Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 133: Riding My Radioactive Ass

Tableter: Im "watching" star trek voyager
Tableter: Its an episode where someone is stuck in the holodeck
Dr. Dray: What? A malfunctioning holodeck? That NEVER happens!
Tableter: I know, right?


Dr. Dray: Chatzy is the devil.
Bree: #truefacts


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Bree: o hai CW
Bree: now pls
Cornwind Evil: Unfortunately Bree, no. Imma be busy all day today
Bree: all day?
Cornwind Evil: Well, after 5:30
Cornwind Evil: But that's not much time
Bree: fine but still
Bree: skype >:I


Harpy DX: del make wulf cry by calling him fat
Saberwulf: Jokes on you I'm not fat anymore
Harpy DX: *shoots self*


Harpy DX: Kirby was supposed to be evil
Harpy DX: then he rebelled or something
Harpy DX: but bebby black hole vs. creator of horrid dreams everywhere is onesided (until KA)
Harpy DX: (bebby 2 scurred)
iKomodo: pffffft
Gooper Blooper: That reminds me of one of my favorite magazine ads ever
Harpy DX: that is the best


Del: i just watched some gungans beat the shit out of general grievous
Del: this proves that grievous was shit

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 132: Botwoon Edition

RubyChao: can i just say i kind of like how quickly philander jumped in being a bad guy :V
RubyChao: like he went from asshole to murderous asshole to murderer asshole to superpowered murderer asshole in what
RubyChao: 4 days?
SteelKomodo: yeah, that was a bit quick for me
SteelKomodo: I was gonna space it out more but CW was like "DUDE WE GOTTA DO THIS"
SteelKomodo: and I was like "oh ok"
SteelKomodo: I didn't even plan for him to have lying powers :U
RubyChao: well it will be helpful with keeping him around for longer
RubyChao: *The expedition finds him standing over a dead guy holding a blood covered knife* "Did you kill him?" "No." "Okay!"
Draco: "Well, cheerio then! We're off to get our ability to discern truth from lies fixed!"
SteelKomodo: XD


Kirby: trying to resist the urge to jump into conradplot with the most adorable puff ever that would kill any and all seriousness
RubyChao: throw the kirby at the bbbbp instead
RubyChao: problem solved
RubyChao: eventually i'm just going to go out of control with that acronym
RubyChao: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbp


Gooper Blooper: >​Rusty's Real Deal Microtransactions sneaks onto my 3DS during Pokemon Bank usage
10 Things That Arent John Cena: D: Goops did you catch the Rusty virus too
Gooper Blooper: For like three seconds, Spy
Gooper Blooper: It asked if I wanted to download and I said no
Gooper Blooper: So it said "so you don't mind if we get rid of this icon"
Gooper Blooper: and away it went
10 Things That Arent John Cena: It'll be back
10 Things That Arent John Cena: 3DS update
10 Things That Arent John Cena: Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
10 Things That Arent John Cena: Go to your Miis
10 Things That Arent John Cena: Rusty's bumming on the couch
10 Things That Arent John Cena: Start up Pokemon. New mystery gift. It's Rusty
Gooper Blooper: microtransactions final boss 2014


RubyChao: posted.
RubyChao: why did i add that period
RubyChao: now it looks odd somehow

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 131: Greetings, Assembled Bitches

(SK is playing Pokemon)

SteelKomodo: A QUAGSIRE
SteelKomodo: WHAT DO
Draco: Peace treaty.


Del MK 2.0: aeiounauts have arrived
SlowKomodo: oh lawd
SlowKomodo: now Dirk really can't tell 'em it's made of bugs
RubyChao: bar post
RubyChao: "pit i fed your girlfriend bug burgers" "you bastard"
SlowKomodo: XD
SlowKomodo: I'm tempted to call em buggers, but then that'd be a whole other can of worms :U


iKomodo: So goops
iKomodo: now you know why I keep saying Philander is a dick
iKomodo: :U
Gooper Blooper: the most emphatic proof of dickery I've yet seen this year!
Gooper Blooper: and you know what we do with dicks
iKomodo: We kill em
Gooper Blooper: I was gonna say something like "we cut them down to size" or "we circumcise em" because lel genitals but that works too!
iKomodo: Lolz


iKomodo: >​is typing "Hang onto your britches, Jo"
iKomodo: >​accidentally types "bitches" instead
iKomodo: *shoots self*
Draco: Josephin' ain't easy. BV
Del MK 2.0: pimpsephine
RubyChao: "pimpin' ain't easy but it is profitable"
RubyChao: *josephine reclines on a throne of money*

