Saturday, February 15, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 358: Hit Da Button To Hit Da Bawl

RubyChao: so remember how we had oak's alolan form?
RubyChao: we have his mega evolution too
Jumpropeman: oh my giggles
Jumpropeman: they're out of control
Mluh Sheep: Oak became a DJ?!
Jumpropeman: the grand kai comparison in the comments is great
Jumpropeman: we really deserved more Grand Kai
Jumpropeman: JRM says, surprising no one
RubyChao: oh, jrm
RubyChao: i already know he's in your future folder
Jumpropeman: maybe I can repurpose the desi- please chao, I'm not THAT transparent


Jumpropeman: WOOF WOOF
Mluh Sheep: WOOF WOOF
Boop: boof
Boop: bork
Mluh Sheep: Well, I thought that was pretty good, all in all
Jumpropeman: I do appreciate the show balancing harley's in-depth character development and serious moments with its absurd jokes and reveling in violence
Boop: i understand nothing and yet want to be included into this elaborate ritual-
Mluh Sheep: There's a dog that barks at the end of the end credits, Harpy
Jumpropeman: barks is being charitable
Jumpropeman: the dog literally says WOOF WOOF in I think Harley Quinn's voice
Mluh Sheep: It's definitely Harley
Boop: i can't believe harley is a bulldog fan-
Mluh Sheep: Chatzy Madness: (JRM and Sheep post WOOF WOOF in Chatzy every time they finish watching an episode of Harley Quinn, for reasons I'm sure I would understand if I saw it myself)
Mluh Sheep: Goops giving us a lot of credit here
ivel: and now he'll know
ivel: because SOMEONE spoiled it
Boop: gee, sorry for asking ;V


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Boop: hi goops!
RubyChao: hey goop
Boop: which i accidentally pronounced "joops" in real life and ivel was like "whyYY"
Boop: on accident, mind
Draco: It's Gif, not Gif.
Boop: shut


(Re: Chao doing jury duty)

Jumpropeman: do they wipe your memory if something is stricken from the record?
RubyChao: not that i know of... but how would i remember?
Boop: spoopy
Gooper Blooper: Will you buy citrus merchandise with your jury money
RubyChao: *looks at the upcoming symphogacha*
RubyChao: maybe


Jumpropeman: link


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: B O I P
Brinehammer joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Boiphammer
Brinehammer: I was summoned by the Boip, is everything okay?
Jumpropeman: I think the volume and spacing is out of whack
Brinehammer: Well... Shoot.
Jumpropeman: maybe you should diversify your tool kit beyond the hammer
RubyChao joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi RuboipChao
RubyChao: boip Boipboipboip
Jumpropeman: it's getting worse than I thought D:
Jumpropeman: mr. president
Jumpropeman: prepare the nukes

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 357: We Respect Your Grinch Lust

Jumpropeman: ive been eager for the next madness
Gooper Blooper: because you knew it would have the alvin and the chipmunks wiki in it, right


Jumpropeman: "I really want to find me a woman who gets stuck in tight spaces in Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakquel"
Jumpropeman: put this on my gravestone


Merit Sheep: "12 Games of Christmas: Adolescent Santa Claus"
Merit Sheep dread

iKomodo: Good
iKomodo: Oh dear
iKomodo: much dread
Merit Sheep: I will say
Merit Sheep: JRM's article on it is well constructed though


Jumpropeman: oh yeah cornwind
Jumpropeman: they updated River City Girls to have a marginally better secret ending!
Cornwind Evil: Well stomp on frogs and shove a crowbar up my nose.
Jumpropeman: give me a second, I don't have a crowbar on hand
Gooper Blooper: A+ Garfield reference CW
Cornwind Evil: The fact that GB recognized that reference kinda scares me
Gooper Blooper: It was one of my favorite strips back in the day
Gooper Blooper: Garfield at his most aggressively sarcastic


Jumpropeman: I went to family video again today, place is stripped dry
Jumpropeman: didnt buy anything except ice cream
Jumpropeman: the few games I'd still want to buy left hadn't discounted below 10 bucks
Jumpropeman: the shelves had 1: sports games 2: kinect/playstation move games and 3: Fallout 76 :V
Gooper Blooper: they're happy no one bought their freezer yet so they could still sell ice cream


Bree: snom? snom.
Tori: Appletun is so good
Draco: SNOM


Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: I had forgotten that I had given Dracozolt Gijinka a name
Tori: HAHA
Tori: i’m sorry for your loss