! I can't wait to introduce you to everyone!" Momopie knocked on the door, which then opened a crack. An echoing, metallic voice solemnly called out.

"Who goes there."

Momopie leaned in and smirked as she answered with "Momopie! I got the two new recruits I picked up at Olympia with me!"

"Entry accepted. Welcome back, Momopie. Welcome, new members." The door swung open, and as light spilled into the mansion, the girls could see that the speaker was what appeared to be a tall suit of armor... and it didn't seem as if anyone was inside.

"Thanks, Armory." Momopie giggled as the witches slipped inside.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 379: Stadler Ni Chousen

Jumpropeman: saw this cereal box on top of the fridge today
Jumpropeman: I don't like how it looks like Toucan Sam is one of those photoshopped birds with arms
Jumpropeman: they're usually wings that have feather form fingers
Jumpropeman: but here they're human arms turned blue
Jumpropeman: to compare
Jumpropeman: admittedly other images of mr. sam show the wings-to-arms better but I figure at least show something closer to what they're going for
Mid Sheep: What have they done to Toucan Sam
Mid Sheep: a play in two acts


The Deleter: Finally picked Pokémon sword back up
The Deleter: Spikemuth looks like how I remember Nottingham :U


Hooded Pitohui: Ma
Hooded Pitohui: yu
Hooded Pitohui: mi
RubyChao: it begins
Hooded Pitohui: (that's all for now, picture wise)
RubyChao: folks i have been hearing about this girl for a month
RubyChao: now
RubyChao: it is your turn.
Gooper Blooper: I enjoyed how at the end of his blogpost he just started overflowing with hype
Hooded Pitohui: This girl! I can't even tell you! Chao linked me one (1) remix of her theme for completely unrelated reasons to her specifically - this one specifically (warning, it's kind of loud)
Gooper Blooper: My first exposure to her was earlier last year, when Harpy linked HANIPAGANDA- there it is
Gooper Blooper: it definitely made a strong first impression
Mid Sheep sees Random Cute Girl shattered
Mid Sheep: Okay, NOW I'm interested
Hooded Pitohui: And then after a few weeks, months, I forget, he links this one
Hooded Pitohui: And from there my mind goes off as I research this girl and ideas for her start clicking rapid-fire, everything new I learn about her incorporating seamlessly
Gooper Blooper: She's made of clay, Sheep
Gooper Blooper: Just like Carla's new bod, since they're from the same lady
Mid Sheep: I don't hate what I'm seeing of this character
Mid Sheep: As Some Hat Girl Sans Hat, she's setting a high bar
Gooper Blooper: she leads her army of gyroids and needle-less cactaurs into battle
Hooded Pitohui: Into giving her a new spin, building an idea for a character rooted in what we know about her but also on its own two feet
Hooded Pitohui: Sheep! Finding out she's made of clay, seeing all the art of her shattering in part, it was all a grand trip, let me tell you
RubyChao: reminder
Gooper Blooper: Sheep definitely likes it when the cute girls aren't just cute girls
RubyChao: pitohui took the touhou sorter like what
Gooper Blooper: he's a fan of Dolby
RubyChao: two weeks after i linked the second theme to him?
RubyChao: and she was second
OOPS ALL CATS: keiki be like :o
Hooded Pitohui: She has some wonderful potential in the strange ways, this Haniwa Lance Corporal as they call her
RubyChao: out of all touhous
RubyChao: this has been building ridiculously fast and high
Gooper Blooper: The sorter was our first time seeing the love
Draco: What if...the cute girl...was also...A FIRE FIGHTER?
RubyChao: sanae making ends meet
Gooper Blooper: I expected "lel first place is a birb" but this was the big surprise
Mid Sheep: I have high hopes, Mr, Pitohui
RubyChao: i'm honestly surprised he managed to wait this long to finally do this
Mid Sheep: High hopes.
Gooper Blooper: on it, draco
Hooded Pitohui: On one hand, I don't want to go into all the specifics when it comes to the plans for her, but, goodness, she's so cute, such a dork in the best way but also this serious girl who ascribes importance to history and what's been discarded and forgotten
Gooper Blooper: oh hey, well if that ain't just PERFECT for Agama
OOPS ALL CATS: gotta wait til things are confirmed right?
OOPS ALL CATS: *cries in tanuki*
Gooper Blooper: considering almost everyone seems to converging on "ARCHAEOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY" for Agama plans
Draco: Thank you, Goops. You're a hero.
Draco: Wait, we're doing ARCHAEOLOGY? I thought we were all doing ARACHNOLOGY!!! *cancels The Spiders*
RubyChao: i sure am!
Mid Sheep: I'm torn between Dmitri and Marlow Briggs for Agama...
Gooper Blooper: don't cancel the spiders
Gooper Blooper: I have A Lot Of Spiders planned for Agama
Gooper Blooper: potentially an entire event filled with them
Gooper Blooper: spiders everywhere
OOPS ALL CATS: oh boy, tori can bring her electric spider?!?!?
Mid Sheep: Return of the Visorak
Mid Sheep: Prep your h and k keys!
Gooper Blooper flings Cordie into the jungle
Draco: Very well. I shall bring back...The Spiders.
Draco: *reveals that the entire hotel staff is Spiders, even the ones RP'd by other users*

