Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 92: Put Goku In

Old King Titty: Ten years in the aftermath of an attack caused by turning a United States satellite weapon against the nation, much of the country lays in ruins. The severe loss of industry, infrastructure, and capital to rebuild has taken the government from one of the most elite nations in the world to third-world status. This results in a weakened military and exposure to invasion, which comes in the form of a collective of South American governments called "The Federation" (the ones who were also responsible for bringing this on the US in the first place). After ten years of occupation by The Federation, what remains of the US special forces are brought together to become the "Ghosts", whose mission is to use whatever means necessary to defend the tattered remains of the US.
Old King Titty: They're going to lengths of odds-overcoming that would make John Cena embarrassed.


The Deleter: here's a tip for you folks
The Deleter: do not buy your wireless equipment from tp-link
The Deleter: they are, and i quote, all raging piles of excrement


Old King Titty: >​asking chatzy
Saberwulf: fuck chatzy nobody ever listens to it
SteelKomodo: yeah, ever since he started drinking his advice has been useless
RubyChao: the only hope is an intervention
RubyChao: we've got to get chatzy off the bottle


Old King Titty: So I'm gonna play Badman, Knuckles, and Stave It Off
Old King Titty: All at the same time
Old King Titty: Never mind terrible idea mission aborted
SteelKomodo: XD

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013: The Day Celestia Intensified

Chatsephine joined the chat
Chatsephine: Glurrrrrrrg.
CleverMantis: Evening, sunshine. Whaddya thankful for?
Chatsephine: I'm thankful for antacid
CleverMantis: hahahahaha
Chatsephine: If you think Mom went all-out LAST year, that's nothing compared to the effort she put in now that the whole family is back together
Chatsephine: An endless sea of potatoes
Chatsephine: There's no way turkeys can naturally reach that size
CleverMantis: Sounds like a hell of a time. Too bad I couldn't be there.
CleverMantis: What's everyone else thankful for over there? I'm curious.
Chatsephine: Gloria's thankful she doesn't have any jeans in her wardrobe
Chatsephine: Ariel's thankful she's not a vegetarian
Chatsephine: Sarah's thankful for Alex again
Chatsephine: Mom is, of course, thankful for our family's good health. Dad is thankful for all of us.
Chatsephine: This is a wild shot in the dark, but I think Skeiron's thankful for loaves of bread.
CleverMantis: Are you thankful for Dirk? Eh?
CleverMantis nudges Josephine across the Internet
CleverMantis: Eh?
CleverMantis: Eh?
Chatsephine: Yes, yes, I'm grateful for dirky okay
CleverMantis: >dirky
Chatsephine: YES I KNOW
CleverMantis: hahahahahaha
CleverMantis: I love it.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 91: I Wanna Ride the Kum Kar

Harpy: ...i want to suggest the TF2 beauty pageant thing to valve as an event
Harpy: because i'm awful


RubyChao: rain is still one of the most hilarious examples of character development in ZFVIRP imo
Harpy: rain x stella is best pairing
Harpy: don't tell goops
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: also how so, chao?
RubyChao: that's not how you spell pit x utsuho :crossarms:
RubyChao: it's just the contrast
SteelKomodo: thanks in advance~
SteelKomodo: pfffft
RubyChao: "and he lets out all of his anger in an assault from the heavens, screaming curses against Red Spy and all he stands for into the sky."
RubyChao: two months later
RubyChao: "The ninja is finally squeeing. God help us."
Harpy: then he gets married
Harpy: oh lawd help me, i might play LoL again
Harpy: HELP
SteelKomodo: XD- D:
SteelKomodo: oh god no D:
Harpy: *flails*
Harpy: then i play timbersaw and all is well


Gooper Blooper: Harpy: rain x stella is best pairing Harpy: don't tell goops
Gooper Blooper: harpy betrayed me :<
Saberwulf: hahaha
SteelKomodo: XD
The Deleter: harpy is wrong
The Deleter: it's jonesybus

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 90: Knuckles - The Chuckling

RubyChao: sheep wraps up every single character for the year, working on a lengthy epilogue for each one
RubyChao: he looks at the date when he's done
RubyChao: May 1st, 2014
Jumpropeman: XD
Saberwulf: *sad violin music*
M Sheep: Just when I think I'm out


The Deleter: minecraft modding has reached the point where you now make the machines to make the machines you need to make machines
The Deleter: an ouroboros of whining and mental disorders


The Deleter: whenever anyone types "wanker" i read it in sniper's voice nowadays


The Deleter: GO STANLEY
The Deleter: MORE PORT

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 89: Crooked as a Barrel of Fish Hooks

