Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 375: Alfred Hitchcock, Original Shitposter

 Jumpropeman: new bartender?
Draco: Heck....that's way better than mine. D:
Jumpropeman: I don't see yours doing midair splits BI
Draco: No, this is true. :(
Draco: And look at that bar! So clean!


Jumpropeman: "Appearance
Blond mohawk (A Goofy Movie), buzzcut (An Extremely Goofy Movie), sunglasses, necklace with a gold triangle, ear piercing, white T-shirt (green in "An Extremely Goofy Movie"), shorts (pants in "An Extremely Goofy Movie"), and sandals (shoes in "An Extremely Goofy Movie")"

Jumpropeman: disney wiki on point with Bobby's wardrobe


Hooded Pitohui: My PROPS to JRM, for being a fellow willing to genuinely come back after a highly active season and writing 100 Fites to put forth the effort needed to give a living piece of candy a well-written, respectful death.
Jumpropeman: thank you pitohui! I must have tapped a vein too personal while writing this because it got me to tears
Hooded Pitohui: You made me tear up a little, too, so it's not just you, though I'm a sentimentalist anyways. You really gave this fellow a fitting ending.
Draco: My goodness, what an emotional scene! ;o;
Hooded Pitohui: srspost - which, unless JRM has a surprise in store, I think wraps it up
Hooded Pitohui: My thanks to you, JRM, for this epilogue!
Jumpropeman: thank you pitohui. The scene was about Yellow, but it was for Hermes
Hooded Pitohui: It was, truly! I'm glad to say that, after all of this, Hermes and Kino will be back in S11, hopefully with the both of them getting more individual moments and chances to play off of other characters.
Jumpropeman: oh! That's good to hear!
RubyChao: god fucking dammit you two
RubyChao: you made a legitimately strongly emotional scene out of a living piece of candy and a talking motorcycle
RubyChao: zfrp at its finest
Jumpropeman: it's not about what they are chao, but who they are
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Sumalee: was reading this epilogue before i came back in here and
Sumalee: i'm crying over a peanut m&m...
Jumpropeman: me too harp
Sumalee: you've seen crying over an old lady and a hermit crab, now witness crying over a talking motorcycle and an m&m!
Gooper Blooper: he approached the sound barrier, harpy
Gooper Blooper: he did it.
Sumalee: you've ruined this meme and it hurts my heart
Draco: I gotta step up my game. You're next, Bag of Chips.
Gooper Blooper: and hermes will cast his gaze into the sky, see his friend among the stars, and say
Gooper Blooper: "look, a nut"
Sumalee: i'm glad i swallowed my coffee.
RubyChao: that's what happened to me too, harpy
RubyChao: the meme just isn't the same...
Sumalee: this meme... is sacred.
Sumalee: i'm glad i experienced this very epilogue without distractions.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 374: Throw The Butt Casually

(Re: Halloween costumes)

LaptopDraco: Nobody is going to react to DeMonde telling Gale she has to dress up as a Nintendo thing tomorrow? jk
Jumpropeman: Game Gear walks in as a Game Boy Advance
LaptopDraco: Perfect! :V
Jumpropeman: Master System dresses as the Virtual Boy too
Jumpropeman: mostly because she wants to be ignored
LaptopDraco: Too late. She appeared and had dialogue. We love her now.


LaptopDraco: "You've got such a handsome forehead, Ravio! I'd like to see it more often~" <- Saturn's disgusting fetish emerges at last. jk
Jumpropeman: Saturn loves to flirt but is unsure how to confront the idea of being in an actual relationship!


RubyChao: i am going to Crash
RubyChao: just
RubyChao: megaflop
RubyChao: right after halloween rp
RubyChao: and then i can do things like epilogues!
RubyChao: but first, flopping.


Muffet Sheep gears grinding
Muffet Sheep: Darn, I meant to have the raccoons take bets on the fites
Muffet Sheep: oh well
Jumpropeman: well when they all end in friendship no one will get a prize
LaptopDraco: Hey, still time for it. We've got...by generous estimates...six hours?
LaptopDraco: Maybe nine
Muffet Sheep posts BK doing a backflip
LaptopDraco: Perfect!
LaptopDraco: And he backflips all the way to Agama.
Muffet Sheep: BK will not be coming to Agama
LaptopDraco: Agama will be coming to BK?! 8D
Muffet Sheep: We'll see if I hold to it, but I'm intending to cut down on appearances from prior character hanger-ons in Agama next year
LaptopDraco: Oh no! I thought Blanket was a shoo-in for a return!


The Bree joined the chat
The Bree: hi!
The Bree: frands <3
Jumpropeman: hello bree!
Jumpropeman: happy hallowbreen
The Bree: ah, my favorite day of the yearrr
The Bree: that inexplicable 24-hour period where you can... poke komachi in the tum and hear her make the sound like the pillsbury doughboy!
The Bree: no, wait, that's my second favorite. oh right, the one where everyone in RP wears nifty costumes and goes spoop in the night!
Muffet Sheep: I don't remember that holiday...
The Bree: speaking of nifty, what's niftu
Muffet Sheep: A potato
The Bree: *inb4 niftu's costume is "a god damn nap" like hina's*
The Bree: potato also very appropriate!
Jumpropeman: sheep beat me to it
Muffet Sheep: The Elcor has gone as a sumo table
Jumpropeman: i should just have sheep do my costumes
Jumpropeman: he's 2 for 2!


The Bree: was googling to doublecheck spelling of "schwarzenegger" (like, AHNOLD) but accidentally portmanteau'd it with terminator, typed "schwarzenator"
harpy: nailed it