Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 215: The Unlucky Number Show

Flying Buttresses sits, stern and imposing, the most dignified of gothic architecture.


Harpy: i should prolly look at more scenes from BD now
Gooper Blooper: scenes from ​a hat​ bravely default
Harpy: i'd definitely play Whose Line with anybody in RP
Jumpropeman: I would to, provided I get to be Ryan Stiles
Gooper Blooper: it's the game where the plot's made up and the tractor doesn't matter
Harpy: is ven Colin, JRM
iKomodo: Who's Bar Is It, Anyway?
Jumpropeman: Ven is Laura Hall and Linda Taylor
Jumpropeman: you know that guy likes writing songs for his characters :P
Harpy: i'm prolly one of the rotating guests :U
Jumpropeman: you're Kathy Greenwood, because Girl :V
Harpy: kek
iKomodo: Who would I be, I wonder?
Harpy: i imagine you as a Jeff Davis
Harpy: and Del is Brad
Jumpropeman: the real question is
Jumpropeman: who is Drew Carey
Flying Buttresses: But who is Spy
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker
Gooper Blooper: ...*applies as the answer to both questions*
Jumpropeman: Spy feels the most Colin to me
iKomodo: Hahaha
Cornwind Evil: I am Steve Colbert
Cornwind Evil: Who appeared on the show once and never did again
Cornwind Evil: He was not the right improv fit
Cornwind Evil: Demonstrated when he played the rap game
Cornwind Evil: And instead of doing a rap based on the scenario, he just attempted an improvised rap in general


The Timeline Has Been Ruined: All together now
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: POOR JONESY
Jumpropeman: JOOR PONESY
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: jesnoy

Monday, September 21, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 214: 70 Days Behind, But The Tenshiola Buildup Is Still Relevant

RubyChao: spy: go look in srs
Dongs: I'm on mobile but I'll try to fumble over there
Dongs: NO
Dongs: NOT YOU
RubyChao: he's heeeeeeeeere


Harpy: mental image time: ​Alex wakes up, Sarah's snoozing next to him
Gooper Blooper: That needs to be canon immediately


Gooper Blooper: here's something that's always amused me
Gooper Blooper: when JRM uses "fite" as a verb
Gooper Blooper: like, when it's in the narration
Donga: I can't spell fight anymore
Donga: Its only fite
Gooper Blooper: this stuff transcends fighting, it can only be called fiting


Donga: End of the year
Donga: Last post of Season 5
Donga: "sunflower is alive"


Jumpropeman: "Did you know "...that the air strike fires Christmas shaped white glass shards, most likely a reference to C. S. Lewis' book The chronicles of NanaBatman, where three huskies attempt to kill the main characters with Christmas tree shaped missiles?""
Jumpropeman: "Disguise Kit - "The diguise kit is your first weapon or should i say kit unless u start with your enternal reward but u dont't.""
Jumpropeman: TF2 Wiki's wall of shame is amazing
Gooper Blooper: hire that man for an FYM guest write
Jumpropeman: "Essential Accessories - "But, it is a pity that from a suit coins, as don't fall inMonday Night Combat""
Jumpropeman: "Half-Zatoichi - "The Half Zatoichi is further proof that the Demoman is a time-traveling wizard. Although versions of the blade come in "Genuine" quality, the blade appears to be brand new. Obviously, the Demoman must have acquired it from the past.""