Brinehammer: Full disclosure; I never expected anyone to like Oda at all ;>.>
Yelly McHarpy: sorry brine, you humanized her too much
Yelly McHarpy: its the same trap you fall into every year
Brinehammer: You're not wrong... I just, dang. I meant for her to be a side character, not another main. Confirmed for Brawl though. She's Gotta.
Senior Drrrrrraco: Sorry, Brine, for making her happy.
Brinehammer: I guess I'll live with it :V
Senior Drrrrrraco: I'll make sure DeMonde inevitably betrays General-chan by saying anime isn't real.
Senior Drrrrrraco: It's true, Ivel. Cory in the House didn't actually happen. >=l
ivel: ;;
Dia: kobberfans.jpg
ivel: that is Kaede.png ;U
RubyChao: you are right
RubyChao: that IS kaede
Dia: gacha reward
Gooper Blooper: Dia looking a little bit like Junko
Dia: lacks the aura
Dia: i mean
Gooper Blooper: not enough fluff
Dia: i can fix that :U
Dia: either way she's wearing golden pega wings
Dia: and i keep making saint seiya jokes at ivel in spite of the fact that i know 1% about seiya
Gooper Blooper: of course you only know 1%
Gooper Blooper: but it's the most important 1%
Gooper Blooper: because that one percent is the toughest of the one hundred percents
Dia: KEK
RubyChao: i love how that ikki meme will never die
RubyChao: just thanks to how absurd a phase "strongest of the 100 orphans" is
Gooper Blooper: if we ever get to 100 brawl entrants, keep your eye on ikki