Sunday, March 30, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 119: Are You A Brit Enough Bro?

Gooper Blooper: Oh, this is cute
Gooper Blooper: So today was the one-month anniversary of BLOODY SUNDAY, that day Twitch released half their Pokemon trying to withdraw a zapdos
SteelKomodo: Oh god
Gooper Blooper: Today the intrepid trainer A spent all morning at the PC
Gooper Blooper: But she didn't release anyone, instead just randomly swapping Pokemon into and out of her team
Gooper Blooper: People are calling it "Lovely Sunday" and saying it's A unable to decide which Pokemon she wants on her team because she likes all of them
Its a Me, Delio: :3
SteelKomodo: :3
Its a Me, Delio: dat wurmple


Saberwulf: KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS is a very pretty comic
Gooper Blooper: look at all those demons she has to kill
Its a Me, Delio: all dem demons
RubyChao: there must be six billion of them
SteelKomodo: Yeah, that's gonna take a while
Gooper Blooper: Garlandplot 2012: Kill Six Billion Dragons
Draco: Fluplot 2012: Lose Six Billion Droids
Saberwulf: fucking hell this comic is getting prettier and more detailed by the page
Its a Me, Delio: Skeletonplot 2012: Get Six Billion Bones
Its a Me, Delio: (that's 29126213.6 adult humans)
Its a Me, Delio: (MATH)
Gooper Blooper: =O
RubyChao: so Skeletonplot: Kill 29 Million, 126 Thousand, 214 Adult Humans
Its a Me, Delio: yes
Draco: That's a lot.
Its a Me, Delio: and then get on a Star people ship and find more bones
Draco: Unless you're in Warhammer in which case it's a minor infantry charge.
Its a Me, Delio: and conquer the galaxy for bones
Its a Me, Delio: bonesbonesbones
SteelKomodo: Pffffffffft
SteelKomodo: Carolplot 2014: Fix 6 Billion Things
Draco: Arielplot: Die 6 billion times.
RubyChao: Samusplot 2014: Job Six Billion Times
Draco: ...and done.
Gooper Blooper: Eat Six Billion Cakes
Gooper Blooper: you know who
Draco: The Lord?
RubyChao: utsuho has to hug pit six billion times
RubyChao: the angel is in for a lot of hugs
Gooper Blooper: Make Six Billion Pairings
SteelKomodo: Pit can take it :U
SteelKomodo: ...oh god Tak-sin plot D:
Gooper Blooper: Kill Six Billion Suitors
Harp: wat
Draco: Pechplot: Ssssssssssssssssssssssss​ssix billion.
RubyChao: a giant mountain of dead suitors
Gooper Blooper: and still nobody knows who did it
RubyChao: "Welcome to Dead Suitor Mountain! We repeat, everyone here died a natural or accidental death!"
Gooper Blooper: "he fell down some stairs"
SteelKomodo: XD
Its a Me, Delio: "They ALL fell down some stairs."
SteelKomodo: "...Um."
Its a Me, Delio: Morgan sits at the top drinking whiskey mixed with blood.
RubyChao: tak-sin puts up a warning sign next to the stairs
Its a Me, Delio: "Yarr!"
Gooper Blooper: the stairs are taken into custody
RubyChao: strategically covers it
Gooper Blooper: I told you about stairs bro
RubyChao: "Oh no, they must have missed the sign. What a tragedy."
Its a Me, Delio: it keeps happening
SteelKomodo: Barbaraplot: Byeut six billion Hintends
RubyChao: Dirkplot: Stare At Six Billion Butts
Its a Me, Delio: they just couldn't wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and play all this polo
Gooper Blooper: I've been reading "Byeut Hintends" as "bust heads". Am I correct?
SteelKomodo: PFFFFFT
SteelKomodo: Wrong
Gooper Blooper: what does it meeeeean
SteelKomodo: Byeut = boot Hintend = backside
Draco: The real quest is is this Harp A, B, C, or D?
SteelKomodo: Yeah, Geordie is wierd
Gooper Blooper: of course
Gooper Blooper: the answer was butts
SteelKomodo: a lot of the words in it are from the vikings
RubyChao: wait so if barbara kicks butts and dirk admires butts
SteelKomodo: Thanks, Vikings
RubyChao: won't they come into conflict?
SteelKomodo: Thikings
RubyChao: Thikings
SteelKomodo: Probably not :U
Gooper Blooper: Dirksephine quality time is rudely interrupted
RubyChao: Barbara attempts to kick Celestia's butt, finds that it's too big for her foot to bother
RubyChao: Celestia doesn't even notice
Gooper Blooper: it just sinks in
SteelKomodo: I don't know where people are going
Gooper Blooper: there's no earthly way of knowing
Saberwulf: This comic is giving me so many Hubverse ideas
Saberwulf: And by that I mean KILL SIX BILLION GITS or "David picks up some LadyChet and pulls her into almost getting exploded all the time"
RubyChao: >​LadyChet
RubyChao: did i miss something
RubyChao: oh wait
RubyChao: i misinterpreted
RubyChao: female equivalent of chet not female chet
Gooper Blooper: I think he means a female character playing chet's role of straight man, yeah
Saberwulf: I use the term _Chet for any of David's companions not formally named
Draco: Chetmass
Saberwulf: He's had a massive line of them, he just doesn't talk about them
RubyChao: did they all die
Saberwulf: Sadly most of them did
Draco: No, they just went to live on a nice farm, where they can run around chasing squirrels all day. ;n;
Gooper Blooper: Ulrika has been buying replacement chets and David hasn't noticed