Monday, January 11, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 378: A Fine Dinner Of Air

 (Re: the lone Rocket Grunt in Kanto in Pokemon GSC)

Miao: Chanda woulda just whooped that rocket's ass without a pokemon battle
Miao: "defeat me, you must, to find the truth!"
Miao: Chanda takes out her wrench, adjusts it so the middle part spews out flames
Miao: "Keep wastin' my time and see what happens, punk."
Miao: grabs him, points the flames towards him
Miao: she takes power grid repairs seriously


Jumpropeman: radical!
Draco: I'm pretty sure it's canon.
Jumpropeman: that is how Clownpiece will win Blood Ball (which is Blood Bowl with baskets)
Draco: Double canon.


Midnight Sheep: "Earl, a rotund yellow alien wearing shorts and shades but no shirt to speak of"
Midnight Sheep: And yet, to speak of the lack of a thing...
Midnight Sheep: Is that not to speak of the thing itself?


(JRM is playing Yakuza, on the hunt for an infamous minigame...)

Jumpropeman: you know I'm looking for that karoake game
RubyChao: jrm; the karoke place is over in the lower right area of Kamurocho
RubyChao: iirc it's on the rightmost of the main vertical streets
Jumpropeman: ah good! I am close by!
Jumpropeman is stopped by a Palm Reader substory
Jumpropeman: karaoke will have to wait
RubyChao: the most Kobber thing about Kiryu
RubyChao: is that every time he just plans to go around town he gets into a variety of wacky situations and also fights
Miao!: noticed that when i moved my routine to the working bathroom on the other side of the house
Miao!: i
Miao!: stopped doing those
Miao!: i need to move them back, the facial stuff at least
RubyChao: for a second, harpy
RubyChao: i thought you meant that every time you crossed the house you got into a variety of wacky situations
Miao!: if that happened every time i'd probably have high blood pressure issues
Miao!: or cry because of sad MAGIC stuff
Miao!: or something


Jumpropeman plays darts drunk in Yakuza
Jumpropeman: how did I lose
festivel: don't drink and dart


Jumpropeman: "Substory 47: Crisis on the Crapper"
Jumpropeman: alright yakuza
Miao?: getting those corpse party elements in there
Jumpropeman: time to show me how bathroom problems become a street brawl
RubyChao: jrm has gradually been learning one of the most satisfying things about yakuza
RubyChao: that being
RubyChao: if you meet a jerk, 99 times out of 100 they will eventually challenge Kiryu to a fight
RubyChao: solely so that you can enjoy throwing them around
Jumpropeman roped into Pocket Circuit car races before I can even finish bathroom quest
Gooper Blooper: oh god, Sidequest Pileup
RubyChao: that's also yakuza in a nutshell
RubyChao: you will have all sorts of side things available at any given time
RubyChao: that's why there's a postgame mode of just "run around and do the stuff"
Jumpropeman: the funny thing is
Jumpropeman: for bathroom quest
Jumpropeman: I just had to walk like ten feet to the left to get to the item box
Jumpropeman: but even that got interrupted :V


RubyChao: i like how
RubyChao: even if jrm tells me which chapter of yakuza kiwami he's on
RubyChao: i have no idea how far along he'll be
RubyChao: as in how close to the end
RubyChao: because who knows how much side content he'll bump into
Jumpropeman: chao, it is very important I get this plush sparrow in the crane game! the crime family drama can wait!
Miao?: oh geez
Gooper Blooper: From the sound of it he could finish Yakuza in twenty minutes if he didn't keep getting roped into bumper cars and javelina herding minigames
RubyChao: that's pretty accurate
Miao?: that sound like real sidequests and i want them
RubyChao: don't forget bumping into majima
Jumpropeman: i'd probably not care about the sidestories and amusements if they weren't so entertaining


Draco: Controversial Opinion: VTubers