RubyChao: out of legit curiosity, what does david think of the guy who killed snakehim :V
Saberwulf: He'll probably give him a prize
Saberwulf: A solid gold statue of himself
Saberwulf: He's got like what, 50
RubyChao: pfft
2Goopy: Does the statue's head bobble
The Deleter: of course it does
The Deleter: did you even have to ask :P
Saberwulf: It better
Saberwulf: He spent a whole zero dollars on those
Saberwulf: (he stole them)
2Goopy: Who was out there making david statues that wasn't involved with david
Saberwulf: David's visage is that of gods, who wouldn't want to forge such beauty hahaha yeah no he got them made and never paid for them
Saberwulf: Because David's an asshole
RubyChao: that's our david! *laugh track*


Jumpropeman: *caught up on spacewhale antics*
Jumpropeman: *ahem* *sprays water into my throat* Figaro figaro figaro...
Jumpropeman: and.....
RubyChao: pfffffft


2Goopy: *message box appears*
2Goopy: "Firefox 25 is available"
HoloSpy: WHAT


RubyChao: "OH COME ON"
Draco: Nintrolldo
BluSpy: cockblock

Friday, November 8, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 88: Jumpropeman Makes Spy's Day

Lateberwulf: Did you know hippo sweat is pink?
Lateberwulf: Other animal protips: Cows produce 100 liters of saliva a day. Eels are dark because they tan too much. The lemurs on the island of Madagascar have 2 tongues. And my favorite, a Koala's appendix is about 2 meters long.
Lateberwulf: A talking bean that looks like a dog taught me those
Lateberwulf: Did you know I can control the muscles in my eyeballs and make them rapidly shake in place? It's a great way to freak people out
Lateberwulf: Carrots has these: good Health and okay taste
Lateberwulf: You know, when I'm in my forties and a published author, I'm gonna be in an interview for the newest Hubverse MMO and in the middle of a discussion on adapting the setting I'll remember this
Lateberwulf: "So one of the things I'm personally excited about is the merchant class. Obviously, we're using David Wulf as an archetype—FUCKING HELL"
Lateberwulf: Kotaku will never speak to me again
Lateberwulf: Why the fuck am I awake good night


The Deleter: "AC is one of the greatest and most respected games of all time, and now whenever you go to that subforum there's a thread about Charmander penises stickied at the top."


The Deleter: also the badger went for £25 which is about $40-50 i guess
The Deleter: i make bill gates look like an amateur
Saberwulf: Goddamn fifty fuckin' dollars for a 3d fire rat
The Deleter: talk shit get paid
SteelKomodo: Oh hey everyone!
Harpy: SK, from behind
Saberwulf: Hey there SK
The Deleter: hey sk
The Deleter: i sold the badgerrrr
The Deleter: rrr
The Deleter: r
SteelKomodo: you did, well done!
Harpy: its christmas in britain apparently
Harpy: watch as Del gets another badger to sell
Harpy: and another
Harpy: and another
Saberwulf: In twenty years, Del looks down at his kids. "Daddy, how'd you get so much cash?" "Sellin' badgers you little fucks"
The Deleter: i am the badgerlord
The Deleter: you must approach me to get a badger
The Deleter: and it ain't cheap you fucks
Harpy: i ain't payin 50 dollar for no badger

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 87: Schrodinger's Buttsephine

RubyChao: sho RYU KEN
Gooper Blooper: OH GOD
Gooper Blooper: MY MIND IS MELTING


Gooper Blooper: Broadcaster bazza87: You named a Pokemon Bazza? What is it?
shoenin: Hawlucha
belmontlegend: Hell yeah
icicle7x3: Of course
Mod thetoh: Fair enough
sirpainsalot: perfect
takingadoomp: nice
Broadcaster bazza87: Hah


RubyChao: grumps
Harpy: Game Grumps confirmed for pogey trainers
SteelKomodo: #HeyImGrump
Harpy: does that mean Del is not so grump?
SteelKomodo: I would probably indeed be the grump one :U
The Deleter: i am indeed not so grump
RubyChao: so who's the replacement grump
SteelKomodo: probably goops or spy
RedSpy: Goops for Danny, me for Ross

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 86: Josephine FROM BEHIND

Draco: OF COURSE! I just realized who my main ZFRP4 character shall be! =D
M Sheep: Mr. Peanut?
M Sheep: The Owl from singalong songs?
M Sheep: The Marvelously Mad Madam Mim?
Draco: I will give you a hint: it's party time.
M Sheep: Oh God
M Sheep: Draco
M Sheep: you
M Sheep: you MONSTER


Library Harpy joined the chat

[Harpy's username is green]

RubyChao: >​library >​green
RubyChao: harpy confirmed for gloria
Library Harpy: hi
Library Harpy: i thought I was confirmed for sarah
RubyChao: no you're gloria right now
RubyChao: you can be sarah later
The Deleter: be all of them
The Deleter: take turns
The Deleter: draw a timetable of who you'll be and when
The Deleter: because organization is impooorrrrr ugh i'm too tired to keep the joke going
Library Harpy: haw