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 118: Mo' Pairings, Mo' Problems

SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: i'm playing with the correlation diagram thing again
Harp: why
SteelKomodo: help D:
SteelKomodo: i don't know
Harp: stahp
RubyChao: oh god sk
RubyChao: what horrors have you unleashed
SteelKomodo: well I got this
SteelKomodo: (this will not affect RP at all I swear)


Deld Away: oh boy homestuck music
Deld Away: you guys really are a buncha nerds
Deld Away is screaming at the kettle


Cornwind Evil: My god, the metaphor in Animal Farm is so thick I'm becoming dumber.
Gooper Blooper: two legs better


Saberwulf: this is the fucking coolest thing
SteelKomodo: that's weird as hell D:
Del, Marine in the City: ART(?)
Saberwulf: ART(!)
Del, Marine in the City: ART(?!?!)
Harp: biology(.)
SteelKomodo: Animation(!!!)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The GB Ensemble: MinorPalooza

The old Ensemble was getting too clunky to manage, so I'll be abandoning it in favor of the Character Profiles topic on our forum. Here are the profiles of minor characters that I did not deem worthy of inclusion in the main post.

-Characters listed on the forum post (look there for their profiles)-

Ariel Sierra - Activist and archer
Baltan and Kauket - Alien duo sent to study another planet
Barbon - 2012 replacement bartender
Beheeyem - Fite Club owner and operator
Biollante/The Martian - A giant monster with the mind of a once-scorned zoofighter
Browny - High-tech cop tasked with cleaning up the streets
Celestia Canicco - Mechanic, baker, loving mother, people tend to compliment her patoot
Clippy - Well-meaning but mostly unhelpful "bar assistant"
Construct 8 - Sarah and Alex's bodyguard
Dr. Bulgrave - Former mad scientist struggling to cope with advances in technology
Electra - Queen of Manhattan's nightlife and owner of what was once Barbon's bar and Fite Club
The Four Fiends - Evil demigodlike monsters that sought the elemental crystals
Garland the Chaotic - A powerful Mysidian knight/summoner with a grudge against Sarah's family
The Great Conehead Brigade - Three horny idiots in armor
Gloria Encarta - Powerful summoner, lover of books
Helios Canicco - A miracle returned him to his wife
Hella Jeff/Sweet Bro - Non-euclidean humanoid druggies
Josephine Bouteille - Self-conscious chemist who learned to embrace herself thanks to Ariel and Dirk
Marlin the Magnificent/New Marlinnium - Former foe of Widow Maker
Mercutio Ferros - Hammer-wielding paladin who worships the goddess Zienna
Missingno - Friendly Eldritch Abomination
Mr. X - Scummy crime boss who abused loopholes and poisoned the environment for profit
Myriam Scuttlebutt - Investigative reporter who likes to hide under boxes
Sakura Atari - Chew toy of the universe, or at least M Sheep's universe
Samhain - A fun-loving Halloween spirit who only appears in October
Sarah Triden - Happy-go-lucky white mage with a blast furnace digestive system
Sheryl - Southern-fried WA-7 droid who is protective of her diner
Shroud - Mysterious wanderer who knows much about Ardea
Silence - Mute, mask-wearing woman built like a truck
Sir Periwinkle - A misogynist knight who kidnapped Josephine for an arranged marriage