Friday, May 16, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 130: More Like Lame Fuel

Bree: so what exactly is the BBB
Mario Tractor Baseball: The Triple B: all characters enter, one character leaves
Harpy: basically its where we sacrifice our characters to Jumpropeman and vote on the ones that have the highest chance of survival
Harpy: its also the contest that CW claims he will win every year, then loses
Mario Tractor Baseball: Last
Mario Tractor Baseball: Freaking
Mario Tractor Baseball: Place
Harpy: he has the most amount of votes last year, then he lost to a bard distracting his character with french anthems
Bree: that's amazing
Harpy: good freakin luck CW
Harpy: even all the luck in the world won't save you
Mario Tractor Baseball: Skurvy with a sea shanty version of France
Bree: I'm torn. part of me wants CW to win the BBB this year just to see the sheer all-consuming JOY on CW's face
Bree: part of me wants to win the BBB so I can laugh at him
Cornwind Evil: I'm well aware of the odds.
Cornwind Evil: Oh god
Cornwind Evil: I would NEVER live that down
Draco: He used all his luck on Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania.


Del MK 2.0: meanwhile, on marvel heroes
Del MK 2.0: i punched kingpin until he fell over
Draco: And then New York fell into the sea during the ensuing earthquake.
Del MK 2.0: he's fat you see
Draco: Yes.
Del MK 2.0: ANYWAY


Bree: I hope you are nauseated and/or delighted by the Commander's very creative rant at the end
Bree: some of those are literally pulled from Shakespeare
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Del MK 2.0: bree's posts are worth the wait
Del MK 2.0: (gaben)
Bree: fact: my favorite is "sheep-biting" because oh my god, that mental image
Bree: "spoon-faced" is a close second
M Sheep joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: that fucking timing
M Sheep: I have been summoned


Bree: think I swallowed a fly just now
Draco: You shouldn't eat flies without ranch.
Bree: bastard was taking a swim in my mountain dew
Bree: get out of my mountain dew
Bree: it's fucking diet anyway, nobody likes that shit but me
Gooper Blooper: Game Fuel
Draco: More like Lame Fuel. Diet Dew won't give you that get-up-and-go like regular Dew will.
Gooper Blooper: do the doo
Draco: More like do the poo. Diet Dew doesn't have that crisp refreshing taste that makes Mt. Dew a national treasure in the Republic of Jerry's Backyard.


SteelKomodo: right now in SR4 - Carol is running around naked through the streets of Steelport
SteelKomodo: wielding a giant hentai tentacle as a weapon
RubyChao: carol no D:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 129: Panel de Pon Raul

Jumpropeman: tomorrow, I'll have Vermont take off for space as well :V
Draco: Bring Vermont to the bar so we can have Goops RP as himself hanging out with his characters.
Jumpropeman: didn't IRL Gooper enter the bar today anyway? Said he was looking for his family?
Jumpropeman: :V
Jumpropeman: kinda how its so obvious that Rarity is just Draco's author insert character
Draco: XD
Draco: It's true. I AM that fabulous.


Draco: Word to the wise: don't crash Widow Maker's family reunion. =3


RubyChao: you know what's Fun
RubyChao: when your strategy for a boss is literally just
RubyChao: "get really lucky"
Del MK 2.0: up all night to get lucky


An Ass Sandwich changed name to My Client Broccoli Snarls


Gooper Blooper: EDBW is on tonite so I'll be poofing at 6
Gooper Blooper: gotta support the ongoing #MrgrgrMovement
RubyChao: make sure you come back to us
RubyChao ties a rope to Goops' leg
SteelKomodo: chao why D:
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes I'm not certain if I have really good friends or stalkers
RubyChao: it's the former
RubyChao: stalkers would move to vermont :V


Draco: Uff da...I finally managed to beat FTL. X_x
Draco: 3 points of armor left, fires and hull breeches all over, five enemy boarders, but I managed to take it out.
Gooper Blooper: oh, that's always a fun kind of win
Gooper Blooper: the "in real life you would die five seconds after victory" win
Gooper Blooper: Like when you cross the goal in Happy Wheels after being bisected
Draco: The Pyrrhic victory is the manliest victory.
Draco: The one where you know you're going down, but if you can take the other guy with you AND achieve your goal, you gotta go for it.


