Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 340: The Big Boob Brawl

Jumpropeman: that's a quality xyra picture
Gooper Blooper: I got a folder fulla them
Gooper Blooper: a xyra for every situation
Gooper Blooper: Stay tuned for Xyraplot when Project Scarlett shows up to kill and replace her
IDelneth Delkin: I cant believe the next Xbox is gonna be in zfrp
Bree: meiling's wife is gonna kill xyra and wear her skin?


Bree: "Black Clover - An exotic imports shop selling various knickknacks from far-flung countries, mostly Asian and African. Always smells like incense. Try the magic stones, which they like to call "Magic Stones", for a good luck charm!"
Bree: I hope you portray this store as being as hackneyed as the anime of the same name
Bree: because hina's shop does sell incense and "magic stones" also
Gooper Blooper: in that case it will be such a bad store you have no idea
Bree: yay! XD
N Goat staring into the middle distance
RubyChao: think of it this way, sheep
RubyChao: it could be worse
RubyChao: it could be
RubyChao: Store Art Online


Jumpropeman: aww sugar
Jumpropeman: post lost
Jumpropeman: clicked that very helpful print view option no one would ever use
N Goat: Has everyone been cursed tonight?!
Gooper Blooper: gotta print my RP
N Goat: I'm going to print out my next post and mail it to you guys, okay?
Gooper Blooper: it'll take a national park's worth of trees and enough ink to drain every squidkid in Inkopolis but we'll make it happen

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 339: What, Don't YOU Wear Five Bras?

RubyChao: futo confirmed dumbass
Draco: Futo more like "Fuck you Imma join the Curse" and then next year it's CRP instead of ZFRP.
dork: shes a dumbass because she got a coloring book but no coloring utensils. :|
Cornwind Evil: No no see, Plague lets people buy their own crayons so they can pick out their favorite colors.
dork: should have a bucket fulla crayons on his desk
Cornwind Evil: But those are HIS crayons.
dork: im liking plague too much
dork: i have the plague
dork: I am going to die
Cornwind Evil: I think antibiotics works wonders on that stuff....
RubyChao: watch as Dawn compliments Futo on her expert infiltration like she did with Aura
RubyChao: and then realizes no, Futo is just that dumb


Bree: the most incredible thing has just happened in D&D
RubyChao: go on
Bree: tom's wizard's familiar, a small owl named Bimpnottin
Bree: just killed
Bree: a massive clockwork kraken
Bree: Bimpnottin the owl executed the final blow to this kraken
RubyChao: owltomaton flashbacks
RubyChao: but that's excellent
RubyChao: Owls
RubyChao: (for context in the first big bar brawl the small robot owl Owltomaton killed the deity Shuma-Gorath)
Cornwind Evil: Must have yanked out a crucial part
Bree: also
Bree: our bard's cursed sword polymorphed him into a polar bear
Bree: he now has an intelligence of 2, meaning that, miraculously, the team idiot has gotten stupider
Bree: he's also hungry so ven's ranger is rolling Animal Handling on the bear-bard
Jumpropeman: Owltomaton's reference image was also the clockwork owl from a movie where they fought a kraken


Jumpropeman: goop
Jumpropeman: I played Anime Girl or Bottle?
Gooper Blooper: yessss
Jumpropeman: and I'm sorry to report it's not very good!
Gooper Blooper: :O
Gooper Blooper: Unbelievable! I was sure I'd picked a winner for you this time
Gooper Blooper: one of these days I'll gift JRM a Quality Time
Jumpropeman: well there is a sequel called Anime Girl or Boy?
Jumpropeman: maybe THAT'S the quality time


Jumpropeman: a supposed leak of Pokemon Sword/Shield's pokedex came along and it of course has a billion evolutions for old Pokemon like Dunsparce and the usual suspects
Gooper Blooper: pff, yeah right
Jumpropeman: we're gonna be at Gen 20 and Farfetch'd and Dunsparce will still be single stage