Friday, September 25, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 371: Pelswick RP Rises Again

Meticulous Sheep: Plots were a mistake.
Meticulous Sheep grumbles in the post mines


Jumpropeman: "Look for a lizard with a big... smile" is that what they call it
Meticulous Sheep: I swear, Blanket was just trying to find a nicer way to say Maya has a face that's mostly mouth!


SalvagerDraco: link
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Meticulous Sheep: A very specific message
SalvagerDraco: Emma Drachen defeats Deathborn on Reddit.


Jumpropeman: follow up on burning Woodsy Owl to ashes: someone made a catchy tune about it
Jumpropeman: sadly, I have not found any clips of Woodsy being burned as of yet
SteelKomodo: only a matter of time though :P


Meticulous Sheep: "Let me remind you that the Green Hell Zone has existed for less than a decade"
Meticulous Sheep: An excellent point!
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I wasn't gonna let the Forgotlings go all "OUR ANCIENT 2016 CULTURE, OUR PRECIOUS 2015 ARTIFACTS"
RubyChao: hey hey hey goops
RubyChao: hey
RubyChao: do NOT diss the cultural significant and heritage of Be Cool Scooby-Doo
Gooper Blooper preciously cradles a Norm Of The North DVD
Gooper Blooper: ancient tales of the ancestors
Draco: wao
Jumpropeman: dang &oomers
Meticulous Sheep: GHZoomers


Jumpropeman: one thing I enjoy about looking up reviews for games I've reviewed
Jumpropeman: is reading people say like "Fishing Derby for Atari 2600 has better animation than a Saturday morning cartoon"
Gooper Blooper: Hahaha yeah contemporary reviews are a great time capsule
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: truly warner brothers quality
Jumpropeman: this puts Care Bears to shame
Jumpropeman: also spoilers for a review you'll see in like December
Jumpropeman: get hype for that Fishing Derby review!
Gooper Blooper: I haven't been this excited since Waku Waku Sweets!


Jumpropeman: "rarr and stuff..."
Jumpropeman: "Stoooop"
Jumpropeman: now this gorgo is scary but not for the right reasons
Gooper Blooper: gorgo 2021?
Jumpropeman: bitch you know i might
Draco: Not if I Gorgo first! >:U
Draco makes Gorgo a Salvager.


Jumpropeman: 🌚

Friday, September 11, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 370: Incinerated Beyond All Recognition

Derpderp: *puts saturn hype away*
Derpderp: *throws troy in the dumpster*
Derpderp: i sleep


Mystified Sheep: Gotta stop doing plots...
Mystified Sheep grumble complain moan
Jumpropeman: that's what we tell ourselves isn't it
Jumpropeman: I said I'd never megaplot again


Jumpropeman: "You play a boy in his puberty"
Jumpropeman: no
Jumpropeman: no I do not


Jumpropeman: might add people in the eventual srs depending on the situation
Jumpropeman: *nails a big NO SATURN TODAY sign over the plot*
RubyChao: :(
Draco: Guess nobody's attending then. :I
RubyChao: can't believe you'd deny us saturn rescuing the shirtless hunk
Jumpropeman: he never called
Draco: How do you know? Maybe he had an X-Large with Sausage and Mushrooms.
Jumpropeman: "constantly sarcastic and aloof, but if someone is trying to be funny, she can't help but chime in. Compliments embarrass her. She tries to act tough"
Jumpropeman: this is what the hard girls game pretends Saturn is
Jumpropeman: even though she doesn't act that way in the game V:
Draco: It's why she didn't appear in RP until the other Hard Girls. She forgot she wasn't actually constantly sarcastic and aloof.
RubyChao: remind me
RubyChao: did she have... any of those traits in the game
Jumpropeman: the only moment she has shown personality is when in battle she says "The headliner has arrived!" in reference to herself
Jumpropeman: everything else is from the same stock as the other hard girls save game gear who is actually lazy
RubyChao: i think the problem is what harpy mentioned
RubyChao: they're collectively playing the straight men to the wacky antics of the nepcrew (plus iffy and segami)
RubyChao: game gear gets off easy because nepgear was the straight man of the nepcrew to begin with
Jumpropeman: it's strange because you'd think the nepcrew were being used to draw attention to the hard girls, not the other way around
RubyChao: i know, right?


Draco: New office assistant.
Jumpropeman: garsp!
Jumpropeman: finally someone to keep that yohane in check!
Draco: Her photo gimmick will be bags of chips.
Draco: Haunted Sanae doll eats your Scoritos, drinks your Mt. Dufe, and beats your Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix high score.


Bree: did the zeldofamily name their nobu "pudge"?
Draco: Yes.
Draco: Because I couldn't think of a better nickname for a Nobu who is basically now their housecat.
Bree: excellent
Bree: fat nobu is a fun mental image :V
Bree: (I'm only assuming pudge is fat but I mean...)
Jumpropeman: Fat Nobu is ball shaped
Jumpropeman: put her in a cannon for the next nobu war
Gooper Blooper: This, but a nobu
Draco: (She'd be nicknamed Slim if she weren't, Bree.)


Draco: Goops drew me a thing.
Bree: I love it XD
Hooded Pitohui: And a very good thing, he drew. That's a cute pudgy Nobu!
Bree: let's get him to draw all 200 nobus
Draco: I'm sure he'll be excited. ;p
Brinehammer: That's fantastic =3
Draco: It's canon. She wears PJs and her hat and plays Nintendo all day.