Monday, April 23, 2018



Donuts were the finest food to ever be invented. On this, Officer Patricia Wagon was absolutely certain. She didn't care if cops and donuts was a stereotype - they were delicious, dammit, and nothing would keep her from her daily donut. But as she finished eating her treat and washed it down with a sip of black coffee, her eyes drifted over her mug to the girl sitting across from her nibbling worriedly on a toaster pastry with one hand while scanning the Hoku Lewa Times newspaper she clutched in her other hand. The girl looked like an overwound toy, ready to snap if the slightest thing went wrong... even though so far things had been smooth sailing.

Of course, Patty suspected she knew why.

"Are you going to be ready for this?"

"AAAGH!" Denise Marmalade flung her newspaper into the air in a panic, though she miraculously didn't throw her pop-tart. "What?! Now?! OKAY!" She opened her mouth wide-

"Wait, wait, hold on-"

Denise promptly shoved the entire rest of her pop-tart into her mouth, and promptly began choking on it. Patty groaned, put down her coffee, and slipped behind her coworker for the Heimlich maneuver. Once the artificial incident was over with, Patty spun Denise around and put her hands firmly on her shoulders.

"You're too tense, Denise. You need to calm down."

"B-but the kobbers are coming! They're coming in less than ten days! Some of them are already HERE!"

"I know. And there will be incidents, and there will be trouble, and there will be stress. I get it. But you have to take it easy and not act like it's the end of the world. This happens every year! I've read all about it, Browny's told me stories, it's crazy compared to other places but here it's nothing new. So just try and take it one day at a time, alright?"

"A... a-alright. Thanks, Officer Wagon."

"Please. We're coworkers!" Patricia patted Denise on the shoulder and gave her a friendly smile. "Call me Patty."

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 313: Former Tertiary Antagonist

M Sheep: Suddenly, all the dog barking
M Sheep: turned out to be nothing
M Sheep: What a surprise.


Phone: The Big Bar Bawl, where competing' characters compare backstories for the darkest and/or saddest. Winner gets 1 year free therapy and drinks.
Brinehammer: At last, my time has come Again
Gooper Blooper: the triumphant return of Antoinette


Jumpropeman: really powerful knockoff board games
Jumpropeman: plus my favorite star wars film
Gooper Blooper: holds 12 space figures
Typos quietly tapes Babbo from MAR onto the end of JRM's character profiles and returns to Brine's lurk corner


MobileDrac: Hello. I think I've gone insane.
PalaModo: Oh no D:
PalaModo: what is wrong?
MobileDrac: I keep watching awful Globgogabgalab meme videos.
PalaModo: Why do you do this to yourself
MobileDrac: Losing X-Wing last night has left me a bitter self-loathing shell of my former self. Or something.


Nintendy: That is... entirely too much fun to read aloud, Chao.
Gooper Blooper: apocalypse beanie
Draco: I might have one of those somewhere.
M Sheep: Sounds like an article of clothing a universal concept/hipster would wear
RubyChao: i should read about the beanie bubble

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 312: I Despise Wednesdays

Cornwind Evil: There was some point I wanted to raise to Sheep
Cornwind Evil: But I forgot
Draco: Was it your memory issues?
RubyChao: here's a point
RubyChao stabs Sheep to death
Draco: 😱
Cornwind Evil: Well Chao now you have to be prime sufferer of bad comics
Draco: But who will RP Junko now?
Gooper Blooper: I will
Draco: Awesome! :3
M Sheep: I guess I really got
M Sheep: the point
M Sheep: haha
Cornwind Evil: Knife pun, Sheep
M Sheep coughs
M Sheep: ...ha
Draco: You're a sharp one, Cornwind.
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna have to cut these puns short
Draco: No need to be on edge, JRM.


Jumpropeman: ...why is the background touhou
M Sheep: They've finally taken over
M Sheep: my god
Jumpropeman: cirno looks displeased by my top game choice
M Sheep: We should have known a company of hat lovers would buckle to them


Jumpropeman: hey sheep
Jumpropeman: Metal Gear Survive comes out tomorrow
N Goat: Jrm, there is such a thing as tact
N Goat lies down
N Goat sinks through the floor and into the basement
N Goat keeps sinking
N Goat: busts through the crust
N Goat skedaddles past the mantle
N Goat bores through the core

N Goat collapses in on self under the weight of despair and creating a gravity well that forms a supermassive black hole event
N Goat via subjecting this space to effects cause the breakdown of various rules of physics, a wormhole is formed

N Goat popping Sheep into a dimension where Metal Gear Survive does not exist
N Goat however, popped into existence in a javelina pen
N Goat startling said javelinas
N Goat and is mauled to death

N Goat: On the one hand, it sucks that a game a team of people put time and effort into looks like it may not come out great
N Goat: but there is a part, in the deepest, darkest, Persona-esque Shadow part of my heart and soul that hopes this game bombs so badly their pachinko feels it

Monday, April 2, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 311: Sheep Buscemi

Honster Munter: holy fuck
RubyChao: goodbye snorlax
Honster Munter: he ded


Jumpropeman: "Search for beautiful wife of developer" it also struck me as odd when a headline brings in words like "beautiful"
Jumpropeman: "maybe if we call her beautiful she'll show up"
Gooper Blooper: that's all she wanted
B.C.: Works for ivel
Draco: Yeah, Ivel says he's looking for his beautiful wife and people know exactly who he's talking about.
Gooper Blooper: :3


Jumpropeman: >Bratz Forever Diamondz is on Console Classix
Jumpropeman: *vibrates intensely*
Gooper Blooper: IT'S TIME
Gooper Blooper: Angry Sun in a rare moment of happiness
Gooper Blooper: judging by the things JRM has been digging up I think he's down the ConsoleClassix rabbit hole
RubyChao: he's lost to us now.
Gooper Blooper: who knows which of these ridiculous gamelike objects he's shown us tonight will be his 52nd review
Jumpropeman: I'm trying to find at least one game per system for the ones I now have access to so I can get a good feel for the various emulators and make a proper site review
Jumpropeman: I might put off things like Bratz and Mario's Early Years until after that though :
Jumpropeman: those things must be enjoyed slowly and carefully
Jumpropeman: like a filet mignon


PhoneDel: Current mood - the two team skull members squatting on royal avenue
SteelKomodo: current mood - slow down any can can ytpmv to 0.75