Skeiron - Accidentally sentient WarMech unit with a love of levity
The Storm Bikers - A normal gang caught up in an oddball plot
Stormtrooper Squadron - The incompetent but lovable security force of the ZFS
The Swarm - Widow Maker's collection of arthropod pets
Thurg - A follower of Mercutio, also a beastmaster lacking in basic sentence structure
TYP-E - A high-level authority on the ZFS
Tyra Flare - A follower of Mercutio, also a stealthy ninja assassin
Viola Nightshade - Creepy goth girl Pokemon trainer
Widow Maker - A genre-savvy eight-foot mantis with wit as sharp as her claws
X-Demolition/Constructor X - Overly theatric robot construction duo

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 117: Cenamazing

M Sheep: Like, oh hey, a robot that orders coffee, that's funny because robots and no actual way to drink it, right?
Gooper Blooper: not with sheep around it's not
M Sheep: No, turns out, that's mildly concerning, and EYE WIRES AND EXISTENTIALISM
Gooper Blooper: In truth, Sheep, you do comedy excellently, it's just it never stays comedy
Gooper Blooper: Purnima is hilarious when she's not dangerously unhinged or being so depressed and sad you want to hug her
RubyChao: exactly!
M Sheep: Well, how about anime sparkles, that's a funny trope!
RubyChao: jack was funny until it turned out the reason he didn't act like a robot was terrifying
M Sheep: and then Purnima happened
M Sheep: I'm literally the Riddler in that one story where he tries to go clean and then finds out he can't stop leaving clues
Gooper Blooper: you can only go clean when Sheeplot ends
Draco: Sheep, make DnD4 Purnima so you and I can form an adventure team to rival Harpy, Cornwind, and Del. BU
Gooper Blooper: it's like the old cop getting dragged back for one last case, except it's the same case every time
M Sheep: THIS. YEAR.
M Sheep: Totally going to happen you guys
Gooper Blooper: "found some more files on the old sheep case" "just when I thought I was out that bastard pulls me back in"
lel: M sheep I believe in you
Gooper Blooper: \o/


he bigger boo: Guy just scarfed my Espeon
the bigger boo: Then switched in a Dragon while it used nothing but Fairy-type moves
the bigger boo: I think that's the opposite of what you wanted to do guy D:
Del: lol
SteelKomodo: lolz
the bigger boo: . . . Aaaaaand another guy disconnects
the bigger boo: When he tries to Earthquake my Solrock
the bigger boo: With his Lunatone
SteelKomodo: wtf
the bigger boo: You know, the near-identical Pokemon that both have Levitate
the bigger boo: At least Solid Solrock prevails over Liquid once again
SteelKomodo: lolz
Del: solid solrock
Del: liquid lunatone
Del: revolver ohsawott
Del: vulcan murkrow, psycho mantine
SteelKomodo: ekans dilos
Del: decoy octillery
Del: solid snivy
SteelKomodo: yissss

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 116: Tastes Like Old Dick

Cornwind Evil: Swap the genders and this is Sine.txt


RubyChao: "i just saw an ad that was probably supposed to say accident lawyers but it said accidental lawyers and i can’t sotp laughing “just got my law degree aw man this wasn’t what i meant to do how am i gonna get out of this one”"


