Friday, August 28, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 369: Betty Keeps Poking The Dirt

Draco: Fortunately, Clownpiece has a few of Hecatia's shirts that'll fit Claire after she's rescued.
Cornwind Evil: Portmanteau aside, I don't see the Clownpiece/Claire thing as romantic
Jumpropeman: especially not after she sees Hecatia's shirts


pizza o’ clock: In which a stocking plushie says rude things
Jumpropeman: does she drink all my pepsi too?
Draco: AH! After ten-thousand years, I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!
pizza o’ clock: no but she eats all your pudding
Cornwind Evil: Jumpropeman, Draco's escaped
Cornwind Evil: Recruit a team of RPers with attitude
Jumpropeman: *uses too much pink energy to do so*
Ghengis Jenga: And then jrm got a pretty cool side story in the comics
Jumpropeman: phrase I thought up but have no use for: "like a tornado with tits"
pizza o’ clock: So stocking? :U
pizza o’ clock: found it
Jumpropeman: you have my blessing to use it when appropriate
pizza o’ clock: Haunted stocking plushie that eats all your pudding and tells you to fuck off
pizza o’ clock: Also will do :P
pizza o’ clock: haunted panty plush that [REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED]


Cornwind Evil: Coulda sworn Koa was thiccer
Jumpropeman: like any touhou, her proportions vary wildly
Draco: Yeah, well, I'm not an artist and have to take whatever fancy outfit pictures of her I can get. :V
Jumpropeman: reminder that this is Meiling's official art
Cornwind Evil: Because Zun is not the very best artist
Cornwind Evil: He basically puts down the outline and the fan artists do the rest
RubyChao: on both art AND personality


Draco: Guys...I might donate my car to Kars4Kids.
Jumpropeman: YOU FOOL
Jumpropeman: they can't even drive them!
Draco: NANI?
Draco: Then why do they need cars?! D:<
Jumpropeman: to run 'em over BI


Jumpropeman: far as I know, Saturn is the only Hard Girl with a "sexy" statue variant
RubyChao: damn
RubyChao: that's sexy!
Draco: Nice.
ivel: the others don't need it to be a variant?
Jumpropeman: she's outta here


Bree: juan might be caprice's speed, idk
Harpy: juan's full of dad jokes
Bree: caprice secretly thinks that
Bree: kennedy wilson
Bree: is cute
Bree: (because he is, have you seen him, meow)
Jumpropeman: juan's a good man
Jumpropeman: a fine, sturdy man!
Jumpropeman: *spanks juan*
Jumpropeman: good stock!
Bree: o mai

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 368: Somebooioop Once Told Me

Jumpropeman: new desktop wallpaper y/n
Draco: Fred dabbing or the screenshot?
Bree: new forum avatar
Jumpropeman: the screenshot
Jumpropeman: it would be cruel to pick just one
Draco: Answer: yes.
Jumpropeman: I appreciate that wilma is the only one dabbing in a different direction
Draco: Til dab do they part.
Jumpropeman: I can't post a screenshot of my desktop because it's spoiler city
Jumpropeman: the spoiler being that dabbing Fred Flintstone is the secret boss of the Salvagers
Bree: you keep spoilers on your desktop?
Bree: I keep my spoilers in my chao
Bree: I said, making a joke and hoping that chao gets the joke
RubyChao: i can confirm i am a Spoiler Storage Unit
Jumpropeman: I bet chao keeps open tabs for his spoiler storage
Draco: Yeah, Chao asks me for plot spoilers sometimes, like how Yohane is going to use a TE pill to destroy Don Karnage or how Sanae is going to fist fight the moon.
RubyChao: i don't
RubyChao: that eats memory
RubyChao: i use notepad files
Bree: chao keeps open tabs because he believes all tabs should be open
Bree: he's a staunch activist for free-range tabs
Draco: Does he yodel to get more tabs?
RubyChao: not that you know of
Bree: no, his parents asked him not to
RubyChao: that's illegal, after all
Bree: he lures the tabs with free books
Draco: Gasp!
Bree: yeah he's caught like eleven tabs of patchouli fanart
Bree: the bait's really effective on 'em


Draco: I found this trying to find something more sinister but I want to find a use for it in RP.


Magnified Sheep screaming into the night as he tries to make the planets converge and create a plot event


pizza o’ clock: I don’t think I have a salvager character
Ghengis Jenga: It's chick and stew isn't it sk :U
pizza o’ clock: FAKE NEWS
Gooper Blooper: No no
Gooper Blooper: It's only ONE of them
Gooper Blooper: for drama
RubyChao: i've got it
RubyChao: Chick is a Salvager
RubyChao: but Stew
RubyChao: is Dark Matter
Draco: My Salvager is Claire, because Clownpiece is keeping her.
Gooper Blooper: Stew is just Chick's Dark Star counterpart

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 367: BLA STO

Marten Sheep: how do I keep from entering Motormer into a race he might actually do well in...
Marten Sheep enters Basu on foot
Marten Sheep: perfect


Season1Draco: Read Chatzy Madness, tempted to try writing some rhyming dirty talk for Big Bobby and Panty later.
SteelKomodo: DRACO PLS
Del: i forbid
Del: veto
Del: veto!!!
Season1Draco: Veto the veto? Okay.


Must Sheep: "Marten Sheep: "Jumpropeman: you know what stinks"
Marten Sheep: boiled cabbage"
Must Sheep: This was not worth being in a Chatzy Madness
Must Sheep: I demand better jokes
Must Sheep: From me :I
ANCHOR SHOT: Sheep telling himself to git gud


Must Sheep: "Something almost seemed to...inhale."
Must Sheep: FREDDY HELP!
Del: let me guess
Del: you want me
Del: to go find your fucking head
Cornwind Evil: "no i know where it is the lord shoved it up your fucking ass."
Must Sheep: FREDDY!
Cornwind Evil: "no he did-"
Cornwind Evil: -The Lord shoves Bonnie's head up Freddy's ass-


Jumpropeman: new drink for the bar menu
Ghengis Jenga: Oh no
Ghengis Jenga: Airport Juice
Jumpropeman: you were so caught up in what you were doing you forgot all about it