Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 263: Gatorade (red)

M Sheep looking at Battlebots
M Sheep: Holy Guacamole, The Brain
M Sheep: i can't get over that there's a brain in this battlebot
M Sheep finally watching it now
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: oh yeah, there was a competitor in Robot Wars called Draven
iKomodo: it jobbed to hell :U
Jumpropeman: it's funny: The reason I'm wary of Robot Wars is how much the arena and the house bots get involved in the match. But in Battlebots, I'm always like "USE THE FLOOR SAWS PLEASE!"
M Sheep: Oh good lawd, they gave it mini bots
M Sheep: as if the brain wasn't enough


ivel: I forgot about the Fitelympics
M Sheep: Fiteloompas here, it would seem
SteelKomodo: yep
M Sheep: Of course it happens when my one athletic character is indisposed
M Sheep Junkos to floor
M Sheep: oh well, she got her chance
EggerChao: father squad attends the dexterity contest
EggerChao: strengths: he was in a war, y'know
EggerChao: weakness: THE CHILDREN
M Sheep: The Father Squad
M Sheep: He's just been a bunch of father's standing on each other's shoulders in a big smock THE WHOLE TIME
ivel: lel


Draco goes on the fishing trip a week early apparently and misses Mulciferplot, letting Zeldoten's fat be a mystery for another week.
Draco: *fate
HotelInternetRopeman: I must know if Zeldoten lost any weight since being captured D:
KnightChao: we will never learn if zeldoten is actually fat
HotelInternetRopeman: to be fair, this was how she looked last we saw her


Jumpropeman: actual boxart for Donkey Kong on the Atari
SteelKomodo: what
Spy: Somebody got confused
Jumpropeman: I gotta wonder what part of the game the "drill cyclops with a mohawk on a moving platform" was inspired by