RubyChao: sk i have to ask
RubyChao: how well is Pit going to handle watching BBB4
SteelKomodo: oh lawd, I have no idea
RubyChao: *utsuho is hit into the stands, Samus' suit absorbs the blow*
SteelKomodo: He'll most likely get drunk, a rare occurrence indeed
Mrgrgr: I'm not planning to enter Josephine so you probably won't get the pitbros shouting at each other how cute their girlfriends are like in the rumble
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: And he'll be shouting COME ON OKUU KICK HIS BUTT
RubyChao: Pit vs. Dirk: Fight Over Yer Girlfriends
SteelKomodo: PFFFFT
Mrgrgr: "MINE HAS A BOW" "YEAH WELL MINE HAS A TOWEL" "a towel?" "yeah I don't know either"
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Oh lawd... Sarahkin fitin over boyfriends
RubyChao: josephine arm wrestles sarah for dirk's honor vs. alex's honor
SteelKomodo: XD
Mrgrgr: "NUH-UH"
Mrgrgr: "YUH-HUH"
Mrgrgr: *sissy slap fight, girly squeals*
SteelKomodo: Hahahaha
RubyChao: oh god imagine okuu getting into a sissy slap fight
Mrgrgr: with her cannon on
RubyChao: josephine topples over with a bruised head
RubyChao: "I think I overdid it D:"
RubyChao: I look forward to seeing about a pairing next year! even if half of my characters are unpairable :V
RubyChao: but i shall have to see what happens
RubyChao: (samus and cleft, for thems wondering)
SteelKomodo: i dunno about pairings for me ATM (except Carol and Sine :U)
Mrgrgr: Utsuho spends the whole year trying to hook samus up with someone, having the idea that samus would loosen up with a bf
Mrgrgr: fails
RubyChao: every single eligible male on the zfs finds themselves blind dating samus
Mrgrgr: "His name is Adam." "Why am I repelled?"
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: "So, have you ever been to AMERICA?" "No." "...Well this is awkward now."
Mrgrgr: "REMEMBUH ME?" "...No."
Mrgrgr: "wait really?" "yeah, never seen you"


RedSpy: Old Dick
SteelKomodo: ...Jesus fuck, what were our ancestors thinking D:
Mrgrgr: Dirk offers Josephine an Old Dick
Mrgrgr: "I know you like big ones so I bought the longest one they had"
RubyChao: i have a joke but i just can't say it
RubyChao: but yeah that's some unfortunate naming

Monday, March 10, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 115: Team Buttsephine

(SteelKomodo is streaming a video game and RubyChao is offering tips)

RubyChao: push the blocks into the pit
RubyChao: i.e. the three-space high pit
RubyChao: then jump over it
Gooper Blooper: alternatively, push the raven on top of the pit
Gooper Blooper: They'll start making out and it'll let you slip by in the confusion
Gooper Blooper: feathers everywhere
RubyChao: instead of pointing out hair on his shoulders or something, dirk points out black feathers in pit's wings
SteelKomodo: oh you crazy people
SteelKomodo: look what you get up to behind my back :D
Gooper Blooper: the pairings, dufe


Harpy: what is that cowboy bebop song called, the one that plays during the 2nd or 3rd episode where Ein shows up. the one that happens during the "why did you use a dog whistle you idiot" scene
Saberwulf: that is bad dog, no biscuit
Harpy: "i spent all my money on you, baby, and I want it back"
Harpy: is that
Harpy: is that the actual name of the song
Saberwulf: yes
Harpy: oh my god yes
Gooper Blooper: amazing


SteelKomodo: oh yeah I saw a guy get thrown off my train this morning
Gooper Blooper: Not while it was moving, I hope
SteelKomodo: had the wrong ticket and was threatened with arrest for fare dodging
SteelKomodo: no it wasn't goops :U