(Chao makes a post featuring foreshadowing for a group of villains)

Cornwind Evil: Hey, Chao
Cornwind Evil holds up a John Cena cutout.
Cornwind Evil: Cena: YOU WANT SOME? COME GET SOME.
RubyChao: yeah i don't think these villains are gonna survive the year :V
Jumpropeman: Spoilers D:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 128: Bugs With Beards

RubyChao: what you doing, pit
SteelKomodo: he is clearly about to eat The Best Pudding Ever
SteelKomodo: and Palutena's like "tread lightly, bro, i've heard stories"


Gooper Blooper: General Cleft's pickup line


Jumpropeman: i never realized how ugly Other M's Nu Ridley was until now
SteelKomodo: IT'S A LIVIN
Gooper Blooper: HI SAMUS-RAAA
Timberdel: *bubs puts up a sign saying "livin for sale"*
Gooper Blooper: Bubs is capable of selling intangible concepts
Timberdel: bubs is capable of selling anything
Timberdel: he's the black market you see!
SteelKomodo: lolz
Gooper Blooper: Defeats a boss by selling its powers to other people
Gooper Blooper: Unfortunately, other villains bought them
Gooper Blooper: "I don't discriminate!"
Timberdel: he sells unsafe, shady crap from his store and quality goods from his black market
Timberdel: and yes he doesn't discriminate at all
Timberdel: in strong badia the free he remained neutral throughout the entire thing
Timberdel: so he doesn't consider morality as much of a reason for doing things, although he's not a douchebag by any means
SteelKomodo: good ol' Bubs
Timberdel: he would get on just fine with david if david was in
Timberdel: and i bet he'd like to buy some stuff off of sine and carol
Timberdel: i wonder if anyone will remember what he tried to do back in zf4
SteelKomodo: hmmmm
SteelKomodo: i wonder if there was anything Carol would sell him
Gooper Blooper: I had forgotten Bubs was technically already a ZFRP character
Gooper Blooper: lel
SteelKomodo: i can't remember what he did
Timberdel: he tried to sell earth to seanet
SteelKomodo: damn it bubs


Gooper Blooper: IGN gave Kirby Triple Deluxe a 6

Monday, May 5, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 127: Goopsexual

Jumpropelady: time to make a new squidward creepypasta


RubyChao: "You as a kid… You got a Sony PlayStation console and my game. You played lots of games but mostly mine… In my mind, you were a friend to me. I dreamed on going to the real world, being your friend and going to the park, playing baseball and even playing PlayStation. I looked up to you as a role model.".
I was confused at what he was trying to get across to me. I don't know what it is he is trying to tell.
"However, you stopped playing me once you got your stupid PlayStation 3. You could've got a PSP. I was on that system. You chose a £400 console just to play those gay "FPS" crap. I felt lonely. I felt betrayed. I cried for two years. TWO YEARS YOU ASS HOLE!!! I went insane. I got in the idea zone of killing everyone I knew…".

RubyChao: However, nobody will play the disc I'm stuck on. Everyone is now playing FPS games and not enough of the classics. And there is a lesson behind this everyone…
RubyChao: Never forget an old game. Always play it every so often. Old games are fun and more enjoyable then FPS games. FPS games won't save you with guns, old games can destroy you however, easily.
SteelKomodo: D:
Harpy: uh
Harpy: but what if its an old fps
Delhammer 40,000: then doom will reck you
Harpy: qq


Delhammer 40,000: i won my battlecon game
Delhammer 40,000: turns out alexian wrecks people
SteelKomodo: wooooot
Saberwulf: woooo
Delhammer 40,000: hail the kiiiing
Harpy: alexian
Delhammer 40,000: no sarahian
Delhammer 40,000: alexian confirmed loneliest half-giant king
Saberwulf: pff


Harpy: Sol's the type of writer who would probably write Pitsuho fanfiction