Gooper Blooper: After much brainstorming and consideration I have the basics for my main ZFRP plot of 2014
Gooper Blooper: much is subject to change, but if everything goes like I have it at the moment, this could be some serious shit
RubyChao: "welcome to the after-afterlife"
RubyChao: "population CHAOS AND ALL THE FIENDS"
SteelKomodo: lolz
SteelKomodo: i mean D:
Dungeon Del: it only gets worse
Gooper Blooper: Tiamat with eleventy-billion heads
RubyChao: tiamat becomes a hydra
RubyChao: every head you cut off grows five more
Gooper Blooper: Oceanus trying to punch off every head but he just can't
RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: He takes this as a challenge
SteelKomodo: how many enemies did the Tridens even maaaaake
RubyChao: barbariccia turns out to have fought helios way back when
RubyChao: wait i already used that joke
Dungeon Del: acid trip tiamat
Gooper Blooper: realtalk: this time around there are no plans for the villain to be "AND THEY MET THE SARAHKIN A DECADE AGO"
Gooper Blooper: because I've done that three years in a row jesus christ
Dungeon Del: hahaha
Dungeon Del: new villains new plans
SteelKomodo: ah
SteelKomodo: phew
RubyChao: villain confirmed for meeting widow maker a decade ago
RubyChao: wait that doesn't work dangit
Gooper Blooper: I already mined Widow Maker's past too
Gooper Blooper: aaaaagh
RubyChao: wait i've got it
SteelKomodo: it's Captain Krunch
Gooper Blooper: I wouldn't know, Harpy
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem's ultimate villain is an easy choice
RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: The guy who upstaged him
Gooper Blooper: He's the real reason JRM says Beheeyem sucks so much, I would wager

Friday, March 7, 2014


-Present Day-

The dandelions were always first.

Helios, looking out the window by his easy chair, saw the small, weak-looking sprigs of yellow sprouting from patches of dirt where snow had melted. He smiled. Spring was on the way, and not a moment too soon - he and Celestia had grown utterly sick of being kept indoors by cold temperatures and bad weather.

It was nearly time to enact his plan. In fact, he mused to himself, there was little reason not to enact said plan immediately. He wasn't sure he could bear to wait much longer anyway. He got out of his chair.

In the next room, Celestia was cheerily working in the kitchen, singing a little ditty to herself as she took a pan of brownies out of the oven. She paused to look out the window and see the dandelions again, which she'd been glancing at all afternoon. Were there more then before? Was spring really, truly happening at last? One could only hope.

Celestia placed the pan on the counter to cool, then felt a pair of arms gently hug around her waist.

"Guess who?"

"Widow Maker!" Celestia stated.

The two mages shared a laugh. "So, how goes the baking?"

"Excellent! Another pan of brownies done!"

"Good to hear." Helios eyed the pan, salivating internally at the thought of Celestia's homemade brownies. He looked back at Celestia, and got ready to unleash his surprise.

"Celestia, I know we've been talking about 'renewing our vows' and so on... and there was something I wanted to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"Well, I just figured... You've always gone full force into whatever you set out to do. You make the most of everything and always give it 110 percent. So it's only natural that we go all the way on this, as well."

Helios pulled the small box out from his robe and got on one knee. The box opened, revealing a shimmering necklace.

"Celestia, let's really renew our vows. This spring. Make it official. And go on the best darn honeymoon anyone will ever have."

"Oh, goodness!" Celestia stammered out. She was caught completely off guard by the surprise.

"Would you do it all over again, Celestia? Will you remarry me?"

"Yes! Goodness, yes!" Celestia laughed, embracing her husband.

-Later That Day-

Helios looked down at his plate. His dinner was accompanied by two brownies. Some things never changed.

"So!" he said, smiling broadly. "Have you got any suggestions for where we're going?"

"Easy." Celestia said between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes. "The ZFS King of Beasts."

Helios looked confused. "Huh? Really? Not Mysidia?"

"No, the ZFS is perfect!"

"Why's that? It seems a bit dangerous..."

"I'm convinced my family eats danger for breakfast at this point." Celestia said, grinning underneath her facial mist. "Besides, if it wasn't for our friends on the ZFS, we would never have gotten back together. It's the place where we reunited. I can think of no better honeymoon."

"Heh, I suppose you're right. So who will be in charge of Tridenland while we're away?"

"I'll be having Skeiron take a leading role in my absence, and he can message me if I'm needed for executive decisions." Celestia said. "Might get Widow Maker to help out during the warmer months, as well."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll start spreading the word, if you'd like."

"Put some earplugs in before telling Sarah, honey."

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 114: What's So Funny About Jokes?

Harpy: its time for
Gooper Blooper: it's time to get RIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPED
Harpy: also i'd be interesting in your take in her looks
Rock-Hard Fist Nipples: Goops should draw an idiot hair in the shape of Leo Luster
Harpy: your hints today are: black hair, that colorful hairpin, POSSIBLY dress Summoner Agnes wears, blue dress, is a dancer
Harpy: and a shapeshifter obs
Harpy: its shiela clearly
Harpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: Garnet
Gooper Blooper: Xavier
Harpy: lelgarnet
Gooper Blooper: IT'S PIKACHU
Rock-Hard Fist Nipples: GOD DAMNIT
Harpy: its actually a jigglypuff
Gooper Blooper: that fucking "Jigglypuff seen from above" was an in joke LEGEND with me and my brother fifteen years ago
Gooper Blooper: couldn't stop laughing
Rock-Hard Fist Nipples: Don't tell Gordon, Goops
Gooper Blooper: nobody must know I loffed and loffed


King Dededel: wulf i think caitlin glass is just straight up anime jonesy's VA
King Dededel: "Maybe I should- learn how to read- plplplpl"
Saberwulf: Hahaha
King Dededel: "Guys, I'm really sorry, but I'm about to puke all over you."
King Dededel: "Your armpit smells, senpai."
King Dededel: Okay basically take the bloopers and that's anime jonesy
King Dededel: in the middle of the weird shit and gauzy effects and explosions, jonesy's lines are actually bloopers
Saberwulf: Tadaaa
King Dededel: and piss-takes
King Dededel: it's fantastic


Saberwulf: List is, of course, incomplete
The Underblooper: oh god Celestia

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 113: Toa Waluigi

Harpy: finally got Microsoft Office to work, halleujah
Harpy: *celebrates by streaming DKC and screaming about dongs*


Gorons Intensify: i lost a game of dota but it's okay because i learnt things from the experience
Gorons Intensify: for example, use voice chat instead of typing because you co-ordinate better
Gorons Intensify: also don't leave luna alone against a complete murderlane
Gorons Intensify: also 420 blaze it


Gorons Intensify asked Chatzy to choose between dungeon keeper, dungeon keeper 2, hyrule total war, more dota, write something and master bates. Chatzy chose: master bates
Gorons Intensify: good man chatzy
Gooper Blooper: chatzy strikes gold once again
Gorons Intensify: it never stopped
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between hail chatzy and shun chatzy. Chatzy chose: shun chatzy
RubyChao shuns

SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: long before the Helix Fossil, there was Chatzy


RubyChao: goops: is this josephine
SteelKomodo: moneyslapsephine
Gooper Blooper: and approaching the ring
Gooper Blooper: from the middle ages
Gooper Blooper: miss MONEY!


Gooper Blooper: When I played BT years ago before knowing anything of the UK, I recall being confused as to why JamJars rhymed "Z" with "head" in his song about the drilling attack
SteelKomodo: #CulturalDifferences
Gooper Blooper: I initially believed it was a subverted rhyme joke because of the bluntness of the line being something like "drill into things with Kazooie's head"
Gorons Intensify: so did you call the villain from power rangers "lord zee"
Gooper Blooper: Like if you waxed eloquently about "smash stuff by pulling Kazooie out and whacking her against the ground"
Edea: that delicious power
Gooper Blooper: He was still Zed over here I think, but wasn't his name actually spelled "Zed"?
SteelKomodo: I think it was
Gorons Intensify: i think so but he had the Z logo everywhere so
Gorons Intensify: fucking english language
Gooper Blooper: "see it says Z for Zed" "You mean it says Zed for Zed"